Business Booms With Bottle Service


Bottle Service -5                                                                                                                      WC blog 09
Nightclubs – 4
Bottle Locks – 3
Business Booms With Bottle Service
     Nightclubs and bars, like any other business operate because there is a demand for the service they offer.  It may be the local bar down the street or swanky nightclubs catering to those who want to mingle, listen and dance to music and usually drink alcoholic beverages.  Most customers in these establishments do drink and behave themselves.  Some people seek a V.I.P. experience and will pay extra for themselves and a group of friends to receive exclusive attention.  Bottle Service is an offering in which a customer makes reservations and pays for a table or dedicated services of a waitress or waiter.  Customers benefit by not being required to pay a cover charge and they receive special treatment that is not available to the average patron.  Club and bar owners benefit because, as part of the package, they require the customer or group to buy a bottle or bottles (if they set a required minimum) of an alcoholic beverage.   The club owner can increase the price of the bottle(s) significantly, and of course add to the profit they will make. 
     There is a concern among some in the community that businesses offering Bottle Service increase the likelihood of patrons overindulging and getting drunk.  There have been lawsuits in a number of states where clubs are being targeted because of the number of calls requiring police response.  While there may be some legitimacy in the concerns of state liquor commissions, local governments and police officials, businesses can ease those concerns with the use of bottle locks.  If made a part of a pre-arranged agreement, the club can attach a bottle lock to the bottle(s) they bring to the table and allow the dedicated server to control the drinks.  The customers can enjoy their party and leave their table to mingle and dance while the bottle remains at the table with the security of the lock.  
   An additional benefit is the ability of a Bottle Service to control the age of those being served.  Think about the atmosphere in a large bar or a nightclub.  People crowd in at the bar and the bartenders have to serve continuous rounds of drinks.  Keeping track of who is actually receiving those drinks can be extremely difficult.  It can potentially cause issues of a drink being given to an underage patron. There is the potential risk to the business of incurring fines or even being closed for serving underage minors.   Servers with a key to bottle locks can monitor those being issued drinks from the bottles and can avoid the chance of serving an underage party member.  It also serves the interest of the establishment to use Bottle Service because it is easier for a server to make a determination if a patron is becoming too intoxicated and make a decision not to open the locked bottle.  In the crowded atmosphere of a bar or nightclub, customers who have had too much to drink may not stand out quickly enough for managers to step in and take control of a situation.  Customers may become a nuisance to other patrons or they could become violent and start an altercation, escalating a situation that could have been controlled earlier had someone taken notice.  These patrons can be potential liabilities to a club.  With tact and politeness a server for a group can partner with management and isolate a situation among their group and prevent someone from becoming a problem to other customers or to the business itself.  
       If staff are properly trained and tools such as bottle locks are built into the structure of a Bottle Service business, customers can enjoy a level of service that once was out of their reach.   Businesses benefit by the added income and can exercise more control over the activity of a party.  It becomes a win-win situation for everyone.
For more information about Bottle Service contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

Nightclubs and bars, like any other business operate because there is a demand for the service they offer. It may be the local bar down the street or swanky nightclubs catering to those who want to mingle, listen and dance to music and usually drink alcoholic beverages. Most customers in these establishments do drink and behave themselves. Some people seek a V.I.P. experience and will pay extra for themselves and a group of friends to receive exclusive attention. Bottle Service is an offering in which a customer makes reservations and pays for a table or dedicated services of a waitress or waiter. Customers benefit by not being required to pay a cover charge and they receive special treatment that is not available to the average patron.  Club and bar owners benefit because, as part of the package, they require the customer or group to buy a bottle or bottles (if they set a required minimum) of an alcoholic beverage.  The club owner can increase the price of the bottle(s) significantly, and of course add to the profit they will make. 

There is a concern among some in the community that businesses offering Bottle Service increase the likelihood of patrons overindulging and getting drunk. There have been lawsuits in a number of states where clubs are being targeted because of the number of calls requiring police response. While there may be some legitimacy in the concerns of state liquor commissions, local governments and police officials, businesses can ease those concerns with the use of bottle locks. If made a part of a pre-arranged agreement, the club can attach a bottle lock to the bottle(s) they bring to the table and allow the dedicated server to control the drinks. The customers can enjoy their party and leave their table to mingle and dance while the bottle remains at the table with the security of the lock.  

An additional benefit is the ability of a Bottle Service to control the age of those being served. Think about the atmosphere in a large bar or a nightclub. People crowd in at the bar and the bartenders have to serve continuous rounds of drinks. Keeping track of who is actually receiving those drinks can be extremely difficult. It can potentially cause issues of a drink being given to an underage patron. There is the potential risk to the business of incurring fines or even being closed for serving underage minors. Servers with a key to bottle locks can monitor those being issued drinks from the bottles and can avoid the chance of serving an underage party member. It also serves the interest of the establishment to use Bottle Service because it is easier for a server to make a determination if a patron is becoming too intoxicated and make a decision not to open the locked bottle.  In the crowded atmosphere of a bar or nightclub, customers who have had too much to drink may not stand out quickly enough for managers to step in and take control of a situation. Customers may become a nuisance to other patrons or they could become violent and start an altercation, escalating a situation that could have been controlled earlier had someone taken notice. These patrons can be potential liabilities to a club. With tact and politeness a server for a group can partner with management and isolate a situation among their group and prevent someone from becoming a problem to other customers or to the business itself.              

If staff are properly trained and tools such as bottle locks are built into the structure of a Bottle Service business, customers can enjoy a level of service that once was out of their reach. Businesses benefit by the added income and can exercise more control over the activity of a party.  It becomes a win-win situation for everyone.


For more information about Bottle Service contact us or call 1.770.426.0547



Keep Your Health And Beauty With Alpha Keepers

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Protect Health and beauty products-4
Retail anti-theft devices-3
Keep Your Health And Beauty With Alpha Keepers
     Health and Beauty product sales have become a high priced business. Manufacturers appeal to all age groups, from teenagers looking for quick acting acne medicines to women wishing to do away with signs of aging.  The market has exploded and with it the prices of these products, which can range from $10 to over $50 or more.  Consequently, the promise of miraculous results in shorter and shorter amounts of time make these items extremely sought after, but the prices may make some feel they are out of their price range.  Others see an opportunity to steal and resell the merchandise, lining their pockets at the expense of the stores they have victimized. Alpha Keepers has a number of solutions available that can keep the thieves from targeting your store.  
     Alpha Keepers are security boxes that allow products to remain on the shelf for customers to view and read manufacturer information yet they discourage shoplifting due to the locking design and interaction with electronic article surveillance systems.  Alpha products include boxes designed specifically to protect health and beauty products, deodorants, razors even shampoos.  They have also created a collapsible keeper that protects products but can adjust to fit different box sizes, giving a retailer the ability to purchase fewer assorted keepers for various products. These retail anti-theft devices will deter both the opportunistic shoplifter and the professional booster and aid you in keeping your merchandise in-stock. 
     Organized theft rings are very real threats to retailers.  In August of this year Tallahassee, Florida police arrested a shoplifting ring that had stolen more than $50,000 worth of healthcare, beauty and medicine products from grocery stores.  After stealing the merchandise the shoplifters then reportedly sold the products on eBay.  And least you think this is an isolated incident, in 2014 Detroit police recovered more than $3 million dollars in stolen merchandise from a shoplifting ring that targeted several major drug stores.  The stolen items were again, being sold over the internet to unwary buyers. Businesses may not be able to prevent all theft, but a significant amount of it can be deterred with the use of Alpha Keepers to protect health and beauty products.
     By using security boxes to protect health and beauty products, as well as other items, the professional booster will be deterred from stealing because their goal is to load a lot of product quickly and discreetly.  Retail anti-theft devices, such as Alpha Keepers boxes, make the products a bit bulkier and take up more room in a bag or purse.  The alarm will attract unwanted attention if someone attempts to exit through an EAS system with a box(es) in their possession.  Professional shoplifters prefer to be able to target a store more than once.  Becoming the center of attention makes it more difficult for the booster to return to that location and forces them to locate new stores to hit.  It also requires more work on the part of the professional shoplifter to remove items from boxes if they do get them out of a store.  
     From a customer service standpoint, these losses don’t just affect the profitability of the stores being ripped off, the honest consumer is impacted as well.  Stores have to mark- up product prices to compensate for the shortage they are incurring from theft.  Any theft also empties shelves and results in a negative experience for the shopper looking to purchase that item that is out of stock.  Booster activity hits even harder because rather than taking simply one or two of a certain product, they clear the shelf of an item they are wanting.  Boosters see retail anti-theft devices in use and tend to move to another business that is not as diligent in using merchandise protection strategies. 
     Regardless of the size of your store, Alpha Keepers offer affordable solutions to protect health and beauty products, as well as a wide variety of other merchandise. Keep your business in stock so you can sell product.  You don’t have to be that business where everyone else is sending their shoplifters to go to.  
For more information on Alpha Keepers contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

Health and Beauty product sales have become a high priced business. Manufacturers appeal to all age groups, from teenagers looking for quick acting acne medicines to women wishing to do away with signs of aging. The market has exploded and with it the prices of these products, which can range from $10 to over $50 or more. Consequently, the promise of miraculous results in shorter and shorter amounts of time make these items extremely sought after, but the prices may make some feel they are out of their price range. Others see an opportunity to steal and resell the merchandise, lining their pockets at the expense of the stores they have victimized. Alpha Keepers has a number of solutions available that can keep the thieves from targeting your store.  

Alpha Keepers are security boxes that allow products to remain on the shelf for customers to view and read manufacturer information yet they discourage shoplifting due to the locking design and interaction with electronic article surveillance systems. Alpha products include boxes designed specifically to protect health and beauty products, deodorants, razors even shampoos. They have also created a collapsible keeper that protects products but can adjust to fit different box sizes, giving a retailer the ability to purchase fewer assorted keepers for various products. These retail anti-theft devices will deter both the opportunistic shoplifter and the professional booster and aid you in keeping your merchandise in-stock. 

Organized theft rings are very real threats to retailers. In August of this year Tallahassee, Florida police arrested a shoplifting ring that had stolen more than $50,000 worth of healthcare, beauty and medicine products from grocery stores. After stealing the merchandise the shoplifters then reportedly sold the products on eBay. And least you think this is an isolated incident, in 2014 Detroit police recovered more than $3 million dollars in stolen merchandise from a shoplifting ring that targeted several major drug stores. The stolen items were again, being sold over the internet to unwary buyers. Businesses may not be able to prevent all theft, but a significant amount of it can be deterred with the use of Alpha Keepers to protect health and beauty products.

By using security boxes to protect health and beauty products, as well as other items, the professional booster will be deterred from stealing because their goal is to load a lot of product quickly and discreetly. Retail anti-theft devices, such as Alpha Keepers boxes, make the products a bit bulkier and take up more room in a bag or purse. The alarm will attract unwanted attention if someone attempts to exit through an EAS system with a box(es) in their possession. Professional shoplifters prefer to be able to target a store more than once. Becoming the center of attention makes it more difficult for the booster to return to that location and forces them to locate new stores to hit. It also requires more work on the part of the professional shoplifter to remove items from boxes if they do get them out of a store.  

From a customer service standpoint, these losses don’t just affect the profitability of the stores being ripped off, the honest consumer is impacted as well. Stores have to mark- up product prices to compensate for the shortage they are incurring from theft. Any theft also empties shelves and results in a negative experience for the shopper looking to purchase that item that is out of stock. Booster activity hits even harder because rather than taking simply one or two of a certain product, they clear the shelf of an item they are wanting. Boosters see retail anti-theft devices in use and tend to move to another business that is not as diligent in using merchandise protection strategies. 

 Regardless of the size of your store, Alpha Keepers offer affordable solutions to protect health and beauty products, as well as a wide variety of other merchandise. Keep your business in stock so you can sell product. You don’t have to be that business where everyone else is sending their shoplifters to go to.  


For more information on Alpha Keepers contact us or call 1.770.426.0547


Hiring The Wrong Person Costs More Than You Think


BG Check Company-1  , Employee BG Checks-2  , Pre Employment Screening-3
Hiring The Wrong Person Costs More Than You Think
Most people assume a pre employment screening is simply a criminal history check.  It doesn’t stop there though.  The truth is it needs to be much more than that.  People lie on their resume’s all the time.  They exaggerate education, experience, and certifications.  They excuse the behavior by saying they just really wanted the job, but if they are willing to falsify a document before they ever clock in, you need to ask yourself what else they would do.  What other corners will they cut?  Did you know in a recent survey 30% of employees admitted to stealing from the companies they work for?  And more than 40% of those were in the capacity of some form of management.  That is terrifying.
Employee background checks are paramount.  Of course you do need to check the criminal history of anyone you hire.  Your staff deserves a safe work environment, and employers can be held liable if they hire someone that they should have known is a danger to the public.  If an incident of workplace violence does occur, your company can be held responsible for lost wages, legal expenses and more.   That doesn’t even take into account the loss of productivity and the bad public image.  If an incident of theft occurs you could face the loss of inventory, company funds, or even equipment.  Substance abuse, violent outbursts, and theft are all behaviors that are typically seen in patterns, so thorough employee background checks are more important than employers may think.  
Have you ever hired someone you thought would be an immediate top performer, only to discover they don’t pick up near as quickly as you thought they would?  Maybe they lied on their application.  You strive to hire someone that has the education and training required to do the job, and then you find you are spending way more time and money on training this person.  A pre employment screening needs to include an education and reference check.  If you require your employees to have a four year degree, or a specific certification, then you also need a way to check that those provided to you are valid.  The internet is full of fake documents, and for the right price, you can be anyone you want to be.  If you don’t verify their claims and hire competent people, your entire workforce can suffer for it.  
Just remember a cheap and poorly executed pre employment screening can be just as bad or worse as having not done one at all.  How do you know they references they provide to you aren’t just fakes?  Anyone could pretend to be a professor, a former supervisor, or just a business executive if their friend needs them to.  Then you hire them and have this false sense of security that this is the right person for the job.  I don’t know about you, but when I apply to work for a company, I hate to think I’m possibly competing with someone that falsified their credentials.  If you hire the other guy, I want to think it’s because they are more qualified, not because you’re a sucker.
It all depends on whether or not you want to gamble and take your chances.  Before you make the investment in your next new hire, I suggest making the investment into an expert background check company.  
For more information on Background Checks, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 or

Most people assume a pre employment screening is simply a criminal history check. It doesn’t stop there though. The truth is it needs to be much more than that. People lie on their resume’s all the time. They exaggerate education, experience, and certifications. They excuse the behavior by saying they just really wanted the job, but if they are willing to falsify a document before they ever clock in, you need to ask yourself what else they would do. What other corners will they cut? Did you know in a recent survey 30% of employees admitted to stealing from the companies they work for? And more than 40% of those were in the capacity of some form of management. That is terrifying.

Employee background checks are paramount. Of course you do need to check the criminal history of anyone you hire. Your staff deserves a safe work environment, and employers can be held liable if they hire someone that they should have known is a danger to the public. If an incident of workplace violence does occur, your company can be held responsible for lost wages, legal expenses and more. That doesn’t even take into account the loss of productivity and the bad public image. If an incident of theft occurs you could face the loss of inventory, company funds, or even equipment. Substance abuse, violent outbursts, and theft are all behaviors that are typically seen in patterns, so thorough employee background checks are more important than employers may think.  

Have you ever hired someone you thought would be an immediate top performer, only to discover they don’t pick up near as quickly as you thought they would? Maybe they lied on their application. You strive to hire someone that has the education and training required to do the job, and then you find you are spending way more time and money on training this person. A pre employment screening needs to include an education and reference check. If you require your employees to have a four year degree, or a specific certification, then you also need a way to check that those provided to you are valid. The internet is full of fake documents, and for the right price, you can be anyone you want to be. If you don’t verify their claims and hire competent people, your entire workforce can suffer for it.  

Just remember a cheap and poorly executed pre employment screening can be just as bad or worse as having not done one at all. How do you know they references they provide to you aren’t just fakes? Anyone could pretend to be a professor, a former supervisor, or just a business executive if their friend needs them to. Then you hire them and have this false sense of security that this is the right person for the job. I don’t know about you, but when I apply to work for a company, I hate to think I’m possibly competing with someone that falsified their credentials. If you hire the other guy, I want to think it’s because they are more qualified, not because you’re a sucker. It all depends on whether or not you want to gamble and take your chances. Before you make the investment in your next new hire, I suggest making the investment into an expert background check company.  

For more information on Background Checks, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 or





I was browsing the web a few nights ago and came across an article titled, “S.A.Q”. I had no idea what it meant, so I read a bit. The acronym stands for Should Ask Questions. Questions that should be asked, but are seldom brought up. I thought, this would be a great way to tackle some of the challenges small retailers face in regards to product protection strategies. Smaller companies don’t have a large LP department that can test new products and do cost/benefit analyses on security devices. They are focused on running their businesses, while trying to balance ways to limit shrink. So I’ve put together 5 questions that retailers should ask about Checkpoint Labels, but don’t. 
1. What can I use checkpoint labels to secure?
Usually this is posed as, “I have a problem with item x, how can I fix the problem and stop shoplifting?” When looking at EAS labels, you really have an endless amount of possibilities to contend with. If you are a grocer, labels can be applied to high theft items like steak and cheese, but can also see use on thousands of other products that you may be having shrink issues with. For other stores, they can be applied to apparel, footwear and virtually any hardline item. 
2. How do I apply checkpoint labels to my product?
I wish more retailers would ask this question. I see, very often, a lack of understanding when it comes to security device. Whether they be a simple EAS label, or other more advanced systems, I find that often we are not thinking like a thief. Take for instance, a digital camera. Where would you apply the tag? If you said “on the box”, you’re wrong. If the box can simply be opened, you’ve defeated the purpose of the label altogether. If the thief’s end game is the product, they don’t really care about the box. A little common sense thinking can make your dollar go much further. So when you are applying your labels in the store, make sure to tag the physical product whenever possible and practical. 
3. Can the checkpoint label be defeated?
I won’t lie to you. They can be defeated. If you simply tag the box and not the product, then a thief can take advantage of that. I’ve had shoplifters take a knife and cut away the part of the packaging that had the EAS label attached to it. You have to be smart about placement as previously stated. You won’t stop every thief, especially a determined one, but you can minimize those hundreds of opportunistic thieves that will take advantage of a situation should one present itself. 
4. What is source tagging?
If you have a great relationship (or you buy a lot) from your manufacturer, you can most likely have them source tag certain products. What that means is that the product will come from the source with an EAS label or tag already attached. This means that you don’t have to spend the payroll cost to do it yourself. 
5. Will these tags actually make a difference?
Nothing in life is a guarantee, right? I can tell you that if you use the labels properly and use them as a layer in your product protection strategy, they will absolutely make a difference. We tested whether EAS made a difference a few years back. At one store, we took all physical security measures out for 2 months. After comparing shrink in that time span to historical data for the store and to its sister stores, it was clear that tagging does make a difference. I can guarantee that those executives will never ask that question again. 
For more information about Checkpoint Labels, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

I was browsing the web a few nights ago and came across an article titled, “S.A.Q”. I had no idea what it meant, so I read a bit. The acronym stands for Should Ask Questions. Questions that should be asked, but are seldom brought up. I thought, this would be a great way to tackle some of the challenges small retailers face in regards to product protection strategies. Smaller companies don’t have a large LP department that can test new products and do cost/benefit analyses on security devices. They are focused on running their businesses, while trying to balance ways to limit shrink. So I’ve put together 5 questions that retailers should ask about Checkpoint Labels, but don’t. 

1. What can I use checkpoint labels to secure?

Usually this is posed as, “I have a problem with item x, how can I fix the problem and stop shoplifting?” When looking at EAS labels, you really have an endless amount of possibilities to contend with. If you are a grocer, labels can be applied to high theft items like steak and cheese, but can also see use on thousands of other products that you may be having shrink issues with. For other stores, they can be applied to apparel, footwear and virtually any hardline item. 

2. How do I apply checkpoint labels to my product?

I wish more retailers would ask this question. I see, very often, a lack of understanding when it comes to security device. Whether they be a simple EAS label, or other more advanced systems, I find that often we are not thinking like a thief. Take for instance, a digital camera. Where would you apply the tag? If you said “on the box”, you’re wrong. If the box can simply be opened, you’ve defeated the purpose of the label altogether. If the thief’s end game is the product, they don’t really care about the box. A little common sense thinking can make your dollar go much further. So when you are applying your labels in the store, make sure to tag the physical product whenever possible and practical. 

3. Can the checkpoint label be defeated?

I won’t lie to you. They can be defeated. If you simply tag the box and not the product, then a thief can take advantage of that. I’ve had shoplifters take a knife and cut away the part of the packaging that had the EAS label attached to it. You have to be smart about placement as previously stated. You won’t stop every thief, especially a determined one, but you can minimize those hundreds of opportunistic thieves that will take advantage of a situation should one present itself. 

4. What is source tagging?

If you have a great relationship (or you buy a lot) from your manufacturer, you can most likely have them source tag certain products. What that means is that the product will come from the source with an EAS label or tag already attached. This means that you don’t have to spend the payroll cost to do it yourself. 

5. Will these tags actually make a difference?

Nothing in life is a guarantee, right? I can tell you that if you use the labels properly and use them as a layer in your product protection strategy, they will absolutely make a difference. We tested whether EAS made a difference a few years back. At one store, we took all physical security measures out for 2 months. After comparing shrink in that time span to historical data for the store and to its sister stores, it was clear that tagging does make a difference. I can guarantee that those executives will never ask that question again. 

For more information about Checkpoint Labels, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547




I’ve written hundreds of blogs specifically for my retail partners. While I enjoy sharing stories about shoplifters and the new cool technology out there to thwart them, I had a though the other day as I was getting a checkup at my doctor’s office. When both the nurse, then doctor came into the room they were all using iPads, instead of paper charting. Awesome, I thought to myself. I bet they can see more patients throughout the day as their jobs are more streamlined. My mind wandered straight back to my field though… I wondered if people have ever stolen a tablet. Of course someone has. Someone needs to introduce the medical community to the Alpha Thunder Tag. 
Ask yourself this question; have you ever considered the possibility of someone stealing your tablet? On any given day a hospital is filled with patients, visitors, contractors, as well as the staff. Out of all these people in and out all day long, statistically speaking, someone is going to at least attempt to get out with a tablet if the opportunity presents itself. Worse yet are individuals who specifically target hospitals due to the poor security measures in place protecting tablets and laptops. So what can you do to protect your investments in technology? Spend thousands of software to track the device? What about bulky locks and cases? You should consider giving the Alpha Thunder Tag a whirl. They are the go-to protection device for some of the country’s largest retailers. What is this device, though and how does it work?
Have you ever noticed those towers that are at the front entrance of just about every retail and grocery store? Those are part of the store’s EAS (electronic Article Surveillance) system. High theft items have a special tag attached to them, and if the tags are not removed at the register, the towers will alarm when a tag passes through them. It’s very simple, yet highly effective. 
The Alpha Thunder Tag uses this same technology, so you will also need to install these towers. A model such as the N10 antenna is incredibly small, measuring only a few inches wide and is practically invisible, so there’s no need to worry about bulky systems! The tag itself simply attaches to your iPad or similar device with some pretty strong adhesive. A plunger mechanism on the back detects any tampering. If someone removes the tag, it sounds an alarm to the tune of 95 dba. Loud enough for anyone around to hear. Additionally, if the tablet is removed from the designated area and the tag passes through the N10 antenna, it will also sound an audible alert, notifying staff or security of a possible theft. 
Not only can the system be set up throughout a hospital setting, it’s versatile enough to work in private practice offices and even research laboratories. Not only is it vital that we protect the actual tablet from theft, this simple method can easily keep patient data and extremely confidential information out of the hands of someone with ill intentions. 
If the retail can offer anything to our medical counterparts, it would be the N10 antenna and Thunder Tag combo. When used together, it gives you piece of mind to know that your technology will remain in house and out of the hands of criminals. It also gives your patients the peace of mind that their personal information will stay safe and out of the hands of criminals. 
For more information about (Alpha Thunder Tag) contact us or call 1.770.426.0547.

I’ve written hundreds of blogs specifically for my retail partners. While I enjoy sharing stories about shoplifters and the new cool technology out there to thwart them, I had a though the other day as I was getting a checkup at my doctor’s office. When both the nurse, then doctor came into the room they were all using iPads, instead of paper charting. Awesome, I thought to myself. I bet they can see more patients throughout the day as their jobs are more streamlined. My mind wandered straight back to my field though… I wondered if people have ever stolen a tablet. Of course someone has. Someone needs to introduce the medical community to the Alpha Thunder Tag. 

 Ask yourself this question; have you ever considered the possibility of someone stealing your tablet? On any given day a hospital is filled with patients, visitors, contractors, as well as the staff. Out of all these people in and out all day long, statistically speaking, someone is going to at least attempt to get out with a tablet if the opportunity presents itself. Worse yet are individuals who specifically target hospitals due to the poor security measures in place protecting tablets and laptops. So what can you do to protect your investments in technology? Spend thousands of software to track the device? What about bulky locks and cases? You should consider giving the Alpha Thunder Tag a whirl. They are the go-to protection device for some of the country’s largest retailers. What is this device, though and how does it work?

 Have you ever noticed those towers that are at the front entrance of just about every retail and grocery store? Those are part of the store’s EAS (electronic Article Surveillance) system. High theft items have a special tag attached to them, and if the tags are not removed at the register, the towers will alarm when a tag passes through them. It’s very simple, yet highly effective. 

 The Alpha Thunder Tag uses this same technology, so you will also need to install these towers. A model such as the N10 antenna is incredibly small, measuring only a few inches wide and is practically invisible, so there’s no need to worry about bulky systems! The tag itself simply attaches to your iPad or similar device with some pretty strong adhesive. A plunger mechanism on the back detects any tampering. If someone removes the tag, it sounds an alarm to the tune of 95 dba. Loud enough for anyone around to hear. Additionally, if the tablet is removed from the designated area and the tag passes through the N10 antenna, it will also sound an audible alert, notifying staff or security of a possible theft. 

 Not only can the system be set up throughout a hospital setting, it’s versatile enough to work in private practice offices and even research laboratories. Not only is it vital that we protect the actual tablet from theft, this simple method can easily keep patient data and extremely confidential information out of the hands of someone with ill intentions. 

 If the retail industry can offer anything to our medical counterparts, it would be the N10 antenna and Thunder Tag combo. When used together, it gives you piece of mind to know that your technology will remain in house and out of the hands of criminals. It also gives your patients the peace of mind that their personal information will stay safe and out of the hands of criminals. 

For more information about the Alpha Thunder Tag contact us or call 1.770.426.0547.