Theft In The Medical Office-It Could Be An Inside Job


Tablet Theft-4 , CPN10-3 , Thunder Tag-3 , CP Systems-1
Theft In The Medical Office-It Could Be An Inside Job
I took my husband to a follow up appointment from his surgery recently because I was the primary person changing his dressings and I wanted to make sure I was doing it right.  When the nurse came in to change them, he asked if I had everything at home I needed to continue for the next couple of weeks.  I told him I was running a little low, but I would check at a home health store for the stuff I needed.  He walked out of the room for a moment and then came back in with a bag of supplies, including tweezers, bandage scissors, and bandage rolls.  He told me to put the bag in my purse and to not tell the doctor he’d given it to me.  I did as I was told, but I wondered later if I had done the right thing.  Theft from doctor’s offices is actually a pretty common occurrence, mostly just rubber gloves and such, but it can get worse.  Money comes up missing from the drawer where they keep patient’s cash payments.  An electronic tablet or i-pad theft occurs after the office invests in new technologies.   In many cases, it’s not just the patients and their families that the staff has to watch now; internal theft can be a major issue in the medical field too.  
Let’s take the i-pad or tablet theft situation.  With many doctor’s offices converting to electronic records and more advanced ways to share medical information, these expensive devices are showing up not just in the exam rooms, but in the waiting room as well.  Patients use them to check in for their appointments and update their contact information as well.  What happens when the patient takes it back to the exam room with them and suddenly it has disappeared?  Obviously, everyone will point the finger at the patient themselves or a member of their family that came with them when the tablet theft is discovered.  But what if they did give the tablet back as they will surely claim?  What if the nurse or assistant simply hid the tablet until they can retrieve it to take home at the end of the day?  The patient will be blamed and possibly banned from the practice and no one is the wiser.  
We can’t control others motives for stealing, and it’s always harder to deal with when the case is internal.  It can happen with a long term employee just as easily as with a new hire.  The employee may be under extreme financial pressure, or have a gambling problem.  They may have an addiction for luxury spending.  They may rationalize an i-pad theft to help themselves since the doctor makes so much money and can afford a new one.  Or, just like above, they could see an opportunity and decide to act on it.  While you can’t control what motivates people to steal, you can control your surroundings and protect your assets with some new offerings by Checkpoint Systems.    
Designed for small spaces and professional settings, the Checkpoint N10, combined with the Thunder Tag, is the way to protect those valuable electronics from external as well as internal theft.  The Checkpoint N10 has the same capabilities as its counterparts used in department stores to monitor inventory.  But it is smaller and sleeker and will not detract from the setting or atmosphere of a doctor’s office.  The Thunder Tag is actually a device that is adhered to the tablet or i-pad and it is the catalyst that will alert staff via the Checkpoint N10 if a theft attempt occurs.  If a patient or employee tampers with the Thunder Tag or tries to remove it, it will self-alarm as well.  A doctor’s office can fail and go under financially just as easily as a retail establishment.  The bills have to be paid and the office equipment that is bought must be maintained and accounted for. 
Want more information on the Checkpoint N10 System now?  Give us a call: 1.770.426.0547

I took my husband to a follow up appointment from his surgery recently because I was the primary person changing his dressings and I wanted to make sure I was doing it right.  hen the nurse came in to change them, he asked if I had everything at home I needed to continue for the next couple of weeks. I told him I was running a little low, but I would check at a home health store for the stuff I needed. He walked out of the room for a moment and then came back in with a bag of supplies, including tweezers, bandage scissors, and bandage rolls. He told me to put the bag in my purse and to not tell the doctor he’d given it to me. I did as I was told, but I wondered later if I had done the right thing. Theft from doctor’s offices is actually a pretty common occurrence, mostly just rubber gloves and such, but it can get worse. Money comes up missing from the drawer where they keep patient’s cash payments. An electronic tablet theft or i-pad theft occurs after the office invests in new technologies. In many cases, it’s not just the patients and their families that the staff has to watch now; internal theft can be a major issue in the medical field too.  


Let’s take the i-pad or tablet theft situation. With many doctor’s offices converting to electronic records and more advanced ways to share medical information, these expensive devices are showing up not just in the exam rooms, but in the waiting room as well. Patients use them to check in for their appointments and update their contact information as well. What happens when the patient takes it back to the exam room with them and suddenly it has disappeared? Obviously, everyone will point the finger at the patient themselves or a member of their family that came with them when the tablet theft is discovered. But what if they did give the tablet back as they will surely claim?  What if the nurse or assistant simply hid the tablet until they can retrieve it to take home at the end of the day? The patient will be blamed and possibly banned from the practice and no one is the wiser.  


We can’t control others motives for stealing, and it’s always harder to deal with when the case is internal. It can happen with a long term employee just as easily as with a new hire. The employee may be under extreme financial pressure, or have a gambling problem. They may have an addiction for luxury spending. They may rationalize an i-pad theft to help themselves since the doctor makes so much money and can afford a new one. Or, just like above, they could see an opportunity and decide to act on it. While you can’t control what motivates people to steal, you can control your surroundings and protect your assets with some new offerings by Checkpoint Systems.    


Designed for small spaces and professional settings, the Checkpoint N10, combined with the Thunder Tag, is the way to protect those valuable electronics from external as well as internal theft. The Checkpoint N10 has the same capabilities as its counterparts used in department stores to monitor inventory. But it is smaller and sleeker and will not detract from the setting or atmosphere of a doctor’s office.The Thunder Tag is actually a device that is adhered to the tablet theft or i-pad and it is the catalyst that will alert staff via the Checkpoint N10 if a theft attempt occurs. If a patient or employee tampers with the Thunder Tag or tries to remove it, it will self-alarm as well. A doctor’s office can fail and go under financially just as easily as a retail establishment. The bills have to be paid and the office equipment that is bought must be maintained and accounted for. 


Want more information on the Checkpoint N10 System now?  Give us a call: 1.770.426.0547


Mobile Medical Devices Make Electronic Health Record Security Risky – Protect Tablets And I-Pads With Alpha Thunder Tags


Alpha Thunder Tag-3                                                                                                                    WC blog 124
Tablet Theft-3
i-pad Theft-3
Classic N10-3
Mobile Medical Devices Make Electronic Health Record Security Risky – Protect Tablets And I-Pads With Alpha Thunder Tags
     According to the website, “ if medicare eligible providers, or EP’s, do not adopt and successfully demonstrate meaningful use of a certified electronic health record (EHR) by 2015, the EP’s medicare physician fee schedule amount for covered professional services will be adjusted down by 1% each year.”  What this means is that the government is attempting to steer healthcare providers away from paper documentation to electronic documentation.  While there are benefits to maintaining patient records in electronic form such as record sharing with patients, the ability for doctors to collaborate, viewing of scans, a host of medical apps and other resources, there are also pitfalls.  Many physicians are using mobile medical devices to improve service and comply with the new electronic health record requirements.   What happens in the event of a medical tablet theft or medical i-pad theft? What patient information might be compromised?  The Alpha Thunder Tag can protect these devices from theft.
     It is likely that you are wondering what the Alpha Thunder Tag is and how it can protect a mobile device.  The tag is a small anti-theft device that is attached to a tablet or i-pad with an adhesive.  The tag is equipped with electronic article surveillance (EAS) technology so if a tagged item is carried in range of an EAS antenna the antenna alarm emits a loud, annoying beep.  It is also tamper protected and will alarm in the event a thief attempts to remove the tag.  I do want to emphasize that the EAS capability is only useful if a medical facility will take the time to install EAS antennas at ALL points of entry.  Without investing in EAS antennas, the tags will only be a visual deterrent to theft, assuming the potential thieves are bothered by the attachment on the item they want to steal.
     Since I referenced the necessity for an EAS antenna system as a requirement for effectively protecting your practice from tablet theft and i-pad theft, I would like to digress for a moment and discuss this part of a system.  EAS antennas come in various sizes, but if someone is concerned about the space a set would take up, rest assured it does not have to be a problem.  The Checkpoint Classic N10 antenna is a compact unit that provides all the protection of a larger unit you see in a retail store.  The difference is that the Classic N10 was designed for small retail stores that could not spare the room for a large system.  Carrying this idea to a medical office or clinic only makes sense since you have to have room for transport devices such as wheelchairs or crutches, possibly even gurneys, to enter and exit your facility. 
     At this point you may still doubt the need to secure your mobile devices because, what is someone going to be able to do even if they get their hands on a tablet or i-pad?  Well, according to the healthcare web site, in a November 4, 2014 article, “68% of all healthcare data breaches since 2010 are due to device theft or loss, according to the 2014 Healthcare Breach Report from Bitglass.”  Why would anyone want to access patient healthcare data?  Because the information can include everything a medical provider has on file for a patient, billing information, addresses, payment information, insurance policy numbers and even prescription information.  The data has value on the black market and can be sold or it is used to create false insurance claims, obtain illegal prescriptions and identity theft.  
     Medical tablet theft and i-pad theft is not an issue to be taken lightly.  Should your practice lose a device and a data breach were to occur, there can be significant fines and penalties assessed by the Department of Health and Human Services.  Investing in Alpha Thunder Tags and a Classic N10 antenna system can provide the security you need to protect your mobile devices and your patient’s information. 
Get more information on Alpha Thunder Tag, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.

According to the website, “ if medicare eligible providers, or EP’s, do not adopt and successfully demonstrate meaningful use of a certified electronic health record (EHR) by 2015, the EP’s medicare physician fee schedule amount for covered professional services will be adjusted down by 1% each year.” What this means is that the government is attempting to steer healthcare providers away from paper documentation to electronic documentation. While there are benefits to maintaining patient records in electronic form such as record sharing with patients, the ability for doctors to collaborate, viewing of scans, a host of medical apps and other resources, there are also pitfalls. Many physicians are using mobile medical devices to improve service and comply with the new electronic health record requirements. What happens in the event of a medical tablet theft or medical i-pad theft? What patient information might be compromised? The Alpha Thunder Tag can protect these devices from theft.

It is likely that you are wondering what the Alpha Thunder Tag is and how it can protect a mobile device. The tag is a small anti-theft device that is attached to a tablet or i-pad with an adhesive. The tag is equipped with electronic article surveillance (EAS) technology so if a tagged item is carried in range of an EAS antenna the antenna alarm emits a loud, annoying beep. It is also tamper protected and will alarm in the event a thief attempts to remove the tag. I do want to emphasize that the EAS capability is only useful if a medical facility will take the time to install EAS antennas at ALL points of entry. Without investing in EAS antennas, the tags will only be a visual deterrent to theft, assuming the potential thieves are bothered by the attachment on the item they want to steal.

Since I referenced the necessity for an EAS antenna system as a requirement for effectively protecting your practice from tablet theft and i-pad theft, I would like to digress for a moment and discuss this part of a system. EAS antennas come in various sizes, but if someone is concerned about the space a set would take up, rest assured it does not have to be a problem. The Checkpoint Classic N10 antenna is a compact unit that provides all the protection of a larger unit you see in a retail store. The difference is that the Classic N10 was designed for small retail stores that could not spare the room for a large system. Carrying this idea to a medical office or clinic only makes sense since you have to have room for transport devices such as wheelchairs or crutches, possibly even gurneys, to enter and exit your facility. 

At this point you may still doubt the need to secure your mobile devices because, what is someone going to be able to do even if they get their hands on a tablet or i-pad? Well, according to the healthcare web site, in a November 4, 2014 article, “68% of all healthcare data breaches since 2010 are due to device theft or loss, according to the 2014 Healthcare Breach Report from Bitglass.” Why would anyone want to access patient healthcare data? Because the information can include everything a medical provider has on file for a patient, billing information, addresses, payment information, insurance policy numbers and even prescription information. The data has value on the black market and can be sold or it is used to create false insurance claims, obtain illegal prescriptions and identity theft.  

Medical tablet theft and i-pad theft is not an issue to be taken lightly. Should your practice lose a device and a data breach were to occur, there can be significant fines and penalties assessed by the Department of Health and Human Services. Investing in Alpha Thunder Tags and a Classic N10 antenna system can provide the security you need to protect your mobile devices and your patient’s information. 


Get more information on Alpha Thunder Tag, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 today.




Don’t Horse Around – Use Alpha Thunder Tags To Protect Veterinary Mobile Devices


i-pad theft-4                                                                                                                              WC blog 119
tablet theft-4
Alpha Thunder Tag-3
Don’t Horse Around – Use Alpha Thunder Tags To Protect Veterinary Mobile Devices
     You may be aware that many doctor’s offices and hospitals are transitioning from paper records and files to electronic devices to conduct their work.  For example they are now using i-pads and tablets for review of patient records, viewing scans and x-rays, even consulting with other doctor’s about procedures before treating patients.  But did you know that the use of mobile medical devices is not limited to the treatment of humans?  Veterinarians are also helping render aid and treatment to our furry friends with mobile devices.   I had never considered that there might be apps available to vets just as there are for doctors.  If there are vet apps for i-pads and tablets as those offered to other medical services, then there must be growth in the demand for the devices.  Just like the risks posed to other doctors, this means i-pad theft and tablet theft will be a concern for veterinarians.  The Alpha Thunder Tag is the anti-theft device that will keep your mobile devices safe.
    Originally designed as a retail anti-theft tool, the Alpha Thunder Tag has applications outside the retail arena.  The tag is attached by an adhesive to a mobile device and therefore acts as a visible deterrent to someone who may be tempted to try to steal one.  The tags also are designed to work with an electronic article surveillance system (EAS) so that in the event a thief attempts to walk out of an office the EAS antenna will activate.  The activation serves to warn staff that a device is being carried out of the building and they can respond and retrieve the device.  If the 3 alarm model of the tag is purchased an added benefit is an internal alarm that activates in the device if someone were to get through the antennas and exit the building.  Having worked for many years in the retail loss prevention field, I can verify that EAS activations can scare thieves into dropping merchandise.  I am confident it would have the same effect for someone attempting a medical tablet theft or i-pad theft.
     You may be wondering what would possess someone to want to steal information on Spot or Fluffy.  The bad guys may not be trying to get the pet’s information remember veterinary clinics carry a lot of client information from the pet owner.  Addresses, email information, pet prescriptions and billing information are all potentially areas of vulnerability that could have value on the black market.  With adequate information, criminals can gain enough data to create identity theft via a stolen profile. Veterinarians are not subject to HIPAA regulations so they may not be as careful with client information as other doctors.  This is not to say they would be intentionally careless, but the penalties imposed on other doctors by the government if a data breach occurs is a strong catalyst to ensure adequate security measures are in place.  Much of the information a criminal needs is often stored on mobile devices and therefore makes i-pad theft and tablet theft a real possibility. 
     The other reason a veterinary practice should be concerned with mobile devices being stolen is that tablets and i-pads are valuable for resale.  Someone may not be attempting to gain access to Fido’s prescription dog food information they might simply want to get the device and wipe it clean and resell it.  In other cases, people will steal simply for the excitement of trying to get away with something.  In retail loss prevention we frequently would encounter the shoplifter who would steal because they were “dared” or “they wanted to see if they could do it”.  There is an adrenaline rush some thieves feel and that drives their motivation.
     Regardless of the reason, tablet theft and i-pad theft is as much a concern for veterinarians as it is for other medical practices. The Alpha Thunder Tag is the way to ensure that mobile devices and the information they carry remain secure.
Need information on Alpha Thunder Tag? Give us a call at 1.770.426.0547 now.

You may be aware that many doctor’s offices and hospitals are transitioning from paper records and files to electronic devices to conduct their work. For example they are now using i-pads and tablets for review of patient records, viewing scans and x-rays, even consulting with other doctor’s about procedures before treating patients. But did you know that the use of mobile medical devices is not limited to the treatment of humans? Veterinarians are also helping render aid and treatment to our furry friends with mobile devices. I had never considered that there might be apps available to vets just as there are for doctors. If there are vet apps for i-pads and tablets as those offered to other medical services, then there must be growth in the demand for the devices.  Just like the risks posed to other doctors, this means i-pad theft and tablet theft will be a concern for veterinarians. The Alpha Thunder Tag is the anti-theft device that will keep your mobile devices safe.

Originally designed as a retail anti-theft tool, the Alpha Thunder Tag has applications outside the retail arena. The tag is attached by an adhesive to a mobile device and therefore acts as a visible deterrent to someone who may be tempted to try to steal one. The tags also are designed to work with an electronic article surveillance system (EAS) so that in the event a thief attempts to walk out of an office the EAS antenna will activate. The activation serves to warn staff that a device is being carried out of the building and they can respond and retrieve the device.  If the 3 alarm model of the tag is purchased an added benefit is an internal alarm that activates in the device if someone were to get through the antennas and exit the building. Having worked for many years in the retail loss prevention field, I can verify that EAS activations can scare thieves into dropping merchandise.  I am confident it would have the same effect for someone attempting a medical tablet theft or i-pad theft.

You may be wondering what would possess someone to want to steal information on Spot or Fluffy. The bad guys may not be trying to get the pet’s information remember veterinary clinics carry a lot of client information from the pet owner. Addresses, email information, pet prescriptions and billing information are all potentially areas of vulnerability that could have value on the black market. With adequate information, criminals can gain enough data to create identity theft via a stolen profile. Veterinarians are not subject to HIPAA regulations so they may not be as careful with client information as other doctors. This is not to say they would be intentionally careless, but the penalties imposed on other doctors by the government if a data breach occurs is a strong catalyst to ensure adequate security measures are in place. Much of the information a criminal needs is often stored on mobile devices and therefore makes i-pad theft and tablet theft a real possibility. 

The other reason a veterinary practice should be concerned with mobile devices being stolen is that tablets and i-pads are valuable for resale. Someone may not be attempting to gain access to Fido’s prescription dog food information they might simply want to get the device and wipe it clean and resell it. In other cases, people will steal simply for the excitement of trying to get away with something. In retail loss prevention we frequently would encounter the shoplifter who would steal because they were “dared” or “they wanted to see if they could do it”.  There is an adrenaline rush some thieves feel and that drives their motivation.

Regardless of the reason, tablet theft and i-pad theft is as much a concern for veterinarians as it is for other medical practices. The Alpha Thunder Tag is the way to ensure that mobile devices and the information they carry remain secure.


Need information on Alpha Thunder Tag? Give us a call at 1.770.426.0547 now.




Checkpoint Systems In The Medical Field


CPN10-3 , Thunder Tag-4 , Tablet Theft-3
Checkpoint Systems In The Medical Field
Many doctor’s offices are converting to all digital records keeping systems.  This allows them to use less physical space for those bulky file cabinets or records boxes.  It also allows offices the ability to share information more easily and freely.  Imagine the convenience of simply emailing patient history or lab results directly to another provider, instead of having to retrieve them and fax or even mail them.  Many offices are now even converting their check-in process to a digital format and providing the patient with a tablet or I-pad to enter or update their information.  Unfortunately there always seems to be a downside to any process evolution, and this is no exception.  Office staff was already responsible for the security and maintenance of paper records; a tablet theft could result in the loss of hundreds or thousands of patients’ records.  
You’ve heard of financial identity fraud, but medical identity fraud can be just as devastating.  It’s hard enough for someone to deal with the bank if their credit card information is stolen and they discover unauthorized charges.  Medical information is just as valuable.  Health insurance is a new commodity that hackers can sell.  It is a new lucrative market and the money that can be made from one tablet theft from a medical office is astounding.  A local news station just covered a story last week that was a prime example of what can happen when this type of information gets in the wrong hands.  A woman got a hospital bill in the mail for her husband.  There was also a whopping charge for an MRI, which her insurance did not cover.  The big problem: her husband had not been hospitalized.  Someone had stolen his medical records and made a fake health insurance and identity cards.  Then they went and had some outpatient surgery, among other procedures, and now this poor woman gets the bill.  When the investigation is completed, I would hate to be the medical office manager that gets the blame for this breach.  Heads will roll.
Instances like this will get more common as the switch to digital occurs, because a tablet theft from a doctor’s office can have such far reaching repercussions.  There is a solution to protect these valuable devices though.  Two tools, the Checkpoint N10 system and the Alpha Thunder Tag, are the tag team duo that can save the day.  The thunder tag is simply attached to the device that needs to be protected.  If someone attempts to remove or tamper with the tag, it will self-alarm and alert your staff.  If a patient accidentally attempts to take the tablet beyond the established perimeter, the thunder tag will also set off an alarm.  That is where the N10 system plays its part.  This is a sleek, space-saving system that attaches to the door frame.  It has the same detection capability of its larger counterparts that you see at the entrance of many department stores.  This same system that protects a store’s merchandise from shoplifters can protect any medical devices at a doctor’s office or hospital.  
Keeping the patient’s medical information secure is paramount.  When considering the cost of the digital conversion and the fines and sanctions the office would face if a loss occurs, the answer is clear.  An investment in the Checkpoint N10 system and Alpha Thunder tags is well worth the peace of mind knowing your equipment is secure.    
For more information on the Checkpoint N10 System and Alpha Thunder Tags, contact us or call: 1.770.426.0547

Many doctor’s offices are converting to all digital records keeping systems. This allows them to use less physical space for those bulky file cabinets or records boxes. It also allows offices the ability to share information more easily and freely. Imagine the convenience of simply emailing patient history or lab results directly to another provider, instead of having to retrieve them and fax or even mail them. Many offices are now even converting their check-in process to a digital format and providing the patient with a tablet or I-pad to enter or update their information. Unfortunately there always seems to be a downside to any process evolution, and this is no exception. Office staff was already responsible for the security and maintenance of paper records; a tablet theft could result in the loss of hundreds or thousands of patients’ records.  


You’ve heard of financial identity fraud, but medical identity fraud can be just as devastating. It’s hard enough for someone to deal with the bank if their credit card information is stolen and they discover unauthorized charges. Medical information is just as valuable. Health insurance is a new commodity that hackers can sell. It is a new lucrative market and the money that can be made from one tablet theft from a medical office is astounding. A local news station just covered a story last week that was a prime example of what can happen when this type of information gets in the wrong hands. A woman got a hospital bill in the mail for her husband. There was also a whopping charge for an MRI, which her insurance did not cover. The big problem: her husband had not been hospitalized. Someone had stolen his medical records and made a fake health insurance and identity cards. Then they went and had some outpatient surgery, among other procedures, and now this poor woman gets the bill. When the investigation is completed, I would hate to be the medical office manager that gets the blame for this breach.  Heads will roll.

Instances like this will get more common as the switch to digital occurs, because a tablet theft from a doctor’s office can have such far reaching repercussions. There is a solution to protect these valuable devices though. Two tools, the Checkpoint N10 system and the Alpha Thunder Tag, are the tag team duo that can save the day. The thunder tag is simply attached to the device that needs to be protected. If someone attempts to remove or tamper with the tag, it will self-alarm and alert your staff.  If a patient accidentally attempts to take the tablet beyond the established perimeter, the thunder tag will also set off an alarm. That is where the N10 system plays its part. This is a sleek, space-saving system that attaches to the door frame. It has the same detection capability of its larger counterparts that you see at the entrance of many department stores. This same system that protects a store’s merchandise from shoplifters can protect any medical devices at a doctor’s office or hospital.  

Keeping the patient’s medical information secure is paramount. When considering the cost of the digital conversion and the fines and sanctions the office would face if a loss occurs, the answer is clear. An investment in the Checkpoint N10 system and Alpha Thunder tags is well worth the peace of mind knowing your equipment is secure.    

For more information on the Checkpoint N10 System and Alpha Thunder Tags, contact us or call: 1.770.426.0547



Upgrade Your Medical Computers To Mobile Devices And Protect Them With Alpha Thunder Tags

Alpha Thunder Tag-4                                                                                                                    WC blog 111
i-pad Theft-3
Tablet Theft-3
Upgrade Your Medical Computers To Mobile Devices And Protect Them With Alpha Thunder Tags
     Recently I had to visit one of our local hospitals and during the visit I was looking at the technologies they were utilizing on this particular floor.  Because I have been writing about the use of mobile medical devices in hospitals, clinics and doctor’s offices I was looking around to see if I could observe any in use.  I will admit that I was surprised by the lack of i-pads and tablets by the staff I was observing.  As a matter of fact, the nurse that was assisting me had a mobile laptop cart that was being pushed around, along with the traditional medical charts on paper.  She was entering information on both and it seemed that this was not very efficient.  I couldn’t help but think how much easier it would have been had she been using a medical i-pad or tablet, protected with Alpha Thunder Tags, to enter all the information.  
     I wondered if the hospital had not invested in them because they didn’t see the practicality of the devices or was it a case of being concerned for an i-pad theft or a tablet theft.  If the reason for not using the devices was a concern about theft, that concern could be alleviated by using Alpha Thunder Tags which can be attached directly to the mobile device.  If a tablet was put down and someone picked it up then attempted to disconnect the anti-theft device, the tag has a built in tamper alarm that would sound.  If the hospital would have electronic article surveillance (EAS) antennas at entrances and exits, even in hallways leading into specific wings, if a tagged device were to come within range of the antenna a built in alarm in the antenna would sound and warning lights would flash.  Hospital staff could respond the alarm and determine the cause, whether it was due to an employee inadvertently walking out with a device or a “visitor” trying to steal it.  
     The advantages of using a mobile medical device should outweigh any concerns over i-pad theft or tablet theft.  Mobile devices are small and easier to move between patients or hospital rooms that older laptop carts.  There are also the benefits of being able to have all of a patient’s medical records available at the tip of the finger, literally.  Notes can be entered directly in the tablet as an alternative to being transcribed from paper.  Rather than toting clipboards with paperwork or pushing around the cart, a medical i-pad can be easily carried or placed in a medical lab coat pocket.
     Another advantage of the mobile medical device is the variety of medical apps available for down load.  There is an app for prescription cross references, a 3D human body atlas, a visual reference tool for dermatology diagnosis, even a procedures consultation. While computer applications are available for medical programs and similar reference tools, the ease of using the i-pad or tablet makes it more versatile, even allowing doctors to view scan and imaging results directly with patients on the mobile device.      
     Of course, the fact that the mobile device is so small and does have resale value does make an i-pad theft or tablet theft a possibility if there are no security measures in place.  Alpha Thunder Tags, when attached to devices are that security and are a deterrence to a thief.  Frequently, when a would-be thief sees an anti-theft device, even in a retail store, they tend to avoid it rather than take a chance of setting off an alarm.   
     With the knowledge that Alpha Thunder Tags can protect mobile medical devices it would be a shame for a medical office not to take advantage of the benefits offered by an i-pad or tablet.  Make your office more efficient and upgrade today.
Need more information on Alpha Thunder Tags? Contact us or give us a call at 1.770.426.0547 

Recently I had to visit one of our local hospitals and during the visit I was looking at the technologies they were utilizing on this particular floor. Because I have been writing about the use of mobile medical devices in hospitals, clinics and doctor’s offices I was looking around to see if I could observe any in use. I will admit that I was surprised by the lack of i-pads and tablets by the staff I was observing. As a matter of fact, the nurse that was assisting me had a mobile laptop cart that was being pushed around, along with the traditional medical charts on paper. She was entering information on both and it seemed that this was not very efficient. I couldn’t help but think how much easier it would have been had she been using a medical i-pad or tablet, protected with Alpha Thunder Tags, to enter all the information.  

 I wondered if the hospital had not invested in them because they didn’t see the practicality of the devices or was it a case of being concerned for an i-pad theft or a tablet theft. If the reason for not using the devices was a concern about theft, that concern could be alleviated by using Alpha Thunder Tags which can be attached directly to the mobile device. If a tablet was put down and someone picked it up then attempted to disconnect the anti-theft device, the tag has a built in tamper alarm that would sound. If the hospital would have electronic article surveillance (EAS) antennas at entrances and exits, even in hallways leading into specific wings, if a tagged device were to come within range of the antenna a built in alarm in the antenna would sound and warning lights would flash. Hospital staff could respond the alarm and determine the cause, whether it was due to an employee inadvertently walking out with a device or a “visitor” trying to steal it.  


The advantages of using a mobile medical device should outweigh any concerns over i-pad theft or tablet theft. Mobile devices are small and easier to move between patients or hospital rooms that older laptop carts. There are also the benefits of being able to have all of a patient’s medical records available at the tip of the finger, literally. Notes can be entered directly in the tablet as an alternative to being transcribed from paper. Rather than toting clipboards with paperwork or pushing around the cart, a medical i-pad can be easily carried or placed in a medical lab coat pocket.

Another advantage of the mobile medical device is the variety of medical apps available for down load. There is an app for prescription cross references, a 3D human body atlas, a visual reference tool for dermatology diagnosis, even a procedures consultation. While computer applications are available for medical programs and similar reference tools, the ease of using the i-pad or tablet makes it more versatile, even allowing doctors to view scan and imaging results directly with patients on the mobile device.    

 Of course, the fact that the mobile device is so small and does have resale value does make an i-pad theft or tablet theft a possibility if there are no security measures in place. Alpha Thunder Tags, when attached to devices are that security and are a deterrence to a thief. Frequently, when a would-be thief sees an anti-theft device, even in a retail store, they tend to avoid it rather than take a chance of setting off an alarm.   


With the knowledge that Alpha Thunder Tags can protect mobile medical devices it would be a shame for a medical office not to take advantage of the benefits offered by an i-pad or tablet. Make your office more efficient and upgrade today.


Need more information on Alpha Thunder Tags? Contact us or give us a call at 1.770.426.0547