We’ve finally made it! The last in our series covering the best ways to use Alpha Keepers to stop shoplifters. We’ve covered so many great items, but there are still so many uses for these incredible tools. I believe we will be following up with a 20 more ways segment in the very near future! I truly hope you’ve been able to learn something here and will use that to make your store more profitable. To not waste any more time, here are the last 5 uses in our series. 
16. Batteries
Whether it’s the high end rechargeable batteries, are the commonly stolen to cook meth brand of lithium batteries, this category continues to plague retailers of all sizes. What’s worse is that in most stores, the retailer doesn’t actually make a profit on name brand batteries. That makes it even more crucial to prevent shoplifting. While impractical to lock up every single battery, Alpha Keepers are a great tool for the higher risk/theft styles. 
17. Cigarettes
While there are commonly state and/or local laws in effect around the country that mandate these items be stored behind a counter, there are certain areas where retailers may be able to display these out in the open. Doing so is more convenient to the customer, but makes it that much easier for a criminal to rob you blind! If you desire an open merchandising concept here, an Alpha Keeper is the way to go. 
18. Memory Cards/Flash Drives
I have not yet found a more effective way to prevent shoplifting than using an Alpha Keeper. Memory cards are inherently high priced and incredibly small, making them prime targets for boosters. I see these items very commonly in refund fraud cases. Locking them away or behind a peg lock can adversely affect your sales. Using the keeper is a great alternative. 
19. Tablets
Everyone that carries computers or tablets probably has a pretty sophisticated security system for the display merchandise. That’s a given, but what about the backstock? How many customers do you turn away each day because they grew tired of waiting on a salesperson to fetch one from the back? Even if it’s one a day, that missed sale can equate to nearly $150,000 of lost sales in a year. What if you were able to display your backstock in a way that made it easier for the customer to simply pick it up and head to the register, all while preventing a thief from swiping your profits away? 
20. Anything Else
Take a walk around your store after reading this. Look for items that are constantly reported stolen. Ask yourself if you’ve done all you can to prevent shoplifting. Perhaps you have a popular item that can’t be secured by a traditional EAS device such as a hard or soft tag. Maybe the item is too bulky or oddly shaped that normal tagging just isn’t effective. These are the items that are perfect for Alpha Keepers. While I’m surely not suggesting you clamp everything in your store down inside plastic, just know that there is always a security solution out there to fit your need, and more importantly, your budget. 
For more information about Alpha Keeper, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547.

We’ve finally made it! The last in our series covering the best ways to use Alpha Keepers to stop shoplifters. We’ve covered so many great items, but there are still so many uses for these incredible tools. I believe we will be following up with a 20 more ways segment in the very near future! I truly hope you’ve been able to learn something here and will use that to make your store more profitable. To not waste any more time, here are the last 5 uses in our series. 


16. Batteries

Whether it’s the high end rechargeable batteries, are the commonly stolen to cook meth brand of lithium batteries, this category continues to plague retailers of all sizes. What’s worse is that in most stores, the retailer doesn’t actually make a profit on name brand batteries. That makes it even more crucial to prevent shoplifting. While impractical to lock up every single battery, Alpha Keepers are a great tool for the higher risk/theft styles. 

 17. Cigarettes

While there are commonly state and/or local laws in effect around the country that mandate these items be stored behind a counter, there are certain areas where retailers may be able to display these out in the open. Doing so is more convenient to the customer, but makes it that much easier for a criminal to rob you blind! If you desire an open merchandising concept here, an Alpha Keeper is the way to go. 

 18. Memory Cards/Flash Drives

I have not yet found a more effective way to prevent shoplifting than using an Alpha Keeper. Memory cards are inherently high priced and incredibly small, making them prime targets for boosters. I see these items very commonly in refund fraud cases. Locking them away or behind a peg lock can adversely affect your sales. Using the keeper is a great alternative. 

 19. Tablets

Everyone that carries computers or tablets probably has a pretty sophisticated security system for the display merchandise. That’s a given, but what about the backstock? How many customers do you turn away each day because they grew tired of waiting on a salesperson to fetch one from the back? Even if it’s one a day, that missed sale can equate to nearly $150,000 of lost sales in a year. What if you were able to display your backstock in a way that made it easier for the customer to simply pick it up and head to the register, all while preventing a thief from swiping your profits away? 

 20. Anything Else

Take a walk around your store after reading this. Look for items that are constantly reported stolen. Ask yourself if you’ve done all you can to prevent shoplifting. Perhaps you have a popular item that can’t be secured by a traditional EAS device such as a hard or soft tag. Maybe the item is too bulky or oddly shaped that normal tagging just isn’t effective. These are the items that are perfect for Alpha Keepers. While I’m surely not suggesting you clamp everything in your store down inside plastic, just know that there is always a security solution out there to fit your need, and more importantly, your budget.   

For more information about Alpha Keeper, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547.