If you have worked in the loss prevention industry for any length of time, you have probably heard all of the jokes. Loss Prevention is often called “Lost Sales”, “Customer Prevention”, or “Sales Prevention”. The poor reputation of loss prevention has come from years of security products and solutions that are only one sided, and have not been customer friendly. Checkpoint Security Systems is making a notable change to be more customer friendly, and less security driven.
One of the biggest customer deterrents is to lock away merchandise. Every retail industry from home improvement to apparel to specialty markets saw a significant decrease in sales and customer satisfaction when merchandise was locked up. Checkpoint Security Systems has such a wide variety of customer friendly security solutions that actually help enhance customer satisfaction.
Without the need to physically lock up merchandise, customers can now freely shop the products they want. However, open merchandising does lend itself to the potential for shoplifters to take advantage of the situation. Remember Checkpoint Security Systems? This is where they come in to play.
Checkpoint Security Systems offers a wide range of Checkpoint Labels and Checkpoint Tags that can be applied in a variety of settings. They have worked to create Checkpoint Labels and Checkpoint Tags that are specific to your merchandise, and also promise effective security solutions.
These Checkpoint Labels and Checkpoint Tags are made of a higher quality material and construction with better technology. That means that their anti theft devices are less likely to be defeated, and are more likely to be deactivated or removed easily at the point of checkout.
When you combine all of the benefits of Checkpoint Labels and Checkpoint Tags, you will see how they are not just for inventory security, but are also for customer satisfaction.