As I’ve said before, I’m a huge fan of Alpha Keepers. With so many different shapes and sizes, I can always find a solution to any theft problem I run into. I’ve compiled some of the most commonly stolen goods, which I find to also be the best candidates for use in the keepers. We’ll continue with items #6-10 below!
6. CDs
Yes, there are some people who still purchase CDs. While digital music is growing in popularity month by month, CDs are still a popular purchase, especially for the consumer who wants to physically touch/own the songs. Theft in this category is also pretty steady across the retail spectrum. Alpha Keepers have a dedicated line of product specifically designed to help protect these items. 
7. DVDs
If you’re going to prevent shoplifting of CDs, you may as well include the DVD line as well. There are obviously not much difference in the packages, however most retailers like to merchandise the two differently. The vast line of Alpha Keepers also have several options that include hang tabs, which allow you a wide range of options for display. 
8. Gaming Consoles
Why lock up your gaming consoles in a showcase, where your customer’s can’t access them? I personally hate having to wait for an employee to open a locked case. As a retailer myself, I absolutely understand the need to do so, however there are so many other options on the market to prevent shoplifting. The best method is using an Alpha Keeper. You can prominently display the units in a manner that allows simple and quick checkout/service to your customer, without having the added worry of a shoplifting incident. 
9. Gaming Accessories
While we’re talking about game consoles, let’s also talk about the copious amounts of accessories that go along with them. You have the controllers, cables, games, remotes, memory cards and wireless accessories. While it wouldn’t be practical to secure all of these items, I would recommend securing the more commonly stolen items. I can bet that you will find a keeper to meet any size or shape. 
10. Smart Phones
Now this is one that I haven’t seen too often, however it’s a great solution to prevent shoplifting here. If you don’t want to spend the capital to install an elaborate security system, or you don’t want to keep your entire stock of phones in your warehouse, the keepers are a great solution. This allows you to minimize on labor (having an employee go to the back to get a phone each time a customer wants one) and allows your customers to get in and out of the store as quickly as possible.  
With over 30 different sizes and shapes, you are almost guaranteed to find an Alpha keeper that will meet the needs of your store. With thieves becoming bolder and the ability to resell stolen goods becomes increasingly easier, boosters and professional thieves will continue to target this type of merchandise. A strong product protection program will help deter this activity in your store and help you to maximize your profits. 
For more information about Alpha Keepers contact us or call 1.770.426.0547.

As I’ve said before, I’m a huge fan of Alpha Keepers. With so many different shapes and sizes, I can always find a solution to any theft problem I run into. I’ve compiled some of the most commonly stolen goods, which I find to also be the best candidates for use in the keepers. We’ll continue with items #6-10 below!


6. CDs

Yes, there are some people who still purchase CDs. While digital music is growing in popularity month by month, CDs are still a popular purchase, especially for the consumer who wants to physically touch/own the songs. Theft in this category is also pretty steady across the retail spectrum. Alpha Keepers have a dedicated line of product specifically designed to help protect these items. 


7. DVDs

If you’re going to prevent shoplifting of CDs, you may as well include the DVD line as well. There are obviously not much difference in the packages, however most retailers like to merchandise the two differently. The vast line of Alpha Keepers also have several options that include hang tabs, which allow you a wide range of options for display. 


8. Gaming Consoles

Why lock up your gaming consoles in a showcase, where your customer’s can’t access them? I personally hate having to wait for an employee to open a locked case. As a retailer myself, I absolutely understand the need to do so, however there are so many other options on the market to prevent shoplifting. The best method is using an Alpha Keeper. You can prominently display the units in a manner that allows simple and quick checkout/service to your customer, without having the added worry of a shoplifting incident. 


9. Gaming Accessories

While we’re talking about game consoles, let’s also talk about the copious amounts of accessories that go along with them. You have the controllers, cables, games, remotes, memory cards and wireless accessories. While it wouldn’t be practical to secure all of these items, I would recommend securing the more commonly stolen items. I can bet that you will find a keeper to meet any size or shape. 


10. Smart Phones

Now this is one that I haven’t seen too often, however it’s a great solution to prevent shoplifting here. If you don’t want to spend the capital to install an elaborate security system, or you don’t want to keep your entire stock of phones in your warehouse, the keepers are a great solution. This allows you to minimize on labor (having an employee go to the back to get a phone each time a customer wants one) and allows your customers to get in and out of the store as quickly as possible.  


With over 30 different sizes and shapes, you are almost guaranteed to find an Alpha keeper that will meet the needs of your store. With thieves becoming bolder and the ability to resell stolen goods becomes increasingly easier, boosters and professional thieves will continue to target this type of merchandise. A strong product protection program will help deter this activity in your store and help you to maximize your profits. 

For more information about Alpha Keepers contact us or call 1.770.426.0547.


A Bottle Service Comparison


EASy bottle- 1, Bottle Service-4, Nightclub-3 , Bottle Locks-2 , Bottle Services-1
A Bottle Service Comparison
Let’s take a look at how different a night can be at a nightclub that offers bottle service and one that does not.  First, we’ll look at the one that does not offer this VIP treatment.  Your patrons arrive for the night and they all stand outside waiting in line to get in.  This is not necessarily a bad thing, but if you have a group there for a special occasion, they would probably like you to “dress up the presentation” a little for them.  Well, after that wait, they all follow the cattle line, get their identifications checked and hopefully find seats.  If it’s cold or rainy outside, they’ll likely want a place to put their things down; nobody wants to carry their things all night.  Then right before the entertainment starts, they all have to fight the crowd at the bar.  They have to get noticed by a bartender, order their drinks, and then wait and hope they get the right thing.  It’s a battle all night just to have a good time, and it’s not the way to get repeat business.  In the bar and nightclub scene, there’s so much competition, your business has to have a way to stand out and get noticed.
That’s why offering bottle service can set your establishment apart from the others.  Imagine this scenario and just relish in the differences of the experience.  You still have the general admission line; that won’t go away.  In fact you need those people to fill your other tables and dance floor.  But when you have people that have paid ahead of time for bottle service, they have their own entrance, or they just get to come in without waiting.  When they get inside, they are shown to their private table or booth where they have a guaranteed seat and space to put their things down.  They usually have already made these reservations, so you have their selections ready.  In order to use the VIP area, they must agree to purchase whole bottles of top shelf spirits.  There is generally a two to three bottle minimum, depending on the number of people in the party.  These bottles cost the party-goers about $350 each, on average.  They are also provided their choice of mixers, condiments and ice.  Plus they are assigned a private waitress for their evening.  This is how people want to celebrate a special evening.  Promotions, parties, and birthdays are the biggest reasons people want to come out and drink with a group of friends.  They’ll be more likely to bring their group to your nightclub if you offer bottle service.  
The whole point is to provide a great, high end, experience for your guests.  Your staff will love it too because the price of bottle service includes the gratuity, so that gets prepaid and they don’t have to worry about getting shafted and short changed by a big party.  If you decide to take a look into offering bottle services, here are some additional tips to make it work smoothly.  First, invest in bottle locks.  You can’t have your guests pouring their own drinks over there, so keeping them secured while they are out on the table is paramount.  Then equip your waitresses and servers with EASy bottle.  This is a special key that quickly opens the bottle locks, and is on a retractable cord so the waitress is always in control.  Bottle service, along with these tools, turns a nice night out into an experience they won’t soon forget.  
For more information of Bottle Service, contact us or call: 1.770.426.0547  

Let’s take a look at how different a night can be at a nightclub that offers bottle service and one that does not.  First, we’ll look at the one that does not offer this VIP treatment.  Your patrons arrive for the night and they all stand outside waiting in line to get in.  This is not necessarily a bad thing, but if you have a group there for a special occasion, they would probably like you to “dress up the presentation” a little for them.  Well, after that wait, they all follow the cattle line, get their identifications checked and hopefully find seats.  If it’s cold or rainy outside, they’ll likely want a place to put their things down; nobody wants to carry their things all night.  Then right before the entertainment starts, they all have to fight the crowd at the bar.  They have to get noticed by a bartender, order their drinks, and then wait and hope they get the right thing.  It’s a battle all night just to have a good time, and it’s not the way to get repeat business.  In the bar and nightclub scene, there’s so much competition, your business has to have a way to stand out and get noticed.

That’s why offering bottle service can set your establishment apart from the others.  Imagine this scenario and just relish in the differences of the experience.  You still have the general admission line; that won’t go away.  In fact you need those people to fill your other tables and dance floor.  But when you have people that have paid ahead of time for bottle service, they have their own entrance, or they just get to come in without waiting.  When they get inside, they are shown to their private table or booth where they have a guaranteed seat and space to put their things down.  They usually have already made these reservations, so you have their selections ready.  In order to use the VIP area, they must agree to purchase whole bottles of top shelf spirits.  There is generally a two to three bottle minimum, depending on the number of people in the party.  These bottles cost the party-goers about $350 each, on average.  They are also provided their choice of mixers, condiments and ice.  Plus they are assigned a private waitress for their evening.  This is how people want to celebrate a special evening.  Promotions, parties, and birthdays are the biggest reasons people want to come out and drink with a group of friends.  They’ll be more likely to bring their group to your nightclub if you offer bottle service.  

The whole point is to provide a great, high end, experience for your guests.  Your staff will love it too because the price of bottle service includes the gratuity, so that gets prepaid and they don’t have to worry about getting shafted and short changed by a big party.  If you decide to take a look into offering bottle services, here are some additional tips to make it work smoothly.  First, invest in bottle locks.  You can’t have your guests pouring their own drinks over there, so keeping them secured while they are out on the table is paramount.  Then equip your waitresses and servers with EASy bottle.  This is a special key that quickly opens the bottle locks, and is on a retractable cord so the waitress is always in control.  Bottle service, along with these tools, turns a nice night out into an experience they won’t soon forget.  

For more information of Bottle Service, contact us or call: 1.770.426.0547  



Don’t Put Patient Information and Safety At Risk – Alpha Thunder Tags Can Protect Mobile Devices From Theft


Alpha Thunder Tag – 4                                                                                                                         WC Blog 51
Tablet Theft – 5
Laptop Theft – 3
Don’t Put Patient Information and Safety At Risk – Alpha Thunder Tags Can Protect Mobile Devices From Theft
     The use of mobile technology in the medical field has had many positive benefits. According to a MEDPAGE TODAY article dated 02/10/2014, “Hospitals Use Tablets As Extension Of EHRs”, by David Pittman,
“Hospital rounds are completed more quickly” (University of Chicago Medicine)
“Tests can be ordered more quickly” (Vanderbilt University)
“The University of Pittsburgh tested software that can allow doctors to jump between apps without having to reenter patient information”
“Improvement in length of time for nurses to enter vital signs”
While the benefits continue to grow and medical centers and doctor’s offices see the advantages of using mobile technology, there are certain risks associated with the devices if they are lost or stolen.  Because these portable devices tend to be small, they can be difficult to protect.  The Alpha Thunder Tag has protections built in that make it the perfect choice in preventing tablet theft or laptop theft.
     The Alpha Thunder Tag is attached to the back of a device using a special adhesive.  To prevent unauthorized persons from removing the tag, a plunger built into the Thunder Tag will release if tampered with.  An alarm will then sound and alert staff to the attempted tablet theft or device theft.  There are 3 alarms that this protective device can activate.  The first, we just covered, a tamper alarm to prevent removal.  The second alarm will set off an Electronic Article Surveillance Antenna if an attempt to walk out through an antenna is attempted.  The third alarm is in the Thunder Tag.  Not only will the tag set off the antenna alarm, it has a built in alarm that will sound if someone tries to exit a building exit that is secured with an Electronic Article Surveillance Antenna.
     The question then arises, why would anyone attempt to steal a mobile medical device?  The quick answer is access to patient information.  Hospitals, medical research centers, dentist offices, etc. all are moving to the use of this technology.  Medical staff can rapidly access information that once was available only on desktop computers or paper charts and files.  As patient information is accessed on mobile technology, there is the chance that data becomes vulnerable to would be hackers and that information can be valuable. There are people who will buy personal information and use it for creating false identifications or to open fraudulent accounts.  Medical Laptop theft or tablet theft, could also compromise patient safety. On the website fda.gov/downloads/medicaldevices/deviceregulationandguidance/guidancedocuments “Content of Premarket Submissions for Management of Cyber Security in Medical Devices”, the following information is provided on page 2:  “Failure to maintain cybersecurity can result in compromised device functionality, loss of data (medical or personal) availability or integrity, or exposure of other connected devices or networks to security threats.  This in turn may have the potential to result in patient illness, injury or death.”   The dangers of medical tablet theft and laptop theft could carry over from information breaches to actual potential physical harm to patients.  If a tablet is attached to another device, for example a medication dispenser via an application, someone could remotely dispense the wrong medication or too much medication. The use of Alpha Thunder tags can prevent this by preventing the tablet theft in the first place.
     Because devices are not very large, I include laptops since they can fit in a good sized purse or book bag, they are easy to misplace or just lay down on a countertop.  In an office of any size, even one that is not very busy, if someone is not careful, a patient or office visitor can pick up a device from a shelf or desk.  Should someone attempt to leave with the device that is tagged, the electronic article surveillance system or the alarm on the device, will sound and alert office personnel.  
     As the medical provider, you have a responsibility for the safety of client information.  Don’t put your patient’s personal information or their safety at risk. Protect your office mobile devices with a proven security, the Alpha Thunder Tag.
For more information on the Alpha Thunder Tag, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

The use of mobile technology in the medical field has had many positive benefits. According to a MEDPAGE TODAY article dated 02/10/2014, “Hospitals Use Tablets As Extension Of EHRs”, by David Pittman,• “Hospital rounds are completed more quickly” (University of Chicago Medicine)

“Tests can be ordered more quickly” (Vanderbilt University)

“The University of Pittsburgh tested software that can allow doctors to jump between apps without having to reenter patient information”

“Improvement in length of time for nurses to enter vital signs”

While the benefits continue to grow and medical centers and doctor’s offices see the advantages of using mobile technology, there are certain risks associated with the devices if they are lost or stolen. Because these portable devices tend to be small, they can be difficult to protect. The Alpha Thunder Tag has protections built in that make it the perfect choice in preventing tablet theft or laptop theft.


The Alpha Thunder Tag is attached to the back of a device using a special adhesive. To prevent unauthorized persons from removing the tag, a plunger built into the Thunder Tag will release if tampered with. An alarm will then sound and alert staff to the attempted tablet theft or device theft. There are 3 alarms that this protective device can activate. The first, we just covered, a tamper alarm to prevent removal. The second alarm will set off an Electronic Article Surveillance Antenna if an attempt to walk out through an antenna is attempted. The third alarm is in the Thunder Tag. Not only will the tag set off the antenna alarm, it has a built in alarm that will sound if someone tries to exit a building exit that is secured with an Electronic Article Surveillance Antenna.

     The question then arises, why would anyone attempt to steal a mobile medical device?  The quick answer is access to patient information.  Hospitals, medical research centers, dentist offices, etc. all are moving to the use of this technology. Medical staff can rapidly access information that once was available only on desktop computers or paper charts and files. As patient information is accessed on mobile technology, there is the chance that data becomes vulnerable to would be hackers and that information can be valuable. There are people who will buy personal information and use it for creating false identifications or to open fraudulent accounts. Medical Laptop theft or tablet theft, could also compromise patient safety. On the website fda.gov/downloads/medicaldevices/deviceregulationandguidance/guidancedocuments “Content of Premarket Submissions for Management of Cyber Security in Medical Devices”, the following information is provided on page 2:  “Failure to maintain cybersecurity can result in compromised device functionality, loss of data (medical or personal) availability or integrity, or exposure of other connected devices or networks to security threats. This in turn may have the potential to result in patient illness, injury or death.”  The dangers of medical tablet theft and laptop theft could carry over from information breaches to actual potential physical harm to patients. If a tablet is attached to another device, for example a medication dispenser via an application, someone could remotely dispense the wrong medication or too much medication. The use of Alpha Thunder tags can prevent this by preventing the tablet theft in the first place.


Because devices are not very large, I include laptops since they can fit in a good sized purse or book bag, they are easy to misplace or just lay down on a countertop. In an office of any size, even one that is not very busy, if someone is not careful, a patient or office visitor can pick up a device from a shelf or desk. Should someone attempt to leave with the device that is tagged, the electronic article surveillance system or the alarm on the device, will sound and alert office personnel.  

As the medical provider, you have a responsibility for the safety of client information. Don’t put your patient’s personal information or their safety at risk. Protect your office mobile devices with a proven security, the Alpha Thunder Tag.

For more information on the Alpha Thunder Tag, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547



Sorry, Wrong New Hire


Background Check Company-2 , Employee Background Checks-3 , Pre-Employment Screening-2 
Sorry, Wrong New Hire
Have you ever come to realize you have absolutely hired the wrong person for the job?  The fact is some people are better at taking tests than others, and the same goes for interview skills.  Some people just have a knack to sell themselves and they are very convincing.  If your company is anything like mine, it can be harder to get rid of someone than it is to hire them.  You have to jump through hoops and go forward with different levels of documentation before you can terminate them.  Sometimes these hassles can be avoided if you take the extra step to perform a thorough pre-employment screening.  I’ve been stuck with people before that should have never been hired.  
People lie on their resume’.  They lie about where they use to work, their tenure at those companies, and even the positions they held.  If they were familiar enough with the supervisor’s job, they may falsify their records and claim that was their previous job.  You’d be surprised at what people try to pull off.  Too many times when we are in a position to hire, it’s because we have an immediate need and we’re in a rush to fill a spot.  Employers may ask a few questions, check the applicant’s pulse, and offer them a job.  Sometimes they call the listed references and sometimes they don’t even bother.  But references don’t always make a big difference.  The applicant chooses which people to tell you to call, so there’s no real way to make sure they’re accurate.  A quality background check company goes farther than these easy parts of the interview process.  They verify their previous employment, their education level, degree earned, and which school they actually attended.
My district manager hired a lady a few years ago, and it took me only a week to realize she was a terrible choice.   He told me she was a former fast food manager, so she was already well versed in cash register equipment, inventory controls, and how to handle difficult customers.   He was convinced she was the ideal candidate.  At that time we did not require employee background checks.  So, other than than maybe calling the references she provided, he really didn’t do any other research on her past.  She comes to start her training with me and I could tell right away there were going to be problems.  She couldn’t learn the simplest of tasks.  Or she could learn them, but she wasn’t retaining any of the information.  And she would say things like “I’m going to need you to learn me that again”.  I’m sorry, but proper grammar is a big deal to me.  Upon questioning her about her duties in her former job, I had a feeling she wasn’t the total package my boss thought she was.  Things just didn’t add up.  I started suspecting she had overstated some of her accolades, but at that point there wasn’t much I could do.  She didn’t make it through her first full year.   We essentially wasted all that time and money training her, and I suspect it was partly because we did not conduct employee background checks at that time.
The thing is people can put on all the charm and charisma in the world during an interview, but a good background check company can get past that and separate the fact from fiction.  Pre-employement screenings aren’t just about their criminal past; it’s other main objective is to verify all the claims listed on their application.  Quality employee background checks weed out the bad applicants without bias or favoritism.  
For more information on Background Checks, contact us or call: 1.770.426.0547

Have you ever come to realize you have absolutely hired the wrong person for the job? The fact is some people are better at taking tests than others, and the same goes for interview skills. Some people just have a knack to sell themselves and they are very convincing. If your company is anything like mine, it can be harder to get rid of someone than it is to hire them. You have to jump through hoops and go forward with different levels of documentation before you can terminate them. Sometimes these hassles can be avoided if you take the extra step to perform a thorough pre-employment screening. I’ve been stuck with people before that should have never been hired.  

People lie on their resume’. They lie about where they use to work, their tenure at those companies, and even the positions they held. If they were familiar enough with the supervisor’s job, they may falsify their records and claim that was their previous job. You’d be surprised at what people try to pull off. Too many times when we are in a position to hire, it’s because we have an immediate need and we’re in a rush to fill a spot. Employers may ask a few questions, check the applicant’s pulse, and offer them a job. Sometimes they call the listed references and sometimes they don’t even bother. But references don’t always make a big difference. The applicant chooses which people to tell you to call, so there’s no real way to make sure they’re accurate. A quality background check company goes farther than these easy parts of the interview process. They verify their previous employment, their education level, degree earned, and which school they actually attended.

My district manager hired a lady a few years ago, and it took me only a week to realize she was a terrible choice. He told me she was a former fast food manager, so she was already well versed in cash register equipment, inventory controls, and how to handle difficult customers. He was convinced she was the ideal candidate. At that time we did not require employee background checks. So, other than than maybe calling the references she provided, he really didn’t do any other research on her past. She comes to start her training with me and I could tell right away there were going to be problems. She couldn’t learn the simplest of tasks. Or she could learn them, but she wasn’t retaining any of the information.  And she would say things like “I’m going to need you to learn me that again”. I’m sorry, but proper grammar is a big deal to me. Upon questioning her about her duties in her former job, I had a feeling she wasn’t the total package my boss thought she was. Things just didn’t add up. I started suspecting she had overstated some of her accolades, but at that point there wasn’t much I could do.  She didn’t make it through her first full year. We essentially wasted all that time and money training her, and I suspect it was partly because we did not conduct employee background checks at that time.

The thing is people can put on all the charm and charisma in the world during an interview, but a good background check company can get past that and separate the fact from fiction. Pre-employement screenings aren’t just about their criminal past; it’s other main objective is to verify all the claims listed on their application. Quality employee background checks weed out the bad applicants without bias or favoritism.  

For more information on Background Checks, contact us or call: 1.770.426.0547


Return Fraud Is Not Just A Brick And Mortar Problem

Here’s the setting for one of the biggest problem many retailers are dealing with in the modern world: return fraud. (There are a lot of internet businesses out there that don’t have a brick and mortar location for their customers to come and shop in, so their customers are behind screens, order confirmation numbers, and shipping labels.) Let’s say I am having a big party this year but I don’t really have the budget to throw the event of the year that I am dreaming of. I’m going to need all new table linens, a big fancy centerpiece, and a whole new outfit complete with all the accessories. So I’ll order a new dress, the most expensive one they have probably. I’ll need shoes, a handbag, and some jewelry. I’m going to go online and buy it all from small internet only dealers, and then the day after my big party I’m going to go online and request return labels for all of it. That’s right: I want a full refund and free shipping. 


 You may be saving money by not having the cost of overhead for a big building, but with people like me buying your best stuff and returning it, you’re not saving any money. You’re also not making any money if you allow this to happen on a regular basis. The practice of buying stuff without any intent of keeping it is called wardrobing. Many of those that engage in it don’t really believe they are committing return fraud.  It’s one thing for a shopper to buy multiples of the same items in different sizes, and only keep the one that actually fits them. If you don’t have a store they can come try the stuff on, that’s their only safe option. The difference between the two returners is that the latter does not plan to use all of those garments. When they arrive back at your business address, they are still completely sellable.  he stuff I bought from you will not be. There will be grease and wine stains on the linens, sweat stains on the dress, scuffs on the shoes, and crumbs down in that high dollar purse. You won’t get full price out of any of that stuff. Oh, and I don’t have to look you in the eye when I send it all back.


So they big question is how do you stop those like me, that commit wardrobing?  The answer is actually simple, small in size, and bright red.  It’s called an Alpha Shark Tag. Before you ship anything out your door, you can attach one to each item in the box. It clips right onto a garment, or can be attached via lanyard to a pair of shoes or purse. There is no damage to the item, and the customer can still try on the item with no interference. The tag is placed in a prominent area of the garment or accessory so that it cannot just be tucked in and hidden. The idea is that the customer will have to take a pair of household scissors and clip off the Alpha Shark Tag before they can wear or use the item. Once removed, they cannot reattach it. It would also be very obvious if they attempt to tamper with the tag, which should also render the item non-returnable.  But, that would be clearly stated in the return policy you could attach with the Alpha Shark Tags. Wardrobing is a type of return fraud, and it can cost an online retailer more than the average store because of the costs of shipping.  It’s hard to get return customers to an online only dealer if you don’t have a fair return policy, but it’s also hard to stay afloat if your policy is too lax and you have to deal with wardrobing. 


For more information on Alpha Shark Tags, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547