Our Reliance On Technology Has Created A Vulnerability We Cannot Ignore. Let The Alpha Thunder Tag Protect You From An Unauthorized Data Breach

AA Blog 36
Alpha Thunder tag:  5
Tablet theft:  3
Our Reliance On Technology Has Created A Vulnerability We Cannot Ignore.  Let The Alpha Thunder Tag Protect You From An Unauthorized Data Breach
My husband and I are pretty active and in the summer we love to play softball, although we both tend to be very accident prone.  This year was no exception, with both of us ending up in the emergency room.  I had the misfortune of tripping as I was running to third base, I know graceful right?  Unfortunately for me I just happened to fall directly on a rock, which resulted in a quarter-sized hole in my knee cap, which went down to the bone.  I did however finish the game before I took myself to the emergency room.  I know sounds crazy, but you can’t sew up a hole, which was confirmed by the doctors.  Needless to say I still spent some time in the hospital getting the wound cleaned and wrapped.  It wasn’t a pleasant experience, but the hospital staff was very kind and friendly during my brief visit.  During my appointment I did notice that the nurses and doctors had significantly improved their efficiency, which got me in and out much quicker than I anticipated.  It seems like technology has continued to improve efficiency in many areas of our lives.  The medical field appears to be no exception to this, as I watched everyone documenting and retrieving medical information from readily accessible tablets and other handheld devices.  As they documented my personal information and health history in front of me, I was intrigued by this paperless methodology.   I couldn’t help but think about how convenient it must be to be able to alleviate the need for paper documents, and the time it must save maintaining those records electronically.  Although convenient, it did make me think about the physical security of the device, and more importantly the information contained on it.  The hospital must take some precautions to prevent the theft of these devices to avoid liability and unauthorized access to personal health information.  From a loss prevention standpoint my thoughts immediately went to the Alpha Thunder tag, as a possible solution to prevent tablet theft in the medical field.  
Unfortunately in this day and age, data breaches are very common, and criminals tend to capitalize on these types of weaknesses and exposures.  The Alpha Thunder tag can prevent tablet theft or theft of other electronic devices such as iPads, laptops or other equipment that are designed to store sensitive information. I have used the Alpha Thunder tag in my stores to help protect some of my merchandise, which has been very successful.  I think this application could be very effective in protecting electronic devices used in the medical field as well.  These devices are simply placed onto the tablet or device with an adhesive, which allows for convenient placement.  They are equipped with electronic article surveillance, which alerts staff when a theft or breach has occurred.  Hospitals and clinics would simply install antennas at the entry/exit points and equip their devices with the tag.  If someone attempts to remove the device or leave with the tablet, it sounds an audible alarm.  This would help protect the medical entity from exposing sensitive patient information, which can lead to lawsuits and monetary settlements.  The tag is equipped with a switch that activates and deactivates the alarm, so the device could be moved between clinics, divisions or deactivated when needed.  These tags are re-useable and provide a cost-efficient means to protect your property from theft.  
I would venture to say that there are plenty of businesses, retailers and manufacturers out there that could also benefit from the Alpha Thunder tag.  Whether they are trying to protect employee information or simply protecting trade secrets, technology has created a need to protect against tablet theft.  The medical field is a great example of this, but I could think of a dozen or more situations in which these tags would be effective.  Don’t be vulnerable to data breaches and theft of your electronic devices, protect yourself and reduce your liability.   
Alpha Thunder tags are important and we can help you with it.  Call 1.770.426.0547 and let’s talk.

My husband and I are pretty active and in the summer we love to play softball, although we both tend to be very accident prone. This year was no exception, with both of us ending up in the emergency room. I had the misfortune of tripping as I was running to third base, I know graceful right? Unfortunately for me I just happened to fall directly on a rock, which resulted in a quarter-sized hole in my knee cap, which went down to the bone. I did however finish the game before I took myself to the emergency room. I know sounds crazy, but you can’t sew up a hole, which was confirmed by the doctors. Needless to say I still spent some time in the hospital getting the wound cleaned and wrapped. It wasn’t a pleasant experience, but the hospital staff was very kind and friendly during my brief visit. During my appointment I did notice that the nurses and doctors had significantly improved their efficiency, which got me in and out much quicker than I anticipated. It seems like technology has continued to improve efficiency in many areas of our lives. The medical field appears to be no exception to this, as I watched everyone documenting and retrieving medical information from readily accessible tablets and other handheld devices. As they documented my personal information and health history in front of me, I was intrigued by this paperless methodology.  I couldn’t help but think about how convenient it must be to be able to alleviate the need for paper documents, and the time it must save maintaining those records electronically.  Although convenient, it did make me think about the physical security of the device, and more importantly the information contained on it. The hospital must take some precautions to prevent the theft of these devices to avoid liability and unauthorized access to personal health information. From a loss prevention standpoint my thoughts immediately went to the Alpha Thunder tag, as a possible solution to prevent tablet theft in the medical field.  


Unfortunately in this day and age, data breaches are very common, and criminals tend to capitalize on these types of weaknesses and exposures. The Alpha Thunder tag can prevent tablet theft or theft of other electronic devices such as iPads, laptops or other equipment that are designed to store sensitive information. I have used the Alpha Thunder tag in my stores to help protect some of my merchandise, which has been very successful. I think this application could be very effective in protecting electronic devices used in the medical field as well. These devices are simply placed onto the tablet or device with an adhesive, which allows for convenient placement. They are equipped with electronic article surveillance, which alerts staff when a theft or breach has occurred. Hospitals and clinics would simply install antennas at the entry/exit points and equip their devices with the tag. If someone attempts to remove the device or leave with the tablet, it sounds an audible alarm.  This would help protect the medical entity from exposing sensitive patient information, which can lead to lawsuits and monetary settlements. The tag is equipped with a switch that activates and deactivates the alarm, so the device could be moved between clinics, divisions or deactivated when needed. These tags are re-useable and provide a cost-efficient means to protect your property from theft.  


I would venture to say that there are plenty of businesses, retailers and manufacturers out there that could also benefit from the Alpha Thunder tag. Whether they are trying to protect employee information or simply protecting trade secrets, technology has created a need to protect against tablet theft. The medical field is a great example of this, but I could think of a dozen or more situations in which these tags would be effective. Don’t be vulnerable to data breaches and theft of your electronic devices, protect yourself and reduce your liability.   


Alpha Thunder tags are important and we can help you with it. Call 1.770.426.0547 and let’s talk.


Alpha Thunder Tags On Mobile Medical Devices – Intensive Care For i-pads and Tablets

Alpha Thunder Tag-4                                                                                                                           WC Blog 249
Classic N10-5
Tablet theft-3
I-pad theft-3
Alpha Thunder Tags On Mobile Medical Devices – Intensive Care For i-pads and Tablets
     Recently my family and I had the unfortunate experience of needing to spend a lot of time at a local hospital.  It was the cause for being at the hospital that was unfortunate, the doctors, nurses and other staff were exceptional and provided great care.  A significant amount of my time was spent in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of this hospital and yes, even during this time I could not help but take note of what was going on around me, aside from my reason for being there.  I saw doctors on their rounds with medical students using medical tablets to discuss patients, their medical histories, treatments, etc.  Although I could not hear everything, nor was I attempting to, I was able to ascertain bits and pieces of conversations even when they were separated from me by several feet.  It was obvious there was a significant amount of data and patient information available on those tablets or devices they were using.  At one point I was leaving the ICU, which was a very controlled environment requiring a visitor to be buzzed in, and I walked by a counter where a mobile device was unattended and no one in the immediate area.  I have a habit of switching gears pretty quickly when it comes to theft and security related issues.  Despite what I was going through I could not help but think, “What would happen if someone picked up this device and walked out of here?”  It would have been so much more secure if there was an Alpha Thunder Tag attached to it and Classic N10 antennas at both ends of this ICU unit.  
     An Alpha Thunder Tag is a device that can prevent tablet theft, i-pad theft or the theft of any mobile device.  The tag is attached to a mobile device with an adhesive (so eventually it could be removed if needed).  When a device is carried too close to a Classic N10 antenna the tag activates an alarm in the antenna that warns employees a potential theft is taking place.  Employees responding to the alarm can retrieve the item from the person, whether it was an intentional theft attempt or a doctor or nurse forgetting the item was in a pocket and setting off the alarm.  IF someone is attempting a tablet theft, i-pad theft or the theft of any tagged item, the Alpha Thunder Tag has a built in alarm that sounds letting people know the person walking out the door has a stolen item.  The antenna may stop sounding, but the Tag keeps alarming.
     So I’ve told you about the tag but by now you must be curious about the Checkpoint Classic N10 antenna I’ve mentioned several times.  This Checkpoint electronic article surveillance (EAS) antenna is designed to fit into small doorways where traditional EAS antennas won’t fit.  Because it is so small, it is perfect for an area like I was visiting in the hospital.  The ICU had entryways only from two ends.  In order to enter you had to press a buzzer and a nurse would ask why you were there and then push a button to allow access.  The hallways were always busy with gurneys and patients being wheeled around in wheelchairs.  A traditional antenna would probably have interfered with the traffic in this area.  The Classic N10 would fit snuggly by the doorposts and allow access to the ICU or any part of the hospital.  The standard antennas would cause any number of headaches as patients would be bumped into the antennas while trying to get them through the doorways.
     The possibility of a medical i-pad theft or tablet theft have to be taken seriously.  With the information that is being accessed on them, as I was able to determine by watching and listening, there is a huge amount of personal information accessible with these devices.  An Alpha Thunder tag on a device and placing Classic N10 antennas at doorways can protect these devices and prevent a possible compromise of patient information.
Need information on Alpha Thunder Tags?  Give us a call at 1.770.426.0547 now.

Recently my family and I had the unfortunate experience of needing to spend a lot of time at a local hospital. It was the cause for being at the hospital that was unfortunate, the doctors, nurses and other staff were exceptional and provided great care. A significant amount of my time was spent in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of this hospital and yes, even during this time I could not help but take note of what was going on around me, aside from my reason for being there. I saw doctors on their rounds with medical students using medical tablets to discuss patients, their medical histories, treatments, etc. Although I could not hear everything, nor was I attempting to, I was able to ascertain bits and pieces of conversations even when they were separated from me by several feet. It was obvious there was a significant amount of data and patient information available on those tablets or devices they were using. At one point I was leaving the ICU, which was a very controlled environment requiring a visitor to be buzzed in, and I walked by a counter where a mobile device was unattended and no one in the immediate area. I have a habit of switching gears pretty quickly when it comes to theft and security related issues. Despite what I was going through I could not help but think, “What would happen if someone picked up this device and walked out of here?” It would have been so much more secure if there was an Alpha Thunder Tag attached to it and Classic N10 antennas at both ends of this ICU unit.  


An Alpha Thunder Tag is a device that can prevent tablet theft, i-pad theft or the theft of any mobile device. The tag is attached to a mobile device with an adhesive (so eventually it could be removed if needed). When a device is carried too close to a Classic N10 antenna the tag activates an alarm in the antenna that warns employees a potential theft is taking place. Employees responding to the alarm can retrieve the item from the person, whether it was an intentional theft attempt or a doctor or nurse forgetting the item was in a pocket and setting off the alarm. IF someone is attempting a tablet theft, i-pad theft or the theft of any tagged item, the Alpha Thunder Tag has a built in alarm that sounds letting people know the person walking out the door has a stolen item. The antenna may stop sounding, but the Tag keeps alarming.



So I’ve told you about the tag but by now you must be curious about the Checkpoint Classic N10 antenna I’ve mentioned several times. This Checkpoint electronic article surveillance (EAS) antenna is designed to fit into small doorways where traditional EAS antennas won’t fit. Because it is so small, it is perfect for an area like I was visiting in the hospital. The ICU had entryways only from two ends. In order to enter you had to press a buzzer and a nurse would ask why you were there and then push a button to allow access. The hallways were always busy with gurneys and patients being wheeled around in wheelchairs. A traditional antenna would probably have interfered with the traffic in this area. The Classic N10 would fit snuggly by the doorposts and allow access to the ICU or any part of the hospital. The standard antennas would cause any number of headaches as patients would be bumped into the antennas while trying to get them through the doorways.


The possibility of a medical i-pad theft or tablet theft have to be taken seriously. With the information that is being accessed on them, as I was able to determine by watching and listening, there is a huge amount of personal information accessible with these devices. An Alpha Thunder tag on a device and placing Classic N10 antennas at doorways can protect these devices and prevent a possible compromise of patient information.


Need information on Alpha Thunder Tags?  Give us a call at 1.770.426.0547 now.



Protect Your Most Sensitive Information With An Alpha Thunder Tag

Tablet Theft:  3
Alpha Thunder Tag:  5
Protect Your Most Sensitive Information With An Alpha Thunder Tag
As the manager of a security and loss prevention program we commonly use third party vendors to provide services for our company.  We have one company that we use that does all of our background checks for pre-employment screening.  We recently were notified of a possible data breach involving some of our employees as well as some applicants that were not hired.  An employee of this third-party company had taken their company tablet or IPad home, and had subsequently left it in their car.  The car was burglarized and the tablet was stolen.  Although the tablet was encrypted, which reduces the likelihood of an actual breach of client PPI; it is not a failsafe means to protect the device.   This theft resulted in a required mass notification to all of the personnel possibly affected, additional credit reporting protection, and increased liability to that company.  This can result in increased costs and possible litigation if PPI information is released.  It also caused us to be concerned about the vendors’ credibility and their ability to safeguard our employee’s personal confidential information.  We are in a technological world and we can’t presume to think that we can work without the use of computers or technology to store and secure personal information, but we can expect a certain level of protection as a consumer and as a company.  This applies to most companies irrespective of the services they provide, because everyone has employee information and some professions have increased liability due to the very nature of their profession.  That is why it is important for everyone to take an active role in protecting this type of information to avoid breaches in personal data and to avoid increased liability.  The best way to protect computer equipment that contains personal information is through the use of an Alpha Thunder Tag.   
The Alpha Thunder Tag can reduce your risk of tablet theft, or theft of other devices, thus reducing the risk of losing sensitive data.  This can be very effective in areas such as the medical field, or in similar areas that maintain large amounts of client or patient data.  It can also be effective in fields that have sensitive information or want to protect their intellectual property.  The Alpha Thunder Tag is a hard tag that can be placed on any computer related device, and is equipped with EAS technology, in order to prevent tablet theft.  This provides protection against anyone trying to remove the tag from the device and prevents someone from leaving the building with the computer, tablet or other device.  A company simply adds EAS antennas at all of the entrance/exits, and if the tag comes in close proximity to the antennas it will make an audible signal, so staff can prevent a breach of information and protect their property.  These tags are attached with a strong adhesive and allow you to turn them on or off, depending on your needs.  It also provides a red indicator light that works as a deterrent but also shows you when the device is activated.  When it comes to protecting sensitive information in a technological world, it is imperative that we take additional precautions to prevent identity theft and unlawful disclosure of personal data.  
Technology has resulted in an increase in the use of computer related equipment to maintain records and track data.  Patient records are now kept electronically and are updated and maintained on various types of computer devices, which creates a liability for those associated with protecting it.  That is why Alpha Thunder Tags are an important resource to assist with protecting sensitive information, regardless of what that might be.  Tablet theft can be more than just the loss of a device it can involve the disclosure of sensitive information, which leads to future litigation and increased costs.  
Alpha Thunder Tags are important and we can help with it.  Call 1.770.426.0547.      

As the manager of a security and loss prevention program we commonly use third party vendors to provide services for our company.  e have one company that we use that does all of our background checks for pre-employment screening.  e recently were notified of a possible data breach involving some of our employees as well as some applicants that were not hired.  n employee of this third-party company had taken their company tablet or IPad home, and had subsequently left it in their car.  he car was burglarized and the tablet was stolen.  Although the tablet was encrypted, which reduces the likelihood of an actual breach of client PPI; it is not a failsafe means to protect the device. This theft resulted in a required mass notification to all of the personnel possibly affected, additional credit reporting protection, and increased liability to that company. This can result in increased costs and possible litigation if PPI information is released. It also caused us to be concerned about the vendors’ credibility and their ability to safeguard our employee’s personal confidential information. We are in a technological world and we can’t presume to think that we can work without the use of computers or technology to store and secure personal information, but we can expect a certain level of protection as a consumer and as a company. This applies to most companies irrespective of the services they provide, because everyone has employee information and some professions have increased liability due to the very nature of their profession. That is why it is important for everyone to take an active role in protecting this type of information to avoid breaches in personal data and to avoid increased liability. The best way to protect computer equipment that contains personal information is through the use of an Alpha Thunder Tag.   


The Alpha Thunder Tag can reduce your risk of tablet theft, or theft of other devices, thus reducing the risk of losing sensitive data. This can be very effective in areas such as the medical field, or in similar areas that maintain large amounts of client or patient data. It can also be effective in fields that have sensitive information or want to protect their intellectual property. The Alpha Thunder Tag is a hard tag that can be placed on any computer related device, and is equipped with EAS technology, in order to prevent tablet theft. This provides protection against anyone trying to remove the tag from the device and prevents someone from leaving the building with the computer, tablet or other device. A company simply adds EAS antennas at all of the entrance/exits, and if the tag comes in close proximity to the antennas it will make an audible signal, so staff can prevent a breach of information and protect their property. These tags are attached with a strong adhesive and allow you to turn them on or off, depending on your needs.  It also provides a red indicator light that works as a deterrent but also shows you when the device is activated.  When it comes to protecting sensitive information in a technological world, it is imperative that we take additional precautions to prevent identity theft and unlawful disclosure of personal data.  

Technology has resulted in an increase in the use of computer related equipment to maintain records and track data. Patient records are now kept electronically and are updated and maintained on various types of computer devices, which creates a liability for those associated with protecting it. That is why Alpha Thunder Tags are an important resource to assist with protecting sensitive information, regardless of what that might be. Tablet theft can be more than just the loss of a device it can involve the disclosure of sensitive information, which leads to future litigation and increased costs.  


Alpha Thunder Tags are important and we can help with it. Call 1.770.426.0547.      


Mobile Medical Devices Allow Doctors To Visit Patients Online – Those Devices Need To Be Protected With Alpha Thunder Tags Part 2

Alpha Thunder Tags-4                                                                                                                          WC blog 217
Checkpoint Classic N10-3
i-pad Theft-3
Tablet Theft-3
Mobile Medical Devices Allow Doctors To Visit Patients Online – Those Devices Need To Be Protected With Alpha Thunder Tags Part 2
     I stated this two-part series discussing my fascination with a doctor’s office visit the other day.  During the visit I found out this particular healthcare provider offers an online service to patients.  Doctors can conduct consultations with patients over the patient’s phone, tablet, i-pad or their computer.  The patient only needs to sign up for the service and set an appointment.  I will add that the consultation is for limited medical issues, as more serious ailments or conditions require the patient to be seen onsite. I did not know for certain how the doctor conducts the visit from their end, but I speculated they are probably using a mobile device as well. This would allow them flexibility to move about the office or clinic while visiting the patient.  From my recent research into the growing use of mobile medical devices in hospitals and how they are being used, this would only be a reasonable conclusion. I applauded the clinic for the creativity in reducing patient wait times and embracing technology in this way.  Then it dawned on me that while I applaud the clinic for using technology for visits, I was still in a waiting room doing what?  FILLING OUT PAPERWORK!  While I recognize that electronic health records (ehr) are still a relatively new concept and medical providers are slowly transitioning to them; it seems this provider should have patients using medical mobile devices to complete new patient information.  Clinics could protect against i-pad theft and tablet theft by attaching Alpha Thunder Tags to the mobile medical devices and installing Checkpoint Classic N10 antennas in doorways.
     Alpha Thunder Tags are anti-theft devices that work in conjunction with electronic article surveillance (EAS) antennas such as the Checkpoint Classic N10.  The Thunder Tag has radio frequency technology built into it that sends out a RF signal.  When that signal is picked up by the antenna an audible alarm is activated and flashing LED lights in the antenna are triggered.  By attaching the tags to medical mobile devices, hospitals or clinics can prevent their devices from being stolen.  This makes it feasible for a care center to allow patients to complete their medical forms online through a device without concern of a tablet theft or i-pad theft. I am sure the question is raised, couldn’t someone just remove the tag and steal the device anyways?  No, the Alpha Thunder Tag has a built in tamper alarm that sounds if someone were to try to remove it. 
     The question may also be asked, “Why should we allow the patient to hold the i-pad or tablet and take the chance that it may be stolen?  We just transfer the information to the computer after the patient fills out the paperwork, so we still comply with ehr requirements.”  My response is that this is double work.  I am not a proponent of wasted effort.  If the patient can do it once on a clinic supplied device there is no need for the receptionist to retype it.  You also have two chances for input errors, first by the patient then by the employee.  The receptionist can always assist a patient in inputting information if they are unable to do so themselves. In other words, if the technology is already in place, doesn’t it make more sense to
use it to the fullest potential?   One other thing about using paper, it is always possible for paperwork to get misplaced or lost.  I have even written on cases where paper medical records have been dumped in outdoor trash bins.  Why take the chance of patient information breaches because paperwork is mishandled? 
     Mobile medical devices offer many benefits from online patient visits to a variety of professional medical apps for doctors and nurses.  Clinics, hospitals and doctor offices can become more efficient and grow their practices by using these new technologies. Incorporate Alpha Thunder Tags and Checkpoint Classic N10 antennas to protect against tablet theft or i-pad theft and to prevent patient data breaches.
Alpha Thunder Tags are important and we can help it.  Call 1.770.426.0547 and let’s talk.

I stated this two-part series discussing my fascination with a doctor’s office visit the other day. During the visit I found out this particular healthcare provider offers an online service to patients. Doctors can conduct consultations with patients over the patient’s phone, tablet, i-pad or their computer. The patient only needs to sign up for the service and set an appointment. I will add that the consultation is for limited medical issues, as more serious ailments or conditions require the patient to be seen onsite. I did not know for certain how the doctor conducts the visit from their end, but I speculated they are probably using a mobile device as well. This would allow them flexibility to move about the office or clinic while visiting the patient. From my recent research into the growing use of mobile medical devices in hospitals and how they are being used, this would only be a reasonable conclusion. I applauded the clinic for the creativity in reducing patient wait times and embracing technology in this way. Then it dawned on me that while I applaud the clinic for using technology for visits, I was still in a waiting room doing what? FILLING OUT PAPERWORK! While I recognize that electronic health records (ehr) are still a relatively new concept and medical providers are slowly transitioning to them; it seems this provider should have patients using medical mobile devices to complete new patient information. Clinics could protect against i-pad theft and tablet theft by attaching Alpha Thunder Tags to the mobile medical devices and installing Checkpoint Classic N10 antennas in doorways.

Alpha Thunder Tags are anti-theft devices that work in conjunction with electronic article surveillance (EAS) antennas such as the Checkpoint Classic N10. The Thunder Tag has radio frequency technology built into it that sends out a RF signal. When that signal is picked up by the antenna an audible alarm is activated and flashing LED lights in the antenna are triggered. By attaching the tags to medical mobile devices, hospitals or clinics can prevent their devices from being stolen. This makes it feasible for a care center to allow patients to complete their medical forms online through a device without concern of a tablet theft or i-pad theft. I am sure the question is raised, couldn’t someone just remove the tag and steal the device anyways? No, the Alpha Thunder Tag has a built in tamper alarm that sounds if someone were to try to remove it.      


The question may also be asked, “Why should we allow the patient to hold the i-pad or tablet and take the chance that it may be stolen? We just transfer the information to the computer after the patient fills out the paperwork, so we still comply with ehr requirements.” My response is that this is double work. I am not a proponent of wasted effort. If the patient can do it once on a clinic supplied device there is no need for the receptionist to retype it. You also have two chances for input errors, first by the patient then by the employee. The receptionist can always assist a patient in inputting information if they are unable to do so themselves. In other words, if the technology is already in place, doesn’t it make more sense touse it to the fullest potential?  One other thing about using paper, it is always possible for paperwork to get misplaced or lost. I have even written on cases where paper medical records have been dumped in outdoor trash bins. Why take the chance of patient information breaches because paperwork is mishandled? 

Mobile medical devices offer many benefits from online patient visits to a variety of professional medical apps for doctors and nurses. Clinics, hospitals and doctor offices can become more efficient and grow their practices by using these new technologies. Incorporate Alpha Thunder Tags and Checkpoint Classic N10 antennas to protect against tablet theft or i-pad theft and to prevent patient data breaches.


Alpha Thunder Tags are important and we can help it.  Call 1.770.426.0547 and let’s talk.


Mobile Medical Devices Allow Doctors To Visit Patients Online – Those Devices Need To Be Protected With Alpha Thunder Tags Part 1

Alpha Thunder Tag-4                                                                                                                 WC Blog 216
Checkpoint Classic N10-3
i-pad theft-4
Tablet Theft-4
 Mobile Medical Devices Allow Doctors To Visit Patients Online – Those Devices Need To Be Protected With Alpha Thunder Tags Part 1 
     Have you ever had to go to a doctor’s office and then wait to be seen?  It isn’t much fun, especially when it’s your first visit and you have to complete all of the background information, medical history, insurance information, etc.  The other day I had to make such a visit to a doctor’s office/clinic for a family member.  The one upside was that this was a new facility so we were the only people waiting to be seen except, the television monitor indicated one other patient was being seen “online”.  Online?!  It was interesting that someone not at the clinic was being seen before us.  We finished our paperwork and my family member was called in to see the doctor.   The wait wasn’t as long as I am used to from other experiences so I was pleasantly surprised.  While I waited in the lobby I was reading some of the literature about this particular medical provider chain.  I found that they have on online consultation they can provide to their patients.  That would explain the online patient that was ahead of us. The picture they showed on the advertisement had a patient with a tablet and their website information.  Now, since I write about mobile medical devices and protecting against i-pad theft and tablet theft using Alpha Thunder Tags, I couldn’t help but have my curiosity piqued.  Does this provider use medical tablets or i-pads on their end to conduct online visits?  If they do, are they taking precautions to protect those devices from theft?
     Facilities that are using mobile medical devices must be careful to protect those devices or they risk compromising patient information.  Medical i-pad theft or tablet theft can be prevented if a facility uses an Alpha Thunder Tag on a device and installs Checkpoint Classic N10 antennas on their entrances/exits.  The Alpha Thunder Tag is attached to each mobile device with an adhesive backing.  The tags are electronic article surveillance ready, and emit a radio frequency signal that can be read by the Checkpoint Classic N10 antenna.  If someone tries to steal one of the devices protected with a tag, an alarm in the antenna activates an audible signal and the built in flashing LED lights are set off.  Employees from the clinic or hospital can respond to the alarm and recover the stolen goods.  The Thunder Tag has a tamper alarm so that if someone decides to try to be clever and remove the tag, the alarm built into the tag activates.  
     If space for an electronic article surveillance antenna (EAS) in your doorways is a concern, the Checkpoint Classic N10 is the perfect solution.  It is designed to take up very little room, fitting comfortably in standard entry ways.  Though they do not take up the area that the antennas in large retail stores do, they still provide the same high level detection capabilities.  If a tablet theft or i-pad theft is taking place and the device is concealed in a briefcase, purse or in a pocket, the antenna will still detect the Thunder Tag.
     So, getting back to my clinic visit, I was intrigued by the advertisement and when I got home, I looked up information on the company’s website.  According to their information, a patient only needs to set up an account and they can see a doctor using their phone, tablet or computer.  The information did not specify how the doctor “sees” the patient.  My inkling is that with a computer, the doctor is somewhat locked into one place for consultations.  With a mobile device, they could be moving within the clinic and multitasking.  It is even possible that an i-pad or tablet would be the better solution so they can do the consultation and still have the ability to look up medical information using medical apps that are now available to healthcare providers.  Of course, this is speculation on my part, but with the growing use of mobile medical devices and the fact this provider seems to be on the cutting edge of technology, I would be surprised if they were not using mobile devices for their service.
     It is great that healthcare providers are using the power of technology to improve patient services and cutting down the length of time required to see a doctor.  Mobile devices are helping to make great strides in medicine, even to the point that doctors can consult with each other in remote locations.  With all these advances, it only makes sense to protect against medical i-pad theft and tablet theft with Alpha Thunder Tags and Classic N10 antennas.  Why risk losing a device when security is a phone call away!
Need information on Alpha Thunder Tags?  Give us a call at 1.770.426.0547 now.

Have you ever had to go to a doctor’s office and then wait to be seen?  It isn’t much fun, especially when it’s your first visit and you have to complete all of the background information, medical history, insurance information, etc. The other day I had to make such a visit to a doctor’s office/clinic for a family member. The one upside was that this was a new facility so we were the only people waiting to be seen except, the television monitor indicated one other patient was being seen “online”. Online?!  It was interesting that someone not at the clinic was being seen before us. We finished our paperwork and my family member was called in to see the doctor. The wait wasn’t as long as I am used to from other experiences so I was pleasantly surprised. While I waited in the lobby I was reading some of the literature about this particular medical provider chain. I found that they have on online consultation they can provide to their patients. That would explain the online patient that was ahead of us. The picture they showed on the advertisement had a patient with a tablet and their website information. Now, since I write about mobile medical devices and protecting against i-pad theft and tablet theft using Alpha Thunder Tags, I couldn’t help but have my curiosity piqued. Does this provider use medical tablets or i-pads on their end to conduct online visits? If they do, are they taking precautions to protect those devices from theft?

Facilities that are using mobile medical devices must be careful to protect those devices or they risk compromising patient information. Medical i-pad theft or tablet theft can be prevented if a facility uses an Alpha Thunder Tag on a device and installs Checkpoint Classic N10 antennas on their entrances/exits. The Alpha Thunder Tag is attached to each mobile device with an adhesive backing. The tags are electronic article surveillance ready, and emit a radio frequency signal that can be read by the Checkpoint Classic N10 antenna. If someone tries to steal one of the devices protected with a tag, an alarm in the antenna activates an audible signal and the built in flashing LED lights are set off. Employees from the clinic or hospital can respond to the alarm and recover the stolen goods. The Thunder Tag has a tamper alarm so that if someone decides to try to be clever and remove the tag, the alarm built into the tag activates.       


If space for an electronic article surveillance antenna (EAS) in your doorways is a concern, the Checkpoint Classic N10 is the perfect solution. It is designed to take up very little room, fitting comfortably in standard entry ways. Though they do not take up the area that the antennas in large retail stores do, they still provide the same high level detection capabilities. If a tablet theft or i-pad theft is taking place and the device is concealed in a briefcase, purse or in a pocket, the antenna will still detect the Thunder Tag.

So, getting back to my clinic visit, I was intrigued by the advertisement and when I got home, I looked up information on the company’s website. According to their information, a patient only needs to set up an account and they can see a doctor using their phone, tablet or computer. The information did not specify how the doctor “sees” the patient. My inkling is that with a computer, the doctor is somewhat locked into one place for consultations. With a mobile device, they could be moving within the clinic and multitasking. It is even possible that an i-pad or tablet would be the better solution so they can do the consultation and still have the ability to look up medical information using medical apps that are now available to healthcare providers. Of course, this is speculation on my part, but with the growing use of mobile medical devices and the fact this provider seems to be on the cutting edge of technology, I would be surprised if they were not using mobile devices for their service.

It is great that healthcare providers are using the power of technology to improve patient services and cutting down the length of time required to see a doctor. Mobile devices are helping to make great strides in medicine, even to the point that doctors can consult with each other in remote locations. With all these advances, it only makes sense to protect against medical i-pad theft and tablet theft with Alpha Thunder Tags and Classic N10 antennas. Why risk losing a device when security is a phone call away!


Need information on Alpha Thunder Tags?  Give us a call at 1.770.426.0547 now.