Make Sense Of Your Store Promotions By Using A Door Counting Sensor


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Make Sense Of Your Store Promotions By Using A Door Counting Sensor
     Working in an academic library I am constantly learning new things that can be applied to other jobs or businesses. One example of this is a departmental assessment that we are currently conducting as a part of a larger assessment the college is going through. The college formed a committee that identified areas the college wants to focus on in order to achieve specific goals outlined in a strategic plan. That focus is on student retention, academic excellence, etc. In the process of completing the library assessment plan, we are learning how to put it together this year but in preparation for the next year assessment what I have learned is that we have to be more thoughtful in what we do. What I mean is this, rather than doing a project or making a change for the sake of doing it, we are going to have a reason for doing it and that reason should have some type of measurement to it. For example, last year we moved some of our video collection to another floor to make space for group study and provide access to more power supplies. We knew it needed to be done we had studied the behaviors of students the year before. What we failed to do was have numbers to substantiate the need for the change. On the other hand, what we could do was show the increase in patron counts as a result of the changes because that is something we were already tracking. We were able to at least demonstrate an increase in the number of people using that floor during the school year. The same process can be applied to retail stores by using people counting systems.
     People counting systems assist store owners in keeping track of the number of people entering the store. By installing a door counting system at the entrance/exit of a building, managers can determine the busiest days of the week, the busiest hours and balance work schedules around that information. Additionally, a door counting sensor can be a stand-alone device or you can have it attached to your electronic article surveillance pedestal if you have a Checkpoint System protecting your merchandise from theft. If your store does have the pedestals, the door counting sensor also tracks the door alarm activity and gives store owners a report of what times alarms are going off. This information can be helpful in comparing to alarm activity logs to see if alarm activity is being addressed and if alarm activations are theft related. If there are a lot of alarms at specific times of the day a store manager may determine a person may need to be assigned as a door greeter to respond to alarms.
     If a manager were to be put an assessment type program in place, the people counting systems will allow stores to measure the impact of sales initiatives. What do I mean by this? Let’s say a store owner decided he/she wanted to try to drive sales and reach out to the community. The manager has a 3-day weekend sale that provides military veterans with a 20% discount on all purchases with proof of their service, either a retired military I.D. or a Department of Defense form 214. The sale is promoted in social media, in newspapers and on store windows, doors, and signage throughout the store. Since the door counting sensor is in place, a baseline for this weekend can be compared to other weekends and to the same weekend the prior year(s). The sale is run and at the completion of the sale not only are register receipts compared but foot traffic is as well. I know you may be thinking that if sales are up isn’t that good enough? No, that won’t tell the whole story because you were giving discounts, so it isn’t apples to apples. You want to compare retail traffic because that will show if your promotion garnered additional people to visit your location. You could have a new batch of shoppers who never visited before. Receipts may only be up slightly but you could well have drawn in future clients who will be willing to shop in your store in the future. That is the kind of assessment information you want to measure.
     People counting systems are not just another statistic gathering tool. They can be a powerful means of evaluating sales promotions, social media impact and customer service impact. It is up to owners and managers to decide if they want to keep flying by the seat of their pants or be strategic in how they conduct business and drive up sales.
Need information on people counting systems? Give us a call at 1.770.426.0547 now.  

Working in an academic library I am constantly learning new things that can be applied to other jobs or businesses. One example of this is a departmental assessment that we are currently conducting as a part of a larger assessment the college is going through. The college formed a committee that identified areas the college wants to focus on in order to achieve specific goals outlined in a strategic plan. That focus is on student retention, academic excellence, etc. In the process of completing the library assessment plan, we are learning how to put it together this year but in preparation for the next year assessment what I have learned is that we have to be more thoughtful in what we do. What I mean is this, rather than doing a project or making a change for the sake of doing it, we are going to have a reason for doing it and that reason should have some type of measurement to it. For example, last year we moved some of our video collection to another floor to make space for group study and provide access to more power supplies. We knew it needed to be done we had studied the behaviors of students the year before. What we failed to do was have numbers to substantiate the need for the change. On the other hand, what we could do was show the increase in patron counts as a result of the changes because that is something we were already tracking. We were able to at least demonstrate an increase in the number of people using that floor during the school year. The same process can be applied to retail stores by using people counting systems.

People counting systems assist store owners in keeping track of the number of people entering the store. By installing a door counting system at the entrance/exit of a building, managers can determine the busiest days of the week, the busiest hours and balance work schedules around that information. Additionally, a door counting sensor can be a stand-alone device or you can have it attached to your electronic article surveillance pedestal if you have a Checkpoint System protecting your merchandise from theft. If your store does have the pedestals, the door counting sensor also tracks the door alarm activity and gives store owners a report of what times alarms are going off. This information can be helpful in comparing to alarm activity logs to see if alarm activity is being addressed and if alarm activations are theft related. If there are a lot of alarms at specific times of the day a store manager may determine a person may need to be assigned as a door greeter to respond to alarms.

If a manager were to be put an assessment type program in place, the people counting systems will allow stores to measure the impact of sales initiatives. What do I mean by this? Let’s say a store owner decided he/she wanted to try to drive sales and reach out to the community. The manager has a 3-day weekend sale that provides military veterans with a 20% discount on all purchases with proof of their service, either a retired military I.D. or a Department of Defense form 214. The sale is promoted in social media, in newspapers and on store windows, doors, and signage throughout the store. Since the door counting sensor is in place, a baseline for this weekend can be compared to other weekends and to the same weekend the prior year(s). The sale is run and at the completion of the sale not only are register receipts compared but foot traffic is as well. I know you may be thinking that if sales are up isn’t that good enough? No, that won’t tell the whole story because you were giving discounts, so it isn’t apples to apples. You want to compare retail traffic because that will show if your promotion garnered additional people to visit your location. You could have a new batch of shoppers who never visited before. Receipts may only be up slightly but you could well have drawn in future clients who will be willing to shop in your store in the future. That is the kind of assessment information you want to measure.

People counting systems are not just another statistic gathering tool. They can be a powerful means of evaluating sales promotions, social media impact and customer service impact. It is up to owners and managers to decide if they want to keep flying by the seat of their pants or be strategic in how they conduct business and drive up sales.


Need information on people counting systems? Give us a call at 1.770.426.0547 now.  





Are you staffing at the appropriate times of the day? 
Well, that’s hard to know for sure, unless you’re taking advantage of the data provided by a VisiPlus customer counting system. Historically, managers utilize their sales data to determine the “busiest” times of the day. What if the times that your registers are the busiest aren’t actually the busiest times of the day on your sales floor?
Are you staffing for peak times, or are peak times dictating your staffing?
If you rely on your sales data to tell you that between the hours of 11am -2pm, you’ll schedule your staff to be present during these times to assist in the customer flow. What if, however, by doing this without reviewing any additional data, you’re forcing this time to be your busiest? Without a people counting system, you may never see the entire picture. 
The problem
Let’s assume that you schedule heavy between 11-2 every day, as this is what your sales tell you is your peak time. Without any additional data at your fingertips, it only makes sense. Now, what if this has become your peak time because you are scheduled so heavy during this time? What if, during another block of time during the day, you actually have more customers in the store, but since you don’t have the heavy staff presence, you walk sales since your customers aren’t being serviced? 
Real Life Example
This is exactly what we discovered when we installed a people counting system. I used the 11a-2p example above because that was my data. For years, as a manager, I made sure I had the most staff on the floor during this time. After installing the VisiPlus customer counting system, we found that we had on average, 10%-15% more customers in the store between 4pm-7pm than we did between 11a-2p. 
Reacting to the numbers
With this new information from our VisiPlus Customer Counting System, we began to schedule more sales team members on the floor between 4pm-7pm. After some trial and error, we finally got the staffing to reflect the foot traffic and the results were, no surprise, a new “peak time” for our store. We saw a moderate increase in sales and we contribute this to higher levels of customer service from our team when there are physically more customers in the store. The more customer interactions our sales team have, the higher the chance to make a sale. 
Impact on shrink
While we often focus on physical solutions to shoplifting loss, often overlooked (and universally the most important) way to decrease shrink is to increase sales. By relying on the data provided by a people counting system, we were able to add sales to our bottom line. This not only added to our profitability, it decreased our shrink as a percentage to sales. 
While there are numerous ways to improve store performance and effect sales targets in addition to minimizing shrink, you shouldn’t overlook how important an accurate customer count, by hour, can be to your business. By having the ability to pull this data and review it daily, you can make better decisions regarding staffing, payroll and ultimately your shrink reduction strategies. 
Get more information on VisiPlus People Counting System, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.

Are you staffing at the appropriate times of the day? 

Well, that’s hard to know for sure, unless you’re taking advantage of the data provided by customer counting systems. Historically, managers utilize their sales data to determine the “busiest” times of the day. What if the times that your registers are the busiest aren’t actually the busiest times of the day on your sales floor?


Are you staffing for peak times, or are peak times dictating your staffing?

 If you rely on your sales data to tell you that between the hours of 11am -2pm, you’ll schedule your staff to be present during these times to assist in the customer flow. What if, however, by doing this without reviewing any additional data, you’re forcing this time to be your busiest? Without people counting systems, you may never see the entire picture. 


The problem

 Let’s assume that you schedule heavy between 11-2 every day, as this is what your sales tell you is your peak time. Without any additional data at your fingertips, it only makes sense. Now, what if this has become your peak time because you are scheduled so heavy during this time? What if, during another block of time during the day, you actually have more customers in the store, but since you don’t have the heavy staff presence, you walk sales since your customers aren’t being serviced? 


Real Life Example

 This is exactly what we discovered when we installed people counting systems. I used the 11a-2p example above because that was my data. For years, as a manager, I made sure I had the most staff on the floor during this time. After installing customer counting systems, we found that we had on average, 10%-15% more customers in the store between 4pm-7pm than we did between 11a-2p. 


Reacting to the numbers

 With this new information from our Customer Counting Systems, we began to schedule more sales team members on the floor between 4pm-7pm. After some trial and error, we finally got the staffing to reflect the foot traffic and the results were, no surprise, a new “peak time” for our store. We saw a moderate increase in sales and we contribute this to higher levels of customer service from our team when there are physically more customers in the store. The more customer interactions our sales team have, the higher the chance to make a sale. 


Impact on shrink

 While we often focus on physical solutions to shoplifting loss, often overlooked (and universally the most important) way to decrease shrink is to increase sales. By relying on the data provided by people counting systems, we were able to add sales to our bottom line. This not only added to our profitability, it decreased our shrink as a percentage to sales. While there are numerous ways to improve store performance and effect sales targets in addition to minimizing shrink, you shouldn’t overlook how important an accurate customer count, by hour, can be to your business. By having the ability to pull this data and review it daily, you can make better decisions regarding staffing, payroll and ultimately your shrink reduction strategies. 

Get more information on People Counting Systems, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.



Set New And Profitable Goals For Your Store By Using People Counting Systems

Customer Counting Systems-5                                                                                                 WC Blog 286
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 Set New And Profitable Goals For Your Store By Using People Counting Systems
     I think back to 1990 when I first started working in retail as a Loss Prevention Associate. It was here that I learned not only about the ins and outs of merchandise theft, I started learning about store operations as well. I learned that the corporate office gave sales goals for the day and that the store managers based a successful day on meeting or exceeding those goals. As I progressed in my career with other companies I became a Loss Prevention Manager, then a Loss Prevention Manager with Manager On Duty Responsibilities followed by a stint as a Logistics Manager. I still work in retail after 26 years. One thing I have learned is that every company I work for bases successful days on meeting and exceeding sales goals. Fair enough. You have to have goals in order to know where you want to go otherwise a company stagnates or worse yet wanders aimlessly since they have nothing to shoot for except a non-specific goal of “To Be Successful”. But then what does that look like? I have been rethinking sales goals recently especially as the company I work for has focused some store measurements on patron “conversion” rates and also as I have investigated People Counting Systems.
     People counting systems or customer counting systems as they are sometimes referred to, use a door counting sensor to track how many people enter and exit a business or building during the day. Reporting data from these customer counting systems can provide managers with data showing how many people entered and exited by the hour of the day. Stores that have measures in place to stop shoplifting and reduce merchandise shrinkage with a Checkpoint Security System can have a Visiplus customer counting device attached to the Checkpoint electronic article surveillance (EAS) antennas. Using the Smart Alarm Management tool, those stores can monitor EAS alarm activity and compare the information to door counting sensor numbers to better manage EAS activity levels.
     Here is where my recent thinking has been taking me. We get excited over meeting a sales goal, usually a number based on historical sales information like the prior year sales for that same day. Adjustments may be made based on an overall picture of how the economy is performing or whether an event the prior year may have impacted sales. An example of this would be a store that had to close due to a hurricane evacuation the prior year is not going to have a sales goal based off of last year’s sales data. If a store has a daily sales goal of $10,000 and makes $11,000 the management team is going to be pleased and that would properly be something to be happy about. But let me toss out a new idea. What if the stores used people counting systems and found that they had 400 customers enter the store during the day and only had 300 transactions. What in the world happened to those other 100 customers? What could have been done to get those 100 people to purchase something before leaving the store? Without using customer counting systems you would never know you missed selling opportunities to another 100 customers.
      All your information is from sales transactions and yes, you beat your sales goal by $1,000 but could you have beaten it by $1,100 or more? By using a door counting sensor you could set new goals, you had 400 customers in your store last Wednesday, how will you attract 410 THIS Wednesday. You missed 100 potential sales last Wednesday, what will you do differently to try to help more customers find what they need or can use while in the store? Can you entice your customers to make an impulse purchase with a cool display of food or drinks at the font of the store? Maybe the new goals you set for your store are dollar related AND customer driven.
     It is one thing to aim for increased sales dollars it’s another thing to find ways to draw in more customers. If you can attract those customers then your goal is to get them to buy and that is a challenge but one that is necessary if you want your business to grow. The only way to know how many customers are visiting your store is by using customer counting systems. Invest in people counting systems today and see a whole new set of goals to achieve and with it, more growth and profit.
 Get more information on People Counting Systems, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.

I think back to 1990 when I first started working in retail as a Loss Prevention Associate. It was here that I learned not only about the ins and outs of merchandise theft, I started learning about store operations as well. I learned that the corporate office gave sales goals for the day and that the store managers based a successful day on meeting or exceeding those goals. As I progressed in my career with other companies I became a Loss Prevention Manager, then a Loss Prevention Manager with Manager On Duty Responsibilities followed by a stint as a Logistics Manager. I still work in retail after 26 years. One thing I have learned is that every company I work for bases successful days on meeting and exceeding sales goals. Fair enough. You have to have goals in order to know where you want to go otherwise a company stagnates or worse yet wanders aimlessly since they have nothing to shoot for except a non-specific goal of “To Be Successful”. But then what does that look like? I have been rethinking sales goals recently especially as the company I work for has focused some store measurements on patron “conversion” rates and also as I have investigated People Counting Systems.

People counting systems or customer counting systems as they are sometimes referred to, use a door counting sensor to track how many people enter and exit a business or building during the day. Reporting data from these customer counting systems can provide managers with data showing how many people entered and exited by the hour of the day. Stores that have measures in place to stop shoplifting and reduce merchandise shrinkage with a Checkpoint Security System can have a Visiplus customer counting device attached to the Checkpoint electronic article surveillance (EAS) antennas. Using the Smart Alarm Management tool, those stores can monitor EAS alarm activity and compare the information to door counting sensor numbers to better manage EAS activity levels.

Here is where my recent thinking has been taking me. We get excited over meeting a sales goal, usually a number based on historical sales information like the prior year sales for that same day. Adjustments may be made based on an overall picture of how the economy is performing or whether an event the prior year may have impacted sales. An example of this would be a store that had to close due to a hurricane evacuation the prior year is not going to have a sales goal based off of last year’s sales data. If a store has a daily sales goal of $10,000 and makes $11,000 the management team is going to be pleased and that would properly be something to be happy about. But let me toss out a new idea. What if the stores used people counting systems and found that they had 400 customers enter the store during the day and only had 300 transactions. What in the world happened to those other 100 customers? What could have been done to get those 100 people to purchase something before leaving the store? Without using customer counting systems you would never know you missed selling opportunities to another 100 customers.

All your information is from sales transactions and yes, you beat your sales goal by $1,000 but could you have beaten it by $1,100 or more? By using a door counting sensor you could set new goals, you had 400 customers in your store last Wednesday, how will you attract 410 THIS Wednesday. You missed 100 potential sales last Wednesday, what will you do differently to try to help more customers find what they need or can use while in the store? Can you entice your customers to make an impulse purchase with a cool display of food or drinks at the font of the store? Maybe the new goals you set for your store are dollar related AND customer driven.

It is one thing to aim for increased sales dollars it’s another thing to find ways to draw in more customers. If you can attract those customers then your goal is to get them to buy and that is a challenge but one that is necessary if you want your business to grow. The only way to know how many customers are visiting your store is by using customer counting systems. Invest in people counting systems today and see a whole new set of goals to achieve and with it, more growth and profit. 


Get more information on People Counting Systems, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.


Help Manage Your Retail Needs By Adding A Customer Counting System Today

AA Blog 34
Customer counting systems:  5
People counting systems:  4
Help Manage Your Retail Needs By Adding A Customer Counting System Today
I don’t know about you, but I am very happy to have made it through the holiday shopping season without any major problems.  This time of year is very hectic for those of us in retail, with all of the increased inventory, scheduling and security issues, associated with the holidays.  There is always a huge build up to the holiday shopping season, which involves a lot of planning and preparation, but I know the post-holiday struggles are not much better.  Now that the holidays are over and we have had a chance to start looking at our current inventory, shrinkage, and profit margins, our job is certainly not over, it’s really just beginning.  I know every year following the holidays I have a hard time trying to determine our strengths and weaknesses and how we can improve upon our processes the following year, to make things more efficient, decrease overhead and increase profits.  Some of the areas I have tried to improve include:  manpower, marketing, security, and sales.  These are not easy to evaluate as there are so many factors involved in their success that it is difficult to evaluate and measure.  One thing I have done to try and improve my ability to measure these particular areas of my business is by adding a customer counting systems in my stores.      
If you are not familiar with customer counting systems, let me tell you how amazing they are, and how they have helped improve my success in the industry.  People counting systems are installed at points of entry/exit and can be either incorporated into your current EAS system or be used as a stand-alone device.  They provide a cost-efficient means to count and track all of the people entering and exiting your store.  The software provides reporting of customer information on an hourly configuration, to allow you to identify shopping trends.  I use this information to determine my peak shopping times so I can evaluate my manpower and security needs.  People counting systems provide me with the ability to look at historical data that can help me plan for major events such as the holidays, or other peak shopping times, throughout the year.  My customer counting systems are integrated into my EAS system, which also allows me to track issues within the system, as well as evaluate shoplifting trends.  This information is invaluable to planning and coordinating resources, which reduces my overhead.  I also use the data to evaluate marketing approaches and determine success and failures to help improve my sales.  I have used the information to add marketing events during times when we have low customer counts, and have noticed a large increase in profits and sales, due to the changes.   People counting systems can also improve inventory deficiencies and help reduce shrinkage.  Having historical data improves my ability to ensure I have the proper inventory and to track my shrinkage, based on customer rates, and increase security during peak shoplifting timeframes.  
Improving your ability to understand your market and your customer shopping trends is an imperative part of managing your resources, inventory and security needs.  My customer counting systems have played a huge role in me managing my overhead and improving my profit margin.  This helps me manage my overtime rates and ensure I have the proper inventory I need to improve my customer satisfaction.  These devices provide a cost-efficient means to evaluate past and future marketing initiatives to improve sales.  If you are struggling to determine shortfalls and inventory issues post-holiday I suggest you get a people counting system, so next year you can be properly prepared for the holiday mayhem.  
Customer Counting Systems are important and we can help you with it.  Call 1.770.426.0547 and let’s talk.

I don’t know about you, but I am very happy to have made it through the holiday shopping season without any major problems. This time of year is very hectic for those of us in retail, with all of the increased inventory, scheduling and security issues, associated with the holidays. There is always a huge build up to the holiday shopping season, which involves a lot of planning and preparation, but I know the post-holiday struggles are not much better. Now that the holidays are over and we have had a chance to start looking at our current inventory, shrinkage, and profit margins, our job is certainly not over, it’s really just beginning. I know every year following the holidays I have a hard time trying to determine our strengths and weaknesses and how we can improve upon our processes the following year, to make things more efficient, decrease overhead and increase profits. Some of the areas I have tried to improve include: manpower, marketing, security, and sales. These are not easy to evaluate as there are so many factors involved in their success that it is difficult to evaluate and measure. One thing I have done to try and improve my ability to measure these particular areas of my business is by adding a customer counting systems in my stores.      


If you are not familiar with customer counting systems, let me tell you how amazing they are, and how they have helped improve my success in the industry. People counting systems are installed at points of entry/exit and can be either incorporated into your current EAS system or be used as a stand-alone device. They provide a cost-efficient means to count and track all of the people entering and exiting your store. The software provides reporting of customer information on an hourly configuration, to allow you to identify shopping trends. I use this information to determine my peak shopping times so I can evaluate my manpower and security needs. People counting systems provide me with the ability to look at historical data that can help me plan for major events such as the holidays, or other peak shopping times, throughout the year. My customer counting systems are integrated into my EAS system, which also allows me to track issues within the system, as well as evaluate shoplifting trends. This information is invaluable to planning and coordinating resources, which reduces my overhead. I also use the data to evaluate marketing approaches and determine success and failures to help improve my sales. I have used the information to add marketing events during times when we have low customer counts, and have noticed a large increase in profits and sales, due to the changes. People counting systems can also improve inventory deficiencies and help reduce shrinkage. Having historical data improves my ability to ensure I have the proper inventory and to track my shrinkage, based on customer rates, and increase security during peak shoplifting timeframes.  


Improving your ability to understand your market and your customer shopping trends is an imperative part of managing your resources, inventory and security needs. My customer counting systems have played a huge role in me managing my overhead and improving my profit margin. This helps me manage my overtime rates and ensure I have the proper inventory I need to improve my customer satisfaction. These devices provide a cost-efficient means to evaluate past and future marketing initiatives to improve sales. If you are struggling to determine shortfalls and inventory issues post-holiday I suggest you get a people counting system, so next year you can be properly prepared for the holiday mayhem.  


Customer Counting Systems are important and we can help you with it. Call 1.770.426.0547 and let’s talk.


How To Improve Your Marketing Capability Through The Use Of Retail Traffic Counting Technology

Retail Traffic Counting:  5
People Counting Systems:  4
How To Improve Your Marketing Capability Through The Use Of Retail Traffic Counting Technology.
I work in retail and part of my job involves advertising, managing store displays, and increasing revenue through effective marketing.  This may not sound too tough for those who haven’t been tasked to complete it, but if you are involved in this process, you know how difficult this can be.  Have you ever wondered whether your advertising or your displays are effective in drawing in customers or increasing sales?  Obviously it is easy to calculate sales, but how do we measure the effectiveness of our displays?  How do we determine what is working and what isn’t?  Which displays do we bring back and which ones do we want to leave buried in the closet?  I have also pondered placement of displays and other advertising and how that affects customer contacts and security.  As a member of the retail industry, these are all questions I have asked myself a hundred times, but have never been able to answer until now.  New innovations in retail traffic counting have offered us the ability to change how we do business.  
People counting systems provide us with the information we need to make better marketing decisions.  There are so many factors that go into these types of decisions, such as:  visibility, close proximity to other related merchandise, high traffic areas, space limitations, and availability and security, among various other things.  The Visiplus overhead people counting systems can be installed anywhere in your store to give you real time information on the effectiveness of your marketing and displays.  This particular device measures people flow through thermal imaging to reduce unnecessary activity and provide concise data.  Retail traffic counting can identify high traffic areas for you so you can better manage your merchandise placement and reduce missed opportunities.  People counting systems can also help you address staffing needs and assist you in managing your resources more effectively.  As the holiday’s approach, and our inventory more than doubles, I know that I will be relying heavily on the information I am gathering from my Visiplus people counting technology, to help me better manage my inventory and my resources.  I have found that these systems have improved my sales and reduced my overhead, by providing me with the knowledge I need to better manage my employee effectiveness, and improve customer satisfaction.  
Through the use of retail traffic counting devices, I have quickly learned what is working and what isn’t.  We recently had a new videogame that we wanted to display, but we were limited on space, so we placed the display near the front of the store to increase initial visibility.  It only took me one day to realize that the display location was not effective.  As people entered the store they simply bypassed the display without much delay.  We decided to rearrange inventory so we could place the item in the electronics department, near the other gaming devices and accessories.  The following day we noticed a substantial increase in activity in that area, and a subsequent review of our sales showed not only a high number of sales for that item, but an increase in additional gaming related sales during the same timeframe.  What would have normally taken me a week to determine, now only took a day to discover.  This ultimately increased my sales and allowed for very little delay in making the adjustments needed to improve visibility and increase sales.  
There are various types of people counting systems available to serve your retail needs.  These retail traffic counting devices have saved me many headaches and hours of lost sleep.  They are an inexpensive way to track activity, manage resources and identify missed opportunities.  They have paid for themselves many times over, in my opinion, and I would highly recommend you look into these devices as a means to improve your sales and marketing capabilities.  
Get more information on retail traffic counting devices, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.

I work in retail and part of my job involves advertising, managing store displays, and increasing revenue through effective marketing. This may not sound too tough for those who haven’t been tasked to complete it, but if you are involved in this process, you know how difficult this can be. Have you ever wondered whether your advertising or your displays are effective in drawing in customers or increasing sales? Obviously it is easy to calculate sales, but how do we measure the effectiveness of our displays? How do we determine what is working and what isn’t? Which displays do we bring back and which ones do we want to leave buried in the closet? I have also pondered placement of displays and other advertising and how that affects customer contacts and security. As a member of the retail industry, these are all questions I have asked myself a hundred times, but have never been able to answer until now. New innovations in retail traffic counting have offered us the ability to change how we do business.  


People counting systems provide us with the information we need to make better marketing decisions. There are so many factors that go into these types of decisions, such as: visibility, close proximity to other related merchandise, high traffic areas, space limitations, and availability and security, among various other things. The Visiplus overhead people counting systems can be installed anywhere in your store to give you real time information on the effectiveness of your marketing and displays. This particular device measures people flow through thermal imaging to reduce unnecessary activity and provide concise data. Retail traffic counting can identify high traffic areas for you so you can better manage your merchandise placement and reduce missed opportunities. People counting systems can also help you address staffing needs and assist you in managing your resources more effectively. I know that I will be relying heavily on the information I am gathering from my Visiplus people counting technology, to help me better manage my inventory and my resources.  I have found that these systems have improved my sales and reduced my overhead, by providing me with the knowledge I need to better manage my employee effectiveness, and improve customer satisfaction.


Through the use of retail traffic counting devices, I have quickly learned what is working and what isn’t. We recently had a new videogame that we wanted to display, but we were limited on space, so we placed the display near the front of the store to increase initial visibility. It only took me one day to realize that the display location was not effective. As people entered the store they simply bypassed the display without much delay. We decided to rearrange inventory so we could place the item in the electronics department, near the other gaming devices and accessories. The following day we noticed a substantial increase in activity in that area, and a subsequent review of our sales showed not only a high number of sales for that item, but an increase in additional gaming related sales during the same timeframe. What would have normally taken me a week to determine, now only took a day to discover. This ultimately increased my sales and allowed for very little delay in making the adjustments needed to improve visibility and increase sales.  


There are various types of people counting systems available to serve your retail needs. These retail traffic counting devices have saved me many headaches and hours of lost sleep. They are an inexpensive way to track activity, manage resources and identify missed opportunities. They have paid for themselves many times over, in my opinion, and I would highly recommend you look into these devices as a means to improve your sales and marketing capabilities.  


Get more information on retail traffic counting devices, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.