Ward Off Return Fraud: Win With Alpha Shark Tags

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Ward Off Return Fraud: Win With Alpha Shark Tags
     I enjoy looking up factoids for my articles.  Despite my retail experience, I am often shocked by the information I find. In some cases, if I were a business owner, a few of the statistics would shake me up.  Here are a few tidbits I came across on a website called “The Retail Equation”:
The U.S. retail industry lost 10.8 billion to 17.6 billion to return fraud in 2014.
Return fraud cost retailers and workers between 382,000 and 620,000 jobs last year.
Retail Revenue losses are costing states a total of $663 million to $1.076 billion in lost sales taxes
The numbers are staggering.  One of the major types of return fraud is wardrobing and it can be difficult to prevent.  Due to the impact wardrobing has had on the retail industry; Alpha Shark Tags were created as a means to deter this activity.
     Let me briefly explain the practice of wardrobing.  Customers who engage in this behavior purchase clothes take them home and find ways to remove tags or conceal them.  The merchandise is then worn to an event, a party, a social engagement or any other outing and usually returned within a few days.  The tags are often reattached or “unhidden” and the item is returned for a refund.  In the past, many retailers took these items back, even if there were indications they may have been worn.  The idea was that often the customer was considered a “regular” and managers did not want to risk losing the patron.  Besides, the excuse managers would use to take back the garments was that the customer had their receipt.  Make up stains or odors on the clothes, well don’t worry about it, we’ll just mark it down or defect the item out of stock.   Without a means of preventing the fraud other than turning down the return and risk causing a scene, or losing that “regular” customer, retailers were somewhat limited in their options.  That is where Alpha Shark Tags come in to play.
     Alpha Shark Tags are attached to clothes in a highly visible location and pinned closed.  Once closed, they cannot be removed except by cutting them off of the garment.  They are brightly colored to ensure they will be visible to other people. The tag therefore defeats the fraudulent attempt to look like a new item has been purchased for a night on the town. The tags have to be cut off by the purchaser once they get the clothing item home and choose to wear it.  An optional, custom printed tag can be ordered to warn purchasers of the store return policy and remind them an item cannot be returned if the tag has been removed.  The printed tag is pinned to the garment with the Alpha Shark Tag so the purchaser cannot claim to have seen a warning.  
     Unless you are renting out clothes, wardrobing is robbing your business of profitability.  Marking down clothing due to damage or prior wear will reduce your profit margin or totally eat it away.  If your store is marking clothing out of stock you are losing cost and profit.  Taking into consideration the initial processing of the original sale, the time sales staff may have spent assisting the customer in the purchasing decision and finally the return processing, you are probably costing yourself money. 
     If you decide that return fraud is costing you money and you are now going to take steps to prevent wardrobing in your business, I have one final caution.  Enforce your return policies.  If you start using tags to deter fraud, be sure your associates clearly point out the return policy and the Alpha Shark Tags at the time of the sale.  Make it clear that no returns will be accepted if the tag is removed.  Post the return policy in a prominent location at your point of sale.  Follow these suggestions and you can make a big impact on preventing return fraud in your store.
For more information on wardrobing contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 

I enjoy looking up factoids for my articles. Despite my retail experience, I am often shocked by the information I find. In some cases, if I were a business owner, a few of the statistics would shake me up. Here are a few tidbits I came across on a website called “The Retail Equation”:

The U.S. retail industry lost 10.8 billion to 17.6 billion to return fraud in 2014.

Return fraud cost retailers and workers between 382,000 and 620,000 jobs last year.

Retail Revenue losses are costing states a total of $663 million to $1.076 billion in lost sales taxes

The numbers are staggering. One of the major types of return fraud is wardrobing and it can be difficult to prevent. Due to the impact wardrobing has had on the retail industry; Alpha Shark Tags were created as a means to deter this activity.

Let me briefly explain the practice of wardrobing. Customers who engage in this behavior purchase clothes take them home and find ways to remove tags or conceal them. The merchandise is then worn to an event, a party, a social engagement or any other outing and usually returned within a few days. The tags are often reattached or “unhidden” and the item is returned for a refund. In the past, many retailers took these items back, even if there were indications they may have been worn. The idea was that often the customer was considered a “regular” and managers did not want to risk losing the patron. Besides, the excuse managers would use to take back the garments was that the customer had their receipt. Make up stains or odors on the clothes, well don’t worry about it, we’ll just mark it down or defect the item out of stock. Without a means of preventing the fraud other than turning down the return and risk causing a scene, or losing that “regular” customer, retailers were somewhat limited in their options. That is where Alpha Shark Tags come in to play.

Alpha Shark Tags are attached to clothes in a highly visible location and pinned closed. Once closed, they cannot be removed except by cutting them off of the garment. They are brightly colored to ensure they will be visible to other people. The tag therefore defeats the fraudulent attempt to look like a new item has been purchased for a night on the town. The tags have to be cut off by the purchaser once they get the clothing item home and choose to wear it. An optional, custom printed tag can be ordered to warn purchasers of the store return policy and remind them an item cannot be returned if the tag has been removed. The printed tag is pinned to the garment with the Alpha Shark Tag so the purchaser cannot claim to have seen a warning.  

Unless you are renting out clothes, wardrobing is robbing your business of profitability. Marking down clothing due to damage or prior wear will reduce your profit margin or totally eat it away. If your store is marking clothing out of stock you are losing cost and profit. Taking into consideration the initial processing of the original sale, the time sales staff may have spent assisting the customer in the purchasing decision and finally the return processing, you are probably costing yourself money. 

If you decide that return fraud is costing you money and you are now going to take steps to prevent wardrobing in your business, I have one final caution. Enforce your return policies. If you start using tags to deter fraud, be sure your associates clearly point out the return policy and the Alpha Shark Tags at the time of the sale. Make it clear that no returns will be accepted if the tag is removed. Post the return policy in a prominent location at your point of sale. Follow these suggestions and you can make a big impact on preventing return fraud in your store.

For more information on wardrobing contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 



Pouring Out Profits In Your Nightclub? Bottle Service Bolsters Sales!


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Pouring Out Profits In Your Nightclub?  Bottle Service Bolsters Sales!
     I know that all businesses face shortage and loss in various forms.  It may be operational loss due to poor procedures or lack of training.  It can be due to vendors not billing properly or shorting a business of product.  There is also loss due to dishonest employees.  My background is retail loss prevention, but I have found that much of what I learned over the years in the retail business has an equivalent in other businesses such as restaurants, grocery stores, etc.  In the case of nightclubs and bars, loss can occur with alcohol but bottle service may be part of the solution to this problem.
     In a club or bar the bartender has the ability to control how much he or she pours for patrons.  There are bartenders who will pour too much alcohol into drinks for friends.  This of course costs the nightclub money since it eats into the profit each bottle provides.  Instead of relying solely on a bartender, a club that offers bottle service provides a bottle or two of a top shelf liquor or wine to a group as part of the purchase price of the package.  The service includes a table in a prime location, usually somewhere near the dance floor.  If it is a large enough group, there is possibly a room reserved with a view of the band and dance floor.  The final perk is a dedicated waiter or waitress to serve the group while they are in the club. 
     The bottles served to the group come with bottle locks that can only be removed by the server.  The bottle locks prevent anyone not a part of the group from accessing the beverages.  The locks are tamper proof and are nearly impossible to be pried off the bottle.  The server carries a portable detachment key that is used to unlock the cap when drinks are to be poured.  Drinks are served from the bottles only by the group’s waiter or waitress.  Since the bottles belong to the group, there is no “over pouring” a drink with more alcohol than has been paid for in advance.  
     In addition to bartenders causing loss due to over pouring, whether intentionally or not, there is also the issue of mixing up orders.  In a nightclub, the crowds at the bar can make it difficult for bartenders and servers to get orders correct.  Anytime a drink is picked up by the wrong patron or not poured and mixed improperly the chances are good a patron is going to send the drink back expecting a replacement or expect a drink they never received in the first place.  Nightclubs with a bottle service avoid this because the waitress or waiter is not trying to serve a large group of people ordering at the same time.  Their focus is on the small group they are waiting on.  Chances of error are greatly reduced in this situation.  
     Nightclubs can benefit in a number of ways by incorporating a bottle service into their operation.  A personalized club experience with a dedicated wait staff can be an effective method to create repeat business.  Using bottle locks will provide security for a group’s purchase, protecting it from party crashers.  Finally, a dedicated waiter or waitress controls the flow of alcohol from pre-purchased bottles.  There is none of the opportunity for pouring excessive amounts of alcohol as is the case in a regular club situation.  Take the opportunity to reduce profit loss, consider making bottle service a part of your business.
For more information on bottle service contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

I know that all businesses face shortage and loss in various forms. It may be operational loss due to poor procedures or lack of training. It can be due to vendors not billing properly or shorting a business of product. There is also loss due to dishonest employees. My background is retail loss prevention, but I have found that much of what I learned over the years in the retail business has an equivalent in other businesses such as restaurants, grocery stores, etc. In the case of nightclubs and bars, loss can occur with alcohol but bottle service may be part of the solution to this problem.


In a club or bar the bartender has the ability to control how much he or she pours for patrons. There are bartenders who will pour too much alcohol into drinks for friends. This of course costs the nightclub money since it eats into the profit each bottle provides. Instead of relying solely on a bartender, a club that offers bottle service provides a bottle or two of a top shelf liquor or wine to a group as part of the purchase price of the package. The service includes a table in a prime location, usually somewhere near the dance floor. If it is a large enough group, there is possibly a room reserved with a view of the band and dance floor. The final perk is a dedicated waiter or waitress to serve the group while they are in the club. 


The bottles served to the group come with bottle locks that can only be removed by the server. The bottle locks prevent anyone not a part of the group from accessing the beverages. The locks are tamper proof and are nearly impossible to be pried off the bottle. The server carries a portable detachment key that is used to unlock the cap when drinks are to be poured. Drinks are served from the bottles only by the group’s waiter or waitress. Since the bottles belong to the group, there is no “over pouring” a drink with more alcohol than has been paid for in advance.  


In addition to bartenders causing loss due to over pouring, whether intentionally or not, there is also the issue of mixing up orders. In a nightclub, the crowds at the bar can make it difficult for bartenders and servers to get orders correct. Anytime a drink is picked up by the wrong patron or not poured and mixed improperly the chances are good a patron is going to send the drink back expecting a replacement or expect a drink they never received in the first place. Nightclubs with a bottle service avoid this because the waitress or waiter is not trying to serve a large group of people ordering at the same time.  Their focus is on the small group they are waiting on. Chances of error are greatly reduced in this situation.  


Nightclubs can benefit in a number of ways by incorporating a bottle service into their operation. A personalized club experience with a dedicated wait staff can be an effective method to create repeat business. Using bottle locks will provide security for a group’s purchase, protecting it from party crashers. Finally, a dedicated waiter or waitress controls the flow of alcohol from pre-purchased bottles. There is none of the opportunity for pouring excessive amounts of alcohol as is the case in a regular club situation. Take the opportunity to reduce profit loss, consider making bottle service a part of your business.


For more information on bottle service contact us or call 1.770.426.0547




Need An Answer To Shortage And Shrink? Alpha Security Is Your Solution


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Need An Answer To Shortage And Shrink? Alpha Security Is Your Solution 
     I had the privilege recently to sit in on a webinar discussing the results of the 2014-2015 Global Threat Barometer and the findings from that report.  As I listened to the presentation, there were several key facts that stood out to me, especially with the knowledge that soon stores will be preparing for inventories.  According to the report, employee theft and shoplifting account for almost 75% of all store shrinkage.  It was estimated in the report that the cost of retail crime in the U.S. was approximately 79.32 billion dollars!   Even more incredible, for the retailers which participated in the survey, representing 24 countries around the world, total shortage was estimated to be 123.4 BILLION dollars (U.S. dollars).  These numbers cannot be ignored.  There is theft happening within the walls of your store.  You may not be able to stop ALL theft, but by investing in Alpha Security products you can dramatically reduce that theft and improve profitability.
     There is a wide array of retail anti-theft devices on the market today that can prevent shoplifting of almost any product on the market.  Assuming you don’t have an electronic article surveillance system in place, I would recommend you first invest in one.  An EAS system is a strong visual deterrent to anyone entering your store with the intent to steal from you.  Once you have determined to purchase a system, selecting the right retail anti-theft devices for the products you carry is the next step.  Alpha security carries devices that can protect everything from jewelry to laundry detergent.  Do you sell coats?  Alpha cable locks can work for you.  Are tools your specialty?  Alpha VersaLok may be the answer to prevent shoplifting in your store.  The point is, if your store is not protected by using retail anti-theft devices, like it or not, you are the target of shoplifters.  If you are a large enough business to have any staff working for you, there is a strong possibility you are incurring some losses due to employee theft.
    Do you think the investment in retail anti-theft devices to prevent shoplifting is too costly an expense?  Do you think you can mark up your products to cover any losses you may experience?  Before you reach this conclusion, here is another factoid from the Global Threat Barometer webinar, the cost of retail crime in the U.S. equated to approximately $615.07 per household a year.  Households are already stretching budget dollars to make ends meet.  Adding to the $615.07 that thieves are already costing the average consumer with price increases is going to drive business away from your stores.  Stores that HAVE invested in Alpha security devices and other retail anti-theft devices are driving their shoplifters to your location(s). Put all these factors together and you can see how your profits can plummet.  
     Inventory control is not out of reach.  Investing in the right deterrence systems, such as Alpha security products is a step in the right direction.  According to the Global Threat Barometer webinar, additional “Best Practices” that can help you drive down shortage include leveraging internal data more effectively to understand shrinkage results.  Invest in employee training.  Knowledgeable employees who understand how they can prevent shortage and why it is important can make a significant difference for your operations.  Finally, budget effectively.  Managing how and where you invest to prevent shoplifting can pay greater dividends than trying to “secure everything”.  
     Don’t let your inventory results control you, invest time and resources in the right ways and you can control your inventory.  Alpha Technology can help you analyze your business to find the right solutions to fit your needs.  
For more information on Alpha Security contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

I had the privilege recently to sit in on a webinar discussing the results of the 2014-2015 Global Threat Barometer and the findings from that report. As I listened to the presentation, there were several key facts that stood out to me, especially with the knowledge that soon stores will be preparing for inventories. According to the report, employee theft and shoplifting account for almost 75% of all store shrinkage. It was estimated in the report that the cost of retail crime in the U.S. was approximately 79.32 billion dollars! Even more incredible, for the retailers which participated in the survey, representing 24 countries around the world, total shortage was estimated to be 123.4 BILLION dollars (U.S. dollars). These numbers cannot be ignored. There is theft happening within the walls of your store. You may not be able to stop ALL theft, but by investing in Alpha Security products you can dramatically reduce that theft and improve profitability.

There is a wide array of retail anti-theft devices on the market today that can prevent shoplifting of almost any product on the market. Assuming you don’t have an electronic article surveillance system in place, I would recommend you first invest in one. An EAS system is a strong visual deterrent to anyone entering your store with the intent to steal from you. Once you have determined to purchase a system, selecting the right retail anti-theft devices for the products you carry is the next step.  Alpha security carries devices that can protect everything from jewelry to laundry detergent.  Do you sell coats?  Alpha cable locks can work for you. Are tools your specialty? Alpha VersaLok may be the answer to prevent shoplifting in your store. The point is, if your store is not protected by using retail anti-theft devices, like it or not, you are the target of shoplifters. If you are a large enough business to have any staff working for you, there is a strong possibility you are incurring some losses due to employee theft.

Do you think the investment in retail anti-theft devices to prevent shoplifting is too costly an expense? Do you think you can mark up your products to cover any losses you may experience? Before you reach this conclusion, here is another factoid from the Global Threat Barometer webinar, the cost of retail crime in the U.S. equated to approximately $615.07 per household a year. Households are already stretching budget dollars to make ends meet. Adding to the $615.07 that thieves are already costing the average consumer with price increases is going to drive business away from your stores. Stores that HAVE invested in Alpha security devices and other retail anti-theft devices are driving their shoplifters to your location(s). Put all these factors together and you can see how your profits can plummet.  

Inventory control is not out of reach. Investing in the right deterrence systems, such as Alpha security products is a step in the right direction. According to the Global Threat Barometer webinar, additional “Best Practices” that can help you drive down shortage include leveraging internal data more effectively to understand shrinkage results. Invest in employee training. Knowledgeable employees who understand how they can prevent shortage and why it is important can make a significant difference for your operations. Finally, budget effectively. Managing how and where you invest to prevent shoplifting can pay greater dividends than trying to “secure everything”.  

Don’t let your inventory results control you, invest time and resources in the right ways and you can control your inventory. Alpha Technology can help you analyze your business to find the right solutions to fit your needs.  
For more information on Alpha Security contact us or call 1.770.426.0547



Checkpoint Security Systems Provide Affordable Product Protection

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Checkpoint Security Systems Provide Affordable Product Protection
     Where will we get the payroll?  I remember being confronted with this question countless times.  Occasionally it would be when I was a store loss prevention manager and had to convince a store manager of the value of a program.  There were times when I was a Logistics Manager and I asked the same question of the Store Manager when they wanted more from the logistics team.  It is a legitimate question that has to be asked before embarking on any new program or policy.  Someone reading this article may be considering a Checkpoint security system for their business and weighing the cost against the benefit.  How will I benefit and where will I get the payroll for tagging product? 
     These are fair questions, but let me say this; I have spent many hours applying Checkpoint tags to merchandise and I am well aware of the time it can take to do so.  I have placed hard tags on comforters and purses, and I have tagged thousands of cd’s, dvd’s and video games over the years.  Sometimes I did it because I wanted to assist our Merchandise Protection Team Member, and sometimes I did it to protect a new shipment of merchandise.  Regardless of the reason for doing so at the time, I believe it was worth the effort, our shortage results spoke for themselves, regularly coming in well below 1%.  A comprehensive theft prevention program which included a Checkpoint security system made these results possible.  I understand how payroll is a factor when looking at product security, and I know the dollars that can be recouped when a store uses electronic article surveillance.
     You may be that business owner who would like to install an anti-shoplifting system, but you are concerned about the investment you will have to make in having someone tag merchandise. Perhaps your concern involves branding of your merchandise, will Checkpoint tags or labels stand out like a sore thumb?  Checkpoint security system has the answers to your questions and can allay your concerns.  Much of the tagging process does not have to be done in the store any longer.  Working with vendors, Checkpoint has the ability to have your merchandise shipped to your store pre-tagged and ready to go to the floor.  No payroll time is added to protect the product, because it’s been done for you.   Whether your need is an alarmed hard tag on a jacket or an EAS label on a bottle, Checkpoint has a solution that will meet your business needs.  
     Checkpoint also offers tags and labels that can be branded with your logo or design on a number of different materials.  These tags can include your company brand or logo giving you that quality look, while affording you the protection of an EAS system.  Sewn into product these tags won’t diminish the appearance of the clothing.  They add deterrence value since thieves don’t know where to look for tags and will shy away from shoplifting in your store if they can’t find Checkpoint tags quickly.   One of the signs I used to look for when I was in the business of catching shoplifters was to watch for someone examining the tags on a piece of clothing.  It was fairly easy to distinguish the shopper looking for a price and the shoplifter looking for security tags.  If a shoplifter knows a store has a Checkpoint security system, but cannot locate the tags or labels, they tend to leave product alone.  Most shoplifters want to avoid being detected, making it easier to return and continue to steal from a merchant.  
     Before writing off installing a Checkpoint Security System due to concerns of payroll expense, look into the options they can offer to your business.  Vendor source tagging may be a cost effective means to protect your product from thieves.  Checkpoint labels and tags can be creatively designed to complement your style and brand and appeal to your clients.  Product security may be more affordable than you think.
For more information on Checkpoint Security System, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

Where will we get the payroll? I remember being confronted with this question countless times. Occasionally it would be when I was a store loss prevention manager and had to convince a store manager of the value of a program. There were times when I was a Logistics Manager and I asked the same question of the Store Manager when they wanted more from the logistics team. It is a legitimate question that has to be asked before embarking on any new program or policy. Someone reading this article may be considering a Checkpoint security system for their business and weighing the cost against the benefit. How will I benefit and where will I get the payroll for tagging product? 

These are fair questions, but let me say this; I have spent many hours applying Checkpoint tags to merchandise and I am well aware of the time it can take to do so. I have placed hard tags on comforters and purses, and I have tagged thousands of cd’s, dvd’s and video games over the years. Sometimes I did it because I wanted to assist our Merchandise Protection Team Member, and sometimes I did it to protect a new shipment of merchandise. Regardless of the reason for doing so at the time, I believe it was worth the effort, our shortage results spoke for themselves, regularly coming in well below 1%. A comprehensive theft prevention program which included a Checkpoint security system made these results possible. I understand how payroll is a factor when looking at product security, and I know the dollars that can be recouped when a store uses electronic article surveillance.

You may be that business owner who would like to install an anti-shoplifting system, but you are concerned about the investment you will have to make in having someone tag merchandise. Perhaps your concern involves branding of your merchandise, will Checkpoint tags or labels stand out like a sore thumb? Checkpoint security system has the answers to your questions and can allay your concerns. Much of the tagging process does not have to be done in the store any longer. Working with vendors, Checkpoint has the ability to have your merchandise shipped to your store pre-tagged and ready to go to the floor. No payroll time is added to protect the product, because it’s been done for you. Whether your need is an alarmed hard tag on a jacket or an EAS label on a bottle, Checkpoint has a solution that will meet your business needs.  

Checkpoint also offers tags and labels that can be branded with your logo or design on a number of different materials. These tags can include your company brand or logo giving you that quality look, while affording you the protection of an EAS system. Sewn into product these tags won’t diminish the appearance of the clothing. They add deterrence value since thieves don’t know where to look for tags and will shy away from shoplifting in your store if they can’t find Checkpoint tags quickly. One of the signs I used to look for when I was in the business of catching shoplifters was to watch for someone examining the tags on a piece of clothing. It was fairly easy to distinguish the shopper looking for a price and the shoplifter looking for security tags. If a shoplifter knows a store has a Checkpoint security system, but cannot locate the tags or labels, they tend to leave product alone. Most shoplifters want to avoid being detected, making it easier to return and continue to steal from a merchant.  

Before writing off installing a Checkpoint Security System due to concerns of payroll expense, look into the options they can offer to your business. Vendor source tagging may be a cost effective means to protect your product from thieves. Checkpoint labels and tags can be creatively designed to complement your style and brand and appeal to your clients. Product security may be more affordable than you think.

For more information on Checkpoint Security System, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547



Bottle Locks Can Help Control Business Insurance Expense

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Bottle Locks Can Help Control Business Insurance Expense
     Liquor stores carry a potentially higher risk liability than many other businesses.  Depending on the store and the offerings, the business may have to insure itself against potential liability if special events are held that include drink tasting.  Is the liquor store protected against potential liquor liability laws?   What about loss of business income if the store is temporarily closed or a license suspended?  Let’s face it, liquor stores seem to be a frequent target of robberies and theft, is the store protected from losses due to theft?  Obviously businesses have to carry liability insurance, BUT, are there steps you can take to help lower your exposure to risk?  What if a simple solution to help minimize your insurance expenses is to utilize Alpha security products such as bottle locks?
     You may be asking how the use of bottle locks could minimize risk and insurance costs.  Were you even aware that Alpha security devices include protection for bottles?  If you own a liquor store or a wine shop, you are probably already familiar with bottle security, but if not here is a quick description.  Bottle locks come in a variety of shapes and styles, designed to fit over the top of wine and liquor bottles.  If someone attempts to pry a lock off they risk breaking the bottle and spilling the contents.  If an attempt is made to walk out the door and the building has an electronic article surveillance system, the alarm will alert store employees of an attempted theft.  
     What does this have to do with risk?  Businesses are required to carry insurance, and depending on the type of business, the business owner may want or need to carry additional coverage.  For example, a business that owns a vehicle to travel will need vehicle insurance.  This may not be necessary for the business that does not require transportation of persons or goods.  In the same manner, a liquor store may be at higher risk for robbery and theft than perhaps a bicycle repair shop.  Property insurance for a liquor store may be necessary to cover losses due to theft, including liquor and wine bottles.  Alpha security products could mitigate some of that risk, deterring would-be shoplifters from stealing and creating a business loss.  And bear in mind, not all shoplifting is a single bottle being taken here or there.  There are professional thieves that can cause significant financial losses to a store.  They will come in, often in teams and distract employees and walk out with high priced bottles, sometimes doing this multiple times in one day.  If a significant portion of your merchandise is protected by bottle security devices, most thieves will not want to put the time and effort into trying to force off locks and risk damaging the merchandise.  They will find the store that is not protected and go there to commit their crimes.
     Another potential risk for loss is from employee theft.  No one wants to think their employees will steal from them but the fact is dishonest employees are out there.   I have almost 20 years of loss prevention experience and I have learned there is no way to look at an employee and know they will steal from you.  Sometimes they will steal simply because an opportunity becomes available to do so and sometimes they steal out of a felt hardship.  Regardless of the reason, employee theft can cause even more loss than a shoplifter.  Bottle locks can be a useful means to deter employees from stealing.  They will be aware of the chance of setting off an alarm if they decide to try to remove a bottle from the premises.
     By controlling your expenses, you can make your business much more profitable.  Alpha bottle locks are one way you can cut your losses and save money on insurance.   Protect your merchandise and reduce or eliminate the need to file insurance claims and add profit to your bottom line.  See what bottle security products can do for you.
For more information on bottle locks contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 

Liquor stores carry a potentially higher risk liability than many other businesses. Depending on the store and the offerings, the business may have to insure itself against potential liability if special events are held that include drink tasting. Is the liquor store protected against potential liquor liability laws? What about loss of business income if the store is temporarily closed or a license suspended? Let’s face it, liquor stores seem to be a frequent target of robberies and theft, is the store protected from losses due to theft? Obviously businesses have to carry liability insurance, BUT, are there steps you can take to help lower your exposure to risk? What if a simple solution to help minimize your insurance expenses is to utilize Alpha security products such as bottle locks?


You may be asking how the use of bottle locks could minimize risk and insurance costs. Were you even aware that Alpha security devices include protection for bottles? If you own a liquor store or a wine shop, you are probably already familiar with bottle security, but if not here is a quick description. Bottle locks come in a variety of shapes and styles, designed to fit over the top of wine and liquor bottles. If someone attempts to pry a lock off they risk breaking the bottle and spilling the contents.  If an attempt is made to walk out the door and the building has an electronic article surveillance system, the alarm will alert store employees of an attempted theft.  


What does this have to do with risk? Businesses are required to carry insurance, and depending on the type of business, the business owner may want or need to carry additional coverage. For example, a business that owns a vehicle to travel will need vehicle insurance. This may not be necessary for the business that does not require transportation of persons or goods. In the same manner, a liquor store may be at higher risk for robbery and theft than perhaps a bicycle repair shop. Property insurance for a liquor store may be necessary to cover losses due to theft, including liquor and wine bottles. Alpha security products could mitigate some of that risk, deterring would-be shoplifters from stealing and creating a business loss. And bear in mind, not all shoplifting is a single bottle being taken here or there. There are professional thieves that can cause significant financial losses to a store. They will come in, often in teams and distract employees and walk out with high priced bottles, sometimes doing this multiple times in one day. If a significant portion of your merchandise is protected by bottle security devices, most thieves will not want to put the time and effort into trying to force off locks and risk damaging the merchandise. They will find the store that is not protected and go there to commit their crimes.


Another potential risk for loss is from employee theft. No one wants to think their employees will steal from them but the fact is dishonest employees are out there. I have almost 20 years of loss prevention experience and I have learned there is no way to look at an employee and know they will steal from you. Sometimes they will steal simply because an opportunity becomes available to do so and sometimes they steal out of a felt hardship. Regardless of the reason, employee theft can cause even more loss than a shoplifter. Bottle locks can be a useful means to deter employees from stealing. They will be aware of the chance of setting off an alarm if they decide to try to remove a bottle from the premises.

By controlling your expenses, you can make your business much more profitable. Alpha bottle locks are one way you can cut your losses and save money on insurance. Protect your merchandise and reduce or eliminate the need to file insurance claims and add profit to your bottom line. See what bottle security products can do for you.


For more information on bottle locks contact us or call 1.770.426.0547