Alpha Thunder Tags And Classic N10 Antennas Keep Medical Mobile Devices From Walking Out The Door

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Alpha Thunder Tags And Classic N10 Antennas Keep Medical Mobile Devices From Walking Out The Door.
     As I get older I find I am regularly amazed at the rate technology changes.  I remember when (don’t you cringe when you hear “I remember when”?) portable phones were in big carrying bags that you took with you in your car. Pagers came out and it was great to be able to get a page from my loss prevention team telling me they needed me to call the store.  Now I experience the friendly banter of co-workers making fun of my flip phone.   Two-way wrist communicators were the stuff of imagination when I watched Dick Tracy cartoons as a child.  Now there are Fitbits that are worn on the wrist providing health information, activity, nutritional information, weight and even sleep activity.  Polaroid cameras were awesome, providing instant pictures with no need to wait to take in film for development.  Digital cameras came along and now I can upload pictures straight to my desktop computer!  I know what you’re thinking, “how cool is that?”  What you’re really saying is, I can take a picture or video on my i-phone or tablet, and upload to the cloud and access it on my laptop from anywhere I happen to be at the time, what is this guy talking about?   Yes, I do really use a desktop computer and I do have a flip phone.  On the other hand, I also work in an academic library where we do work with students and the newer technologies.  The main point I am making is technology is growing at amazing rates and with it the applications for those technologies.  This is true for almost every field of endeavor, including the medical field.  Today Doctors, nurses, medical students and pharmacists are becoming more reliant on mobile medical devices, including i-pads and tablets.  The use of these devices does warrant some cause for concern, such as, what happens if there is an i-pad theft or tablet theft from a medical provider?  Can the loss of these devices be prevented?  An electronic article surveillance system and the use of Alpha Thunder Tags can protect mobile medical devices and with them the information they carry.
     Today doctors can access patient electronic medical records (EMRs), and there are apps that can allow them to view MRIs and CAT scans.  The physician can pull up the scans and view them on the device with the patient.   Through devices doctors can ask staff to change I.V. settings or change or request record orders.  Despite assurances that data is “secure”, there is always the potential for someone to gain access to records should an i-pad theft or tablet theft occur. In prior articles I have listed numerous known breaches of medical information and losses of medical devices.  Medical facilities can prevent such theft by installing Checkpoint Classic N10 electronic article surveillance antennas at entrances and exits and having Alpha Thunder Tags attached to mobile medical devices.  The Classic N10 antenna does not take up much doorway space so it won’t hinder patients or staff entering or exiting the building.  What it will do is activate a loud alarm and flashing LED lights if there is an attempted i-pad theft.  The alarm alerts staff that a tablet theft is taking place and they can respond to get the device back.  The alarm will only be activated however, if the device has the Alpha Thunder Tag on it.  The Thunder Tag is designed to both set off the Classic N10 antenna alarm if it is carried within the range of the antenna and it has a built in alarm that also activates providing a double layer of protection.   I should also mention the tamper alarm on the Thunder Tag prevents someone from trying to remove it and then leaving with the mobile device.  
     Mobile technology in the medical field is a powerful tool and continues to improve the delivery of medical services and streamlines processes.  Be aware that there are criminals who engage in tablet theft and i-pad theft in order to steal patient records and prescription information.  Protect your patients and your practice with the Classic N10 antenna and Alpha Thunder Tags.
For more information on Alpha Thunder Tags, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

As I get older I find I am regularly amazed at the rate technology changes. I remember when (don’t you cringe when you hear “I remember when”?) portable phones were in big carrying bags that you took with you in your car. Pagers came out and it was great to be able to get a page from my loss prevention team telling me they needed me to call the store. Now I experience the friendly banter of co-workers making fun of my flip phone. Two-way wrist communicators were the stuff of imagination when I watched Dick Tracy cartoons as a child. Now there are Fitbits that are worn on the wrist providing health information, activity, nutritional information, weight and even sleep activity. Polaroid cameras were awesome, providing instant pictures with no need to wait to take in film for development. Digital cameras came along and now I can upload pictures straight to my desktop computer! I know what you’re thinking, “how cool is that?” What you’re really saying is, I can take a picture or video on my i-phone or tablet, and upload to the cloud and access it on my laptop from anywhere I happen to be at the time, what is this guy talking about?  Yes, I do really use a desktop computer and I do have a flip phone. On the other hand, I also work in an academic library where we do work with students and the newer technologies. The main point I am making is technology is growing at amazing rates and with it the applications for those technologies. This is true for almost every field of endeavor, including the medical field. Today Doctors, nurses, medical students and pharmacists are becoming more reliant on mobile medical devices, including i-pads and tablets. The use of these devices does warrant some cause for concern, such as, what happens if there is an i-pad theft or tablet theft from a medical provider? Can the loss of these devices be prevented? An electronic article surveillance system and the use of Alpha Thunder Tags can protect mobile medical devices and with them the information they carry.


Today doctors can access patient electronic medical records (EMRs), and there are apps that can allow them to view MRIs and CAT scans. The physician can pull up the scans and view them on the device with the patient. Through devices doctors can ask staff to change I.V. settings or change or request record orders. Despite assurances that data is “secure”, there is always the potential for someone to gain access to records should an i-pad theft or tablet theft occur. In prior articles I have listed numerous known breaches of medical information and losses of medical devices. Medical facilities can prevent such theft by installing Checkpoint Classic N10 electronic article surveillance antennas at entrances and exits and having Alpha Thunder Tags attached to mobile medical devices. The Classic N10 antenna does not take up much doorway space so it won’t hinder patients or staff entering or exiting the building.  What it will do is activate a loud alarm and flashing LED lights if there is an attempted i-pad theft. The alarm alerts staff that a tablet theft is taking place and they can respond to get the device back. The alarm will only be activated however, if the device has the Alpha Thunder Tag on it. The Thunder Tag is designed to both set off the Classic N10 antenna alarm if it is carried within the range of the antenna and it has a built in alarm that also activates providing a double layer of protection. I should also mention the tamper alarm on the Thunder Tag prevents someone from trying to remove it and then leaving with the mobile device.  


Mobile technology in the medical field is a powerful tool and continues to improve the delivery of medical services and streamlines processes. Be aware that there are criminals who engage in tablet theft and i-pad theft in order to steal patient records and prescription information. Protect your patients and your practice with the Classic N10 antenna and Alpha Thunder Tags.


For more information on Alpha Thunder Tags, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547     

Return Fraud: The Retailer’s Arch Nemesis


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Return Fraud: The Retailer’s Arch Nemesis
Unless you are in the party supply or tool business, you are probably not dealing in merchandise rentals.   And even in those types of businesses, rent is not free.  Some customers, however, have found some creative ways around the usual way of buying and selling.  These are the people that are engaging in return fraud, and there are several ways they are getting away with it.  Surveys and studies show that eight to ten percent of all refunds that retailers perform are some form of fraudulence.  It is a significant issue that can very negatively affect the financial performance of a company over time and drive it straight into bankruptcy.
Of course, customers tend to be the number one suspects for return fraud.  We’ve all probably dealt with that person that sneaks in to steal a high dollar item, and then tries to act as if they are making a return.  Sometimes they conceal the item, go out the door, and then come back in.  Sometimes they have a partner waiting outside who will attempt the return.  Other times they are bold and simply walk from the aisle straight to the register.  Because of this, many retailers have added restrictions to the return policies and will not process them without receipts.  There are also the customers that engage in “free renting”, also referred to as wardrobing.  This is a particularly nasty little practice because the customer buys items from your store with the intention of returning it.  They keep their receipts with all the packaging,  and bring the stuff back expecting a full refund.  What makes this such a bad practice is that many times this merchandise is no longer sellable.  This is not just a problem for the clothing business, as it was named for.  Electronics, wedding supply, and even furniture dealers can be victims of this deception as well.  A guy comes to buy the biggest television you have on your sales floor for the next couple of weekends for the playoffs and the championship game.  A woman comes to buy some big center pieces and table linens for her big party or event she is planning.   Then when the games are over, the party people have all gone home, these folks come back to return everything they bought to the respective stores.  The television has dust and roaches inside it.  The table wear has wine and grease stains.  
There is a way to combat wardrobing, which is absolutely return fraud.   When it comes to losing profits, something has to be done.  That’s where the Alpha Shark Tags come into play.  These are just great little gadgets that can be part of any successful return policy.  You simply attach them to any item, whether directly or added to the packaging.  You clip it right on and then if the customer removes the Alpha Shark Tag, the item is no longer eligible for a return.  They are meant to be removed at home with a simple pair of household scissors.  They cannot be reattached, so those customers that bought the ticket gun to put the price tags back on is also put out of business.  Alpha Shark Tags are tamper evident and they can’t be beat.  They are the kryptonite to the “free rent” criminals of the world.  
For more information on Return Fraud, contact us or call: 1.770.426.0547

Unless you are in the party supply or tool business, you are probably not dealing in merchandise rentals. And even in those types of businesses, rent is not free. Some customers, however, have found some creative ways around the usual way of buying and selling. These are the people that are engaging in return fraud, and there are several ways they are getting away with it. Surveys and studies show that eight to ten percent of all refunds that retailers perform are some form of fraudulence. It is a significant issue that can very negatively affect the financial performance of a company over time and drive it straight into bankruptcy.

Of course, customers tend to be the number one suspects for return fraud. We’ve all probably dealt with that person that sneaks in to steal a high dollar item, and then tries to act as if they are making a return. Sometimes they conceal the item, go out the door, and then come back in. Sometimes they have a partner waiting outside who will attempt the return. Other times they are bold and simply walk from the aisle straight to the register. Because of this, many retailers have added restrictions to the return policies and will not process them without receipts. There are also the customers that engage in “free renting”, also referred to as wardrobing. This is a particularly nasty little practice because the customer buys items from your store with the intention of returning it. They keep their receipts with all the packaging,  and bring the stuff back expecting a full refund. What makes this such a bad practice is that many times this merchandise is no longer sellable. This is not just a problem for the clothing business, as it was named for. Electronics, wedding supply, and even furniture dealers can be victims of this deception as well. A guy comes to buy the biggest television you have on your sales floor for the next couple of weekends for the playoffs and the championship game. A woman comes to buy some big center pieces and table linens for her big party or event she is planning. Then when the games are over, the party people have all gone home, these folks come back to return everything they bought to the respective stores. The television has dust and roaches inside it. The table wear has wine and grease stains.  

There is a way to combat wardrobing, which is absolutely return fraud.   When it comes to losing profits, something has to be done. That’s where the Alpha Shark Tags come into play. These are just great little gadgets that can be part of any successful return policy. You simply attach them to any item, whether directly or added to the packaging. You clip it right on and then if the customer removes the Alpha Shark Tag, the item is no longer eligible for a return. They are meant to be removed at home with a simple pair of household scissors. They cannot be reattached, so those customers that bought the ticket gun to put the price tags back on is also put out of business. Alpha Shark Tags are tamper evident and they can’t be beat. They are the kryptonite to the “free rent” criminals of the world.  

For more information on Return Fraud, contact us or call: 1.770.426.0547



The Checkpoint Hard Tag: Transcending Visual Deterrence


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The Checkpoint Hard Tag: Transcending Visual Deterrence
Deterring theft is critical for any retailer to maximize profits in the current market, and visual deterrence is certainly the most common and effective form. Seeing Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) alarms, and the tags that trip them attached to merchandise, is a fantastic way to deter your average shoplifter. Unfortunately, not every shoplifter is easily swayed from stealing your merchandise, and some shoplifters are seasoned criminals. Prolific shoplifters will break the norm in a number of ways. Most commonly they will target merchandise that is not usually tagged as well as bring tools along to remove EAS tags on the merchandise they are after. This is where the Checkpoint hard Tag comes in.
Many retailers carry more than just clothing, and losses can be staggering in areas ranging anywhere from sports equipment to high-end luggage to designer handbags. Much of this merchandise is impossible to attach a standard EAS tag to and it can be a hassle to do so. The Checkpoint hard tag solves numerous problems, including the struggle of application. The sleek design and multiple variations of the tags allow for easy attachment to a wide array of merchandise, while not compromising the look of the product to your customers.
 The next hurdle created for the would-be prolific shoplifter is the difficulty of removal. I have caught many shoplifters with incredibly lengthy records, and the vast majority of the “career shoplifters”, as we call them, were carrying tools on them, and the vast majority of the tools were specifically geared towards removing the common clothing article EAS tag. Just recently my team caught a woman who said she simply ordered an EAS magnetic tag remover on Amazon and decided to try her luck. Uncommon as they may be, the fact is, even big-time shoplifters are unprepared for the quality of the Checkpoint hard tag. Even when performing theft with the help of tools, it is very hard to remove, and this creates another strong barrier of protection for your merchandise: physical deterrence. Shoplifters are not taking their sweet time to steal from you. This is especially true in regards to experienced, career shoplifters. They know the best way to avoid getting caught is to be fast and to know what they want before coming in. An experienced criminal will not risk being caught and charged with theft by futilely attempting to remove a tag for a prolonged period of time, especially when they realize they brought the wrong tools for the job.
In the Loss Prevention world it is not uncommon to hear about Organized Retail Crime (ORC) groups, some going so far as to travel across the country hitting multiple locations of the same store that they know is vulnerable to their tactic, whatever it may be. The item that has recently received the most attention of the ORC groups that I have to deal with is the designer handbag, and it is an ideal item for a Checkpoint hard tag. Many ORC groups operate as tactfully as they possibly can, minimizing any risk of being apprehended and charged. After all, they make a living off of your losses. This is not to say that there aren’t ORC groups who throw caution to the wind with “grab and run” tactics, because that also happens, but why not be prepared for the group that is highly opportunistic? It is possible to deter some ORC groups before they even commit to hitting your store. If you and your merchandise are scoped out will you look like an easy target? Or will you be bypassed in favor of the less-prepared retailer?
There is no downside to adding an extra layer of protection to your merchandise.
For more information about Checkpoint Hard tags, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

Deterring theft is critical for any retailer to maximize profits in the current market, and visual deterrence is certainly the most common and effective form. Seeing Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) alarms, and the tags that trip them attached to merchandise, is a fantastic way to deter your average shoplifter. Unfortunately, not every shoplifter is easily swayed from stealing your merchandise, and some shoplifters are seasoned criminals. Prolific shoplifters will break the norm in a number of ways. Most commonly they will target merchandise that is not usually tagged as well as bring tools along to remove EAS tags on the merchandise they are after. This is where the Checkpoint hard Tag comes in.


Many retailers carry more than just clothing, and losses can be staggering in areas ranging anywhere from sports equipment to high-end luggage to designer handbags. Much of this merchandise is impossible to attach a standard EAS tag to and it can be a hassle to do so. The Checkpoint hard tag solves numerous problems, including the struggle of application. The sleek design and multiple variations of the tags allow for easy attachment to a wide array of merchandise, while not compromising the look of the product to your customers. 


The next hurdle created for the would-be prolific shoplifter is the difficulty of removal. I have caught many shoplifters with incredibly lengthy records, and the vast majority of the “career shoplifters”, as we call them, were carrying tools on them, and the vast majority of the tools were specifically geared towards removing the common clothing article EAS tag. Just recently my team caught a woman who said she simply ordered an EAS magnetic tag remover on Amazon and decided to try her luck. Uncommon as they may be, the fact is, even big-time shoplifters are unprepared for the quality of the Checkpoint hard tag. Even when performing theft with the help of tools, it is very hard to remove, and this creates another strong barrier of protection for your merchandise: physical deterrence. Shoplifters are not taking their sweet time to steal from you. This is especially true in regards to experienced, career shoplifters. They know the best way to avoid getting caught is to be fast and to know what they want before coming in. An experienced criminal will not risk being caught and charged with theft by futilely attempting to remove a tag for a prolonged period of time, especially when they realize they brought the wrong tools for the job.


In the Loss Prevention world it is not uncommon to hear about Organized Retail Crime (ORC) groups, some going so far as to travel across the country hitting multiple locations of the same store that they know is vulnerable to their tactic, whatever it may be. The item that has recently received the most attention of the ORC groups that I have to deal with is the designer handbag, and it is an ideal item for a Checkpoint hard tag. Many ORC groups operate as tactfully as they possibly can, minimizing any risk of being apprehended and charged. After all, they make a living off of your losses. This is not to say that there aren’t ORC groups who throw caution to the wind with “grab and run” tactics, because that also happens, but why not be prepared for the group that is highly opportunistic? It is possible to deter some ORC groups before they even commit to hitting your store. If you and your merchandise are scoped out will you look like an easy target? Or will you be bypassed in favor of the less-prepared retailer?


There is no downside to adding an extra layer of protection to your merchandise.


For more information about Checkpoint Hard tags, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547





It seems to me that more and more retailers are investing heavily in state of the art security measures. The world’s largest retailer is going through a major shift in the way they combat theft and they are investing millions to aid in that effort. Just look at one of those stores. The most noticeable difference to the average consumer is the new cameras and different placements in and around the buildings. They aren’t the only retailer to do this, either. Across the country, even small retailers are investing significant capital in high tech solutions to stop the proverbial bleeding in the shops. What if I told you that you didn’t need to spend thousands to accomplish the same goal? What if your solution is as simple as Checkpoint Tags? 
Let’s go back to the basics for a minute with a story. A colleague that I previously worked with left our company to run the LP department of a very small clothing retailer (5 stores). We had a chance to catch up a few weeks back and he was explaining how he was bringing his current company into the 21st century with security tech. He went on about the new HD camera systems, an updated POS, the addition of exception based reporting software and new training programs for the managers to be more familiar with LP procedures. He told me that his stores were still having shrink issues even with all those new pieces of tech in place. I had a simple question for him. How’s the clothing security program?
He stared at me, blankly for a minute. What do you mean, clothing security program? He quipped back after realizing he was staring out in space for a minute. I asked what EAS system the stores using, and what type of Checkpoint Tags were being used on the store’s product. He looked at me very pointedly and said that he had not realized until this very moment that his company and the department he was hired to lead was not using one of the most basic practices in retail to combat theft and shrink. 
So we circle back around to getting back to the basics. EAS should not be a good thing to have. It shouldn’t be on your wish-list of nice things to have, nor should it be seen as un-necessary. If you operate a retail store, especially a clothing store, it is in your business’s best interest to install a descent system, even if it is one of the entry level models. Next, identify what product is being stolen and use the heck out of those Checkpoint Tags to secure them. I will bet that you will see a dramatic decrease in theft incidents and an overall increase in profitability. 
Operating a clothing boutique will always present a unique challenge to the retailer. Not only do you have to contend with small margins and an every changing fashion scene, you will always have to deal with theft, both internal and external. Clothing security should be just as important to you as anything else in your store. By taking a small measure to secure your inventory, you are ensuring that it remains in stock for your customer to purchase. If that legitimate customer purchases it, your sales increase, as does your profitability, payroll…etc. Being in stock is one of the most vital parts of running a business. To think, you can accomplish all of this with a simple Checkpoint Tag. 
For more information Clothing Security, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

It seems to me that more and more retailers are investing heavily in state of the art security measures. The world’s largest retailer is going through a major shift in the way they combat theft and they are investing millions to aid in that effort. Just look at one of those stores. The most noticeable difference to the average consumer is the new cameras and different placements in and around the buildings. They aren’t the only retailer to do this, either. Across the country, even small retailers are investing significant capital in high tech solutions to stop the proverbial bleeding in the shops. What if I told you that you didn’t need to spend thousands to accomplish the same goal? What if your solution is as simple as Checkpoint Tags


Let’s go back to the basics for a minute with a story. A colleague that I previously worked with left our company to run the LP department of a very small clothing retailer (5 stores). We had a chance to catch up a few weeks back and he was explaining how he was bringing his current company into the 21st century with security tech. He went on about the new HD camera systems, an updated POS, the addition of exception based reporting software and new training programs for the managers to be more familiar with LP procedures. He told me that his stores were still having shrink issues even with all those new pieces of tech in place. I had a simple question for him. How’s the clothing security program?


He stared at me, blankly for a minute. What do you mean, clothing security program? He quipped back after realizing he was staring out in space for a minute. I asked what EAS system the stores using, and what type of Checkpoint Tags were being used on the store’s product. He looked at me very pointedly and said that he had not realized until this very moment that his company and the department he was hired to lead was not using one of the most basic practices in retail to combat theft and shrink. 


So we circle back around to getting back to the basics. EAS should not be a good thing to have. It shouldn’t be on your wish-list of nice things to have, nor should it be seen as un-necessary. If you operate a retail store, especially a clothing store, it is in your business’s best interest to install a descent system, even if it is one of the entry level models. Next, identify what product is being stolen and use the heck out of those Checkpoint Tags to secure them. I will bet that you will see a dramatic decrease in theft incidents and an overall increase in profitability. 


Operating a clothing boutique will always present a unique challenge to the retailer. Not only do you have to contend with small margins and an every changing fashion scene, you will always have to deal with theft, both internal and external. Clothing security should be just as important to you as anything else in your store. By taking a small measure to secure your inventory, you are ensuring that it remains in stock for your customer to purchase. If that legitimate customer purchases it, your sales increase, as does your profitability, payroll…etc. Being in stock is one of the most vital parts of running a business. To think, you can accomplish all of this with a simple Checkpoint Tag.   


For more information Clothing Security, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547



Who Actually Steals Library Books?


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Who Actually Steals Library Books?
There are many reasons people come up with to justify the theft of library books.  Some will steal books simply for the challenge of the act.  They just want to see if they can get away with it.  That token of their theft is a constant reminder of their success and they feed off of it.  Some people will steal books in protest.  They feel they have been wronged by the government, or perhaps the university that runs the library and that is one way they can “get back at them.”  Students may even steal books from their school’s collection due to academic pressure to keep their peers from getting the research information for an important assignment.  Others may actually steal books for their own personal collections.  Library security has become a serious issue and it doesn’t look like it’s going to be declining any time soon.  There are valuable resources kept in libraries and even some out of print editions that people have actually tried to steal so they can sell them on an online auction site.  
Seventy percent of all public libraries surveyed recently report theft as their biggest problem.  That’s a big surprise considering all the usual talk about budget cuts.  One of the newest issues regarding library security is specifically in the genealogy room.  These are the books that are kept to record the births and deaths of the people in the county, property records, and much more about the people of the town.  These books are priceless for family research.  Many generations will come to look at them and use them to find out about their own bloodlines and possibly even medical history.  Sadly, these books can also be used by identity thieves.  Remember, these books hold a lot of valuable information, like names and birthdays, that could be very helpful in filling out bogus credit card applications.  
Many major institutions have had to resort to adding security guards, limiting the building exits, and electronic devices.  Security guards cost a lot of money over time, and many older buildings were built with multiple exits in case of fire.  An investment in an electronic detection system can be a saving grace for a public library to protect its valuable inventory.  One example of an excellent system is the Checkpoint N10 Antenna.  This system is very similar to the classic Checkpoint pedestals you see in department stores and grocers.  The N10 Antenna has the same detection capabilities as its larger retail counterparts, but it is smaller and more compact so it does not detract from the professional look and atmosphere of a library.  This system provides the library security by monitoring the books coming and going.  If the Checkpoint tag inside a book has not been deactivated at the checkout desk, the N10 Antenna will alert the staff if a patron attempts to go out the door. The addition of this system is not to deter people from using the library; it is just meant to deter dishonest people from removing resources that are meant to be available for everyone.   From the genealogy room, with its priceless records, to even the simple first books for children, the library should be able to keep a clear inventory of its possessions, and the N10 Antenna system is a new option for them to consider.
For more information about Library Protection, contact us or call: 1.770.426.0547

There are many reasons people come up with to justify the theft of library books. Some will steal books simply for the challenge of the act. They just want to see if they can get away with it. That token of their theft is a constant reminder of their success and they feed off of it. Some people will steal books in protest. They feel they have been wronged by the government, or perhaps the university that runs the library and that is one way they can “get back at them.” Students may even steal books from their school’s collection due to academic pressure to keep their peers from getting the research information for an important assignment. Others may actually steal books for their own personal collections. Library security has become a serious issue and it doesn’t look like it’s going to be declining any time soon. There are valuable resources kept in libraries and even some out of print editions that people have actually tried to steal so they can sell them on an online auction site.  

Seventy percent of all public libraries surveyed recently report theft as their biggest problem. That’s a big surprise considering all the usual talk about budget cuts. One of the newest issues regarding library security is specifically in the genealogy room. These are the books that are kept to record the births and deaths of the people in the county, property records, and much more about the people of the town. These books are priceless for family research. Many generations will come to look at them and use them to find out about their own bloodlines and possibly even medical history. Sadly, these books can also be used by identity thieves. Remember, these books hold a lot of valuable information, like names and birthdays, that could be very helpful in filling out bogus credit card applications.  

Many major institutions have had to resort to adding security guards, limiting the building exits, and electronic devices. Security guards cost a lot of money over time, and many older buildings were built with multiple exits in case of fire. An investment in an electronic detection system can be a saving grace for a public library to protect its valuable inventory. One example of an excellent system is the Checkpoint N10 Antenna. This system is very similar to the classic Checkpoint pedestals you see in department stores and grocers. The N10 Antenna has the same detection capabilities as its larger retail counterparts, but it is smaller and more compact so it does not detract from the professional look and atmosphere of a library. This system provides the library security by monitoring the books coming and going. If the Checkpoint tag inside a book has not been deactivated at the checkout desk, the N10 Antenna will alert the staff if a patron attempts to go out the door. The addition of this system is not to deter people from using the library; it is just meant to deter dishonest people from removing resources that are meant to be available for everyone. From the genealogy room, with its priceless records, to even the simple first books for children, the library should be able to keep a clear inventory of its possessions, and the N10 Antenna system is a new option for them to consider.

For more information about Library Protection, contact us or call: 1.770.426.0547