Well here we are at the halfway point! I’m glad you’ve stuck around this long. I tried to think of some specialty retailers and specialized items that may get overlooked in the product protection strategy playbook. I’ve crafted yet another list of product that would make you a target for thieves if you’re not using EAS Labels. 
22. Ceramic Dolls
Does anyone else out there have a grandmother, or aunt that just has this huge collection of ceramic dolls? And does anyone else think that when you’re over at said grandmother or aunt’s house, that the dolls watch you? Well, I do; and it’s a creepy hobby if you ask me, but to each their own I suppose. For me, this is my grandmother. She loves to go out and collect these dolls; no matter the price. I’ve been with her a few times when she makes her purchase. Normally, it is a small retailer, which may even be family owned. You walk in, and there are hundreds of ceramic dolls just staring at you… There are also no EAS labels either. So if you’re not scared of being haunted, they are easy to steal. Just like the dolls, Checkpoint Labels are always watching. 
23. Key chains 
How many gift shops have you stumbled your way into? Every single place we go, it seems like my girlfriend will find a gift shop; and they’re all the same.. They all carry the same basic items: T-Shirts from the city, shot glasses, magnets and of course key chains. I often wonder just how many get stolen every year. They are super small, easily concealable and often placed in back corners. A perfect storm for inviting theft. There are some smaller Checkpoint Labels out there that can be a great tool to use here. 
24. Cookbooks
This goes back to my gift shop owners. You can always find a local cookbook in there as well. Why take the chance of a shoplifter taking this book? Use a Checkpoint Label to make sure your profits don’t burn like your bisque. Here’s a good tip for tagging books. Don’t do like so many retailers and put the label on the back cover. Criminals are stupid, but they aren’t dumb. They can easily attempt to defeat the label. Instead, hide the EAS Label on a random blank page in the book. That way, the tag is harder for the shoplifter to detect and will certainly still set the door alarm off if someone tries to walk away with your recipes!
25. Bedding Sets
I know, this one is a little random; but I didn’t have anywhere else to include it at. I recently found myself purchasing new bedding set. Egyptian cotton, 1000 thread count. I sleep like a baby. It also set me back more than I ever thought I’d pay for sheets, too. This is another item that is made perfect for the professional price-switcher. With just a little effort, a thief can swap out the tags and really give your P&L nightmares. Don’t’ let it happen to you. Use your Checkpoint Labels and sleep better knowing that your profits are staying in your pockets!
For more information on Checkpoint Labels, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

Well here we are at the halfway point! I’m glad you’ve stuck around this long. I tried to think of some specialty retailers and specialized items that may get overlooked in the product protection strategy playbook. I’ve crafted yet another list of product that would make you a target for thieves if you’re not using EAS Labels

 22. Ceramic Dolls

Does anyone else out there have a grandmother, or aunt that just has this huge collection of ceramic dolls? And does anyone else think that when you’re over at said grandmother or aunt’s house, that the dolls watch you? Well, I do; and it’s a creepy hobby if you ask me, but to each their own I suppose. For me, this is my grandmother. She loves to go out and collect these dolls; no matter the price. I’ve been with her a few times when she makes her purchase. Normally, it is a small retailer, which may even be family owned. You walk in, and there are hundreds of ceramic dolls just staring at you… There are also no EAS labels either. So if you’re not scared of being haunted, they are easy to steal. Just like the dolls, Checkpoint Labels are always watching. 

 23. Key chains 

How many gift shops have you stumbled your way into? Every single place we go, it seems like my girlfriend will find a gift shop; and they’re all the same.. They all carry the same basic items: T-Shirts from the city, shot glasses, magnets and of course key chains. I often wonder just how many get stolen every year. They are super small, easily concealable and often placed in back corners. A perfect storm for inviting theft. There are some smaller Checkpoint Labels out there that can be a great tool to use here. 

 24. Cookbooks

This goes back to my gift shop owners. You can always find a local cookbook in there as well. Why take the chance of a shoplifter taking this book? Use a Checkpoint Label to make sure your profits don’t burn like your bisque. Here’s a good tip for tagging books. Don’t do like so many retailers and put the label on the back cover. Criminals are stupid, but they aren’t dumb. They can easily attempt to defeat the label. Instead, hide the EAS Label on a random blank page in the book. That way, the tag is harder for the shoplifter to detect and will certainly still set the door alarm off if someone tries to walk away with your recipes!

 25. Bedding Sets

I know, this one is a little random; but I didn’t have anywhere else to include it at. I recently found myself purchasing new bedding set. Egyptian cotton, 1000 thread count. I sleep like a baby. It also set me back more than I ever thought I’d pay for sheets, too. This is another item that is made perfect for the professional price-switcher. With just a little effort, a thief can swap out the tags and really give your P&L nightmares. Don’t’ let it happen to you. Use your Checkpoint Labels and sleep better knowing that your profits are staying in your pockets!


For more information on Checkpoint Labels, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547



Bottle Service Keeps Your Nightclub From Becoming A Wild West Saloon!

Bottle Service -5                                                                                                                            WC blog 109
Bottle lock-4
Bottle Service Keeps Your Nightclub From Becoming A Wild West Saloon!
     I am a HUGE fan of western movies and ESPECIALLY John Wayne!  I love sitting down and watching the bad guys terrorizing the town and then the sheriff, outnumbered and outgunned takes on the unruly gang and their leader.  How about the saloon fights?  One guy standing at the bar minding his own business and in walks the local bully who gets drunk and wants to start a fight?  The little guy gets pushed around and in steps someone who is willing to confront the bully and his thugs.  Fists fly, the piano player in the corner trying to play his music while mayhem rules the barroom.  Mugs of beer get tossed in a person’s face and whiskey bottles are smashed over someone’s head.  I know, it’s the movies, it is glamorized and the reality is fights leave people really hurt and not everyone wakes up after a pitcher of water is tossed on the face.  Now, what would happen in those same movies if the saloons (the nightclubs of the day) offered a bottle service to their customers?  The scenario would be a little different and so would my movie watching.
     A little background on what the bottle service is before I go on.  Nightclubs that offer this service are offering a party package that is purchased in advance.  The group pays for a waiter/waitress who will be attending to the party for the night.  They also receive a booth or table and in some cases a room that gives them a best view in the house, so to speak.  Their server will pour and mix their drinks from a bottle or two of a premium wine or alcohol beverage.  Each bottle is secured with a bottle lock so the server controls who gets a drink and how much.  Hint: The server can also cut off a party member who is getting too drunk or obnoxious.
     Now, picture what my favorite westerns would look like if the saloons of the day had bottle service.  The outlaw gang makes reservations for their group for the night.  They arrive and are greeted by the saloon owner who makes a big show of their arrival and escorts them to a table near the piano player and they meet their waitress for the evening.  The barroom (or nightclub) starts to fill with patrons and people are having a good time.  The gang leader has had a couple of drinks and is starting to get loud.  He demands another drink and the waitress refuses to take the bottle lock off of the whiskey.  Our bad guy is now more demanding and wants the bottle lock removed so he can pour his own drink.  The waitress reminds him that as per their service agreement, she is responsible for removing the bottle lock and mixing drinks and has the right to cut off a guest who she feels is too intoxicated.  The waitress contacts the saloon owner who then reviews the terms of the agreement with the gang and explains the beech of the contract.  The gang reluctantly gets up and leaves the saloon. No fight breaks out and everyone else continues to enjoy a good time.
     Boy, am I glad they didn’t have bottle service in the old days that certainly would not make for an entertaining movie!  Of course I am being silly, but in a sense this is what a service can do for today’s nightclub or bar owner.  Create a unique experience for a group, perhaps for a birthday party or other celebration and provide a dedicated server who can control drinks and mixing.   Should a group member start to become too drunk or out of line, they can be cut-off from additional drinks and club security can be made aware before the person starts to fight or cause a problem.
     Bottle service is a great way to increase your income and offer new experiences for your customers. Don’t let your nightclub turn into a Wild West saloon, make it a fun, safe and controlled environment for everyone!
Get more information on Bottle Service, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.

I am a HUGE fan of western movies and ESPECIALLY John Wayne! I love sitting down and watching the bad guys terrorizing the town and then the sheriff, outnumbered and outgunned takes on the unruly gang and their leader. How about the saloon fights? One guy standing at the bar minding his own business and in walks the local bully who gets drunk and wants to start a fight? The little guy gets pushed around and in steps someone who is willing to confront the bully and his thugs. Fists fly, the piano player in the corner trying to play his music while mayhem rules the barroom. Mugs of beer get tossed in a person’s face and whiskey bottles are smashed over someone’s head. I know, it’s the movies, it is glamorized and the reality is fights leave people really hurt and not everyone wakes up after a pitcher of water is tossed on the face. Now, what would happen in those same movies if the saloons (the nightclubs of the day) offered a bottle service to their customers? The scenario would be a little different and so would my movie watching.

A little background on what the bottle service is before I go on. Nightclubs that offer this service are offering a party package that is purchased in advance. The group pays for a waiter/waitress who will be attending to the party for the night. They also receive a booth or table and in some cases a room that gives them a best view in the house, so to speak. Their server will pour and mix their drinks from a bottle or two of a premium wine or alcohol beverage. Each bottle is secured with a bottle lock so the server controls who gets a drink and how much. Hint: The server can also cut off a party member who is getting too drunk or obnoxious.


Now, picture what my favorite westerns would look like if the saloons of the day had bottle service. The outlaw gang makes reservations for their group for the night. They arrive and are greeted by the saloon owner who makes a big show of their arrival and escorts them to a table near the piano player and they meet their waitress for the evening. The barroom (or nightclub) starts to fill with patrons and people are having a good time. The gang leader has had a couple of drinks and is starting to get loud. He demands another drink and the waitress refuses to take the bottle lock off of the whiskey. Our bad guy is now more demanding and wants the bottle lock removed so he can pour his own drink. The waitress reminds him that as per their service agreement, she is responsible for removing the bottle lock and mixing drinks and has the right to cut off a guest who she feels is too intoxicated. The waitress contacts the saloon owner who then reviews the terms of the agreement with the gang and explains the breech of the contract. The gang reluctantly gets up and leaves the saloon. No fight breaks out and everyone else continues to enjoy a good time.


Boy, am I glad they didn’t have bottle service in the old days that certainly would not make for an entertaining movie! Of course I am being silly, but in a sense this is what a service can do for today’s nightclub or bar owner. Create a unique experience for a group, perhaps for a birthday party or other celebration and provide a dedicated server who can control drinks and mixing. Should a group member start to become too drunk or out of line, they can be cut-off from additional drinks and club security can be made aware before the person starts to fight or cause a problem.

Bottle service is a great way to increase your income and offer new experiences for your customers. Don’t let your nightclub turn into a Wild West saloon, make it a fun, safe and controlled environment for everyone!


Get more information on Bottle Service, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.



Gaming Keepers Take The Fun Out Of Video Game Theft


Gaming Keepers – 5                                                                                                     WC blog 97
Retail Anti-Theft Devices-4
Prevent Shoplifting-3
Gaming Keepers Take The Fun Out Of Video Game Theft
     Sometimes there are things that just don’t make sense.  When I worked in Loss Prevention for one big box retailer, one of those items the store was locking up were video games while at the same time other games were kept on open shelves or in a bargain bin.  The games that were loose were protected with only an electronic article surveillance soft tag.  I suppose the idea behind this was that they were cheaper so that was why people wouldn’t steal them? IF that was the train of thought someone should have informed our shoplifters.  I am not belittling the use of soft tags, they do prevent shoplifting and are appropriate in many instances, especially when applied directly to a box or source tagged.   However, I had enough experience with cellophane wrappers being removed and the electronic article surveillance (EAS) tag with it that I recognized gaming keepers would be the more logical retail anti-theft device for protecting video game software. 
     If you are not familiar with them, gaming keepers are clear, hard, plastic, locking boxes that are EAS compatible.   The video game is placed in the box, the hinged bottom is locked and the merchandise cannot be taken out without a detachment key.  Customers have the ability to look at the game, read the contents, warnings and ratings, and even carry it around the store.  The merchant can prevent shoplifting by using these retail anti-theft devices because there is little chance a shoplifter will get the merchandise out without making a significant racket.  Should a shoplifter attempt to walk out with merchandise, the keeper will set off an EAS alarm if the store has an EAS system. Sales can also be increased when gaming keepers are used because customers don’t have to wait for someone to unlock a showcase just so they can browse games.  People don’t like to wait because, if they wait too long, they leave and a sale is lost.
     I mentioned previously I worked for a particular big box retailer and we had these open display games protected only with the soft tags.  I had one shoplifting case that could have been avoided had the store used gaming keepers for the “value” games.  In this situation, a woman was in the store “shopping” and stopped at the value games.  She selected a number of games and slipped them into her purse and went to the restroom.  Restroom stops were not permitted by this company, but neither were stops at the time of concealment.  To be clear, most stores do not allow either type of stop.  The woman exited the restroom, and immediately exited the store, and no EAS alarm was activated.  I inspected the restroom and indeed, found the cellophane wrappers and the EAS tags in the trash.  
     Being well aware that shoplifters tend to return when they feel they have found an easy target, I made my supervisor and a co-worker aware of the suspect and what she had done.  Sure enough, a few days later the woman returned, this time with her daughter in tow.  I had a partner with me and we watched the woman on camera as she did the same thing.  This time we were able to prevent her from entering the restroom and she headed for the exit.  We stopped her and she began to toss the merchandise from her purse onto the floor.  The woman fled the store and left her child behind, the little girl obviously crying and screaming for her mother.  Eventually the woman was caught and the child was turned over to a guardian by the police.  Had we used retail anti-theft devices, such as gaming keepers, we may have avoided this ugly episode in the first place.  Ease of access and perceived lack of security provided the shoplifter with what she believed was the opportunity to get away with her theft. 
     Prevent shoplifting of video games in your store.  Use the right retail anti-theft devices and you will remove the opportunity for theft and, at the same time, improve sales with better in-stocks!
For more information on Gaming Keepers, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547   

Sometimes there are things that just don’t make sense. When I worked in Loss Prevention for one big box retailer, one of those items the store was locking up were video games while at the same time other games were kept on open shelves or in a bargain bin. The games that were loose were protected with only an electronic article surveillance soft tag. I suppose the idea behind this was that they were cheaper so that was why people wouldn’t steal them? IF that was the train of thought someone should have informed our shoplifters. I am not belittling the use of soft tags, they do prevent shoplifting and are appropriate in many instances, especially when applied directly to a box or source tagged. However, I had enough experience with cellophane wrappers being removed and the electronic article surveillance (EAS) tag with it that I recognized gaming keepers would be the more logical retail anti-theft device for protecting video game software. 

If you are not familiar with them, gaming keepers are clear, hard, plastic, locking boxes that are EAS compatible. The video game is placed in the box, the hinged bottom is locked and the merchandise cannot be taken out without a detachment key. Customers have the ability to look at the game, read the contents, warnings and ratings, and even carry it around the store. The merchant can prevent shoplifting by using these retail anti-theft devices because there is little chance a shoplifter will get the merchandise out without making a significant racket. Should a shoplifter attempt to walk out with merchandise, the keeper will set off an EAS alarm if the store has an EAS system Sales can also be increased when gaming keepers are used because customers don’t have to wait for someone to unlock a showcase just so they can browse games. People don’t like to wait because, if they wait too long, they leave and a sale is lost.

I mentioned previously I worked for a particular big box retailer and we had these open display games protected only with the soft tags.  I had one shoplifting case that could have been avoided had the store used gaming keepers for the “value” games. In this situation, a woman was in the store “shopping” and stopped at the value games. She selected a number of games and slipped them into her purse and went to the restroom. Restroom stops were not permitted by this company, but neither were stops at the time of concealment. To be clear, most stores do not allow either type of stop. The woman exited the restroom, and immediately exited the store, and no EAS alarm was activated. I inspected the restroom and indeed, found the cellophane wrappers and the EAS tags in the trash.  

Being well aware that shoplifters tend to return when they feel they have found an easy target, I made my supervisor and a co-worker aware of the suspect and what she had done. Sure enough, a few days later the woman returned, this time with her daughter in tow. I had a partner with me and we watched the woman on camera as she did the same thing. This time we were able to prevent her from entering the restroom and she headed for the exit. We stopped her and she began to toss the merchandise from her purse onto the floor. The woman fled the store and left her child behind, the little girl obviously crying and screaming for her mother. Eventually the woman was caught and the child was turned over to a guardian by the police. Had we used retail anti-theft devices, such as gaming keepers, we may have avoided this ugly episode in the first place. Ease of access and perceived lack of security provided the shoplifter with what she believed was the opportunity to get away with her theft. 

Prevent shoplifting of video games in your store. Use the right retail anti-theft devices and you will remove the opportunity for theft and, at the same time, improve sales with better in-stocks!


For more information on Gaming Keepers, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547   



Preventing Theft With Checkpoint Systems Part 1

Checkpoint Security Systems -5                                                                                                      WC blog 98
Checkpoint tags – 4
Retail Theft Prevention – 3
Preventing Theft With Checkpoint Systems Part 1
     As a store owner or a person in charge of managing a retail store(s), do you find yourself spending a significant amount of time trying to determine where merchandise losses are coming from?  Have you examined how much of your time is being spent trying to address shortage rather than being able to focus on the other areas of your business where you could enhance sales? What if you could work smarter, not harder and drive down shortage AND put your energy into other aspects of your business?  I would like to recommend that investing in a Checkpoint security system can do all this and more.
     A Checkpoint security system in a nutshell is a combination of Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) antennas positioned at store access points, Checkpoint tags that are attached to merchandise, testing equipment, deactivation and detachment devices.  Data analytics can also be integrated to provide you with customer traffic information, alarm activations, and alarm response times.  A retail theft prevention program built around a Checkpoint security system will make a significant and immediate impact in reducing store stock shortage.
     This may seem like a lot of information so I would like to take time to discuss some of the important points on each part of the system.  While the company can explain all the features and benefits of each component, there are some highlights I will point out, starting with the EAS antennas.  There are a number of styles to choose from, larger antennas have the ability to have advertising panels added to them that can be interchanged.  Some models have the ability to read RFID tags and EAS Checkpoint tags which permit an easy transition if you were to opt for a change in the future.  For stores with small entrances or where you may not have a lot of sales floor space and you can’t afford to lose any square footage, there is a small profile antenna offered called the Classic N10.  Whatever you may determine your needs are while consulting with Checkpoint staff, there is an antenna that will suit your business needs.  
     In addition to the benefits of the styles and designs offered with the selection of antennas, there is a functional aspect to how they impact retail theft prevention.  There is deterrence value to having antennas installed at entrances and exits.  When a potential shoplifter or even an employee sees the antennas they know that there is merchandise in the store that is protected with Checkpoint tags or EAS labels.  There is always a chance that a person entering your store with the intent of stealing may very well choose to leave and find another retailer without EAS protection.  The other practical function is that when a piece of merchandise that is protected with Checkpoints tags or labels is brought within range of the antennas, a loud, audible alarm is activated in the antenna, as are flashing LED lights.  Employees are alerted and respond to determine a cause for the alarm and recover merchandise someone may be attempting to steal or forgot to pay for, such as an item that was on the bottom of a shopping cart.
      Finally, as you are investigating the benefits of Checkpoint security systems, don’t forget to consider protecting all of the store entry points.  It is easy to think only of the potential for shoplifters to steal, but you should be aware that roughly half of all retail shortage is due to employee theft according to the 2015 Global Retail Theft Barometer Report.  Back doors or employee entrances are vulnerable points, often overlooked when EAS antennas are installed.  Dishonest employees or vendors can use these access points to spirit away merchandise protected with Checkpoint tags and no alarm will be activated.
    Start building a retail theft prevention program around the right Checkpoint security system, starting with the EAS antennas.  With the proper tools in place, you will begin to see merchandise theft decrease sharply and profits increase.  When that happens you can focus on other areas to improve sales!
For more information on Checkpoint security systems, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 

As a store owner or a person in charge of managing a retail store(s), do you find yourself spending a significant amount of time trying to determine where merchandise losses are coming from? Have you examined how much of your time is being spent trying to address shortage rather than being able to focus on the other areas of your business where you could enhance sales? What if you could work smarter, not harder and drive down shortage AND put your energy into other aspects of your business? I would like to recommend that investing in a Checkpoint security system can do all this and more.

A Checkpoint security system in a nutshell is a combination of Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) antennas positioned at store access points, Checkpoint tags that are attached to merchandise, testing equipment, deactivation and detachment devices. Data analytics can also be integrated to provide you with customer traffic information, alarm activations, and alarm response times. A retail theft prevention program built around a Checkpoint security system will make a significant and immediate impact in reducing store stock shortage.

This may seem like a lot of information so I would like to take time to discuss some of the important points on each part of the system.  While the company can explain all the features and benefits of each component, there are some highlights I will point out, starting with the EAS antennas. There are a number of styles to choose from, larger antennas have the ability to have advertising panels added to them that can be interchanged. Some models have the ability to read RFID tags and EAS Checkpoint tags which permit an easy transition if you were to opt for a change in the future. For stores with small entrances or where you may not have a lot of sales floor space and you can’t afford to lose any square footage, there is a small profile antenna offered called the Classic N10. Whatever you may determine your needs are while consulting with Checkpoint staff, there is an antenna that will suit your business needs.  

In addition to the benefits of the styles and designs offered with the selection of antennas, there is a functional aspect to how they impact retail theft prevention. There is deterrence value to having antennas installed at entrances and exits. When a potential shoplifter or even an employee sees the antennas they know that there is merchandise in the store that is protected with Checkpoint tags or EAS labels. There is always a chance that a person entering your store with the intent of stealing may very well choose to leave and find another retailer without EAS protection. The other practical function is that when a piece of merchandise that is protected with Checkpoints tags or labels is brought within range of the antennas, a loud, audible alarm is activated in the antenna, as are flashing LED lights. Employees are alerted and respond to determine a cause for the alarm and recover merchandise someone may be attempting to steal or forgot to pay for, such as an item that was on the bottom of a shopping cart.

Finally, as you are investigating the benefits of Checkpoint security systems, don’t forget to consider protecting all of the store entry points. It is easy to think only of the potential for shoplifters to steal, but you should be aware that roughly half of all retail shortage is due to employee theft according to the 2015 Global Retail Theft Barometer Report. Back doors or employee entrances are vulnerable points, often overlooked when EAS antennas are installed. Dishonest employees or vendors can use these access points to spirit away merchandise protected with Checkpoint tags and no alarm will be activated.

Start building a retail theft prevention program around the right Checkpoint security system, starting with the EAS antennas.  With the proper tools in place, you will begin to see merchandise theft decrease sharply and profits increase. When that happens you can focus on other areas to improve sales!


For more information on Checkpoint security systems, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 


Checkpoint Systems In The Medical Field


CPN10-3 , Thunder Tag-4 , Tablet Theft-3
Checkpoint Systems In The Medical Field
Many doctor’s offices are converting to all digital records keeping systems.  This allows them to use less physical space for those bulky file cabinets or records boxes.  It also allows offices the ability to share information more easily and freely.  Imagine the convenience of simply emailing patient history or lab results directly to another provider, instead of having to retrieve them and fax or even mail them.  Many offices are now even converting their check-in process to a digital format and providing the patient with a tablet or I-pad to enter or update their information.  Unfortunately there always seems to be a downside to any process evolution, and this is no exception.  Office staff was already responsible for the security and maintenance of paper records; a tablet theft could result in the loss of hundreds or thousands of patients’ records.  
You’ve heard of financial identity fraud, but medical identity fraud can be just as devastating.  It’s hard enough for someone to deal with the bank if their credit card information is stolen and they discover unauthorized charges.  Medical information is just as valuable.  Health insurance is a new commodity that hackers can sell.  It is a new lucrative market and the money that can be made from one tablet theft from a medical office is astounding.  A local news station just covered a story last week that was a prime example of what can happen when this type of information gets in the wrong hands.  A woman got a hospital bill in the mail for her husband.  There was also a whopping charge for an MRI, which her insurance did not cover.  The big problem: her husband had not been hospitalized.  Someone had stolen his medical records and made a fake health insurance and identity cards.  Then they went and had some outpatient surgery, among other procedures, and now this poor woman gets the bill.  When the investigation is completed, I would hate to be the medical office manager that gets the blame for this breach.  Heads will roll.
Instances like this will get more common as the switch to digital occurs, because a tablet theft from a doctor’s office can have such far reaching repercussions.  There is a solution to protect these valuable devices though.  Two tools, the Checkpoint N10 system and the Alpha Thunder Tag, are the tag team duo that can save the day.  The thunder tag is simply attached to the device that needs to be protected.  If someone attempts to remove or tamper with the tag, it will self-alarm and alert your staff.  If a patient accidentally attempts to take the tablet beyond the established perimeter, the thunder tag will also set off an alarm.  That is where the N10 system plays its part.  This is a sleek, space-saving system that attaches to the door frame.  It has the same detection capability of its larger counterparts that you see at the entrance of many department stores.  This same system that protects a store’s merchandise from shoplifters can protect any medical devices at a doctor’s office or hospital.  
Keeping the patient’s medical information secure is paramount.  When considering the cost of the digital conversion and the fines and sanctions the office would face if a loss occurs, the answer is clear.  An investment in the Checkpoint N10 system and Alpha Thunder tags is well worth the peace of mind knowing your equipment is secure.    
For more information on the Checkpoint N10 System and Alpha Thunder Tags, contact us or call: 1.770.426.0547

Many doctor’s offices are converting to all digital records keeping systems. This allows them to use less physical space for those bulky file cabinets or records boxes. It also allows offices the ability to share information more easily and freely. Imagine the convenience of simply emailing patient history or lab results directly to another provider, instead of having to retrieve them and fax or even mail them. Many offices are now even converting their check-in process to a digital format and providing the patient with a tablet or I-pad to enter or update their information. Unfortunately there always seems to be a downside to any process evolution, and this is no exception. Office staff was already responsible for the security and maintenance of paper records; a tablet theft could result in the loss of hundreds or thousands of patients’ records.  


You’ve heard of financial identity fraud, but medical identity fraud can be just as devastating. It’s hard enough for someone to deal with the bank if their credit card information is stolen and they discover unauthorized charges. Medical information is just as valuable. Health insurance is a new commodity that hackers can sell. It is a new lucrative market and the money that can be made from one tablet theft from a medical office is astounding. A local news station just covered a story last week that was a prime example of what can happen when this type of information gets in the wrong hands. A woman got a hospital bill in the mail for her husband. There was also a whopping charge for an MRI, which her insurance did not cover. The big problem: her husband had not been hospitalized. Someone had stolen his medical records and made a fake health insurance and identity cards. Then they went and had some outpatient surgery, among other procedures, and now this poor woman gets the bill. When the investigation is completed, I would hate to be the medical office manager that gets the blame for this breach.  Heads will roll.

Instances like this will get more common as the switch to digital occurs, because a tablet theft from a doctor’s office can have such far reaching repercussions. There is a solution to protect these valuable devices though. Two tools, the Checkpoint N10 system and the Alpha Thunder Tag, are the tag team duo that can save the day. The thunder tag is simply attached to the device that needs to be protected. If someone attempts to remove or tamper with the tag, it will self-alarm and alert your staff.  If a patient accidentally attempts to take the tablet beyond the established perimeter, the thunder tag will also set off an alarm. That is where the N10 system plays its part. This is a sleek, space-saving system that attaches to the door frame. It has the same detection capability of its larger counterparts that you see at the entrance of many department stores. This same system that protects a store’s merchandise from shoplifters can protect any medical devices at a doctor’s office or hospital.  

Keeping the patient’s medical information secure is paramount. When considering the cost of the digital conversion and the fines and sanctions the office would face if a loss occurs, the answer is clear. An investment in the Checkpoint N10 system and Alpha Thunder tags is well worth the peace of mind knowing your equipment is secure.    

For more information on the Checkpoint N10 System and Alpha Thunder Tags, contact us or call: 1.770.426.0547