Clothing Security Tags Could Have Prevented A Theft – Don’t Be A Victim Too


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Clothing Security Tags Could Have Prevented A Theft – Don’t Be A Victim Too
     If you operate a small to medium size store and sell clothing what do you do for clothing security?  Do you know where your stock shortage is coming from?  Are you focused on shoplifting theft or employee theft or is it something you have even thought about?  As a business owner you may be aware that theft is taking place in your stores but don’t know what tools are available to prevent theft.   Certainly cameras and emphasis on customer service are helpful, but they only go so far to prevent theft.  Checkpoint tags on clothes offer round the clock protection of merchandise.  If a store has an electronic article surveillance (EAS) system, as soon as items with clothing alarm tags on them pass through an EAS antenna the alarm sounds and staff can respond to retrieve merchandise.      
     Clothing security tags can come in different styles.  They may be sleek, disk styles that compliment suits, dresses or expensive designer clothes.  They also come in bulkier, rectangular styles that stand out more on heavier materials such as denim. They can be ordered in radio frequency (rf) or acoustic magnetic (am) depending on the type of electronic article surveillance system a store has in place.  Most clothing security tags, such as Checkpoint tags are reusable.  Once detached at a point of sale the two pieces can be kept in two separate containers and then placed on new product that arrives to the store.  Regardless of the style of tag or the system being used, clothing security tags can prevent shoplifting or employee theft. 
     When I worked as a Loss Prevention Officer for a department store my supervisor and I were suspicious of one of the presentation employees.  This employee would arrive to work and rather than place her purse in an employee locker she would take it to the presentation room with all of the mannequins and display items.  We placed a covert camera in the room and began to see activity.  The employee would take clothing from the sales floor to the presentation room and leave it in the room until the end of her shift.  When she was done for the day she would fill her handbag with clothing, clock out and leave.   Because the store did not use clothing security tags on a lot of merchandise, the employee never set off any alarms as she would exit the building.  During the final incident of theft we observed before she was interviewed for stealing, we accounted for over $500.00 in merchandise being hidden in her handbag.  It was never determined how much loss she caused before she was finally stopped.  One has to wonder though, if Checkpoint tags were used on more items in the store, how much more theft could have been prevented?  
     While your store may not be large enough to have a presentation department or office areas for various departments, you are certainly going to have some off-stage areas.  These may be breakrooms, or restrooms or perhaps a computer/training room.  Anywhere there is an area that offers some privacy, there is opportunity for theft.  You can place cameras in most areas of the store, but who is going to monitor them or take the time to review all of your video footage every day?  Customer service will prevent some of the shoplifting in the store, but what about stopping a dishonest employee?  You can’t hover all of your employees every minute of the day, nor would you want to try.  By using Checkpoint tags you take away opportunity for theft and opportunity is one of the essentials for a thief.  
     Place Checkpoint tags on all of the clothes you carry and watch the theft in your store drastically diminish.  Best of all, as the theft decreases the profitability of the store will rise and isn’t that why you are in business?
For more information on Checkpoint Tags contact us or call 1.770.426.0547   

If you operate a small to medium size store and sell clothing what do you do for clothing security? Do you know where your stock shortage is coming from? Are you focused on shoplifting theft or employee theft or is it something you have even thought about? As a business owner you may be aware that theft is taking place in your stores but don’t know what tools are available to prevent theft. Certainly cameras and emphasis on customer service are helpful, but they only go so far to prevent theft. Checkpoint tags on clothes offer round the clock protection of merchandise. If a store has an electronic article surveillance (EAS) system, as soon as items with clothing alarm tags on them pass through an EAS antenna the alarm sounds and staff can respond to retrieve merchandise.            

Clothing security tags can come in different styles. They may be sleek, disk styles that compliment suits, dresses or expensive designer clothes. They also come in bulkier, rectangular styles that stand out more on heavier materials such as denim. They can be ordered in radio frequency (rf) or acoustic magnetic (am) depending on the type of electronic article surveillance system a store has in place. Most clothing security tags, such as Checkpoint tags are reusable. Once detached at a point of sale the two pieces can be kept in two separate containers and then placed on new product that arrives to the store. Regardless of the style of tag or the system being used, clothing security tags can prevent shoplifting or employee theft. 

When I worked as a Loss Prevention Officer for a department store my supervisor and I were suspicious of one of the presentation employees. This employee would arrive to work and rather than place her purse in an employee locker she would take it to the presentation room with all of the mannequins and display items. We placed a covert camera in the room and began to see activity. The employee would take clothing from the sales floor to the presentation room and leave it in the room until the end of her shift. When she was done for the day she would fill her handbag with clothing, clock out and leave. Because the store did not use clothing security tags on a lot of merchandise, the employee never set off any alarms as she would exit the building. During the final incident of theft we observed before she was interviewed for stealing, we accounted for over $500.00 in merchandise being hidden in her handbag. It was never determined how much loss she caused before she was finally stopped. One has to wonder though, if Checkpoint tags were used on more items in the store, how much more theft could have been prevented?  


While your store may not be large enough to have a presentation department or office areas for various departments, you are certainly going to have some off-stage areas. These may be breakrooms, or restrooms or perhaps a computer/training room. Anywhere there is an area that offers some privacy, there is opportunity for theft. You can place cameras in most areas of the store, but who is going to monitor them or take the time to review all of your video footage every day? Customer service will prevent some of the shoplifting in the store, but what about stopping a dishonest employee? You can’t hover all of your employees every minute of the day, nor would you want to try. By using Checkpoint tags you take away opportunity for theft and opportunity is one of the essentials for a thief.  

Place Checkpoint tags on all of the clothes you carry and watch the theft in your store drastically diminish.  Best of all, as the theft decreases the profitability of the store will rise and isn’t that why you are in business?


For more information on Checkpoint Tags contact us or call 1.770.426.0547   



Wary Of Overnight Crews Binging on Beverages? Stop The Party With Bottle Locks

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Wary Of Overnight Crews Binging on Beverages?  Stop The Party With Bottle Locks 
     Have you ever heard the old saying, “when the cat’s away the mice come out to play?”  Sometimes for retailers those mice can take human form when no supervisors are in the building.  During my years as a Loss Prevention Manager I caught a number of overnight employees and contracted cleaning crew staff stealing in our store.   The reason I bring this up is because of a story I came across about a Cleveland, Ohio area store security officer who caught a contracted overnight cleaning crew employee stealing over $1,800 worth of wine from a period of December 2015 until February 2016.  That is a lot of wine to rip off!  Many times stores will staff with overnight cleaning personnel or early morning stocking staff in order to get the store ready for the next day.  If you run a store that sells alcohol, how confident are you that overnight staff are not stealing from you?  One way to be more confident is to use Alpha security bottle locks on your wine and spirits.  
     Using a bottle lock prevents someone from opening a bottle without a special detachment key.  Bottle Locks come in several designs but most are made to fit over the cap of a bottle and part of the neck.  They lock in place and prevent someone from being able to pry a bottle open and attempts to do so lead to broken bottles.  The locks activate electronic article surveillance door antennas if someone attempts to walk out the door with a bottle protected with a lock.  In the case of the Versa Guard bottle lock, it is designed for quick removal at the point of sale, adding efficiency when handling multiple bottles at once.  Efficiency does not mean easy to defeat and shoplifters are still thwarted in efforts to force a lock off.
     Perhaps you don’t have an overnight cleaning staff or employees stocking the sales floor overnight and you are questioning the need for bottle locks.  Alpha Security locks don’t prevent just employee theft they also prevent shoplifting.  It is easy to walk into many liquor stores and grocery stores and find merchandise without a bottle lock.  Shoplifters take bottles and conceal them under clothing, or in bags or purses.  With no protection in place, the thief walks out and no one realizes anything is wrong until they notice empty shelves.  Worse, no one pays attention until inventory time and shortage results show how many dollars of merchandise are missing. 
     The question arises, “Why don’t I just use lock up cases and then neither overnight employees nor shoplifters can steal the alcohol?”  I have found in my experiences that lock-up cases are a poor solution for theft prevention.  They do keep people out, shoplifters and legitimate customers alike.  On the other hand, during store operating hours, they require constant customer service.  An employee has to be available at all times to open any locked case.  Failure to do so in a timely manner can mean lost sales and with enough lost sales a store is bound to go out of business.  The fact is customers don’t want to wait and often won’t wait for service.  Alpha security products provide retailers the ability to stock merchandise on open displays while still providing security.  Sales increase when customers have access to product and can walk around with it and continue shopping.  Shoplifters are more likely to go to other stores where there is no wine or liquor bottle security in use.
     Whether you have overnight staff or not, there is always a concern that employees may be stealing from your store.  Add to that the theft that takes place from shoplifters and stock shortage becomes a real financial problem.  Wine and liquor bottle security is significantly enhanced and profits climb when bottle locks are used.
Get more information on bottle locks, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.

Have you ever heard the old saying, “when the cat’s away the mice come out to play?” Sometimes for retailers those mice can take human form when no supervisors are in the building. During my years as a Loss Prevention Manager I caught a number of overnight employees and contracted cleaning crew staff stealing in our store. The reason I bring this up is because of a story I came across about a Cleveland, Ohio area store security officer who caught a contracted overnight cleaning crew employee stealing over $1,800 worth of wine from a period of December 2015 until February 2016. That is a lot of wine to rip off! Many times stores will staff with overnight cleaning personnel or early morning stocking staff in order to get the store ready for the next day. If you run a store that sells alcohol, how confident are you that overnight staff are not stealing from you? One way to be more confident is to use Alpha security bottle locks on your wine and spirits.  

Using a bottle lock prevents someone from opening a bottle without a special detachment key. Bottle Locks come in several designs but most are made to fit over the cap of a bottle and part of the neck. They lock in place and prevent someone from being able to pry a bottle open and attempts to do so lead to broken bottles. The locks activate electronic article surveillance door antennas if someone attempts to walk out the door with a bottle protected with a lock. In the case of the Versa Guard bottle lock, it is designed for quick removal at the point of sale, adding efficiency when handling multiple bottles at once. Efficiency does not mean easy to defeat and shoplifters are still thwarted in efforts to force a lock off.

Perhaps you don’t have an overnight cleaning staff or employees stocking the sales floor overnight and you are questioning the need for bottle locks. Alpha Security locks don’t prevent just employee theft they also prevent shoplifting. It is easy to walk into many liquor stores and grocery stores and find merchandise without a bottle lock. Shoplifters take bottles and conceal them under clothing, or in bags or purses. With no protection in place, the thief walks out and no one realizes anything is wrong until they notice empty shelves. Worse, no one pays attention until inventory time and shortage results show how many dollars of merchandise are missing. 

The question arises, “Why don’t I just use lock up cases and then neither overnight employees nor shoplifters can steal the alcohol?” I have found in my experiences that lock-up cases are a poor solution for theft prevention. They do keep people out, shoplifters and legitimate customers alike. On the other hand, during store operating hours, they require constant customer service. An employee has to be available at all times to open any locked case. Failure to do so in a timely manner can mean lost sales and with enough lost sales a store is bound to go out of business. The fact is customers don’t want to wait and often won’t wait for service. Alpha security products provide retailers the ability to stock merchandise on open displays while still providing security. Sales increase when customers have access to product and can walk around with it and continue shopping. Shoplifters are more likely to go to other stores where there is no wine or liquor bottle security in use.

Whether you have overnight staff or not, there is always a concern that employees may be stealing from your store. Add to that the theft that takes place from shoplifters and stock shortage becomes a real financial problem. Wine and liquor bottle security is significantly enhanced and profits climb when bottle locks are used.


Get more information on bottle locks, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.



Don’t Horse Around – Use Alpha Thunder Tags To Protect Veterinary Mobile Devices


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Don’t Horse Around – Use Alpha Thunder Tags To Protect Veterinary Mobile Devices
     You may be aware that many doctor’s offices and hospitals are transitioning from paper records and files to electronic devices to conduct their work.  For example they are now using i-pads and tablets for review of patient records, viewing scans and x-rays, even consulting with other doctor’s about procedures before treating patients.  But did you know that the use of mobile medical devices is not limited to the treatment of humans?  Veterinarians are also helping render aid and treatment to our furry friends with mobile devices.   I had never considered that there might be apps available to vets just as there are for doctors.  If there are vet apps for i-pads and tablets as those offered to other medical services, then there must be growth in the demand for the devices.  Just like the risks posed to other doctors, this means i-pad theft and tablet theft will be a concern for veterinarians.  The Alpha Thunder Tag is the anti-theft device that will keep your mobile devices safe.
    Originally designed as a retail anti-theft tool, the Alpha Thunder Tag has applications outside the retail arena.  The tag is attached by an adhesive to a mobile device and therefore acts as a visible deterrent to someone who may be tempted to try to steal one.  The tags also are designed to work with an electronic article surveillance system (EAS) so that in the event a thief attempts to walk out of an office the EAS antenna will activate.  The activation serves to warn staff that a device is being carried out of the building and they can respond and retrieve the device.  If the 3 alarm model of the tag is purchased an added benefit is an internal alarm that activates in the device if someone were to get through the antennas and exit the building.  Having worked for many years in the retail loss prevention field, I can verify that EAS activations can scare thieves into dropping merchandise.  I am confident it would have the same effect for someone attempting a medical tablet theft or i-pad theft.
     You may be wondering what would possess someone to want to steal information on Spot or Fluffy.  The bad guys may not be trying to get the pet’s information remember veterinary clinics carry a lot of client information from the pet owner.  Addresses, email information, pet prescriptions and billing information are all potentially areas of vulnerability that could have value on the black market.  With adequate information, criminals can gain enough data to create identity theft via a stolen profile. Veterinarians are not subject to HIPAA regulations so they may not be as careful with client information as other doctors.  This is not to say they would be intentionally careless, but the penalties imposed on other doctors by the government if a data breach occurs is a strong catalyst to ensure adequate security measures are in place.  Much of the information a criminal needs is often stored on mobile devices and therefore makes i-pad theft and tablet theft a real possibility. 
     The other reason a veterinary practice should be concerned with mobile devices being stolen is that tablets and i-pads are valuable for resale.  Someone may not be attempting to gain access to Fido’s prescription dog food information they might simply want to get the device and wipe it clean and resell it.  In other cases, people will steal simply for the excitement of trying to get away with something.  In retail loss prevention we frequently would encounter the shoplifter who would steal because they were “dared” or “they wanted to see if they could do it”.  There is an adrenaline rush some thieves feel and that drives their motivation.
     Regardless of the reason, tablet theft and i-pad theft is as much a concern for veterinarians as it is for other medical practices. The Alpha Thunder Tag is the way to ensure that mobile devices and the information they carry remain secure.
Need information on Alpha Thunder Tag? Give us a call at 1.770.426.0547 now.

You may be aware that many doctor’s offices and hospitals are transitioning from paper records and files to electronic devices to conduct their work. For example they are now using i-pads and tablets for review of patient records, viewing scans and x-rays, even consulting with other doctor’s about procedures before treating patients. But did you know that the use of mobile medical devices is not limited to the treatment of humans? Veterinarians are also helping render aid and treatment to our furry friends with mobile devices. I had never considered that there might be apps available to vets just as there are for doctors. If there are vet apps for i-pads and tablets as those offered to other medical services, then there must be growth in the demand for the devices.  Just like the risks posed to other doctors, this means i-pad theft and tablet theft will be a concern for veterinarians. The Alpha Thunder Tag is the anti-theft device that will keep your mobile devices safe.

Originally designed as a retail anti-theft tool, the Alpha Thunder Tag has applications outside the retail arena. The tag is attached by an adhesive to a mobile device and therefore acts as a visible deterrent to someone who may be tempted to try to steal one. The tags also are designed to work with an electronic article surveillance system (EAS) so that in the event a thief attempts to walk out of an office the EAS antenna will activate. The activation serves to warn staff that a device is being carried out of the building and they can respond and retrieve the device.  If the 3 alarm model of the tag is purchased an added benefit is an internal alarm that activates in the device if someone were to get through the antennas and exit the building. Having worked for many years in the retail loss prevention field, I can verify that EAS activations can scare thieves into dropping merchandise.  I am confident it would have the same effect for someone attempting a medical tablet theft or i-pad theft.

You may be wondering what would possess someone to want to steal information on Spot or Fluffy. The bad guys may not be trying to get the pet’s information remember veterinary clinics carry a lot of client information from the pet owner. Addresses, email information, pet prescriptions and billing information are all potentially areas of vulnerability that could have value on the black market. With adequate information, criminals can gain enough data to create identity theft via a stolen profile. Veterinarians are not subject to HIPAA regulations so they may not be as careful with client information as other doctors. This is not to say they would be intentionally careless, but the penalties imposed on other doctors by the government if a data breach occurs is a strong catalyst to ensure adequate security measures are in place. Much of the information a criminal needs is often stored on mobile devices and therefore makes i-pad theft and tablet theft a real possibility. 

The other reason a veterinary practice should be concerned with mobile devices being stolen is that tablets and i-pads are valuable for resale. Someone may not be attempting to gain access to Fido’s prescription dog food information they might simply want to get the device and wipe it clean and resell it. In other cases, people will steal simply for the excitement of trying to get away with something. In retail loss prevention we frequently would encounter the shoplifter who would steal because they were “dared” or “they wanted to see if they could do it”.  There is an adrenaline rush some thieves feel and that drives their motivation.

Regardless of the reason, tablet theft and i-pad theft is as much a concern for veterinarians as it is for other medical practices. The Alpha Thunder Tag is the way to ensure that mobile devices and the information they carry remain secure.


Need information on Alpha Thunder Tag? Give us a call at 1.770.426.0547 now.




Don’t Be Intimidated By Wardrobers; Use Alpha Shark Tags To Enforce Return Policies


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Don’t Be Intimidated By Wardrobers; Use Alpha Shark Tags To Enforce Return Policies
     I have a daughter who works in clothing retail, often at the customer service counter taking returns.  Because of our similar backgrounds, I like to ask her about her experiences with attempted return fraud.  She recently told me about a customer attempting to return an inexpensive lingerie item that had a shirt tag on it for $32.99.  The ticket was from a shirt their store carries, but she said the lingerie piece was not one of their brands.  While this is one return she was able to prevent, she did say that she has had a number of items returned that had obviously been worn.  She described an incident of a man returning a pair of work pants that had a foul smell and had obviously been worn.  Because the customer had the receipt and the tags, the manager on duty accepted the return.  Since I have retail management experience, I knew the answer to my own question, but I asked my daughter if they were supposed to take items in this condition back.  I also asked her why the managers would do this.  The answer: No, they aren’t supposed to take the items back, but some do it to avoid the threat of a call to corporate.
     Return fraud situations like this could easily be avoided if clothing retailers would use Alpha Shark Tags on the garments they sell.  What is so special about Alpha Shark Tags?  These tags are attached to clothing in a location that will ensure they are visible and can’t be concealed.  For example, on a pair of slacks a Shark Tag would be applied on a seam near the knee so an untucked shirt cannot be used to cover it up.  On a shirt the tag could be applied near the collar so there is no concealing it with a sweater.  Wardrobing tags have to be removed once the purchaser gets home and decides they are going to keep the item and wear it.  Once removed wardrobing tags can’t be reattached and store policy should dictate that under no circumstance will an item be accepted for a return without tag attached, except in the case of a defect in the merchandise.  
     It is an unfortunate reality that many people involved in wardrobing know that it is not difficult to return merchandise they have worn.  They are aware that many retail managers at store level don’t like to have an upset customer and they don’t like confrontation.  Part of this I blame on the culture that has developed around the concept that “the customer is always right”.  No, the customer is not always right, especially when they are trying to commit return fraud. It is important to do the right thing for the customer who is making a legitimate purchase and return, but the people wardrobing are using stores as their personal clothing closet, buying new clothes, wearing them and returning them for full refunds.   Too often I have seen managers tell a customer no to a return and the customer demand the number to a district manager or a corporate phone number.  The dreaded threat of a “call to corporate” often ends up with a manager “allowing the return just this once, even though I’m not supposed to”.
     Excellence in customer service starts with making your patrons feel welcome when they enter your store and making sure you find out what they are looking for and helping them make the choices that will fit them.  Offering suggestions for accessorizing can also make a shopping experience enjoyable, especially for a shopper who may not know quite what will go with an outfit.  Finally, ensure that the checkout process is easy and the customer knows exactly what the store return policies are.  Customers who are honest will abide by return policies and won’t abuse them as long as a store is upfront about their policies and makes good faith efforts to correct a problem with defective merchandise. 
      If you use Alpha Shark Tags and explain the return policy to customers, you can stand by your policy with confidence.  Even if YOU are the “District Manager” and “Corporate Office”, you can rest assured your good customers will continue to shop with you and those committing return fraud will find somewhere else to go where they can intimidate managers.   
For more information on Return Fraud contact us or call 1.770.426.0547  

I have a daughter who works in clothing retail, often at the customer service counter taking returns. Because of our similar backgrounds, I like to ask her about her experiences with attempted return fraud. She recently told me about a customer attempting to return an inexpensive lingerie item that had a shirt tag on it for $32.99. The ticket was from a shirt their store carries, but she said the lingerie piece was not one of their brands. While this is one return she was able to prevent, she did say that she has had a number of items returned that had obviously been worn. She described an incident of a man returning a pair of work pants that had a foul smell and had obviously been worn. Because the customer had the receipt and the tags, the manager on duty accepted the return. Since I have retail management experience, I knew the answer to my own question, but I asked my daughter if they were supposed to take items in this condition back. I also asked her why the managers would do this. The answer: No, they aren’t supposed to take the items back, but some do it to avoid the threat of a call to corporate.

Return fraud situations like this could easily be avoided if clothing retailers would use Alpha Shark Tags on the garments they sell. What is so special about Alpha Shark Tags? These tags are attached to clothing in a location that will ensure they are visible and can’t be concealed. For example, on a pair of slacks a Shark Tag would be applied on a seam near the knee so an untucked shirt cannot be used to cover it up. On a shirt the tag could be applied near the collar so there is no concealing it with a sweater. Wardrobing tags have to be removed once the purchaser gets home and decides they are going to keep the item and wear it. Once removed wardrobing tags can’t be reattached and store policy should dictate that under no circumstance will an item be accepted for a return without tag attached, except in the case of a defect in the merchandise.  

It is an unfortunate reality that many people involved in wardrobing know that it is not difficult to return merchandise they have worn. They are aware that many retail managers at store level don’t like to have an upset customer and they don’t like confrontation. Part of this I blame on the culture that has developed around the concept that “the customer is always right”. No, the customer is not always right, especially when they are trying to commit return fraud. It is important to do the right thing for the customer who is making a legitimate purchase and return, but the people wardrobing are using stores as their personal clothing closet, buying new clothes, wearing them and returning them for full refunds.   Too often I have seen managers tell a customer no to a return and the customer demand the number to a district manager or a corporate phone number. The dreaded threat of a “call to corporate” often ends up with a manager “allowing the return just this once, even though I’m not supposed to”.

Excellence in customer service starts with making your patrons feel welcome when they enter your store and making sure you find out what they are looking for and helping them make the choices that will fit them. Offering suggestions for accessorizing can also make a shopping experience enjoyable, especially for a shopper who may not know quite what will go with an outfit. Finally, ensure that the checkout process is easy and the customer knows exactly what the store return policies are. Customers who are honest will abide by return policies and won’t abuse them as long as a store is upfront about their policies and makes good faith efforts to correct a problem with defective merchandise. 

If you use Alpha Shark Tags and explain the return policy to customers, you can stand by your policy with confidence. Even if YOU are the “District Manager” and “Corporate Office”, you can rest assured your good customers will continue to shop with you and those committing return fraud will find somewhere else to go where they can intimidate managers.   

For more information on Return Fraud, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547  



Watch Your Jewelry Inventory


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Watch Your Jewelry Inventory
Jewelry stores have to balance the fine line of having enough inventory out for display and having the right amount of protection in place.  Honest shoppers want to be able to browse around and find the right item, but criminals are also on the lookout for what they can grab.  There has to be a good selection of diamond rings for the nervous groom to be, but if there are no retail anti theft devices in place, a smooth talking thief can be out the front door with a fistful before the staff ever misses a thing.  

Bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and more are very vulnerable, expensive, small pieces that can be slipped in a pocket or purse.  In order to prevent shoplifting, there is a great tool called the Alpha Jewel Lok that can help you monitor your valuable inventory.  A key selling point for this product is that it will protect the jewelry, not the packaging.
I live in a town where just last year a pair of men went into a very high end jewelry store and asked to look at the Rolex watches.  They took turns trying on practically every single one they had.  They went back and forth, looking at them all, talking with the clerks and shooting the breeze with them.  Then one guy got a phone call, while the other kept checking out the watches.  A little more time passed and both men left without making a purchase.  Unfortunately when the clerk began to return all the watches to their boxes, there was one missing.  Between the two of them, they walked out the door with a $35,000 time piece.  It’s been just over a year, and neither of them have been caught.  Last night there was a similar story on the nightly news.  A man and woman this time, in the same town, but it was a different jewelry store.  It was almost the same situation though.  (Again, there were no retail anti theft devices on any of the pieces.) The two of them walked in and asked to look at the best watches the place had in stock.   The store staff happily complied, ready for a big sales commission.  After some time looking at them, the pair said they planned to look around at other competitors.  Then when the manager started looking at the display case, he found one watch was gone.  Sure, they got them on surveillance and the picture was clear, but the store is still missing a $12,000 watch.  That’s a big hit for a one day loss.  
Alpha Jewel Loks could have prevented both of these terribly brazen thefts.   They are made to be attached directly to the jewelry item, not the box.  Alpha Jewel Loks are a great theft deterrent because of this.  If there is a theft attempt, the store staff will immediately be alerted, instead of finding out after the fact when it is too late.  Jewel thieves are known to be slick fast talkers.  They have made an art of getting away with valuable pieces to sell or add to their own collections.  They tend to go from town to town and they are frequently successful using the same schemes.  That’s why it is so imperative to prevent shoplifting in the jewelry store sector.  In order to put a stop to this, we’ve got to get owners and managers of jewelry stores to look into investing in Alpha Jewel Loks.  
Get more information on Alpha Jewel Loks and more Alpha Hard Tags, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today

Jewelry stores have to balance the fine line of having enough inventory out for display and having the right amount of protection in place. Honest shoppers want to be able to browse around and find the right item, but criminals are also on the lookout for what they can grab. There has to be a good selection of diamond rings for the nervous groom to be, but if there are no retail anti theft devices in place, a smooth talking thief can be out the front door with a fistful before the staff ever misses a thing. Bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and more are very vulnerable, expensive, small pieces that can be slipped in a pocket or purse. In order to prevent shoplifting, there is a great tool called the Alpha Jewel Lok that can help you monitor your valuable inventory. A key selling point for this product is that it will protect the jewelry, not the packaging.


I live in a town where just last year a pair of men went into a very high end jewelry store and asked to look at the Rolex watches. They took turns trying on practically every single one they had. They went back and forth, looking at them all, talking with the clerks and shooting the breeze with them. Then one guy got a phone call, while the other kept checking out the watches. A little more time passed and both men left without making a purchase. Unfortunately when the clerk began to return all the watches to their boxes, there was one missing. Between the two of them, they walked out the door with a $35,000 time piece. It’s been just over a year, and neither of them have been caught. Last night there was a similar story on the nightly news. A man and woman this time, in the same town, but it was a different jewelry store. It was almost the same situation though. (Again, there were no retail anti theft devices on any of the pieces.) The two of them walked in and asked to look at the best watches the place had in stock. The store staff happily complied, ready for a big sales commission. After some time looking at them, the pair said they planned to look around at other competitors. Then when the manager started looking at the display case, he found one watch was gone. Sure, they got them on surveillance and the picture was clear, but the store is still missing a $12,000 watch. That’s a big hit for a one day loss.  

Alpha Jewel Loks could have prevented both of these terribly brazen thefts. They are made to be attached directly to the jewelry item, not the box. Alpha Jewel Loks are a great theft deterrent because of this. If there is a theft attempt, the store staff will immediately be alerted, instead of finding out after the fact when it is too late. Jewel thieves are known to be slick fast talkers. They have made an art of getting away with valuable pieces to sell or add to their own collections. They tend to go from town to town and they are frequently successful using the same schemes. That’s why it is so imperative to prevent shoplifting in the jewelry store sector. In order to put a stop to this, we’ve got to get owners and managers of jewelry stores to look into investing in Alpha Jewel Loks.  

Get more information on Alpha Jewel Loks and more Alpha Hard Tags, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today