Liquor bottle security goes beyond keeping the product out of the hand of a shoplifter. You should have physical security control measures in place to stop underage individuals from getting their hands on alcohol. It’s bad enough to have a shoplifter steal your products, but as a person, how would you feel if an underage teen not only stole the alcohol from your store, but ended up being killed by alcohol poisoning from your store? The cost of that product is nothing compared to a human life, and as a business owner/manager, you have a responsibility to protect the interests of your stores. 
This happened to a friend of mine a few years back. He worked for a family owned liquor store that did not invest in any type of bottle security devices. Since there was virtually nothing stopping a theft, his store was a soft target for shoplifting. One day, the unthinkable happened. A 17 year old high school senior came in and stole a bottle of top shelf vodka to celebrate graduating. This kid drank the entire bottle and unfortunately passed away due to his actions. While it’s hard to say if there was anything that could have been done to prevent such an unfortunate accident, looking back, a bottle lock may have discouraged such an easy theft, and maybe would have saved this kid’s life. Alternatively, maybe it wouldn’t have and fate would have it no other way. 
When we look at situations such as this, or just everyday shoplifting losses, there is something you can do to prevent and protect your store from these types of losses. There are countless options when deploying bottle locks, and you can choose from a wide variety of solutions to find your individual store’s needs. When you look at the cost of the investment, it’s very nominal to the return you will get. At the end of the day, you really can’t afford to not secure alcohol. 
For more information, contact us: Bottle Lock, or call 1.770.426.0547

Liquor bottle security goes beyond keeping the product out of the hands of a shoplifter. You should have physical security control measures in place to stop underage individuals from getting their hands on alcohol. It’s bad enough to have a shoplifter steal your products, but as a person, how would you feel if an underage teen not only stole the alcohol from your store, but ended up being killed by alcohol poisoning from your store? The cost of that product is nothing compared to a human life, and as a business owner/manager, you have a responsibility to protect the interests of your stores. 

 This happened to a friend of mine a few years back. He worked for a family owned liquor store that did not invest in any type of bottle security devices. Since there was virtually nothing stopping a theft, his store was a soft target for shoplifting. One day, the unthinkable happened. A 17 year old high school senior came in and stole a bottle of top shelf vodka to celebrate graduating. This kid drank the entire bottle and unfortunately passed away due to his actions. While it’s hard to say if there was anything that could have been done to prevent such an unfortunate accident, looking back, a Bottle Lok may have discouraged such an easy theft, and maybe would have saved this kid’s life. Alternatively, maybe it wouldn’t have and fate would have it no other way. 

 When we look at situations such as this, or just everyday shoplifting losses, there is something you can do to prevent and protect your store from these types of losses. There are countless options when deploying Bottle Loks, and you can choose from a wide variety of solutions to find your individual store’s needs. When you look at the cost of the investment, it’s very nominal to the return you will get. At the end of the day, you really can’t afford to not secure alcohol. 

For more information, contact us: Bottle Lok, or call 1.770.426.0547