Bottle Service Helps Bartenders and Improves Customer Service


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Bottle Service Helps Bartenders and Improves Customer Service
     There are any number of factors that can make or break a nightclub.  Is the club considered a safe place to visit and have fun or does it have a reputation for violence and fights? Is the customer service staff friendly and outgoing?  How good are the DJ’s?  Is there enough space or does the club allow overcrowding?  One aspect I had not previously thought about was what impact can a bartender have on the club?  As I thought about it, I then had to wonder, what makes a good bartender and how much of a role do they have on the performance of a club or bar?  Can a bottle service make a difference for a nightclub and help the bartenders out and, if so, how?
     Bottle service in a nightclub is usually part of a premium package offered to groups that provides perks not offered to the regular patrons.  Services may vary from club to club but in general a couple of things always seem to be consistent.  Groups receive VIP treatment and get special seating or depending on group size, a private room with a bar and server.  All services offer a bottle or two of top shelf liquor or wine and mixers, chosen in advance as part of the purchase price.  And last, but not least, a bottle server who is dedicated to taking care of the mixing and serving of drinks, often employing the use of bottle locks to control access to the drinks. 
     Not being really familiar with what it takes to be a good bartender I sought out some web sites dedicated to bartending.  I found one interesting site called that had an article titled, “How To Be A Good Bartender”.  The writer, Joe Bruno, Director of American Bartenders School, named several key points that make a good bartender:
Always Have A Good Attitude – The writer compares the bartender stepping behind the bar to an actor stepping onto a stage ready to perform for an audience.
Stay Alert – He reminds the bartender that they are responsible for keeping garnish trays filled and watching for customers who need another drink.
Make suggestions – The author points out that if a customer appears indecisive a good bartender will make suggestions.
Always Check IDs – It recommends that a bartender should check ID on anyone who appears to be under 30 and goes on to explain possible ramifications if someone under age is served.
Keep a Tidy Bar – The bartender should ensure the bar is neat and clean of trash and debris 
Be Professional – He discusses the importance of a professional appearance and attitude, and keeping conversations fun as time permits.  Customers return when they have a good experience.
As I read the points, it dawned on me that a bottle service waiter/waitress can possess all of these qualities and if they do, it could mean returning customers to the nightclub.
     A server will be able to better control each aspect of this list on a much smaller and controlled level.  Rather than being focused on a crowded bar, the server has the time to have the conversations with the group members and make drink suggestions.  The server controls the bottle locks on the wine or spirit bottles for the groups they are taking care of so they can ensure no one in the group is underage.  The control of the bottle lock key also has the added benefit of helping a server to prevent group members from becoming too intoxicated and creating problems in the club.  Finally, bottle service staff should be hired with customer service skills and a good attitude a primary attribute during the hiring process.  
     Clearly, a bottle service can improve the club experience for patrons who purchase it, providing personalized service and attention.  It can also assist the main bartender by removing some of the crowd at the bar and he or she can improve their level of service and attention to the rest of the club patrons.  In addition, the use of bottle locks by the staff acts as a safety check against underage drinkers and over-intoxicated partiers.  In summation, bottle services will have patrons returning for a unique nightclub experience that provides superb customer service.
Get more information on bottle service, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.

There are any number of factors that can make or break a nightclub. Is the club considered a safe place to visit and have fun or does it have a reputation for violence and fights? Is the customer service staff friendly and outgoing? How good are the DJ’s? Is there enough space or does the club allow overcrowding? One aspect I had not previously thought about was what impact can a bartender have on the club? As I thought about it, I then had to wonder, what makes a good bartender and how much of a role do they have on the performance of a club or bar? Can a bottle service make a difference for a nightclub and help the bartenders out and, if so, how?

Bottle service in a nightclub is usually part of a premium package offered to groups that provides perks not offered to the regular patrons. Services may vary from club to club but in general a couple of things always seem to be consistent. Groups receive VIP treatment and get special seating or depending on group size, a private room with a bar and server. All services offer a bottle or two of top shelf liquor or wine and mixers, chosen in advance as part of the purchase price. And last, but not least, a bottle server who is dedicated to taking care of the mixing and serving of drinks, often employing the use of bottle locks to control access to the drinks. 

Not being really familiar with what it takes to be a good bartender I sought out some web sites dedicated to bartending. I found one interesting site called that had an article titled, “How To Be A Good Bartender”. The writer, Joe Bruno, Director of American Bartenders School, named several key points that make a good bartender:

Always Have A Good Attitude – The writer compares the bartender stepping behind the bar to an actor stepping onto a stage ready to perform for an audience.

Stay Alert – He reminds the bartender that they are responsible for keeping garnish trays filled and watching for customers who need another drink.

Make suggestions – The author points out that if a customer appears indecisive a good bartender will make suggestions.

Always Check IDs – It recommends that a bartender should check ID on anyone who appears to be under 30 and goes on to explain possible ramifications if someone under age is served.

Keep a Tidy Bar – The bartender should ensure the bar is neat and clean of trash and debris. 

Be Professional – He discusses the importance of a professional appearance and attitude, and keeping conversations fun as time permits. Customers return when they have a good experience.


As I read the points, it dawned on me that a bottle service waiter/waitress can possess all of these qualities and if they do, it could mean returning customers to the nightclub.

A server will be able to better control each aspect of this list on a much smaller and controlled level. Rather than being focused on a crowded bar, the server has the time to have the conversations with the group members and make drink suggestions. The server controls the bottle locks on the wine or spirit bottles for the groups they are taking care of so they can ensure no one in the group is underage. The control of the bottle lock key also has the added benefit of helping a server to prevent group members from becoming too intoxicated and creating problems in the club. Finally, bottle service staff should be hired with customer service skills and a good attitude a primary attribute during the hiring process.  

Clearly, a bottle service can improve the club experience for patrons who purchase it, providing personalized service and attention. It can also assist the main bartender by removing some of the crowd at the bar and he or she can improve their level of service and attention to the rest of the club patrons. In addition, the use of bottle locks by the staff acts as a safety check against underage drinkers and over-intoxicated partiers. In summation, bottle services will have patrons returning for a unique nightclub experience that provides superb customer service.


Get more information on bottle service, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.



It’s 4:00 PM-Do You Know Where Your Wine Bottles Are?

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It’s 4:00 PM-Do You Know Where Your Wine Bottles Are?
Many stores have their wine and beer sections in the back aisles of their buildings.  I understand this is for the benefit of the vendors to make it easier for them when they make their deliveries.  Plus, it doesn’t look very family friendly to merchandise those products right at the front door either.  As a retail manager and a mom, I can appreciate both of those reasons.  But, if that inventory is in the back of the store, and your checkout counter is at the front of the store, how do you provide bottle security?  You get what I mean, right?  If the clerk is at the front counter in the middle of the afternoon, who is watching that section?  Alcohol is one the highest theft categories in the nation.  From the cheap rot-the-gut stuff to the premium top shelf bottles, there is someone willing to steal whatever they can get.  
Teenagers, moms, business men, homeless folks… you name it.  All sorts of people have been caught stealing wine and liquor.  Whether it be just for the thrill of getting away with it to the sadness of an addiction, your store has to have some plan for bottle security for those products.  Small businesses don’t have the space or the financial means to install giant locking cases, but there is another even better solution anyway.  Take a look into bottle locks, an offering by the folks at Alpha Security.  Bottle locks are the ultimate solution to the ever growing problem of wine and liquor thefts.  They easily fit over the tops of almost any size bottle you could want to sell.  Bottle locks are quick and easy to apply to all of your valuable inventory.  Studies show that customers buy much less when they are required to ask for items to be unlocked.  They want to be able to shop freely, touch the items, and pick them up to compare so they can make their choice.  With bottle locks, they can pick up and inspect every bottle they want to, and never have to ask anyone for permission.  They can then bring their selections to the font checkout and the clerk can quickly remove the caps at the point of sale.  
Bottle locks offer a strong visual deterrent to every customer considering just stealing a bottle rather than paying for it. You may be asking what if I get that one guy that decides to go rogue and run out with a bottle?  The people at Alpha Security thought about that too. They figure he will only do it one time and then he will tell all his friends that there is no need to attempt to steal from your store anymore.  Because once he gets outside and safely down the road, he’s going to be awful disappointed when he figures out that it is near impossible to remove that bottle security cap.  Without the key to properly remove it, the bottle will break, ruin his clothes and his day before that cap will come off.  
I’ve had to deal with people stealing a single beer out of a six pack occasionally, but that’s nothing compared to losing several bottles of premium wines and liquors.  That kind of loss can set your profit margin way back.  That’s not to mention all the paperwork and hassle you would have to go through to report the loss as well.  Save yourself and your staff the trouble of dealing with alcohol thefts, and check out these and other tools for bottle security.
Bottle Security is important and we can help you with it.  Contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.

Many stores have their wine and beer sections in the back aisles of their buildings. I understand this is for the benefit of the vendors to make it easier for them when they make their deliveries. Plus, it doesn’t look very family friendly to merchandise those products right at the front door either. As a retail manager and a mom, I can appreciate both of those reasons. But, if that inventory is in the back of the store, and your checkout counter is at the front of the store, how do you provide bottle security? You get what I mean, right? If the clerk is at the front counter in the middle of the afternoon, who is watching that section? Alcohol is one the highest theft categories in the nation. From the cheap rot-the-gut stuff to the premium top shelf bottles, there is someone willing to steal whatever they can get. 


Teenagers, moms, business men, homeless folks… you name it. All sorts of people have been caught stealing wine and liquor. Whether it be just for the thrill of getting away with it to the sadness of an addiction, your store has to have some plan for bottle security for those products. Small businesses don’t have the space or the financial means to install giant locking cases, but there is another even better solution anyway. Take a look into bottle locks, an offering by the folks at Alpha Security. Bottle locks are the ultimate solution to the ever growing problem of wine and liquor thefts. They easily fit over the tops of almost any size bottle you could want to sell. Bottle locks are quick and easy to apply to all of your valuable inventory. Studies show that customers buy much less when they are required to ask for items to be unlocked. They want to be able to shop freely, touch the items, and pick them up to compare so they can make their choice. With bottle locks, they can pick up and inspect every bottle they want to, and never have to ask anyone for permission. They can then bring their selections to the font checkout and the clerk can quickly remove the caps at the point of sale.  


Bottle locks offer a strong visual deterrent to every customer considering just stealing a bottle rather than paying for it. You may be asking what if I get that one guy that decides to go rogue and run out with a bottle? The people at Alpha Security thought about that too. They figure he will only do it one time and then he will tell all his friends that there is no need to attempt to steal from your store anymore. Because once he gets outside and safely down the road, he’s going to be awful disappointed when he figures out that it is near impossible to remove that bottle security cap. Without the key to properly remove it, the bottle will break, ruin his clothes and his day before that cap will come off.  

I’ve had to deal with people stealing a single beer out of a six pack occasionally, but that’s nothing compared to losing several bottles of premium wines and liquors. That kind of loss can set your profit margin way back. That’s not to mention all the paperwork and hassle you would have to go through to report the loss as well. Save yourself and your staff the trouble of dealing with alcohol thefts, and check out these and other tools for bottle security.

Bottle Security is important and we can help you with it.  Contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.


Bottle Service Can Eliminate A Lot Of Liability For Nightclub Owners

One insurance website, greenwood discusses club and bar liabilities related to alcohol stating, “…alcohol-related risks that can prove costly in the form of liability lawsuits, customer injuries, and other potential problems.” The site gives several steps a nightclub should practice at all times:

  • Train employees how to identify and refuse service of alcohol to patrons who are intoxicated.
  • Require bartenders to properly measure portions when mixing drinks.
  • Refuse service of alcohol to patrons who have a reputation for violence and/or abusiveness under the influence.
  • Create and enforce policies for verifying age.

Starting a bottle service and incorporating the use of bottle locks in a club is a great way to make all of these best practices happen.


Bottle services are simply an added experience a club owner can offer to patrons to make the night out a unique experience. Typically an offering will be a group package that is purchased in advance and can have different incentives. Low end packages may offer a booth near the DJ and one bottle of a top shelf wine or spirit. Premium packages may offer a private lounge and bar with a bartender and two or more top shelf beverages. All packages should offer a bottle service waiter or waitress who is assigned to the party. The bottles of spirits or wine are served to the table or group with bottle locks on them and only the bottle server has the detachment key to open the locks.


How does a bottle service address each of the suggestions laid out by the insurance company? Let’s begin with training employees to identify and refuse service of alcohol to intoxicated patrons. The bottle server is trained to be the eyes and ears for the nightclub. Since they are serving a select group he/she will already be trained on what to look for in a person who may be reaching their limit. Part of a bottle service agreement may have a stipulation that the server can use discretion to cut-off service if they deem a group member is becoming too inebriated. Since the bottles locks can only be removed by the server, refusal of service is easy to control.


Requiring bartenders to properly measure portions when mixing drinks should be part of a nightclub training requirement for new staff. Bartenders, as well as bottle services staff would receive the same training and be expected to adhere to club policy. Again, the benefit of having one staff member assigned to serve a single table or group, providing a V.I.P. level of service, makes it easier for the server to take their time mixing and pouring, rather than the hectic activity surrounding a bar.


Refusal of service of alcohol to patrons who have a reputation for violence and/or abusiveness under the influence can be easy when bottle services are used. Assuming the patron is known to the club and has been permitted access anyways, management can make it clear to the person who is purchasing the service that alcohol will not be served to that specific group member. Again, the beauty of a server controlling a detachment key is that THEY have the ability to refuse to remove a lock. I would even suggest the servers be in regular communication with management and security staff and serve as an early warning system if they deem a patron is becoming too loud or unruly. 


Finally, age verification and enforcement is so much easier to control with a bottle service. If a group is purchasing a service and a minor will be among them, that minor can be introduced to the server in advance.  A good server will establish a strong rapport with the group and get to know the members. Around a bar where patrons are crowded together, it can be easy to miss the underage customer trying to make an illegal purchase.  Small group service removes that element of anonymity.


Consider all the potential pitfalls you can avoid in your nightclub by simply offering bottle services that include bottle locks. Also, don’t overlook the profits that a new service can add to the bottom line.


Get more information on Bottle Service, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.




Wary Of Overnight Crews Binging on Beverages? Stop The Party With Bottle Locks

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Wary Of Overnight Crews Binging on Beverages?  Stop The Party With Bottle Locks 
     Have you ever heard the old saying, “when the cat’s away the mice come out to play?”  Sometimes for retailers those mice can take human form when no supervisors are in the building.  During my years as a Loss Prevention Manager I caught a number of overnight employees and contracted cleaning crew staff stealing in our store.   The reason I bring this up is because of a story I came across about a Cleveland, Ohio area store security officer who caught a contracted overnight cleaning crew employee stealing over $1,800 worth of wine from a period of December 2015 until February 2016.  That is a lot of wine to rip off!  Many times stores will staff with overnight cleaning personnel or early morning stocking staff in order to get the store ready for the next day.  If you run a store that sells alcohol, how confident are you that overnight staff are not stealing from you?  One way to be more confident is to use Alpha security bottle locks on your wine and spirits.  
     Using a bottle lock prevents someone from opening a bottle without a special detachment key.  Bottle Locks come in several designs but most are made to fit over the cap of a bottle and part of the neck.  They lock in place and prevent someone from being able to pry a bottle open and attempts to do so lead to broken bottles.  The locks activate electronic article surveillance door antennas if someone attempts to walk out the door with a bottle protected with a lock.  In the case of the Versa Guard bottle lock, it is designed for quick removal at the point of sale, adding efficiency when handling multiple bottles at once.  Efficiency does not mean easy to defeat and shoplifters are still thwarted in efforts to force a lock off.
     Perhaps you don’t have an overnight cleaning staff or employees stocking the sales floor overnight and you are questioning the need for bottle locks.  Alpha Security locks don’t prevent just employee theft they also prevent shoplifting.  It is easy to walk into many liquor stores and grocery stores and find merchandise without a bottle lock.  Shoplifters take bottles and conceal them under clothing, or in bags or purses.  With no protection in place, the thief walks out and no one realizes anything is wrong until they notice empty shelves.  Worse, no one pays attention until inventory time and shortage results show how many dollars of merchandise are missing. 
     The question arises, “Why don’t I just use lock up cases and then neither overnight employees nor shoplifters can steal the alcohol?”  I have found in my experiences that lock-up cases are a poor solution for theft prevention.  They do keep people out, shoplifters and legitimate customers alike.  On the other hand, during store operating hours, they require constant customer service.  An employee has to be available at all times to open any locked case.  Failure to do so in a timely manner can mean lost sales and with enough lost sales a store is bound to go out of business.  The fact is customers don’t want to wait and often won’t wait for service.  Alpha security products provide retailers the ability to stock merchandise on open displays while still providing security.  Sales increase when customers have access to product and can walk around with it and continue shopping.  Shoplifters are more likely to go to other stores where there is no wine or liquor bottle security in use.
     Whether you have overnight staff or not, there is always a concern that employees may be stealing from your store.  Add to that the theft that takes place from shoplifters and stock shortage becomes a real financial problem.  Wine and liquor bottle security is significantly enhanced and profits climb when bottle locks are used.
Get more information on bottle locks, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.

Have you ever heard the old saying, “when the cat’s away the mice come out to play?” Sometimes for retailers those mice can take human form when no supervisors are in the building. During my years as a Loss Prevention Manager I caught a number of overnight employees and contracted cleaning crew staff stealing in our store. The reason I bring this up is because of a story I came across about a Cleveland, Ohio area store security officer who caught a contracted overnight cleaning crew employee stealing over $1,800 worth of wine from a period of December 2015 until February 2016. That is a lot of wine to rip off! Many times stores will staff with overnight cleaning personnel or early morning stocking staff in order to get the store ready for the next day. If you run a store that sells alcohol, how confident are you that overnight staff are not stealing from you? One way to be more confident is to use Alpha security bottle locks on your wine and spirits.  

Using a bottle lock prevents someone from opening a bottle without a special detachment key. Bottle Locks come in several designs but most are made to fit over the cap of a bottle and part of the neck. They lock in place and prevent someone from being able to pry a bottle open and attempts to do so lead to broken bottles. The locks activate electronic article surveillance door antennas if someone attempts to walk out the door with a bottle protected with a lock. In the case of the Versa Guard bottle lock, it is designed for quick removal at the point of sale, adding efficiency when handling multiple bottles at once. Efficiency does not mean easy to defeat and shoplifters are still thwarted in efforts to force a lock off.

Perhaps you don’t have an overnight cleaning staff or employees stocking the sales floor overnight and you are questioning the need for bottle locks. Alpha Security locks don’t prevent just employee theft they also prevent shoplifting. It is easy to walk into many liquor stores and grocery stores and find merchandise without a bottle lock. Shoplifters take bottles and conceal them under clothing, or in bags or purses. With no protection in place, the thief walks out and no one realizes anything is wrong until they notice empty shelves. Worse, no one pays attention until inventory time and shortage results show how many dollars of merchandise are missing. 

The question arises, “Why don’t I just use lock up cases and then neither overnight employees nor shoplifters can steal the alcohol?” I have found in my experiences that lock-up cases are a poor solution for theft prevention. They do keep people out, shoplifters and legitimate customers alike. On the other hand, during store operating hours, they require constant customer service. An employee has to be available at all times to open any locked case. Failure to do so in a timely manner can mean lost sales and with enough lost sales a store is bound to go out of business. The fact is customers don’t want to wait and often won’t wait for service. Alpha security products provide retailers the ability to stock merchandise on open displays while still providing security. Sales increase when customers have access to product and can walk around with it and continue shopping. Shoplifters are more likely to go to other stores where there is no wine or liquor bottle security in use.

Whether you have overnight staff or not, there is always a concern that employees may be stealing from your store. Add to that the theft that takes place from shoplifters and stock shortage becomes a real financial problem. Wine and liquor bottle security is significantly enhanced and profits climb when bottle locks are used.


Get more information on bottle locks, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.



Bottle Service Keeps Your Nightclub From Becoming A Wild West Saloon!

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Bottle Service Keeps Your Nightclub From Becoming A Wild West Saloon!
     I am a HUGE fan of western movies and ESPECIALLY John Wayne!  I love sitting down and watching the bad guys terrorizing the town and then the sheriff, outnumbered and outgunned takes on the unruly gang and their leader.  How about the saloon fights?  One guy standing at the bar minding his own business and in walks the local bully who gets drunk and wants to start a fight?  The little guy gets pushed around and in steps someone who is willing to confront the bully and his thugs.  Fists fly, the piano player in the corner trying to play his music while mayhem rules the barroom.  Mugs of beer get tossed in a person’s face and whiskey bottles are smashed over someone’s head.  I know, it’s the movies, it is glamorized and the reality is fights leave people really hurt and not everyone wakes up after a pitcher of water is tossed on the face.  Now, what would happen in those same movies if the saloons (the nightclubs of the day) offered a bottle service to their customers?  The scenario would be a little different and so would my movie watching.
     A little background on what the bottle service is before I go on.  Nightclubs that offer this service are offering a party package that is purchased in advance.  The group pays for a waiter/waitress who will be attending to the party for the night.  They also receive a booth or table and in some cases a room that gives them a best view in the house, so to speak.  Their server will pour and mix their drinks from a bottle or two of a premium wine or alcohol beverage.  Each bottle is secured with a bottle lock so the server controls who gets a drink and how much.  Hint: The server can also cut off a party member who is getting too drunk or obnoxious.
     Now, picture what my favorite westerns would look like if the saloons of the day had bottle service.  The outlaw gang makes reservations for their group for the night.  They arrive and are greeted by the saloon owner who makes a big show of their arrival and escorts them to a table near the piano player and they meet their waitress for the evening.  The barroom (or nightclub) starts to fill with patrons and people are having a good time.  The gang leader has had a couple of drinks and is starting to get loud.  He demands another drink and the waitress refuses to take the bottle lock off of the whiskey.  Our bad guy is now more demanding and wants the bottle lock removed so he can pour his own drink.  The waitress reminds him that as per their service agreement, she is responsible for removing the bottle lock and mixing drinks and has the right to cut off a guest who she feels is too intoxicated.  The waitress contacts the saloon owner who then reviews the terms of the agreement with the gang and explains the beech of the contract.  The gang reluctantly gets up and leaves the saloon. No fight breaks out and everyone else continues to enjoy a good time.
     Boy, am I glad they didn’t have bottle service in the old days that certainly would not make for an entertaining movie!  Of course I am being silly, but in a sense this is what a service can do for today’s nightclub or bar owner.  Create a unique experience for a group, perhaps for a birthday party or other celebration and provide a dedicated server who can control drinks and mixing.   Should a group member start to become too drunk or out of line, they can be cut-off from additional drinks and club security can be made aware before the person starts to fight or cause a problem.
     Bottle service is a great way to increase your income and offer new experiences for your customers. Don’t let your nightclub turn into a Wild West saloon, make it a fun, safe and controlled environment for everyone!
Get more information on Bottle Service, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.

I am a HUGE fan of western movies and ESPECIALLY John Wayne! I love sitting down and watching the bad guys terrorizing the town and then the sheriff, outnumbered and outgunned takes on the unruly gang and their leader. How about the saloon fights? One guy standing at the bar minding his own business and in walks the local bully who gets drunk and wants to start a fight? The little guy gets pushed around and in steps someone who is willing to confront the bully and his thugs. Fists fly, the piano player in the corner trying to play his music while mayhem rules the barroom. Mugs of beer get tossed in a person’s face and whiskey bottles are smashed over someone’s head. I know, it’s the movies, it is glamorized and the reality is fights leave people really hurt and not everyone wakes up after a pitcher of water is tossed on the face. Now, what would happen in those same movies if the saloons (the nightclubs of the day) offered a bottle service to their customers? The scenario would be a little different and so would my movie watching.

A little background on what the bottle service is before I go on. Nightclubs that offer this service are offering a party package that is purchased in advance. The group pays for a waiter/waitress who will be attending to the party for the night. They also receive a booth or table and in some cases a room that gives them a best view in the house, so to speak. Their server will pour and mix their drinks from a bottle or two of a premium wine or alcohol beverage. Each bottle is secured with a bottle lock so the server controls who gets a drink and how much. Hint: The server can also cut off a party member who is getting too drunk or obnoxious.


Now, picture what my favorite westerns would look like if the saloons of the day had bottle service. The outlaw gang makes reservations for their group for the night. They arrive and are greeted by the saloon owner who makes a big show of their arrival and escorts them to a table near the piano player and they meet their waitress for the evening. The barroom (or nightclub) starts to fill with patrons and people are having a good time. The gang leader has had a couple of drinks and is starting to get loud. He demands another drink and the waitress refuses to take the bottle lock off of the whiskey. Our bad guy is now more demanding and wants the bottle lock removed so he can pour his own drink. The waitress reminds him that as per their service agreement, she is responsible for removing the bottle lock and mixing drinks and has the right to cut off a guest who she feels is too intoxicated. The waitress contacts the saloon owner who then reviews the terms of the agreement with the gang and explains the breech of the contract. The gang reluctantly gets up and leaves the saloon. No fight breaks out and everyone else continues to enjoy a good time.


Boy, am I glad they didn’t have bottle service in the old days that certainly would not make for an entertaining movie! Of course I am being silly, but in a sense this is what a service can do for today’s nightclub or bar owner. Create a unique experience for a group, perhaps for a birthday party or other celebration and provide a dedicated server who can control drinks and mixing. Should a group member start to become too drunk or out of line, they can be cut-off from additional drinks and club security can be made aware before the person starts to fight or cause a problem.

Bottle service is a great way to increase your income and offer new experiences for your customers. Don’t let your nightclub turn into a Wild West saloon, make it a fun, safe and controlled environment for everyone!


Get more information on Bottle Service, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.