Alpha Shark Tags Help Avoid Shrinking Profits From Wardrobing Return Fraud

Small and medium business owners today have to remain competitive with the “Big Box” stores in order to remain in business. This can be terribly difficult in a retail environment in which a large national chain can afford to cut prices of merchandise to the bone in order to drive out competition. Price cutting isn’t the only thing small retail store owners need to be concerned with they also have to compete with return policies that may be quite liberal in some businesses. There are some retailers that will take back almost anything, receipt in hand or not, worn or new, this includes clothing. To be clear, in some cases if the customer does not have a receipt they may not get the full price they claim to have paid but they usually can get something from these stores even if only a store credit. Smaller retailers are not in a position to offer such extravagant return policies, especially when clothing appears to have been worn then returned, a practice known as wardrobing. The small business owner who specializes in clothing sales can eliminate the risk of wardrobing fraud by using Alpha Shark Tags on merchandise.


People who engage in the practice of wardrobing purchase clothing with the intent of wearing it a time or two and then returning it. These people are careful to keep their receipts and the tags from the item(s) purchased.  Sometimes they will slip the tags off and leave the plastic tag hanger.  Other times the tags will be taped so they are still attached but inside the garment so it is out of sight. There are even people clever enough to purchase tag attachment guns and re-tag clothing when they are ready to return it. When an Alpha Shark Tag is used on a piece of clothing, it is unlike retail anti-theft devices that are removed at the point of sale. This tag is designed to be used only once and is removed by the customer when they get the item home and decide to keep it. It does not hinder someone from trying on the garment to be sure it fits properly. Alpha Shark Tags give retailers the ability to refuse a return if the tag is not attached to clothing. The tags should be attached in a location on a piece of clothing that they will stand out. If someone were to try wearing a garment with a tag attached it would be obvious that person intended to return the item later. The tags are also brightly colored so they are clearly visible to everyone.

 By eliminating the risk of clothes that have been worn a retailer need not worry about not being able to resell merchandise. When worn or used clothing items are returned the retailer is forced to try to mark down the price of the item thereby losing profit margin. In some cases the clothing can be too damaged and the merchandise has to be marked out of stock entirely. In this situation, there is risk of losing not just profit margin, but cost as well.


By using Alpha Shark Tags and being consistent in a return policy a retailer is not going to risk losing legitimate customers. Shoppers who are honest are only annoyed by inconsistency in store refund policies where they are allowed a return in one instance but turned down later when the circumstances are the same. Shoppers don’t want to make a purchase, get home and find out something doesn’t fit and then get refused when they bring the merchandise back to the store. When Shark Tags are used a store only needs to make sure it is clear to buyers that a return is not permissible if the tag is removed. 


Wardrobing fraud is real and can eat away at a store’s profits. Find out how Alpha Shark Tags can reduce return fraud and improve your bottom line.


Need more information on wardrobing? Give us a call at 1.770.426.0547 now.




Checkpoint Labels Stop Me From Seeing Red

In the retail pharmacy business, we sell more than just prescriptions. Our front store’s purpose is to sell high margin items that people may need to go with their medications. We also offer other miscellaneous items that our target shopping audience is looking for such as cosmetics and facial care items. Unfortunately, these items are also usually our top shrink categories. We don’t have to stop shoplifting back in that pharmacy since customers can’t go back there, but catching thieves out on our small sales floor can be a real challenge. That’s one reason we have a Checkpoint security system in place. If it’s mere presence does not deter the shoplifter, it can help catch them. 


Our main group of shoppers are women ages 18 to 40. Studies have shown that demographic to be the most prevalent group of thieves, especially in embezzlement cases. So, it’s really no surprise when I find empty packages of wrinkle creams and foundations hidden around the store.  Recently though, I have noticed an alarming trend in my cosmetics department. Entire sections are being wiped out. Makeup is expensive; I get that. But this isn’t just one person stealing for themselves for personal use. I believe this person is selling what she is stealing, either online or possibly at the flea market. About two weeks ago was the second time in two months that I have been over in that section scanning all the empty spots and my system is telling me the stuff should be there. There are trays almost completely empty, void of all shades of red lipsticks. Before I went on vacation last week, I decided it was time to put some anti-shoplifting measures into place. When these items came back in on our delivery truck, I applied Checkpoint labels around each tube before putting them out for sale. I didn’t just stop at the red shades though; I didn’t want this person to change her mind and go for the nudes or browns instead!  So I took the time and adhered Checkpoint labels to every tube of lipstick.  If the thief comes back I want my Checkpoint security system to go berserk when she tries to leave! (I made sure they didn’t cover the UPC or ingredients.) When I came back from my time off, I immediately checked over there, and all my cosmetics were accounted for. 


I took a little bit of time and checked the video surveillance system to see if I could find the culprit, but that turned out to be too time consuming.  Since I had no idea who has been stealing the makeup, my best option to stop shoplifting is to just make the products less appealing for the criminal. I hope she notices the Checkpoint labels and decides it’s too risky to steal from our store anymore. If she doesn’t notice them, that’s okay too. When she gets too close to the door, the Checkpoint security system will recognize the tags have not been deactivated, and the alarm will sound as soon as she gets too close. Then my staff can apprehend her and recover our merchandise. Either way, we win this. I have to admit that I do love the thrill of catching a thief, but if I can stop shoplifting, that’s even better.  I would much rather prevent the loss through deterrence efforts instead. 


Get more information on a Checkpoint Security System , contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.


Alpha Technology For Any Retailer

With the increased push for consumers to buy from local dealers instead of the big boxes, many new retailers are seeing more and more foot traffic in their stores. I have no issue with shopping online, but I do enjoy going into the store to browse around and I usually end up buying more than I intended. One downside to that is that with more people in the store looking around, the easier it is to get distracted, and the easier it is to lose merchandise to thieves. Some business owners and managers then  make the mistake of the knee jerk reaction. They start making decisions that punish their honest customers, instead of looking into creative ways to prevent shoplifting, like utilizing retail anti theft devices.


I just drove past a new little store on my way back from taking my daughter to school. The lady opened up a “Bargains and Exchange” store about a month or so ago. I had been meaning to stop in there because there was a cute purse hanging in the window, but then I guess someone else bought it.  But today I saw a big hand written sign on the front door that read: NO LARGE BAGS ALLOWED INSIDE STORE. I just sighed and shook my head.  She’s started having the same trouble as the antique shop next door to her, or she’s just copying them. Either way, there are better and more customer friendly ways to prevent shoplifting. There are several different tools offered by Alpha security that can help deter theft, but none of them involve signs. 


Alpha security involves some versatile tools that can be used to protect almost anything you sell. I’ll just tell you about a couple of them. First of all, there is one of my favorites, the Alpha Spider Wrap. It is exactly what it sounds like: you wrap the cables around the item and snap the lock into place. The cables are super strong and they stretch around large items.  I’ve put them around 19” television boxes before. Once you click the lock into place, you can adjust and tighten the cables until there is not even room to get a sheet of paper under them. I have watched a thief try to take one off; it was very entertaining. If the customer does manage to damage one of the cables, the Alpha Spider Wrap will self alarm and alert the store staff. How cool is that? 


Another tool offered by Alpha security is the Alpha Cable Lock. In our area, one oddly popular item for thieves to go after is large bottles of name brand laundry detergent. They would load up with arms full, wait until the clerk got busy, and then run out the front door. Sometimes they would be seen, but many times it went completely unnoticed. So, we invested in Alpha Cable Locks. They are about the size of an actual large lock, but they are designed for protecting merchandise. They fit right around the handles of these detergent bottles, and they are nearly impossible to remove without the right tool. Those Alpha Cable Locks put a stop to the laundry liquid thefts immediately and we were very thankful. 


These are just a couple of examples of tools offered by Alpha Security.  Just think about what your store is losing and take a look at what they could do for you. 


Get more information on Alpha Technology.  Contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.



Like you and many other retailers out there, I’m pretty tired of people stealing my stuff! One of my biggest pains and areas of greatest loss is my alcohol section. It seems like every day I find that I’m missing some liquor, or a good bottle (or 5) of wine. What can I do… what can you do to stop this! Why should I have to pay for someone’s party!!! Not long ago, I began using bottle locks and they’ve really helped me fight this battle. 
Out of all the Alpha Security products out there, the simple bottle lock is probably my favorite. For starters, I don’t have a large staff. My employees are limited to a few cashiers, two stockers and me. While I have a camera system, I don’t have anyone actively monitoring the cameras and my staff is usually pretty busy with maintaining full shelves, checking out customers, unloading trucks, so it was important to find a way to stop thieves from stealing my product that could be pretty much a hands off approach. 
Second, I face a lot of scrutiny from vendors. There’s a reason some liquor bottles are designed the way they are. These companies want their particular bottle to rise above the competition. So it is often difficult to leverage the need to secure the liquor with the vendors need to put it in the hands of the customer. Bottle locks are a great solution. They don’t interfere with packaging or really take away any merchandising aspect of a particular bottle and they let me secure against thieves. 
Additionally, I have to also protect my store from potential lawsuits. What if some teenagers get the bright idea to come in and steal some liquor? Then, in their drunken stupor go out and kill someone on the road. There is legal precedent out there that says I can face legal consequences if I didn’t do enough to secure the product away from the hands of those that are not able to legally purchase. Crazy to think that is even a remote possibility, but it has happened and will more than likely happen again somewhere. Alpha Security and bottle locks can at the very least provide you with some peace of mind. 
Finally, I have to put my bottom line at the front of any decision I make. With every expense, I must see that there is a true return on investment. Alpha Security provides me with that return and I see it every day in my stores. Not only are my shelves consistently stocked with the merchandise my customer’s want, I am deterring criminal activity in my store by simply popping a top on a bottle of the good stuff. 
Get more information on Bottle Locks, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.

Like you and many other retailers out there, I’m pretty tired of people stealing my stuff! One of my biggest pains and areas of greatest loss is my alcohol section. It seems like every day I find that I’m missing some liquor, or a good bottle (or 5) of wine. What can I do… what can you do to stop this! Why should I have to pay for someone’s party!!! Not long ago, I began using bottle locks and they’ve really helped me fight this battle. 


Out of all the Alpha Security products out there, the simple bottle lock is probably my favorite. For starters, I don’t have a large staff. My employees are limited to a few cashiers, two stockers and me. While I have a camera system, I don’t have anyone actively monitoring the cameras and my staff is usually pretty busy with maintaining full shelves, checking out customers, unloading trucks, so it was important to find a way to stop thieves from stealing my product that could be pretty much a hands off approach. 


Second, I face a lot of scrutiny from vendors. There’s a reason some liquor bottles are designed the way they are. These companies want their particular bottle to rise above the competition. So it is often difficult to leverage the need to secure the liquor with the vendors need to put it in the hands of the customer. Bottle locks are a great solution. They don’t interfere with packaging or really take away any merchandising aspect of a particular bottle and they let me secure against thieves. 


Additionally, I have to also protect my store from potential lawsuits. What if some teenagers get the bright idea to come in and steal some liquor? Then, in their drunken stupor go out and kill someone on the road. There is legal precedent out there that says I can face legal consequences if I didn’t do enough to secure the product away from the hands of those that are not able to legally purchase. Crazy to think that is even a remote possibility, but it has happened and will more than likely happen again somewhere. Alpha Security and bottle locks can at the very least provide you with some peace of mind. 


Finally, I have to put my bottom line at the front of any decision I make. With every expense, I must see that there is a true return on investment. Alpha Security provides me with that return and I see it every day in my stores. Not only are my shelves consistently stocked with the merchandise my customer’s want, I am deterring criminal activity in my store by simply popping a top on a bottle of the good stuff. 


Get more information on Bottle Locks, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.


Checkpoint Hard Tags Allow Retailers To Keep Merchandise Accessible To Customers


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Checkpoint Hard Tags Allow Retailers To Keep Merchandise Accessible To Customers
    Are you a store owner looking for solutions to stop shoplifting but you are concerned about whether EAS tags or Checkpoint hard tags would detract from your merchandise or store displays? You are not alone, according to the 2014-2015 Global Retail Theft Barometer, “Key product-specific solutions deployed by U.S. retailers to prevent retail theft included EAS (electronic article surveillance – Labels and Hard Tags/EAS antennas)(68%), spider wraps/security keepers (41%), and advanced inventory control tactics (27%).  According to the retailers, the major issue while using these solutions is the need to ensure that the product remains within the reach of the customer so that they can touch or try them, while also ensuring that the entire set up looks attractive.” (pg. 57).   Checkpoint hard tags like the Auto Peg Tag provide the retailer the advantage of Electronic Article Surveillance protection while maintaining the visual impact of a display and having little impact on the amount of merchandise displayed on peg hooks.
    The Auto Peg Tag is an electronic article surveillance enabled tag that is placed on the merchandise packaging to cover the peg hole and part of the package itself.  Whether the packaging is cardboard or plastic blister packaging, these Checkpoint hard tags are designed to fit over the peg hole opening and clip together.  If merchandise that is protected with the tag is carried through an electronic article surveillance antenna the antenna has built in lights that flash and a loud audible alarm to catch the attention of store personnel.  Employees respond to the alarm and through receipt checks or bag checks, determine the cause and recover unpaid merchandise.
      Display set up is important because it makes merchandise “shoppable” and draws customer’s attention to the merchandise. I have worked for stores that did a great job of creating attractive displays and maintaining planogram integrity, even when merchandise has gone clearance and the planogram is “breaking”.  I have also worked in a store that did not do a good job of straightening or “zoning” merchandise and it caused many customers to walk away rather than dig to find a price or what they wanted.  When Auto Peg Tags are used, the merchandise does not lose any of its visual attractiveness nor does it detract from a planogram. The tags are either ordered in yellow or white so customers, especially criminals, will see that the merchandise is security protected.  Little of the packaging is covered, allowing customers to read all of the manufacturer’s selling points and labels.  
      Retailers that have been successful and grown over the years also recognize that their customers want to be able to handle merchandise not just look at it through a glass display case.  Sometimes shoppers just want to be able to turn merchandise over and read instructions or specifications that cannot be done when it sits in a showcase.  One example that comes to mind is razor blades.  I have seen them arranged in a locked display case that required an associate with a key to come over and get the merchandise out of lock-up. A much more effective security measure is to use an Auto Peg Tag.  Customers don’t want to wait for service just to look at package information nor do they want to wait to make a purchase.  Customers that have to wait will leave a store and not make a purchase resulting in lost revenue for a retailer.  Checkpoint hard tags provide protection of merchandise and freedom for owners to set up user friendly displays for products.
     Keep your store displays looking attractive and your merchandise accessible to your customers.  Use the Auto Peg Tag and other Checkpoint hard tags to protect merchandise with electronic article surveillance technology while having the confidence that your customers can select merchandise and browse the store at their leisure.  Store profits will grow and shortage will decrease and that’s what makes store owners happy.
Get more information on Checkpoint hard tags, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.

Are you a store owner looking for solutions to stop shoplifting but you are concerned about whether EAS tags or Checkpoint hard tags would detract from your merchandise or store displays? You are not alone, according to the 2014-2015 Global Retail Theft Barometer, “Key product-specific solutions deployed by U.S. retailers to prevent retail theft included EAS (electronic article surveillance – Labels and Hard Tags/EAS antennas)(68%), spider wraps/security keepers (41%), and advanced inventory control tactics (27%).  According to the retailers, the major issue while using these solutions is the need to ensure that the product remains within the reach of the customer so that they can touch or try them, while also ensuring that the entire set up looks attractive.” (pg. 57). Checkpoint hard tags like the Auto Peg Tag provide the retailer the advantage of Electronic Article Surveillance protection while maintaining the visual impact of a display and having little impact on the amount of merchandise displayed on peg hooks.


The Auto Peg Tag is an electronic article surveillance enabled tag that is placed on the merchandise packaging to cover the peg hole and part of the package itself. Whether the packaging is cardboard or plastic blister packaging, these Checkpoint hard tags are designed to fit over the peg hole opening and clip together. If merchandise that is protected with the tag is carried through an electronic article surveillance antenna the antenna has built in lights that flash and a loud audible alarm to catch the attention of store personnel. Employees respond to the alarm and through receipt checks or bag checks, determine the cause and recover unpaid merchandise.

 Display set up is important because it makes merchandise “shoppable” and draws customer’s attention to the merchandise. I have worked for stores that did a great job of creating attractive displays and maintaining planogram integrity, even when merchandise has gone clearance and the planogram is “breaking”. I have also worked in a store that did not do a good job of straightening or “zoning” merchandise and it caused many customers to walk away rather than dig to find a price or what they wanted. When Auto Peg Tags are used, the merchandise does not lose any of its visual attractiveness nor does it detract from a planogram. The tags are either ordered in yellow or white so customers, especially criminals, will see that the merchandise is security protected. Little of the packaging is covered, allowing customers to read all of the manufacturer’s selling points and labels.  

Retailers that have been successful and grown over the years also recognize that their customers want to be able to handle merchandise not just look at it through a glass display case. Sometimes shoppers just want to be able to turn merchandise over and read instructions or specifications that cannot be done when it sits in a showcase.  One example that comes to mind is razor blades. I have seen them arranged in a locked display case that required an associate with a key to come over and get the merchandise out of lock-up. A much more effective security measure is to use an Auto Peg Tag. Customers don’t want to wait for service just to look at package information nor do they want to wait to make a purchase. Customers that have to wait will leave a store and not make a purchase resulting in lost revenue for a retailer. Checkpoint hard tags provide protection of merchandise and freedom for owners to set up user friendly displays for products.

Keep your store displays looking attractive and your merchandise accessible to your customers. Use the Auto Peg Tag and other Checkpoint hard tags to protect merchandise with electronic article surveillance technology while having the confidence that your customers can select merchandise and browse the store at their leisure. Store profits will grow and shortage will decrease and that’s what makes store owners happy.


Get more information on Checkpoint hard tags, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.