Although clothing usually provides high profit margins, it can also provide you with high losses (and high blood pressure) if not protected. The best solution is to have a multi-tiered clothing security and profit protection process in place that prevents loss of merchandise throughout its journey through you store. You can’t just sit back and hope everything works itself out, it’s not going to happen that way. If you want the process to be effective, you have to be proactive and keep the process going without any misses. This includes receiving, protecting, monitoring, selling and returning the product.
The journey starts with the receiving process. Make sure you are verifying your actual shipments to the invoice and check all quantities, prices, colors, styles, and item numbers so that your inventory is accurate from inception. It’s a good idea to put Checkpoint Tags on the merchandise at this point, before it even reaches the clothing racks. This will prevent any merchandise from reaching the sales floor without first being protected. If it does wind up reaching the rack without being tagged, your employees should be trained to look for this, and immediately tag the item.
Your employees can put security tags on clothes while they are still in the stockroom. After the merchandise is physically protected, you should also ensure it is protected by surveillance cameras and a DVR (digital video recorder), so you can monitor any dishonest activity that occurs and be able to review video after a loss has happened. It can also help you to identify the perpetrator involved in the crime, either to turn over to the police or for your store’s investigative purposes and catch them the next time they come into the store.
Once you have the merchandise in the store, it should be properly signed to reduce any losses due to customer satisfaction purposes. It may be difficult to accomplish in a larger store, but smaller stores should make sure that cashiers are aware of all sales and promotions, so they are rung correctly at the registers. When the merchandise finally reaches the register, your cashiers should already trained to efficiently remove any clothing security devices that are on the clothes they are purchasing. The cashiers should also be trained to compare the item being rung up with what is displayed on the register. Sometimes ticketing issues slip through the cracks and need to be caught at this point to reduce further losses, but other times it’s an intentional act by tricky customers or shoplifters that switch tickets to get clothing at a reduced price. They do this by pulling the tag off one of your lower priced items, and place the tag on an expensive item for the discount. You want to make the customer happy to shop at your store, not happy they just got away with ripping you off.
Last but not least, invest in Alpha Shark Tags to prevent customers from returning your product after wearing it for a night on the town. These tags are highly effective in deterring this kind of behavior, and still allow the customer to return the items. Customers can remove the tags at home with a pair of scissors, but will not want to wear the clothes out because the tag is highly visible.
For more information contact us: Clothing Security or call 1.770.426.0547