Continuing on with my review series, I thought we can take a few minutes and talk about the Alpha eyewear tag. I had to do a bit of researching on this one, as my company doesn’t use this tag. Luckily for me, a buddy of mine manages a sunglass store in the local mall. I got to see some up close this past weekend. Sunglasses are a hot market right now for thieves. As retailers, you have to do everything in your power to prevent shoplifting, or else your bottom line will suffer. So, how does it stack up?
Key Features
1. The eyewear tag comes in three sizes; small, large and extra-large. 
2. It does have a protective cushion on the inside of the tag that protects your glasses from scuffs. 
3. It will work with both AM and RF systems.
4. Un-Obstructive* to the wearer
1. Primary use is on designer sunglasses, or really any sunglass that you’re having a theft problem. 
2. I didn’t think this was a problem, but I’ve heard of them being used with prescription glasses (think optometrist’s office). Who steals from their doctor? I guess I really shouldn’t be surprised, though. 
1. As far as preventing shoplifting, these tags will. The Alpha eyewear tag makes a statement to any thief when they walk into your store. The tags are very noticeable, so they do provide you with a great visual deterrence. 
2. It’s one of those tags that you will more than likely break the product before you break the tag, if you’re a thief with a pair of pliers. They are quite sturdy and have a very solid grip on the frame. 
3. Displays – if your store only sells sunglasses, you obviously will have them all displayed. How else will you sell them? You need to protect your displays from walking off. In addition, for those other retailers who dabble in eyewear, wouldn’t you rather your customers be able to try on any pair of shades at any time, without the need for an employee to open a case? I hate waiting for employees in a store… your customers do as well. 
1. I marked it with an * above… for all the product descriptions you will find on this product, they all say it is not obstructive to the wearer. Well, personally, I felt the tag was a bit on the bulky side. Even the small size bothered me a bit as I was trying on sunglasses. It wasn’t bad to a point where I would give up on shopping, but rather I’d like to see Alpha work on trimming down the size a bit more here. 
Like I said, if you are having a serious problem with sunglass theft, and you need a solution to prevent shoplifting, these tags will work for you. I do like the visual deterrent they provide, which also allows you to maximize your display selection. An opportunistic thief will steal a pair of shades if they know they can get away with it. Having this tag makes a bold statement to that shoplifter. Additionally, the Alpha eyewear tag will help boost your sales in two ways. It will prevent shrink caused by shoplifters. Also by allowing you to maximize your display opportunities, you will be putting more product in the hands of your customers. This is a sure fire way to increase sales. 
For more information about Eyewear Tags, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

Continuing on with my review series, I thought we can take a few minutes and talk about the Alpha eyewear tag. I had to do a bit of researching on this one, as my company doesn’t use this tag. Luckily for me, a buddy of mine manages a sunglass store in the local mall. I got to see some up close this past weekend. Sunglasses are a hot market right now for thieves. As retailers, you have to do everything in your power to prevent shoplifting, or else your bottom line will suffer. So, how does it stack up?


Key Features

1. The eyewear tag comes in three sizes; small, large and extra-large. 

2. It does have a protective cushion on the inside of the tag that protects your glasses from scuffs. 

3. It will work with both AM and RF systems.

4. Un-Obstructive* to the wearer



1. Primary use is on designer sunglasses, or really any sunglass that you’re having a theft problem. 

2. I didn’t think this was a problem, but I’ve heard of them being used with prescription glasses (think optometrist’s office). Who steals from their doctor? I guess I really shouldn’t be surprised, though. 



1. As far as preventing shoplifting, these tags will. The Alpha eyewear tag makes a statement to any thief when they walk into your store. The tags are very noticeable, so they do provide you with a great visual deterrence. 

2. It’s one of those tags that you will more than likely break the product before you break the tag, if you’re a thief with a pair of pliers. They are quite sturdy and have a very solid grip on the frame. 

3. Displays – if your store only sells sunglasses, you obviously will have them all displayed. How else will you sell them? You need to protect your displays from walking off. In addition, for those other retailers who dabble in eyewear, wouldn’t you rather your customers be able to try on any pair of shades at any time, without the need for an employee to open a case? I hate waiting for employees in a store… your customers do as well. 



1. I marked it with an * above… for all the product descriptions you will find on this product, they all say it is not obstructive to the wearer. Well, personally, I felt the tag was a bit on the bulky side. Even the small size bothered me a bit as I was trying on sunglasses. It wasn’t bad to a point where I would give up on shopping, but rather I’d like to see Alpha work on trimming down the size a bit more here. 


Like I said, if you are having a serious problem with sunglass theft, and you need a solution to prevent shoplifting, these tags will work for you. I do like the visual deterrent they provide, which also allows you to maximize your display selection. An opportunistic thief will steal a pair of shades if they know they can get away with it. Having this tag makes a bold statement to that shoplifter. Additionally, the Alpha eyewear tag will help boost your sales in two ways. It will prevent shrink caused by shoplifters. Also by allowing you to maximize your display opportunities, you will be putting more product in the hands of your customers. This is a sure fire way to increase sales. 


For more information about Eyewear Tags, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547



Do Online Retailers Have Bigger Return Fraud Issues?


Return Fraud-3 , Wardrobing-3 , Alpha Shark Tags-5
Do Online Retailers Have Bigger Return Fraud Issues?
The numbers are in and they don’t look good in the returns category.  Brick and mortar stores lost approximately 5-10% of their sales to returns, while online retailers lost up to 15%.  And 20-30% of those returns were for apparel.  Obviously, if people are buying clothes online, they can’t try them on so there are going to be some legitimate returns.  Unfortunately, there is that subset of people that are out there to rip you off.  Returns of stolen merchandise are still the biggest issue with return fraud, but wardrobing has become the second largest offense.  This is an increasingly common practice of people that purchase products without any intention of keeping them.  Sadly, if a retailer has a too lenient return policy, this can mean big problems for their future.  Losing the revenue and profits from these sales can result in them having to raise prices, reduce costs and even cut jobs.  
There is a simple answer for online only retailers to help stop return fraud, especially when it comes to wardrobing.   That answer is: the Alpha Shark Tag.  This is one of the most effective tools on the market today.  You simply clip a tag onto each item before you pack it for shipping and it does all the work for you when it arrives.  When the customer opens the package, they can still try on the item.  If it happens to be the wrong size, they can ship it back and trade it for the correct one.  If it fits, they keep it.  However, if they want to go out on the town and wear their new purchase, they will need to remove the Alpha Shark Tag.  That’s where the return policy comes in.  You can have it posted online in the FAQ section and you can even attach it to the garment with the Alpha Shark Tag itself.  Once they remove that tag, the item is no longer eligible to be returned.  This easy solution prevents them from free renting the garment from you for a special event.  
I bought my daughter a pair of expensive shoes last month from an online store.  When we opened them up, it didn’t surprise me to find them with an Alpha Shark Tag attached via lanyard.  It was the first time I’d ever bought something that came with one of them on it.  I was actually pretty impressed.  My daughter was about to cut it off, when I came running like a hurdle jumper through the kitchen to stop her.  I had her sit down at the dining table and try them on, and of course, they didn’t fit quite right.  I sent them back and we got the right size a couple weeks later.  It was a seamless process and there were no issues, but we followed the rules.  
Return fraud is a serious issue, and many wardrobing offenders don’t even think what they are doing is wrong.  But it is.  As one article recently put it: Retailers will build tall walls so the criminals will just build taller ladders. Business owners have to keep up with newest tools and fight return fraud at its core.  If you’re looking for a product that will give you a return on your investment, Alpha Shark Tags are worth the research.
For more information on how to stop return fraud, contact us or call: 1.770.426.0547

The numbers are in and they don’t look good in the returns category. Brick and mortar stores lost approximately 5-10% of their sales to returns, while online retailers lost up to 15%. And 20-30% of those returns were for apparel. Obviously, if people are buying clothes online, they can’t try them on so there are going to be some legitimate returns. Unfortunately, there is that subset of people that are out there to rip you off. Returns of stolen merchandise are still the biggest issue with return fraud, but wardrobing has become the second largest offense. This is an increasingly common practice of people that purchase products without any intention of keeping them. Sadly, if a retailer has a too lenient return policy, this can mean big problems for their future. Losing the revenue and profits from these sales can result in them having to raise prices, reduce costs and even cut jobs.  

There is a simple answer for online only retailers to help stop return fraud, especially when it comes to wardrobing. That answer is: the Alpha Shark Tag. This is one of the most effective tools on the market today. You simply clip a tag onto each item before you pack it for shipping and it does all the work for you when it arrives. When the customer opens the package, they can still try on the item. If it happens to be the wrong size, they can ship it back and trade it for the correct one. If it fits, they keep it. However, if they want to go out on the town and wear their new purchase, they will need to remove the Alpha Shark Tag. That’s where the return policy comes in. You can have it posted online in the FAQ section and you can even attach it to the garment with the Alpha Shark Tag itself. Once they remove that tag, the item is no longer eligible to be returned.  This easy solution prevents them from free renting the garment from you for a special event.  

I bought my daughter a pair of expensive shoes last month from an online store. When we opened them up, it didn’t surprise me to find them with an Alpha Shark Tag attached via lanyard. It was the first time I’d ever bought something that came with one of them on it. I was actually pretty impressed. My daughter was about to cut it off, when I came running like a hurdle jumper through the kitchen to stop her. I had her sit down at the dining table and try them on, and of course, they didn’t fit quite right. I sent them back and we got the right size a couple weeks later. It was a seamless process and there were no issues, but we followed the rules.  

Return fraud is a serious issue, and many wardrobing offenders don’t even think what they are doing is wrong. But it is. As one article recently put it: Retailers will build tall walls so the criminals will just build taller ladders. Business owners have to keep up with newest tools and fight return fraud at its core. If you’re looking for a product that will give you a return on your investment, Alpha Shark Tags are worth the research.

For more information on how to stop return fraud, contact us or call: 1.770.426.0547



Stop False Alarms and Customer Embarrassment with Checkpoint Labels

(Keywords: Checkpoint Labels-5)
Stop False Alarms and Customer Embarrassment with Checkpoint Labels
I normally talk about shoplifters, preventing shoplifting, and protecting your merchandise. And this blog is no different. However, what I do want to focus on is customer embarrassment when your security label didn’t deactivate and the alarm sounds as they walk out the door. Working in loss prevention and in retail stores I’ve seen this occur many times. As much as we try to protect all of our merchandise from leaving the store in a shoplifter’s hand, we must remember that not everyone is a shoplifter. In fact your stores success can be attributed to your loyal customers. Those customers that always go to your store even if an item is a little less expensive somewhere else. They come because they like the service, the atmosphere, and they love shopping in your store. So it comes as no surprise when a false activation occurs to this loyal customer it causes them embarrassment and embarrassment to your store. This can now be prevented with Checkpoint Labels.
I myself have been caught up by the false activation. In fact several years ago I was in full uniform as a police officer when I went to a large retail store to pick up some items for our department. I was picking up some recordable blank CD’s as we store reports and other items on these. I selected a large pack, maybe 25 blank CD’s. The CD’s were clearly stickered with some type of security label. The kind of label that if not deactivated will alarm as you walk through the front doors. Obviously in full uniform with my police car parked outside I was not there to steal anything. I walked up to the front register to pay. Naturally people always look when there is a uniformed officer walking in the store. But I’m just there as a customer like them. So I pay for the pack of blank CD’s and watch as the cashier sets the security label that’s affixed to the CD case on the deactivation pad. Is what I didn’t know was this store was using cheap inferior security labels. I get my receipt and proceed to walk out the door to my police car. Suddenly a loud alarm sounds and a recorded voice says to return to the store. I’m shocked and quite frankly embarrassed. Now everyone in the store is looking my way like I just stole merchandise from the store. I walk back through the doors and a store employee approaches me. Alarm is still sounding and still drawing attention. I haven’t taken anything without paying, I’m one of the good guys! The employee proceeds to look at my receipt seeing that I paid for the CD’s. He finally shuts the alarm off but the damage is done. I’m waiting to be on YouTube by the end of the day at this point. The employee again deactivates the security label. As I walk out the door the alarm sounds all over again. The employee motions me to just keep walking. This whole experience was a major embarrassment. I still cringe when I walk out the doors after paying for anything now.
Don’t let this happen to your customers. They are the bread and butter of your store. Checkpoint Labels are superior and made with a new technology. These labels are tested for both superior trigger activation but for also deactivation. When you disable the Checkpoint Labels they remain dead. The labels come in all sizes to protect your merchandise. They are available as small as a postage stamp and increase in size and shapes from there. Checkpoint Labels are now available in white thermal transfer printer ready labels. So you can now print your barcodes and any other information right on the label and be protected.
Protecting your merchandise is a top priority. Making sure your loyal customers are happy and have an uneventful shopping experience is also a top priority. You can now have the best of both worlds by having the best in security labels protecting your products, while ensuring your paying customers walk out the door without any false activations or embarrassment.
For more information on Checkpoint Labels, contact us at 1-770-426-0547

I normally talk about shoplifters, preventing shoplifting, and protecting your merchandise. And this blog is no different. However, what I do want to focus on is customer embarrassment when your security label didn’t deactivate and the alarm sounds as they walk out the door. Working in loss prevention and in retail stores I’ve seen this occur many times. As much as we try to protect all of our merchandise from leaving the store in a shoplifter’s hand, we must remember that not everyone is a shoplifter. In fact your stores success can be attributed to your loyal customers. Those customers that always go to your store even if an item is a little less expensive somewhere else. They come because they like the service, the atmosphere, and they love shopping in your store. So it comes as no surprise when a false activation occurs to this loyal customer it causes them embarrassment and embarrassment to your store. This can now be prevented with Checkpoint Labels.


I myself have been caught up by the false activation. In fact several years ago I was in full uniform as a police officer when I went to a large retail store to pick up some items for our department. I was picking up some recordable blank CD’s as we store reports and other items on these. I selected a large pack, maybe 25 blank CD’s. The CD’s were clearly stickered with some type of security label. The kind of label that if not deactivated will alarm as you walk through the front doors. Obviously in full uniform with my police car parked outside I was not there to steal anything. I walked up to the front register to pay. Naturally people always look when there is a uniformed officer walking in the store. But I’m just there as a customer like them. So I pay for the pack of blank CD’s and watch as the cashier sets the security label that’s affixed to the CD case on the deactivation pad. Is what I didn’t know was this store was using cheap inferior security labels. I get my receipt and proceed to walk out the door to my police car. Suddenly a loud alarm sounds and a recorded voice says to return to the store. I’m shocked and quite frankly embarrassed. Now everyone in the store is looking my way like I just stole merchandise from the store. I walk back through the doors and a store employee approaches me. Alarm is still sounding and still drawing attention. I haven’t taken anything without paying, I’m one of the good guys! The employee proceeds to look at my receipt seeing that I paid for the CD’s. He finally shuts the alarm off but the damage is done. I’m waiting to be on YouTube by the end of the day at this point. The employee again deactivates the security label. As I walk out the door the alarm sounds all over again. The employee motions me to just keep walking. This whole experience was a major embarrassment. I still cringe when I walk out the doors after paying for anything now.


Don’t let this happen to your customers. They are the bread and butter of your store. Checkpoint Labels are superior and made with a new technology. These labels are tested for both superior trigger activation but for also deactivation. When you disable the Checkpoint Labels they remain dead. The labels come in all sizes to protect your merchandise. They are available as small as a postage stamp and increase in size and shapes from there. Checkpoint Labels are now available in white thermal transfer printer ready labels. So you can now print your barcodes and any other information right on the label and be protected.


Protecting your merchandise is a top priority. Making sure your loyal customers are happy and have an uneventful shopping experience is also a top priority. You can now have the best of both worlds by having the best in security labels protecting your products, while ensuring your paying customers walk out the door without any false activations or embarrassment.


For more information on Checkpoint Labels, contact us at 1-770-426-0547




We’ve made it past the halfway point already! I’ve already covered 10 of the most effective ways at using Alpha Keepers and I’ve got 10 more on the way. You really won’t find another security product that is as versatile and effective as these little plastic cases. They truly are a perfect solution to some of today’s most commonly stolen merchandise. So, let’s continue on with my list of 20 uses, with numbers 11 through 15. 
11. Printer Ink
I so despise replacing the ink on my printer at home. First comes the sticker shock when you realize just how expensive it can be. The next is waiting forever at the store, ever waiting for a sales clerk to come unlock the showcase glass. As if that weren’t enough, they have to then walk you up to the register. Look, I’m an LP manager. I understand you have to take product protection seriously, but there are far more effective ways to prevent shoplifting. Prominently promote printer ink inside of an Alpha Keeper! 
12. Laundry Detergent
I never thought in my career, I’d see the day when we, as a retail industry, would have to secure laundry detergent just to stay profitable. With organized criminal groups targeting this product at ever increasing rate, retailers must take extreme measures to simply keep the product on the shelf. With the vast range of sizes, most detergent can be securely locked away using an Alpha Keeper, all while maintaining a strong store display. 
13. Baby Formula
You’ve probably said this your entire retail career; if someone was stealing food for their children, I would have more sympathy. Well, if you hadn’t noticed, baby formula theft is off the charts. It’s not due to a rash of unemployed mothers; it’s fueled by organized retail crime groups. This product is specifically targeted due to the high cost and the ease of resale to corner stores, flea markets and through online channels. In order to prevent shoplifting, retailers are being forced to take on much harder anti-theft tactics. I know of a simple plastic case that can help cut down your store’s losses here. 
14. Headphones
This is a niche that has blown up in the past 3 years. With Bluetooth technology climbing and the consumer demand for higher quality, some of these items can fetch nearly $500. A good retailer knows that in order to sell the product, it has to be available to the customer. Prominently displaying this type of merchandise in an Alpha Keeper can give you all the aesthetics of a traditional store display, all while giving you the peace of mind knowing the product is secured from potential shoplifters. 
15. Wearable Fitness Technology
With the near year right on the horizon, this growing category will surely begin to post even higher numbers. With wearable trackers that can now calculate heart rate, steps taken, distance walked and hundreds of other measurements that beam right to your smartphone, we are seeing an increase in health conscience consumers shell out top dollar for the best device. These are also a prime target for shoplifters, thus you have to do all in your power to prevent them from walking out on their own. While you could very well keep them behind lock and key, displaying them in an Alpha Keeper will most likely result in higher sales, as the merchandise can be placed into the hands of the customer all while you prevent shoplifting. It’s a win for all!
For more information about Alpha Keepers contact us or call 1.770.426.0547.

We’ve made it past the halfway point already! I’ve already covered 10 of the most effective ways at using Alpha Keepers and I’ve got 10 more on the way. You really won’t find another security product that is as versatile and effective as these little plastic cases. They truly are a perfect solution to some of today’s most commonly stolen merchandise. So, let’s continue on with my list of 20 uses, with numbers 11 through 15. 

11. Printer Ink

I so despise replacing the ink on my printer at home. First comes the sticker shock when you realize just how expensive it can be. The next is waiting forever at the store, ever waiting for a sales clerk to come unlock the showcase glass. As if that weren’t enough, they have to then walk you up to the register. Look, I’m an LP manager. I understand you have to take product protection seriously, but there are far more effective ways to prevent shoplifting. Prominently promote printer ink inside of an Alpha Keeper! 

12. Laundry Detergent

I never thought in my career, I’d see the day when we, as a retail industry, would have to secure laundry detergent just to stay profitable. With organized criminal groups targeting this product at ever increasing rate, retailers must take extreme measures to simply keep the product on the shelf. With the vast range of sizes, most detergent can be securely locked away using an Alpha Keeper, all while maintaining a strong store display. 

13. Baby Formula

You’ve probably said this your entire retail career; if someone was stealing food for their children, I would have more sympathy. Well, if you hadn’t noticed, baby formula theft is off the charts. It’s not due to a rash of unemployed mothers; it’s fueled by organized retail crime groups. This product is specifically targeted due to the high cost and the ease of resale to corner stores, flea markets and through online channels. In order to prevent shoplifting, retailers are being forced to take on much harder anti-theft tactics. I know of a simple plastic case that can help cut down your store’s losses here. 

14. Headphones

This is a niche that has blown up in the past 3 years. With Bluetooth technology climbing and the consumer demand for higher quality, some of these items can fetch nearly $500. A good retailer knows that in order to sell the product, it has to be available to the customer. Prominently displaying this type of merchandise in an Alpha Keeper can give you all the aesthetics of a traditional store display, all while giving you the peace of mind knowing the product is secured from potential shoplifters. 

15. Wearable Fitness Technology

With wearable trackers that can now calculate heart rate, steps taken, distance walked and hundreds of other measurements that beam right to your smartphone, we are seeing an increase in health conscience consumers shell out top dollar for the best device. These are also a prime target for shoplifters, thus you have to do all in your power to prevent them from walking out on their own. While you could very well keep them behind lock and key, displaying them in an Alpha Keeper will most likely result in higher sales, as the merchandise can be placed into the hands of the customer all while you prevent shoplifting. It’s a win for all!


For more information about Alpha Keepers, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547.



Protect Techno Tools For The Medical Field


Medical Field-4 , Checkpoint N10-1 , Alpha Thunder Tag-1 , Checkpoint Systems-1
Protect Techno Tools For The Medical Field
Many doctor’s offices are upgrading their facilities and adding technology to help streamline the process of visits.  It makes the patients’ check in process better and can make the whole visit quicker.  Purchasing these devices, however, can be a big investment for the practice.  Many in the medical field are looking at what they need, but they may not be looking into how to protect those gadgets from theft.  In the retail business, we have dealt with our mobile scanners being stolen by our customers, so it should come as no surprise that patients at a doctor’s office would be willing to steal their tools.  And this is a much more costly loss than a few tongue depressors and rubber gloves.
My doctor is in an old building, with ancient equipment and old furniture in the waiting room.  It’s a pretty standard process in there; it’s only the clipboards and other basics.  I still like it because it’s comfortable.  But I went with my husband today for a visit to his doctor.  It wasn’t just fancy and very modern; the whole place had a new and futuristic look.  It was like college meets medical field.  Everything was digital.  I was pretty impressed with the setup.  When people check in at the front desk,  they scan their palms to identify themselves.  Then, after they verify everything, the patient is handed a paging type of device.  We were instructed to sit in the main waiting room and remain until the device alerted us to the exam room.  After a period of time, this device activates and displays a room number.  We got on the elevator and went to the upper floor.  When we got off, we saw a blinking light outside the room he had been assigned to.  No one really interacted with us, but we knew exactly what to do and where to go.  When we got in the room, after a short wait, the nurse came in and took the device.  I couldn’t help but wonder what happens if she forgets to take it from the patient.  A day at the office is not always relaxing and routine, especially when you’re dealing with sick people.  I imagine there have been cases of these devices being stolen.
Like I said, I’m in retail, so theft of equipment does happen.  Our scanners would show up on online auction sites on a regular basis, so it wouldn’t be a big surprise to find these things on there as well.  Fortunately there are tools to combat this type of theft.  Just like in retail, Checkpoint Systems has a solution for the medical field.  There is a combination of tools offered that will secure those devices and keep them on the premises where they belong, even if a patient were to accidentally attempt to remove one.  First there is the Checkpoint N10, a compact detection system that’s just as effective as the ones we use in our retail stores.  This almost invisible monitoring choice can be attached to the door so they are not in the way or detract from the professional look of the office.  Add another tool, the Alpha Thunder Tag, and the circle is complete.  These tags attach to the device that needs to be protected and they are the trigger for the alarm if someone tries to remove it from the premises.  They will also self-alarm if they are tampered with, or if the patient would try to remove them from the device.  It’s a win-win package for the security needed in the new age of the medical field. 
For more information on these devices and more, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

Many doctor’s offices are upgrading their facilities and adding technology to help streamline the process of visits. It makes the patients’ check in process better and can make the whole visit quicker. Purchasing these devices, however, can be a big investment for the practice. Many in the medical field are looking at what they need, but they may not be looking into how to protect those gadgets from theft. In the retail business, we have dealt with our mobile scanners being stolen by our customers, so it should come as no surprise that patients at a doctor’s office would be willing to steal their tools. And this is a much more costly loss than a few tongue depressors and rubber gloves.

My doctor is in an old building, with ancient equipment and old furniture in the waiting room. It’s a pretty standard process in there; it’s only the clipboards and other basics. I still like it because it’s comfortable. But I went with my husband today for a visit to his doctor. It wasn’t just fancy and very modern; the whole place had a new and futuristic look. It was like college meets medical field. Everything was digital. I was pretty impressed with the setup. When people check in at the front desk,  they scan their palms to identify themselves. Then, after they verify everything, the patient is handed a paging type of device. We were instructed to sit in the main waiting room and remain until the device alerted us to the exam room. After a period of time, this device activates and displays a room number.  We got on the elevator and went to the upper floor.  When we got off, we saw a blinking light outside the room he had been assigned to.  No one really interacted with us, but we knew exactly what to do and where to go. When we got in the room, after a short wait, the nurse came in and took the device. I couldn’t help but wonder what happens if she forgets to take it from the patient. A day at the office is not always relaxing and routine, especially when you’re dealing with sick people. I imagine there have been cases of these devices being stolen.

Like I said, I’m in retail, so theft of equipment does happen. Our scanners would show up on online auction sites on a regular basis, so it wouldn’t be a big surprise to find these things on there as well. Fortunately there are tools to combat this type of theft. Just like in retail, Checkpoint Systems has a solution for the medical field. There is a combination of tools offered that will secure those devices and keep them on the premises where they belong, even if a patient were to accidentally attempt to remove one. First there is the Checkpoint N10, a compact detection system that’s just as effective as the ones we use in our retail stores. This almost invisible monitoring choice can be attached to the door so they are not in the way or detract from the professional look of the office. Add another tool, the Alpha Thunder Tag, and the circle is complete. These tags attach to the device that needs to be protected and they are the trigger for the alarm if someone tries to remove it from the premises. They will also self-alarm if they are tampered with, or if the patient would try to remove them from the device. It’s a win-win package for the security needed in the new age of the medical field. 


For more information on these devices and more, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547