Speak to any manager at any mass retailer/electronics retailer, and they will all tell you the same thing; iPads are a hot item for thieves! There’s a particular set of reasons why in just about every store you go in, they are deploying some serious security measures just to keep the product on the shelf. This comes in the form of glass cases, alarms attached to the product, RF monitoring and the list can go on and on. What about companies, or even folks in the medical field that are using iPads to get their jobs done? Surely these have to be targets as well?

Water follows the path of least resistance. So does a thief. If they can’t steal a tablet at one (or any) retailer, they will look for other ways to swipe them. Whether it be stealing them from unlocked cars, or out of the purses of restaurant patrons, they will do whatever it takes to make a quick buck. So, if you are in the medical field, and you’re using an iPad, or similar device for your job, you should take notice to this growing theft trend. Not only do you have a duty to protect your financial assets, but also an obligation to your patients to preserve their confidential medical records. This can be accomplished with something as simple as an Alpha Thunder Tag. 

What is a Thunder Tag?

Chances are, you’ve never heard of one, however they are well known in the retail industry. They are a form of EAS (Electronic Article Surveillance), which coupled with an antenna, such as the N10 antenna, can help you reduce the chances of a theft incident. 

Key features: 

 The Thunder Tag is a small device that attaches to the back of an iPad, or similar item. The custom adhesive makes it incredible difficult to remove. If the tag is removed, there is a plunger type mechanism on the back that will sound a 95dba alarm. 

How it works:

 The tag works just like you would see at any retail store. In a store, if the tag is not removed from an item at the point of purchase, it will cause an alarm to go off at the exit door. The N10 antenna, which are an incredibly small and unobstructed version of the retail store towers, can be placed just about anywhere you want. Once the tag passes through here, an alarm would sound, allowing staff to react accordingly. 

Practical applications:

In a private practice setting, you can set the N10 antennas at the points of exit, which in most situations and offices, there is only one (the front entrance). If one of your iPads, or tablets that are secured with a thunder tag, passes through the antenna, it will sound an audible alert. If a dishonest patient, vendor, maintenance person, or staff member attempts to steal your equipment, your front office staff will know immediately. 

Additional info:

The tags can also be disarmed, with a key such as the Alpha S3 key. The S3 key should be kept in a secured place and only accessible to the office manager, or other trusted administrator. They key can stop an active alarm from sounding, as well as disarming a tag, which would allow it to pass through the antenna without sounding the alarm. 

This simple tagging solution, which is the gold standard in the retail community, could very well be the most cost efficient solution to securing your technological investments. With very minimal effort and money, you can ensure that your practice is providing your patients with a level of security that is unmatched. Not only are you protecting that financial investment you’ve made in the technology, you are also ensuring that patient data remains safe and secure. All this while using a simple tool retailers have been using for years!  

For more information about Alpha Thunder Tags contact us or call 1.770.426.0547.


How Holiday Preparation Helps Stop Shoplifting

(Stop shoplifting-4), (retail theft prevention-3)
How Holiday Preparation Helps Stop Shoplifting
If you work in retail, it’s getting to be that time of the year that theft and stress drastically increases.  Yes, the holidays are almost here already, and so are the shoplifters.  Are you ready for the extra rush of people, the confusion, and everything else that comes along with the busiest season of the year?  If you want to get ahead of the game and stop shoplifting in your store, you have to be prepared for the coming storm. This includes testing all of your retail theft prevention equipment before your store gets busier, and ensuring that you are fully staffed and confident that you have the right team in place.  
Testing to ensure that all of your equipment is functioning properly before the holidays will give you peace of mind that everything will work how it is supposed to when it matters the most.  Of course, this includes testing your cameras, camera controllers, monitors, DVRs, EAS towers and deactivation pads, and anything else you use to help stop shoplifting in your store.  If you wait until you are seriously busy to do this, you will have a big problem due to your hectic schedule and increased workload. I’ve seen bad situations in the past that could have easily been avoided if the teams had taken these steps before the holidays.  If any of your equipment isn’t functioning like it should be, it sometimes takes a while to get it repaired, especially this time of year.  For instance, if one of your DVRs has been giving you error messages or not recording everything as it should be, you might have to call and schedule for a technician to come to your store, or even pack up the DVR and ship it out to be repaired.
Another thing you will definitely want to look at before the holidays is whether or not you have enough employees staffed for the increase in business. This is a major part of the success of your holiday preparation plan.  There is nothing a shoplifter likes more than being able to get in and out of a store without being noticed, so the more employees that are around helping customers, the less of a chance the shoplifters will have to get away with stealing your merchandise.  Employee presence is just as important as having properly functioning retail theft prevention equipment in the store.  Ensure that all of your employees are thoroughly trained on how to detect customer behaviors that could be associated with theft or other dishonest or criminal activity.
While we are on the topic of employees, make sure you do your best to hire the right people for the job.  Employees typically cause a higher dollar loss than shoplifters, and everyone needs a little bit extra during the holidays.  So in addition to trying to get customers to stop shoplifting, you should also have a plan in place to ensure that your employees aren’t stealing from you as well.  A lot of that starts with good controls and policies, and making sure that your team follows them closely.  With the extra customers and employees in the store, sometimes controls are neglected, which can create a huge opportunity for anyone wanting to do something dishonest. 
If you don’t start preparing before the rush, you might get yourself into a position that will leave your store vulnerable to all kinds of dishonest activities.  Once again, it’s important that all of your retail theft prevention devices are fully functioning, and your team is properly trained on what to look for in dishonest behaviors, and what to do if they see it happening.  
For more information about how to stop shoplifting, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

If you work in retail, it’s getting to be that time of the year that theft and stress drastically increases. Yes, the holidays are almost here already, and so are the shoplifters. Are you ready for the extra rush of people, the confusion, and everything else that comes along with the busiest season of the year? If you want to get ahead of the game and stop shoplifting in your store, you have to be prepared for the coming storm. This includes testing all of your retail theft prevention equipment before your store gets busier, and ensuring that you are fully staffed and confident that you have the right team in place.

Testing to ensure that all of your equipment is functioning properly before the holidays will give you peace of mind that everything will work how it is supposed to when it matters the most. Of course, this includes testing your cameras, camera controllers, monitors, DVRs, EAS towers and deactivation pads, and anything else you use to help stop shoplifting in your store. If you wait until you are seriously busy to do this, you will have a big problem due to your hectic schedule and increased workload. I’ve seen bad situations in the past that could have easily been avoided if the teams had taken these steps before the holidays. If any of your equipment isn’t functioning like it should be, it sometimes takes a while to get it repaired, especially this time of year. For instance, if one of your DVRs has been giving you error messages or not recording everything as it should be, you might have to call and schedule for a technician to come to your store, or even pack up the DVR and ship it out to be repaired.

Another thing you will definitely want to look at before the holidays is whether or not you have enough employees staffed for the increase in business.This is a major part of the success of your holiday preparation plan. There is nothing a shoplifter likes more than being able to get in and out of a store without being noticed, so the more employees that are around helping customers, the less of a chance the shoplifters will have to get away with stealing your merchandise. Employee presence is just as important as having properly functioning retail theft prevention equipment in the store. Ensure that all of your employees are thoroughly trained on how to detect customer behaviors that could be associated with theft or other dishonest or criminal activity.

While we are on the topic of employees, make sure you do your best to hire the right people for the job. Employees typically cause a higher dollar loss than shoplifters, and everyone needs a little bit extra during the holidays. So in addition to trying to get customers to stop shoplifting, you should also have a plan in place to ensure that your employees aren’t stealing from you as well. A lot of that starts with good controls and policies, and making sure that your team follows them closely.  With the extra customers and employees in the store, sometimes controls are neglected, which can create a huge opportunity for anyone wanting to do something dishonest. 

If you don’t start preparing before the rush, you might get yourself into a position that will leave your store vulnerable to all kinds of dishonest activities. Once again, it’s important that all of your retail theft prevention devices are fully functioning, and your team is properly trained on what to look for in dishonest behaviors, and what to do if they see it happening.

For more information about how to stop shoplifting, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547


Take Stopping Return Fraud To The Next Level


Alpha Shark Tags-4  , Wardrobing-4  , Return Fraud-2
Take Stopping Return Fraud To The Next Level
Does your business allow the employees to borrow money from the cash register?  I can only imagine that would be a huge gross violation of policy.  So why would you ever allow your customers to borrow your merchandise?  This is a practice most retailers refer to as wardrobing, and it is a very costly problem.  In a recent survey, 65% of clothing retailers report returns of used inventory.  It’s not just that the store takes back the garment and gives the customer their money back as part of an even exchange.  Due to sweat stains, inadvertent marks from wear, crumbs, and even odors, the store generally cannot resell items they take back.  That means they lose the money they invested in the inventory plus the profit they would have made from the sale.  Wardrobing also means that desirable sizes and colors are not available for honest customers.  What most people don’t realize is that wardrobing is not just an innocent inconvenience; it is return fraud.  Bottom line-it is also a form of shoplifting.
Some retailers have begun instituting new policies and using devices to help put a stop to customers that engage in this practice.  The device many stores prefer are Alpha Shark Tags.  These are simple, yet effective, tools that managers and owners of clothing stores are using to battle wardrobing.  They are small gadgets that clip to clothing and are designed to be removed at home by the customer.  They have become an important part of many store’s return policy.  If the device is removed, the item is no longer eligible for return.  The point is to attach it to the item in a very prominent area, like the bottom front hemline, so that they discourage the customer from attempting to wear the item without removing it first.  They are also bright red, so they are very obviously not a part of the outfit.  Alpha Shark Tags can be attached before items are put out for display or they can be quickly put on at the point of sale.  Either way, the customer can still try on the garment, so they are never meant to impede good customer service.  They promote just the opposite actually; Alpha Shark Tags provide your customers with a clear understanding of your stores return policy so there’s no confusion on whether or not you will take the item back if an honest customer simply changes their mind.  But they send a clear message if you have a customer that just wants to borrow a party dress, they need to go to their friend’s closet, not your store.  
You see it on about every sitcom on television; lady goes to the local boutique to buy an expensive dress or shoes for a wedding with the intentions of wearing it to the event and returning the item the following day.  They inevitably spill wine on themselves or bump into something and scuff up those high quality leather pumps and suddenly they’re in a panic.  They attempt to clean the dress only to spread the stain or get into some other ridiculous scheme that is sure to fail.  On a weekly television show, those hair brained antics are comical.  In real life, it is a costly and all too regular occurrence.  It’s a serious issue for clothing retailers and something has to be done to stop it.  That’s why you should take a look at adding Alpha Shark Tags to your arsenal and stop this form of return fraud from stealing your profits.  And I do mean stealing… not borrowing.
For more information on Alpha Shark Tags, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 or

Does your business allow the employees to borrow money from the cash register? I can only imagine that would be a huge gross violation of policy. So why would you ever allow your customers to borrow your merchandise? This is a practice most retailers refer to as wardrobing, and it is a very costly problem. In a recent survey, 65% of clothing retailers report returns of used inventory.  t’s not just that the store takes back the garment and gives the customer their money back as part of an even exchange. Due to sweat stains, inadvertent marks from wear, crumbs, and even odors, the store generally cannot resell items they take back. That means they lose the money they invested in the inventory plus the profit they would have made from the sale. Wardrobing also means that desirable sizes and colors are not available for honest customers. What most people don’t realize is that wardrobing is not just an innocent inconvenience; it is return fraud. Bottom line-it is also a form of shoplifting.

Some retailers have begun instituting new policies and using devices to help put a stop to customers that engage in this practice. The device many stores prefer are Alpha Shark Tags. These are simple, yet effective, tools that managers and owners of clothing stores are using to battle wardrobing. They are small gadgets that clip to clothing and are designed to be removed at home by the customer. They have become an important part of many store’s return policy. If the device is removed, the item is no longer eligible for return. The point is to attach it to the item in a very prominent area, like the bottom front hemline, so that they discourage the customer from attempting to wear the item without removing it first. They are also bright red, so they are very obviously not a part of the outfit. Alpha Shark Tags can be attached before items are put out for display or they can be quickly put on at the point of sale. Either way, the customer can still try on the garment, so they are never meant to impede good customer service. They promote just the opposite actually; Alpha Shark Tags provide your customers with a clear understanding of your stores return policy so there’s no confusion on whether or not you will take the item back if an honest customer simply changes their mind. But they send a clear message if you have a customer that just wants to borrow a party dress, they need to go to their friend’s closet, not your store.  

You see it on about every sitcom on television; lady goes to the local boutique to buy an expensive dress or shoes for a wedding with the intentions of wearing it to the event and returning the item the following day. They inevitably spill wine on themselves or bump into something and scuff up those high quality leather pumps and suddenly they’re in a panic. They attempt to clean the dress only to spread the stain or get into some other ridiculous scheme that is sure to fail. On a weekly television show, those hair brained antics are comical. In real life, it is a costly and all too regular occurrence. It’s a serious issue for clothing retailers and something has to be done to stop it. That’s why you should take a look at adding Alpha Shark Tags to your arsenal and stop this form of return fraud from stealing your profits. And I do mean stealing… not borrowing.

For more information on Alpha Shark Tags, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 or





In my opinion, the Alpha thunder tag is one of those under-used and under-appreciated security devices. Not only can it help to secure your merchandise, it’s a great way to approach the security of in-store technology. Chances are you have tablets, smart phones or another computer that you use for store business. If you’re a smaller store, that may be your entire point of sale. How would someone stealing your only point of sale affect your business? You’d probably have to close up shop for at least a day to report it to police and purchase a new one. Do you really want to go through that? Secure your pieces of technology folks. It will save you some major headaches. 
Key Features
1. Custom adhesive backing – you don’t have to worry about this damaging your pricey computer, tablet or store display. 
2. 3 alarm – meaning that the device will set off the towers, it will sound an audible alert if it is tampered with, and (my favorite part) will self-alarm with a 95dba alarm after it leaves the store. (I’ve personally used other 3 alarm tags in the past, and I had a shoplifter run out with product. When the police pulled him over he denied having stolen goods… but the officers could hear the alarm coming from his trunk!)
3. Small profile  – The profile of the thunder tag makes is easy to use on a variety of merchandise and in store pieces of equipment. 
1. Display items – The only way to sell an electronics item is to put it in the hands of your customer. A great way to maximize your display opportunities in the store. Out of the myriad of alpha hard tags, this is one of the only tags that are designed specifically for display merchandise.  
2. Store tablets and other pieces of technology – this can also include Texlon units, store computers and other high value tools. This is really one of the only alpha hard tags that can provide any protection to these items. 
1. I really love the 3 alarm. I’ve had shoplifters literally throw the product out of their car window as they fled the store because of the alarm. This is a great feature. 
2. Open concept merchandising – We all know that the more opportunity your customer has to physically interact with a product, the higher the chances are that they will make a purchase. The thunder tags allow you to get more product out in your customer’s hands. 
1. One size – I’d really like to see a smaller size option. While it’s great for those larger item, I’ve found it difficult to use on smaller items like handheld GPS units. 
I’ve seen this tag misused so many times, that I felt I had to include this line here. Don’t apply this tag to boxed electronics. It will do nothing to prevent a thief from stealing the item INSIDE the box. There are plenty of other alpha hard tags for that. This tags should be used solely on display merchandise. You would think I wouldn’t have to say that, but I’ve had so many managers that have done just that. Think like a thief and you can beat them just about every time. 
In closing out, I am a fan of the thunder tag. It’s a very practical and economical way to secure display merchandise as well as the technology you use to conduct business. When it comes to preventing losses and maximizing sales, this tag has it all. 
For more information about Alpha Thunder Tags, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

In my opinion, the Alpha thunder tag is one of those under-used and under-appreciated security devices. Not only can it help to secure your merchandise, it’s a great way to approach the security of in-store technology. Chances are you have tablets, smart phones or another computer that you use for store business. If you’re a smaller store, that may be your entire point of sale. How would someone stealing your only point of sale affect your business? You’d probably have to close up shop for at least a day to report it to police and purchase a new one. Do you really want to go through that? Secure your pieces of technology folks. It will save you some major headaches. 

Key Features

1. Custom adhesive backing – you don’t have to worry about this damaging your pricey computer, tablet or store display. 

2. 3 alarm – meaning that the device will set off the towers, it will sound an audible alert if it is tampered with, and (my favorite part) will self-alarm with a 95dba alarm after it leaves the store. (I’ve personally used other 3 alarm tags in the past, and I had a shoplifter run out with product. When the police pulled him over he denied having stolen goods… but the officers could hear the alarm coming from his trunk!)

3. Small profile  – The profile of the thunder tag makes is easy to use on a variety of merchandise and in store pieces of equipment. 


1. Display items – The only way to sell an electronics item is to put it in the hands of your customer. A great way to maximize your display opportunities in the store. Out of the myriad of Alpha hard tags, this is one of the only tags that are designed specifically for display merchandise.

2. Store tablets and other pieces of technology – this can also include Texlon units, store computers and other high value tools. This is really one of the only alpha hard tags that can provide any protection to these items. 


1. I really love the 3 alarm. I’ve had shoplifters literally throw the product out of their car window as they fled the store because of the alarm. This is a great feature. 

2. Open concept merchandising – We all know that the more opportunity your customer has to physically interact with a product, the higher the chances are that they will make a purchase. The thunder tags allow you to get more product out in your customer’s hands. 


1. One size – I’d really like to see a smaller size option. While it’s great for those larger item, I’ve found it difficult to use on smaller items like handheld GPS units. 


I’ve seen this tag misused so many times, that I felt I had to include this line here. Don’t apply this tag to boxed electronics. It will do nothing to prevent a thief from stealing the item INSIDE the box. There are plenty of other alpha hard tags for that. This tags should be used solely on display merchandise. You would think I wouldn’t have to say that, but I’ve had so many managers that have done just that. Think like a thief and you can beat them just about every time. 

In closing out, I am a fan of the thunder tag. It’s a very practical and economical way to secure display merchandise as well as the technology you use to conduct business. When it comes to preventing losses and maximizing sales, this tag has it all. 

For more information about Alpha Thunder Tags, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547





You’ve probably already read several articles on how Alpha’s Thunder Tags can help your hospital stop the potential of computer/tablet theft. I don’t need to detail how great the tags are and how this simple solution can be a cost effective means at securing the hospitals technological investment. What you don’t know is the practical application and the logistics of setting up a retail EAS system in a hospital! That’s why I’m here. 
Along with the tag itself, you’ll also need two other pieces of technology. First is an antenna. The N10 antenna is the best fit for this job. The second is a deactivation key, such as the Alpha S3 key. I’ll detail both a little further down this article, but first, let’s explain what each does. 
The Thunder Tag is similar to any security device you’ve probably seen in stores. Think of those little white tags that are on high end pieces of clothing. The tag emits a certain frequency and can be deactivated at the cash register at the time of purchase. If the tag is not removed (if someone attempts to steal an item secured with a tag), it causes an alarm to sound at the exits. What causes that sound?
Think of the last time you went to the grocery store, or perhaps a big box retailer. Think about when you entered the store, you more than likely walked through a set of towers. You’ve probably even seen/heard these towers before. Those towers work in unison with tags throughout the store. If a cashier doesn’t remove a tag from a high priced item, it causes those towers to sound an alarm. It essentially lets the store know if someone is stealing (in basic terms). The N10 antenna is a much, much smaller version of these towers. You still get the same quality and performance of those big towers, but in a much more compact design. 
The most practical application is use in the emergency room. As more and more ERs transition from paper charting to tablets, the potential for theft grows. In my local ER, patients are given a tablet by the receptionist upon entering the ER. The patient then sits in the waiting area and fills out the appropriate questions on the tablet, and based on the honor system, gives the tablet back to the receptionist. We all know how busy and hectic a hospital can be. In one glance, a thief posing as a patient can easily steal the device. Using an Alpha Thunder Tag and N10 antenna can prevent this from happening.  
In addition to the tags and antenna, you will also need to have a deactivation key, such as the Alpha S3 key. This tool allows you to disarm the tag. In most retail stores, this key is tightly controlled and only accessible to store leadership, which should also be the same in a hospital. Access to the S3 key should only be granted to those in leadership roles. The key itself should also be kept in a tightly guarded location, perhaps even with hospital security. This eliminates the possibility of a thief gaining access to the device. 
The Alpha Thunder Tag is a great investment, as it will provide a substantial return on investment. Not only will you be able to protect the financial investments of the hospital, you will also keep patient data safe and out of the hands of criminals. Hospitals have an obligation to its patients as well as its shareholders to reduce costs in order to provide better services to the sick. The Alpha Thunder Tag delivers on that obligation with minimal impact on operations and just a fraction of the cost of other technologies and software that may be less effective to a thief. 
For more information about Alpha Thunder Tags contact us or call 1.770.426.0547.

You’ve probably already read several articles on how Alpha’s Thunder Tags can help your hospital stop the potential of computer/tablet theft. I don’t need to detail how great the tags are and how this simple solution can be a cost effective means at securing the hospitals technological investment. What you don’t know is the practical application and the logistics of setting up a retail EAS system in a hospital! That’s why I’m here. 

Along with the tag itself, you’ll also need two other pieces of technology. First is an antenna. The N10 antenna is the best fit for this job. The second is a deactivation key, such as the Alpha S3 key. I’ll detail both a little further down this article, but first, let’s explain what each does. 

The Thunder Tag is similar to any security device you’ve probably seen in stores. Think of those little white tags that are on high end pieces of clothing. The tag emits a certain frequency and can be deactivated at the cash register at the time of purchase. If the tag is not removed (if someone attempts to steal an item secured with a tag), it causes an alarm to sound at the exits. What causes that sound?

Think of the last time you went to the grocery store, or perhaps a big box retailer. Think about when you entered the store, you more than likely walked through a set of towers. You’ve probably even seen/heard these towers before. Those towers work in unison with tags throughout the store. If a cashier doesn’t remove a tag from a high priced item, it causes those towers to sound an alarm. It essentially lets the store know if someone is stealing (in basic terms). The N10 antenna is a much, much smaller version of these towers. You still get the same quality and performance of those big towers, but in a much more compact design. 

The most practical application is in the emergency room. As more and more ERs transition from paper charting to tablets, the potential for theft grows. In my local ER, patients are given a tablet by the receptionist upon entering the ER. The patient then sits in the waiting area and fills out the appropriate questions on the tablet, and based on the honor system, gives the tablet back to the receptionist. We all know how busy and hectic a hospital can be. In one glance, a thief posing as a patient can easily steal the device. Using an Alpha Thunder Tag and N10 antenna can prevent this from happening.

In addition to the tags and antenna, you will also need to have a deactivation key, such as the Alpha S3 key. This tool allows you to disarm the tag. In most retail stores, this key is tightly controlled and only accessible to store leadership, which should also be the same in a hospital. Access to the S3 key should only be granted to those in leadership roles. The key itself should also be kept in a tightly guarded location, perhaps even with hospital security. This eliminates the possibility of a thief gaining access to the device. 

 The Alpha Thunder Tag is a great investment, as it will provide a substantial return on investment. Not only will you be able to protect the financial investments of the hospital, you will also keep patient data safe and out of the hands of criminals. Hospitals have an obligation to its patients as well as its shareholders to reduce costs in order to provide better services to the sick. The Alpha Thunder Tag delivers on that obligation with minimal impact on operations and just a fraction of the cost of other technologies and software that may be less effective to a thief.

 For more information about Alpha Thunder Tags contact us or call 1.770.426.0547.