If you currently own a business, what are you doing to prevent shoplifting? If you don’t wish to stay in business very long, you can afford to sit back as your profits are walking out the door at the hands of a shoplifter.
I researched the attempted theft of a camcorder at a large retailer, by using CCTV. While the shoplifter was fighting with the package and attempting to remove the merchandise, a manager happened to walk by. The manager did not see the shoplifter in the nearby aisle; he didn’t even realize that he startled the shoplifter with his presence and was able to prevent shoplifting. Sometimes we don’t realize the direct results of our actions.
Your employees are always a good first form of defense to prevent shoplifting through paying attention to their customers and providing good customer service. A shoplifter can only shoplift if they do not have the attention of store staff, By teaching employees to provide that attention in the form of customer service will have a significant impact to prevent shoplifting. The business next door without the knowledgeable staff that knows how to prevent theft is a much better target to the shoplifter.
Establishing a loss prevention program is beneficial to boost profits and prevent loss within a business. A program can be broad and can include many levels of security. For example, having high theft items locked up can be part of a loss prevention initiative, as well as having key logs and secure key policies to prevent employee theft. Having secure keys that access locked cases can also prevent a shoplifter from stealing the keys – and then having access to the jackpot of merchandise.
Working with your employees to prevent shoplifting is one way that a business can reduce this form of shrinkage; remember not every shoplifter is as easily spooked as the person stealing the camcorder.
For more information contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia