“Prom”inent Placement Of Alpha Shark Tags Prevents Return Fraud


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“Prom”inent Placement Of Alpha Shark Tags Prevents Return Fraud
     Not too long from now it will be Spring and with Spring comes prom time!  Young men and women will be out buying new dresses and suits or tuxedos.  New shoes will be in order as well, ensuring the entire ensemble is perfect for that big night.  I did some price checking and it seems if a young lady wants to purchase a prom dress, she will spend anywhere from $35.00 to over $500.00.  Renting a prom dress appears to start around $100.00 and goes up.  One web site advertised women’s prom shoes for sale ranging from $20.00 – $179.00.  Tuxedo prices varied with pieces starting around $30 for a vest and separate items such as jackets, slacks, and accessories being priced individually.  I got the impression I could put together a tuxedo on the low end for about $100.00, accounting for sales and discounts. Now if you are the retailer selling to the prom goers, you can already hear that cash register beeping as your merchandise flies off the shelf.  My question for you is, after the proms are over, will you be handing out refunds for the customers who have “changed their minds?” How can you prevent this from happening?  One sure method to prevent this type of return fraud, also known as wardrobing, is to start using Alpha Shark Tags on your merchandise.  
     The Alpha Shark Tags work because they are designed to be attached to clothing and removed only when the buyer is ready to wear the item to their function.  Once removed, this device cannot be reattached. The retailer can have their return policy clearly stipulate that merchandise that no longer has the Alpha Shark Tags attached cannot be returned or refunded.  What many who are involved in wardrobing like to do is to wear a new outfit after carefully removing tags or hiding them in the clothing.  When they have worn the outfit a time or two they return it for a refund.  It allows them to be seen out in their expensive new digs and they don’t have to pay a rental fee.  The person who is wardrobing gets all the reward with no cost. The Shark Tag is placed by the retailer on the clothing item where it is easily visible and cannot be covered or hidden.  It is brightly colored so it will be easily seen by the very people the wardrober is trying to impress.  Of course this makes it obvious the party guy or gal did not “buy” the clothing and they intend to return it later…party faux pas! Using the Alpha Shark Tags allows the store owner to make sure they are not in the business of “loaning” their merchandise out.  It also means that returned clothing will not be stained from food and drink spills causing the store owner to have to take a loss by marking the returns out of stock.
     Wardrobing tags don’t have to be limited to use strictly on slacks, jackets or dresses.  The tags can be pinned through a shoe eyelet, around an attached toe strap on a heel or through the hole that is used for a shoe clasp.  Being creative, the tags can be attached to belts, purses and other items that might accessorize that prom outfit. The keys to successfully stop return fraud are to ensure the tags are in a prominent location and that a no return policy without the tags is clearly stated and enforced.
     Return fraud can significantly hurt the profitability of your store.  Know that there are people who do not worry about the harm caused by their wardrobing.  Don’t let these people make you their victim during the prom season or any other time of the year.  Protect your business and profits by using Alpha Shark Tags.
For more information on Alpha Shark Tags, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

Not too long from now it will be Spring and with Spring comes prom time! Young men and women will be out buying new dresses and suits or tuxedos. New shoes will be in order as well, ensuring the entire ensemble is perfect for that big night. I did some price checking and it seems if a young lady wants to purchase a prom dress, she will spend anywhere from $35.00 to over $500.00. Renting a prom dress appears to start around $100.00 and goes up. One web site advertised women’s prom shoes for sale ranging from $20.00 – $179.00. Tuxedo prices varied with pieces starting around $30 for a vest and separate items such as jackets, slacks, and accessories being priced individually. I got the impression I could put together a tuxedo on the low end for about $100.00, accounting for sales and discounts. Now if you are the retailer selling to the prom goers, you can already hear that cash register beeping as your merchandise flies off the shelf. My question for you is, after the proms are over, will you be handing out refunds for the customers who have “changed their minds?” How can you prevent this from happening? One sure method to prevent this type of return fraud, also known as wardrobing, is to start using Alpha Shark Tags on your merchandise.  


The Alpha Shark Tags work because they are designed to be attached to clothing and removed only when the buyer is ready to wear the item to their function. Once removed, this device cannot be reattached. The retailer can have their return policy clearly stipulate that merchandise that no longer has the Alpha Shark Tags attached cannot be returned or refunded. What many who are involved in wardrobing like to do is to wear a new outfit after carefully removing tags or hiding them in the clothing. When they have worn the outfit a time or two they return it for a refund. It allows them to be seen out in their expensive new digs and they don’t have to pay a rental fee.  The person who is wardrobing gets all the reward with no cost. The Shark Tag is placed by the retailer on the clothing item where it is easily visible and cannot be covered or hidden.  It is brightly colored so it will be easily seen by the very people the wardrober is trying to impress. Of course this makes it obvious the party guy or gal did not “buy” the clothing and they intend to return it later…party faux pas! Using the Alpha Shark Tags allows the store owner to make sure they are not in the business of “loaning” their merchandise out. It also means that returned clothing will not be stained from food and drink spills causing the store owner to have to take a loss by marking the returns out of stock.


Wardrobing tags don’t have to be limited to use strictly on slacks, jackets or dresses. The tags can be pinned through a shoe eyelet, around an attached toe strap on a heel or through the hole that is used for a shoe clasp. Being creative, the tags can be attached to belts, purses and other items that might accessorize that prom outfit. The keys to successfully stop return fraud are to ensure the tags are in a prominent location and that a no return policy without the tags is clearly stated and enforced.


Return fraud can significantly hurt the profitability of your store. Know that there are people who do not worry about the harm caused by their wardrobing. Don’t let these people make you their victim during the prom season or any other time of the year. Protect your business and profits by using Alpha Shark Tags.

For more information on Alpha Shark Tags, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547





Sometimes, as a retailer, it’s hard to keep up with what’s being stolen and how to prevent it, while you are trying to run your store. You’ve got customers to contend with, you have to haggle with vendors and suppliers to keep costs down and you have to ensure that your team is running in top shape, delivering exceptional service to your customers so your doors can remain open. Wouldn’t it be nice if someone put together a list of all the items in your store that are most susceptible to loss, AND listed way to help deter those losses? It must be your lucky day. I’ve scoured the globe in search of the most commonly stolen items and I present to you 100 different products that are stolen from your store, and the type of EAS Label you should be using to stop it!
1. Cheese
Did you know that cheese is the most commonly shoplifted item in the entire world? Cheese is readily available almost anywhere. There are also some variety of cheeses that are so exclusive, they can set you back a car payment, or two. Checkpoint Labels can make an ideal theft deterrent solution if your grocery store is being targeted by a cheese bandit. The super adhesive backing can attach, without harm to the product, and give superb protection to keep your profits in house. 
2. Steaks
Ah yes, another commonly stolen grocery item that is often overlooked. My local police department runs a “dumbest criminal” section pretty often, and it seems like more and more, the criminals are people who are stealing steaks. Think about it and you’ll understand. These are high priced cuts of meat. In any other retail store, an item priced that high will usually have some form of protection; but we don’t often see that in a grocery store. Steaks are easily concealable and a thief can net a pretty big haul in a short amount of time. It would only make sense to use Checkpoint Labels to protect your steaks. 
3. Berries
Think really hard about this question. When is the last time that you paid attention to the price you paid for a container or blueberries, or raspberries? Last Saturday, I bought a container of blueberries (6oz) and it ran me almost $7. That’s crazy. As I was pondering my life choices to eat healthier, while standing in line to give half my monthly salary away for berries, I wondered just how many people slip these in their purse, or backpack. I can’t ever recall seeing EAS labels attached to these items. I bet it happens more frequently that you would think. Yet, another perfect opportunity to use Checkpoint Labels. 
4. Mushrooms
When I say mushrooms, I’m not referring to the $1.99 pack of sliced mushrooms that are readily available. Any decent supermarket or specialty grocer should stock a hearty selection of premium mushrooms. I’ve seen some types go for upwards of $200/lb. I could not imagine needing that for a recipe. The price alone would open this item up to theft, which makes it another perfect candidate for a good quality EAS label.  
5. Fish
Fish is another piece of high priced protein that should always be protected with a Checkpoint Label. Depending on the species and of course the freshness, I’ve seen filets in my local grocery store sell upwards of $30. I’d much rather catch my own, but that’s for another time. When packaged individually, and open for anyone to grab, they can be easily concealed in a purse or even down the front of ones pants… Yes, I’ve seen it. You don’t want to, so be sure to use quality Checkpoint Labels to prevent your fish from swimming upstream without being purchased!
For more information about Checkpoint Labels, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

Sometimes, as a retailer, it’s hard to keep up with what’s being stolen and how to prevent it, while you are trying to run your store. You’ve got customers to contend with, you have to haggle with vendors and suppliers to keep costs down and you have to ensure that your team is running in top shape, delivering exceptional service to your customers so your doors can remain open. Wouldn’t it be nice if someone put together a list of all the items in your store that are most susceptible to loss, AND listed way to help deter those losses? It must be your lucky day. I’ve scoured the globe in search of the most commonly stolen items and I present to you 100 different products that are stolen from your store, and the type of EAS Label you should be using to stop it!


1. Cheese

Did you know that cheese is the most commonly shoplifted item in the entire world? Cheese is readily available almost anywhere. There are also some variety of cheeses that are so exclusive, they can set you back a car payment, or two. Checkpoint Labels can make an ideal theft deterrent solution if your grocery store is being targeted by a cheese bandit. The super adhesive backing can attach, without harm to the product, and give superb protection to keep your profits in house. 


2. Steaks

Ah yes, another commonly stolen grocery item that is often overlooked. My local police department runs a “dumbest criminal” section pretty often, and it seems like more and more, the criminals are people who are stealing steaks. Think about it and you’ll understand. These are high priced cuts of meat. In any other retail store, an item priced that high will usually have some form of protection; but we don’t often see that in a grocery store. Steaks are easily concealable and a thief can net a pretty big haul in a short amount of time. It would only make sense to use Checkpoint Labels to protect your steaks. 


3. Berries

Think really hard about this question. When is the last time that you paid attention to the price you paid for a container or blueberries, or raspberries? Last Saturday, I bought a container of blueberries (6oz) and it ran me almost $7. That’s crazy. As I was pondering my life choices to eat healthier, while standing in line to give half my monthly salary away for berries, I wondered just how many people slip these in their purse, or backpack. I can’t ever recall seeing EAS labels attached to these items. I bet it happens more frequently that you would think. Yet, another perfect opportunity to use Checkpoint Labels. 

4. Mushrooms

When I say mushrooms, I’m not referring to the $1.99 pack of sliced mushrooms that are readily available. Any decent supermarket or specialty grocer should stock a hearty selection of premium mushrooms. I’ve seen some types go for upwards of $200/lb. I could not imagine needing that for a recipe. The price alone would open this item up to theft, which makes it another perfect candidate for a good quality EAS label.  

5. Fish

Fish is another piece of high priced protein that should always be protected with a Checkpoint Label. Depending on the species and of course the freshness, I’ve seen filets in my local grocery store sell upwards of $30. I’d much rather catch my own, but that’s for another time. When packaged individually, and open for anyone to grab, they can be easily concealed in a purse or even down the front of ones pants… Yes, I’ve seen it. You don’t want to, so be sure to use quality Checkpoint Labels to prevent your fish from swimming upstream without being purchased!

For more information about Checkpoint Labels, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547




There isn’t a place I go that I do not bring my tablet. Since these things hit the market, I have not found a better, more efficient way to get my work done. I have the power of the Internet, a camera, video camera, word processor and so much more, on one tiny, transportable device. It has truly revolutionized the way we use personal computers. It is also revolutionizing entire swaths of business and industries. Take the medical field for example. Just a few years ago, doctors and nurses were charting completely by hand. Doctors would take notes on a tape recorder. There were services that a doctor could call and dictate his charting to and a skilled typist would record them for him. With the prevalence of tablets, those things are but a distant memory. One thing that has also risen from this rush of new technology is the growing trend of tablet theft, and the use of Alpha Thunder Tags to stop this trend. 
Walk into any hospital today and you will see almost every doctor, nurse and support staff carrying a tablet. Patient records are becoming more and more centralized, which makes it easier to treat the patient and more efficient for the hospital. With all that technology in place, what types of risks are there when looking at this from a risk/loss perspective? Plenty.
Some people are opportunistic thieves, meaning that given the right set of circumstances and the idea that they will get away with the crime, they will commit it. Most shoplifters see theft as a victimless crime, although there is much to be said on that, but I’ll leave that for another time. So what if a shoplifter breaks their arm and has to go to the hospital? What if they see an unattended tablet, left in the hallways by a naive nurse? Chances are, they will steal it. That is, unless your equipment is protected with an Alpha Thunder Tag. 
When combined with an N10 Antenna system, Thunder Tags can be a simple, effective and cost efficient solution to what could be a costly problem. Not only can a thief get their hands on a tablet, think of the confidential patient data that it most likely contains, and the resulting lawsuits that could arise, should you fail to protect this data. 
What are Alpha Thunder Tags?
These tags are well known in the retail industry. In fact, they are the standard in companies that want to protect their assets. These small tags can be directly attached a tablet. Think of them as the same as those little tags you see in almost every store. You couple these tags with the N10 antenna and what you have is a system that will just about eliminate the potential of tablet theft. 
The N10 antenna is smaller version of the towers you see when you walk into any retail store. If the alpha thunder tag passes through this gateway, an audible and visual alert sounds; meaning someone can not simply walk out with a tablet without being caught, just as someone can’t walk out of a retail store with merchandise without being caught. This can almost eliminate the possibility of tablet theft in your hospital. 
The biggest difference here is that the N10 antenna is incredibly small. In fact, once it is deployed, it is almost impossible to see, unless you are looking for it. These were designed for small convenience type stores, with space constraints in mind. 
Are they other solutions?
Of course there are, but why spend thousands of dollars when you can literally spend a tiny fraction of that using Alpha Thunder Tags? If they are good enough for some of the world’s leading retailers, why wouldn’t they be good for you? Tablet theft is an ever growing concern for hospitals and doctor’s offices nationwide, and I’ve seen a plethora of tactics used to combat it. So far, I’ve not seen a system as user friendly, easy to set up and maintain, and as cost effective as this one. Even the largest firms have budgets to maintain, and this solution allows you to do just that, all while protecting your equipment and your patients’ peace of mind. 
For more information about Alpha Thunder Tags, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

There isn’t a place I go that I do not bring my tablet. Since these things hit the market, I have not found a better, more efficient way to get my work done. I have the power of the Internet, a camera, video camera, word processor and so much more, on one tiny, transportable device. It has truly revolutionized the way we use personal computers. It is also revolutionizing entire swaths of business and industries. Take the medical field for example. Just a few years ago, doctors and nurses were charting completely by hand. Doctors would take notes on a tape recorder. There were services that a doctor could call and dictate his charting to and a skilled typist would record them for him. With the prevalence of tablets, those things are but a distant memory. One thing that has also risen from this rush of new technology is the growing trend of tablet theft, and the use of Alpha Thunder Tags to stop this trend. 


Walk into any hospital today and you will see almost every doctor, nurse and support staff carrying a tablet. Patient records are becoming more and more centralized, which makes it easier to treat the patient and more efficient for the hospital. With all that technology in place, what types of risks are there when looking at this from a risk/loss perspective? Plenty.


Some people are opportunistic thieves, meaning that given the right set of circumstances and the idea that they will get away with the crime, they will commit it. Most shoplifters see theft as a victimless crime, although there is much to be said on that, but I’ll leave that for another time. So what if a shoplifter breaks their arm and has to go to the hospital? What if they see an unattended tablet, left in the hallways by a naive nurse? Chances are, they will steal it. That is, unless your equipment is protected with an Alpha Thunder Tag. 


When combined with an N10 antenna, Thunder Tags can be a simple, effective and cost efficient solution to what could be a costly problem. Not only can a thief get their hands on a tablet, think of the confidential patient data that it most likely contains, and the resulting lawsuits that could arise, should you fail to protect this data. 


What are Alpha Thunder Tags?

These tags are well known in the retail industry. In fact, they are the standard in companies that want to protect their assets. These small tags can be directly attached a tablet. Think of them as the same as those little tags you see in almost every store. You couple these tags with the N10 antenna and what you have is a system that will just about eliminate the potential of tablet theft. 

The N10 antenna is smaller version of the towers you see when you walk into any retail store. If the Alpha Thunder Tag passes through this gateway, an audible and visual alert sounds; meaning someone can not simply walk out with a tablet without being caught, just as someone can’t walk out of a retail store with merchandise without being caught. This can almost eliminate the possibility of tablet theft in your hospital. 

The biggest difference here is that the N10 antenna is incredibly small. In fact, once it is deployed, it is almost impossible to see, unless you are looking for it. These were designed for small convenience type stores, with space constraints in mind. 

Are there other solutions?

Of course there are, but why spend thousands of dollars when you can literally spend a tiny fraction of that using Alpha Thunder Tags? If they are good enough for some of the world’s leading retailers, why wouldn’t they be good for you? Tablet theft is an ever growing concern for hospitals and doctor’s offices nationwide, and I’ve seen a plethora of tactics used to combat it. So far, I’ve not seen a system as user friendly, easy to set up and maintain, and as cost effective as this one. Even the largest firms have budgets to maintain, and this solution allows you to do just that, all while protecting your equipment and your patients’ peace of mind. 

For more information about Alpha Thunder Tags, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547


Part 2: Alpha Technology S3i – Taking Alpha Security To A New Level

In part 1 of this discussion, I covered the value of Alpha Security S3i technology to enhance retail anti-theft devices already in a store. The system can take the capabilities of electronic article surveillance, Alpha locks, and 3 alarm Alpha hard tags and add intelligence tracking that can follow merchandise through zones that have been created to track tagged items. Loss Prevention isn’t the only beneficiary of Alpha S3i, store operations benefits as well. Businesses that upgrade their systems to include the S3i technology can enjoy inventory management information that can improve merchandise replenishment.


Alpha Security S3i allows tracking of merchandise but consider what this can do for driving profitable sales. Smaller stores (and in many cases even large ones) cannot always staff to cover all departments all the time.  I know from experience that this can result in lost sales for a store. I have seen customers select merchandise and walk around looking for someone that can answer a question about the product. If they cannot find that sales person, the customer gets aggravated and puts the merchandise down and leaves. They WILL get what they are looking for but it won’t be at your store. No matter how small that sale may seem at the time, you can never measure what the long term impact will be to your business.  Does that customer decide it isn’t worth the time to bother returning in the future? What do they tell their friends about their experience? Alpha Security S3i will send store employees real time alerts when a product secured with S3i Alpha hard tags or spider wrap is taken from a designated zone. The alert can come over a radio, a smart device such as a tablet or phone or even a PA system. How great would it be for a store that may have tight payroll budgets to be able to have staff receive an alert and they can immediately respond to assist that customer? By having a quick response to a customer in need of help, the sales associate can answer questions, make suggestions for upselling, and close the sale.   


 Alpha Technology S3i can also assist in inventory management information. Larger companies have the resources to afford automated replenishment orders based on sales information. For example, if there are 5 bottles of detergent on the shelf, the system may trigger an order based on the number of units sold. Once it gets to a certain point the distribution center may get a replenishment request. Smaller stores often cannot afford the same type of replenishment systems and may have to rely on manual counts, adjustments, and even guessing to determine how much of an item they need to order or when to order.  Alpha security S3i can provide sales data that can assist in analyzing when merchandise is being sold and how much is sold by tracking when S3i devices are removed.  It also provides tamper information and while this is a Loss Prevention issue, from an in-stocks perspective it helps identify merchandise that may need to be replenished quickly. Remember, if an item is stolen it still has to be replenished for the honest customer to buy. Delays in restocking can result in lost sales. Faster identification means faster replenishment for your store.


Finally, S3i Alpha technology allows stores to put more merchandise on open display. Electronics that may have been kept locked in a display case can be secured with S3i Alpha spider wrap and Alpha hard tags, high end purses can be secured with S3i Alpha cable locks. For increasing sales, taking more products out of showcases and providing access to customers should always be the preferred option. People want to select merchandise, exam it and take it to a register. Waiting for someone to show up with a key can be a cause for someone to simply leave. Call buttons do not necessarily mean immediate service and can lead to more aggravation when a customer pushes the button multiple times and receives no assistance. Allowing S3i to work for your store can boost your overall sales and improve customer satisfaction.


Improved replenishment capabilities, store staffing and customer access are some of the ways your business can benefit operationally from S3i service. Work smarter not harder by using S3i technology. See what Alpha Technology can do for you!


For more information on Alpha Security, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547





Liquor Bottle Thefts On The Rise


Bottle Locks-6 . Liquor Bottle Security-2 , Alpha Security-2, Bottle Lock-2
Liquor Bottle Thefts On The Rise
It’s no surprise that alcohol gets stolen.  Sometimes it’s a major burglary and other times it’s the invisible thefts committed by shoplifters.  Either way, it’s going to have a negative effect on your store’s bottom line.  The profit margin on alcohol is substantial, so these types of losses are a shrink budget killer.  There is one sure fire way to deter thefts of your prized inventory: Bottle Locks.  These tools, offered by Alpha Security, are the small answer to a big problem.  
It’s not just alcoholics that steal liquors and spirits.  Most often it’s just everyday people that fall for the temptation to steal what makes them feel good.  The bad angel wins and they give in and try it.  Sadly, once someone gets away with it, they come back and try it again.  One couple was recently arrested for stealing thousands of dollars worth of bottles over a three month period.  The store staff finally realized the inventory was off and they started closely monitoring the most commonly stolen items.  The couple is facing jail time and some serious fines, but recovering any of that loss is unlikely for the store, even if restitution is ordered.  Looking back to the first time the couple came and attempted their first theft, bottle locks could have alerted staff and prevented the whole fiasco.  
Liquor bottle security should be concentrated on deterrence and detection.  That’s why Alpha Security came up with bottle locks.  They put a quick decisive stop to liquor theft.  They are special locking caps that fit over the top of almost any size bottle you carry.  They are extremely strong, and can only be removed with the proper tool.  That said, the clerk can take them off with this tool in seconds.  It’s not a complicated process.  Unless you are the thief, that is.  If a criminal tampers with the bottle lock or attempts to remove it while in the store, it will self alarm.  If they decide to run and do manage to get out the door with a bottle that has a bottle lock still attached, they won’t get to enjoy it’s contents.  You see, they are so strong that the bottle will more than likely shatter before the lock will come off.  
From a single bottle valued at over $1,000 to one sold for a mere $3, bottle locks don’t discriminate; they will protect and secure anything you’ve got.  Some people steal alcohol because they are collectors and they want those rare and vintage age bottles.  Other times people steal the very low end stuff just because they want a quick buzz.  Some teens steal liquor because they look at it as a rite of passage and they consider it a part of growing up.  They like to say they’ve stolen a brand of bottle that was mentioned in a hip hop song.  (It sounds crazy to me too!)  Sometimes people steal novelty bottles; one brand is shaped like skulls.  Bottle locks will fit on those too.  
Liquor bottle security means whether your store is small for convenience or a warehouse, your staff will be able to better monitor and be aware of any theft attempts.  There’s nothing worse than finding empty spaces on your shelves after you’ve been hit.  Let bottle locks be the missing link to your asset protection plan.  
For more information on bottle locks, contact us or call: 1.770.426.0547

It’s no surprise that alcohol gets stolen. Sometimes it’s a major burglary and other times it’s the invisible thefts committed by shoplifters. Either way, it’s going to have a negative effect on your store’s bottom line. The profit margin on alcohol is substantial, so these types of losses are a shrink budget killer. There is one sure fire way to deter thefts of your prized inventory: Bottle Locks. These tools, offered by Alpha Security, are the small answer to a big problem. 


It’s not just alcoholics that steal liquors and spirits. Most often it’s just everyday people that fall for the temptation to steal what makes them feel good. The bad angel wins and they give in and try it. Sadly, once someone gets away with it, they come back and try it again. One couple was recently arrested for stealing thousands of dollars worth of bottles over a three month period. The store staff finally realized the inventory was off and they started closely monitoring the most commonly stolen items. The couple is facing jail time and some serious fines, but recovering any of that loss is unlikely for the store, even if restitution is ordered. Looking back to the first time the couple came and attempted their first theft, bottle locks could have alerted staff and prevented the whole fiasco.


Liquor bottle security should be concentrated on deterrence and detection. That’s why Alpha Security came up with bottle locks.  They put a quick decisive stop to liquor theft. They are special locking caps that fit over the top of almost any size bottle you carry. They are extremely strong, and can only be removed with the proper tool. That said, the clerk can take them off with this tool in seconds. It’s not a complicated process. Unless you are the thief, that is. If a criminal tampers with the bottle lock or attempts to remove it while in the store, it will self alarm. If they decide to run and do manage to get out the door with a bottle that has a bottle lock still attached, they won’t get to enjoy it’s contents. You see, they are so strong that the bottle will more than likely shatter before the lock will come off.  

From a single bottle valued at over $1,000 to one sold for a mere $3, bottle locks don’t discriminate; they will protect and secure anything you’ve got. Some people steal alcohol because they are collectors and they want those rare and vintage age bottles. Other times people steal the very low end stuff just because they want a quick buzz. Some teens steal liquor because they look at it as a rite of passage and they consider it a part of growing up. They like to say they’ve stolen a brand of bottle that was mentioned in a hip hop song. (It sounds crazy to me too!) Sometimes people steal novelty bottles; one brand is shaped like skulls. Bottle locks will fit on those too.  


Liquor bottle security means whether your store is small for convenience or a warehouse, your staff will be able to better monitor and be aware of any theft attempts. There’s nothing worse than finding empty spaces on your shelves after you’ve been hit. Let bottle locks be the missing link to your asset protection plan.  

For more information on bottle locks, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547