Patient Data On Medical Mobile Devices; Protect It With Alpha Thunder Tags

Alpha Thunder Tag-4                                                                                                           WC Blog 56
i-pad theft-3
Tablet theft-4
Patient Data On Medical Mobile Devices; Protect It With Alpha Thunder Tags
     Remember the credit card commercials from several years ago that gave the prices of items and ended with a some touching moment or funny ending and the narrator ended the commercial with the word “priceless”?  Here is my version of the commercial:
i-pad mini $299.99
ipad air 2 $374.99
Apple i-pad pro $1,082.89
Microsoft Surface Book $1,499.99
Microsoft Surface Pro 4 $2,199.00
Personal Data Security – Priceless!
In today’s medical field the use of medical mobile devices is becoming commonplace.  i-pads, tablets, laptop computers all are taking the place of paper files and records.  From the viewpoint of the medical providers I can appreciate what this access means in terms of providing faster service.  Patient records are available at the tap of a screen or the few clicks of a mouse.  The concern that I have seen expressed in medical related websites has been the breaches of medical information security.  Not only is hacking of medical information from external threats an issue, there is also the issue related to laptop theft, tablet theft and i-pad theft.  Many of the devices in use today can easily fit into a purse, a book bag and even under clothing.  While there are not many anti-theft tools available to prevent theft of mobile devices, there is one effective device on the market, the Alpha Thunder Tag.
     So the question you may be thinking is, “Why am I concerned, my devices have gps tracking so if they leave the building they can still be tracked?”  Once the device leaves the building you no longer have control over it.  What information can hackers retrieve if they do get into your tablet, i-pad or laptop?  The Alpha Thunder Tag prevents laptop theft or tablet theft by attaching directly to the mobile device and has three potential alarm mechanisms.  The first two alarms work in conjunction with electronic article surveillance (EAS) systems.  If someone were to walk out with a device that has a tag on it, the EAS alarm antenna will activate an audible alarm built into the antenna.  The device itself will also activate a built in audible alarm alerting staff to an unauthorized removal of the mobile technology from the building.  Should someone attempt to remove the tag from a device in an effort to steal it, there is a tamper alarm that will sound. 
      Aside from the value of some of the tablets and i-pads being used in the medical field, what does tablet theft, or i-pad theft benefits someone?  What could they possibly do with a patient’s medical information?  In an April 23, 2014 Reuters (online) article by Jim Finkle, the writer quotes a senior manager from EMC Corporation, a company specializing in data storage, “Some criminals use medical records to impersonate patients with diseases so they can obtain prescriptions for controlled substances.”  On the black market, prescription medications can be valued in the thousands of dollars, depending on the drug being sold.  This does not include the value of personal information on the black market which I have read in several articles can be valued from $20 to $50 per patient.  The buyers can obtain information about patients from billing addresses to social security numbers.  The impact can be more severe than the data breaches suffered by major retailers in the past few years.  Alpha Thunder Tags keep the devices used in medical offices in the building and out of the hands of criminals and hackers.  Any attempts to exit a building with a Thunder Tag protected device and has entry points/exits secured with EAS antennas will activate the alarms and allow office personnel to intervene.   
     Who can benefit by preventing i-pad theft and tablet theft?  Any medical provider that deals with patient information can benefit.  This may be the family dentist practice on the corner or the small medical research laboratory.  A medical provider that can become a victim does not have to be the regional medical center or medical school it can be the smaller office serving a local town.  Any facility that begins converting to the use of mobile medical devices needs to consider the security offered by Alpha Thunder Tags.
For more information on Alpha Thunder Tags contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

Remember the credit card commercials from several years ago that gave the prices of items and ended with a some touching moment or funny ending and the narrator ended the commercial with the word “priceless”? Here is my version of the commercial:

i-pad mini $299.99

ipad air 2 $374.99

Apple i-pad pro $1,082.89

Microsoft Surface Book $1,499.99

Microsoft Surface Pro 4 $2,199.00

Personal Data Security – Priceless!

In today’s medical field the use of medical mobile devices is becoming commonplace. i-pads, tablets, laptop computers all are taking the place of paper files and records. From the viewpoint of the medical providers I can appreciate what this access means in terms of providing faster service. Patient records are available at the tap of a screen or the few clicks of a mouse. The concern that I have seen expressed in medical related websites has been the breaches of medical information security. Not only is hacking of medical information from external threats an issue, there is also the issue related to laptop theft, tablet theft and i-pad theft. Many of the devices in use today can easily fit into a purse, a book bag and even under clothing. While there are not many anti-theft tools available to prevent theft of mobile devices, there is one effective device on the market, the Alpha Thunder Tag.


So the question you may be thinking is, “Why am I concerned, my devices have gps tracking so if they leave the building they can still be tracked?” Once the device leaves the building you no longer have control over it. What information can hackers retrieve if they do get into your tablet, i-pad or laptop? The Alpha Thunder Tag prevents laptop theft or tablet theft by attaching directly to the mobile device and has three potential alarm mechanisms. The first two alarms work in conjunction with electronic article surveillance (EAS) systems. If someone were to walk out with a device that has a tag on it, the EAS alarm antenna will activate an audible alarm built into the antenna. The device itself will also activate a built in audible alarm alerting staff to an unauthorized removal of the mobile technology from the building. Should someone attempt to remove the tag from a device in an effort to steal it, there is a tamper alarm that will sound. 

Aside from the value of some of the tablets and i-pads being used in the medical field, what does tablet theft, or i-pad theft benefits someone? What could they possibly do with a patient’s medical information? In an April 23, 2014 Reuters (online) article by Jim Finkle, the writer quotes a senior manager from EMC Corporation, a company specializing in data storage, “Some criminals use medical records to impersonate patients with diseases so they can obtain prescriptions for controlled substances.”  On the black market, prescription medications can be valued in the thousands of dollars, depending on the drug being sold. This does not include the value of personal information on the black market which I have read in several articles can be valued from $20 to $50 per patient. The buyers can obtain information about patients from billing addresses to social security numbers. The impact can be more severe than the data breaches suffered by major retailers in the past few years. Alpha Thunder Tags keep the devices used in medical offices in the building and out of the hands of criminals and hackers. Any attempts to exit a building with a Thunder Tag protected device and has entry points/exits secured with EAS antennas will activate the alarms and allow office personnel to intervene.   

Who can benefit by preventing i-pad theft and tablet theft? Any medical provider that deals with patient information can benefit. This may be the family dentist practice on the corner or the small medical research laboratory. A medical provider that can become a victim does not have to be the regional medical center or medical school it can be the smaller office serving a local town. Any facility that begins converting to the use of mobile medical devices needs to consider the security offered by Alpha Thunder Tags.


For more information on Alpha Thunder Tags contact us or call 1.770.426.0547  


Don’t Put Patient Information and Safety At Risk – Alpha Thunder Tags Can Protect Mobile Devices From Theft


Alpha Thunder Tag – 4                                                                                                                         WC Blog 51
Tablet Theft – 5
Laptop Theft – 3
Don’t Put Patient Information and Safety At Risk – Alpha Thunder Tags Can Protect Mobile Devices From Theft
     The use of mobile technology in the medical field has had many positive benefits. According to a MEDPAGE TODAY article dated 02/10/2014, “Hospitals Use Tablets As Extension Of EHRs”, by David Pittman,
“Hospital rounds are completed more quickly” (University of Chicago Medicine)
“Tests can be ordered more quickly” (Vanderbilt University)
“The University of Pittsburgh tested software that can allow doctors to jump between apps without having to reenter patient information”
“Improvement in length of time for nurses to enter vital signs”
While the benefits continue to grow and medical centers and doctor’s offices see the advantages of using mobile technology, there are certain risks associated with the devices if they are lost or stolen.  Because these portable devices tend to be small, they can be difficult to protect.  The Alpha Thunder Tag has protections built in that make it the perfect choice in preventing tablet theft or laptop theft.
     The Alpha Thunder Tag is attached to the back of a device using a special adhesive.  To prevent unauthorized persons from removing the tag, a plunger built into the Thunder Tag will release if tampered with.  An alarm will then sound and alert staff to the attempted tablet theft or device theft.  There are 3 alarms that this protective device can activate.  The first, we just covered, a tamper alarm to prevent removal.  The second alarm will set off an Electronic Article Surveillance Antenna if an attempt to walk out through an antenna is attempted.  The third alarm is in the Thunder Tag.  Not only will the tag set off the antenna alarm, it has a built in alarm that will sound if someone tries to exit a building exit that is secured with an Electronic Article Surveillance Antenna.
     The question then arises, why would anyone attempt to steal a mobile medical device?  The quick answer is access to patient information.  Hospitals, medical research centers, dentist offices, etc. all are moving to the use of this technology.  Medical staff can rapidly access information that once was available only on desktop computers or paper charts and files.  As patient information is accessed on mobile technology, there is the chance that data becomes vulnerable to would be hackers and that information can be valuable. There are people who will buy personal information and use it for creating false identifications or to open fraudulent accounts.  Medical Laptop theft or tablet theft, could also compromise patient safety. On the website “Content of Premarket Submissions for Management of Cyber Security in Medical Devices”, the following information is provided on page 2:  “Failure to maintain cybersecurity can result in compromised device functionality, loss of data (medical or personal) availability or integrity, or exposure of other connected devices or networks to security threats.  This in turn may have the potential to result in patient illness, injury or death.”   The dangers of medical tablet theft and laptop theft could carry over from information breaches to actual potential physical harm to patients.  If a tablet is attached to another device, for example a medication dispenser via an application, someone could remotely dispense the wrong medication or too much medication. The use of Alpha Thunder tags can prevent this by preventing the tablet theft in the first place.
     Because devices are not very large, I include laptops since they can fit in a good sized purse or book bag, they are easy to misplace or just lay down on a countertop.  In an office of any size, even one that is not very busy, if someone is not careful, a patient or office visitor can pick up a device from a shelf or desk.  Should someone attempt to leave with the device that is tagged, the electronic article surveillance system or the alarm on the device, will sound and alert office personnel.  
     As the medical provider, you have a responsibility for the safety of client information.  Don’t put your patient’s personal information or their safety at risk. Protect your office mobile devices with a proven security, the Alpha Thunder Tag.
For more information on the Alpha Thunder Tag, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

The use of mobile technology in the medical field has had many positive benefits. According to a MEDPAGE TODAY article dated 02/10/2014, “Hospitals Use Tablets As Extension Of EHRs”, by David Pittman,• “Hospital rounds are completed more quickly” (University of Chicago Medicine)

“Tests can be ordered more quickly” (Vanderbilt University)

“The University of Pittsburgh tested software that can allow doctors to jump between apps without having to reenter patient information”

“Improvement in length of time for nurses to enter vital signs”

While the benefits continue to grow and medical centers and doctor’s offices see the advantages of using mobile technology, there are certain risks associated with the devices if they are lost or stolen. Because these portable devices tend to be small, they can be difficult to protect. The Alpha Thunder Tag has protections built in that make it the perfect choice in preventing tablet theft or laptop theft.


The Alpha Thunder Tag is attached to the back of a device using a special adhesive. To prevent unauthorized persons from removing the tag, a plunger built into the Thunder Tag will release if tampered with. An alarm will then sound and alert staff to the attempted tablet theft or device theft. There are 3 alarms that this protective device can activate. The first, we just covered, a tamper alarm to prevent removal. The second alarm will set off an Electronic Article Surveillance Antenna if an attempt to walk out through an antenna is attempted. The third alarm is in the Thunder Tag. Not only will the tag set off the antenna alarm, it has a built in alarm that will sound if someone tries to exit a building exit that is secured with an Electronic Article Surveillance Antenna.

     The question then arises, why would anyone attempt to steal a mobile medical device?  The quick answer is access to patient information.  Hospitals, medical research centers, dentist offices, etc. all are moving to the use of this technology. Medical staff can rapidly access information that once was available only on desktop computers or paper charts and files. As patient information is accessed on mobile technology, there is the chance that data becomes vulnerable to would be hackers and that information can be valuable. There are people who will buy personal information and use it for creating false identifications or to open fraudulent accounts. Medical Laptop theft or tablet theft, could also compromise patient safety. On the website “Content of Premarket Submissions for Management of Cyber Security in Medical Devices”, the following information is provided on page 2:  “Failure to maintain cybersecurity can result in compromised device functionality, loss of data (medical or personal) availability or integrity, or exposure of other connected devices or networks to security threats. This in turn may have the potential to result in patient illness, injury or death.”  The dangers of medical tablet theft and laptop theft could carry over from information breaches to actual potential physical harm to patients. If a tablet is attached to another device, for example a medication dispenser via an application, someone could remotely dispense the wrong medication or too much medication. The use of Alpha Thunder tags can prevent this by preventing the tablet theft in the first place.


Because devices are not very large, I include laptops since they can fit in a good sized purse or book bag, they are easy to misplace or just lay down on a countertop. In an office of any size, even one that is not very busy, if someone is not careful, a patient or office visitor can pick up a device from a shelf or desk. Should someone attempt to leave with the device that is tagged, the electronic article surveillance system or the alarm on the device, will sound and alert office personnel.  

As the medical provider, you have a responsibility for the safety of client information. Don’t put your patient’s personal information or their safety at risk. Protect your office mobile devices with a proven security, the Alpha Thunder Tag.

For more information on the Alpha Thunder Tag, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547





Tablets are rising in popularity almost by the day. Gone are the days of toting around a bulky laptop, or a computer on wheels. Wireless tablets are finding their way into every imaginable field. Most prevalent is there use in the medical field. Doctors, nurses, dentists and almost every specialty in-between are switching from bulky push computers and paper charts to the ease and simplicity of a tablet. You know what else is on the rise? Theft of those same tablets. 
Talk to any retail manager that carries these items and you will find out just how large the problem really is. Retail stores have to take extreme measures to protect their merchandise. With these advances in security technology, thieves will often move to the path of least resistance. Often times that means stealing from stores that have minimal security. What’s happening more frequently is that we are seeing that it is increasingly difficult for a thief to get their hands on tablets in stores. Due to the strong week control measures in place in hospitals, there is a rise in theft of these devices within the medical field. After all, the tablets can be wiped clean very easily and resold in minutes on the street. What can you do to protect the investments you’ve made in medical tech? 
Enter the Alpha Thunder tag. These tags are the gold standard in several big chain retailers throughout the country because they work. Here are the basics of how the tag works:
The Thunder tag is placed onto the back of the tablet with custom adhesive. A plunger on the back-side of the tag detects any tampering. If the tag is removed from the device, it sounds an ear piercing 95dba alarm. In order for the tag to work properly, you will also need to install a tower antenna, such as the N10 antenna. These almost invisible gates detect when the tag passes through (say an exit door). This would also alert staff or security that a tag is exiting the building. 
If you do a quick google search on how to prevent tablet theft, you’ll see hundreds of different locks, cases and software aimed at protecting tablets, specifically in the medical field. The costs can quickly add up into the thousands. We all are aware of the rising health care costs and the strain that puts on hospital budgets. Administrators need to find a way to leverage technology for efficiency in addition to securing those assets in a cost effective manner. The Alpha Thunder tag, along with the N10 antenna are a fantastic solution to this problem and can help hospitals across the country solve a problem that the retail community has had for years. 
For more information about (Alpha Thunder Tag) contact us or call 1.770.426.0547.

Tablets are rising in popularity almost by the day. Gone are the days of toting around a bulky laptop, or a computer on wheels. Wireless tablets are finding their way into every imaginable field. Most prevalent is there use in the medical field. Doctors, nurses, dentists and almost every specialty in-between are switching from bulky push computers and paper charts to the ease and simplicity of a tablet. You know what else is on the rise? Tablet theft


Talk to any retail manager that carries these items and you will find out just how large the problem really is. Retail stores have to take extreme measures to protect their merchandise. With these advances in security technology, thieves will often move to the path of least resistance. Often times that means stealing from stores that have minimal security. What’s happening more frequently is that we are seeing that it is increasingly difficult for a thief to get their hands on tablets in stores. Due to the strong week control measures in place in hospitals, there is a rise in theft of these devices within the medical field. After all, the tablets can be wiped clean very easily and resold in minutes on the street. What can you do to protect the investments you’ve made in medical tech? 


Enter the Alpha Thunder tag. These tags are the gold standard in several big chain retailers throughout the country because they work. Here are the basics of how the tag works:

The Thunder tag is placed onto the back of the tablet with custom adhesive. A plunger on the back-side of the tag detects any tampering. If the tag is removed from the device, it sounds an ear piercing 95dba alarm. In order for the tag to work properly, you will also need to install a tower antenna, such as the N10 antenna. These almost invisible gates detect when the tag passes through (say an exit door). This would also alert staff or security that a tag is exiting the building. 


 If you do a quick google search on how to prevent tablet theft, you’ll see hundreds of different locks, cases and software aimed at protecting tablets, specifically in the medical field. The costs can quickly add up into the thousands. We all are aware of the rising health care costs and the strain that puts on hospital budgets. Administrators need to find a way to leverage technology for efficiency in addition to securing those assets in a cost effective manner. The Alpha Thunder tag, along with the N10 antenna are a fantastic solution to this problem and can help hospitals across the country solve a problem that the retail community has had for years. 

For more information about Alpha Thunder Tag contact us or call 1.770.426.0547.



Tablet Theft Can Lead To Patient Data Breaches – Protect Your Client Information With Classic N10 Antennas And Thunder Tags.


Alpha Thunder Tags-5                                                                                                                          WC blog 40
Tablet Theft-3
Tablet Theft Can Lead To Patient Data Breaches – Protect Your Client Information With Classic N10 Antennas And Thunder Tags.
     In a September 2014 online article in Reuters, “Your medical record is worth more to hackers than your credit card” Caroline Humer and Jim Finkle report, “Your medical information is worth 10 times more than your credit card on the black market”.  The report goes on to mention that “stolen health credentials can go for $10 each, about 10 to 20 times the value of a U.S. credit card number, according to Don Jackson at Phishlabs, a cyber crime protection company.”  A recent headline in a “HIPAA Journal” September 7, 2015 article, “Recent Cases Of Portable Device Theft Highlight Need For Healthcare Data Encryption”, should be a warning to healthcare providers that mobile devices are vulnerable to theft. Data breaches can be due to remote hacking or they can be the result of mobile devices that are stolen and then the information contained in the device is accessed by criminals.  Prevention of tablet theft, i-pad theft and even the theft of laptops from a medical provider facility is more important now than ever before.  There are protections available in addition to ensuring encryption is in place, such as using Alpha Thunder Tags  to deter the theft of mobile devices.
     To prevent theft, medical research offices, medical providers, or any office that has access to patient information and uses laptops, i-pads, tablets or other mobile technology can install an electronic article surveillance system. Connecting Alpha Thunder Tags to their devices creates a defense to limit opportunities for loss or theft.  In order to work, Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) antennas must be installed at ALL points of entry and exit.  If space is limited at some points, the Checkpoint Classic N10 antenna can be installed.  This particular antenna is a compact design, originally created for use in small retail stores where every inch of floor space is valuable.  The versatility of the N10 clearly makes it a smart choice for any location that may be limited space, particularly a service type entrance for employees.  Antennas at entrances will alert staff with an audible tone and flashing LED lights if someone attempts to leave with a device that has been tagged with an Alpha Thunder Tag.
     Keeping equipment tagged is important, but so is accountability.  There must be training for employees so they understand the reasons why mobile device security is important for the office.  People are more likely to take security seriously when they understand the reasons behind actions.  I have seen sign out lists for keys, scanning devices, and radios.  The consistency for using sign out sheets varied depending on how or if employees were held accountable for failing to sign out equipment. When we took the time to explain why signing for equipment was important, there tended to be more cooperative compliance.  This is especially important in a busy work environment where people are rushing to take care of patients and emergencies.   If someone knows they are going to be held responsible if they lose a device they are generally more careful in how they handle the equipment.  This is not to say things won’t be misplaced if they are signed out, but the knowledge that others will know who lost or misplaced a laptop or tablet will create a sense of urgency in people to look for that item with a greater vigor.  Alpha Thunder Tags should be looked at as a backup security measure to equipment security.  To prevent tablet theft and i-pad theft, the primary security measure is control and accountability.  
     The Classic N10 and other Checkpoint EAS antennas along with the Alpha Thunder tag can assist you in preventing tablet theft and i-pad theft.  Protect confidential client data from theft, and protect your company from potentially thousands of dollars in fines and penalties.  Look into the benefits of electronic article surveillance; it isn’t just for retail stores anymore.
For more information on Checkpoint Classic N10 Antenna contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

In a September 2014 online article in Reuters, “Your medical record is worth more to hackers than your credit card” Caroline Humer and Jim Finkle report, “Your medical information is worth 10 times more than your credit card on the black market”. The report goes on to mention that “stolen health credentials can go for $10 each, about 10 to 20 times the value of a U.S. credit card number, according to Don Jackson at Phishlabs, a cyber crime protection company.” A recent headline in a “HIPAA Journal” September 7, 2015 article, “Recent Cases Of Portable Device Theft Highlight Need For Healthcare Data Encryption”, should be a warning to healthcare providers that mobile devices are vulnerable to theft. Data breaches can be due to remote hacking or they can be the result of mobile devices that are stolen and then the information contained in the device is accessed by criminals. Prevention of tablet theft, i-pad theft and even the theft of laptops from a medical provider facility is more important now than ever before. There are protections available in addition to ensuring encryption is in place, such as using Alpha Thunder Tags to deter the theft of mobile devices.

To prevent theft, medical research offices, medical providers, or any office that has access to patient information and uses laptops, i-pads, tablets or other mobile technology can install an electronic article surveillance system. Connecting Alpha Thunder Tags to their devices creates a defense to limit opportunities for loss or theft. In order to work, Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) antennas must be installed at ALL points of entry and exit. If space is limited at some points, the Checkpoint Classic N10 antenna can be installed. This particular antenna is a compact design, originally created for use in small retail stores where every inch of floor space is valuable. The versatility of the N10 clearly makes it a smart choice for any location that may be limited space, particularly a service type entrance for employees. Antennas at entrances will alert staff with an audible tone and flashing LED lights if someone attempts to leave with a device that has been tagged with an Alpha Thunder Tag.

Keeping equipment tagged is important, but so is accountability. There must be training for employees so they understand the reasons why mobile device security is important for the office. People are more likely to take security seriously when they understand the reasons behind actions. I have seen sign out lists for keys, scanning devices, and radios. The consistency for using sign out sheets varied depending on how or if employees were held accountable for failing to sign out equipment. When we took the time to explain why signing for equipment was important, there tended to be more cooperative compliance. This is especially important in a busy work environment where people are rushing to take care of patients and emergencies. If someone knows they are going to be held responsible if they lose a device they are generally more careful in how they handle the equipment. This is not to say things won’t be misplaced if they are signed out, but the knowledge that others will know who lost or misplaced a laptop or tablet will create a sense of urgency in people to look for that item with a greater vigor. Alpha Thunder Tags should be looked at as an esstial part of your security plan. To prevent tablet theft and i-pad theft, the primary security measure is control and accountability.  

The Classic N10 and other Checkpoint EAS antennas along with the Alpha Thunder tag can assist you in preventing tablet theft and i-pad theft. Protect confidential client data from theft, and protect your company from potentially thousands of dollars in fines and penalties.  Look into the benefits of electronic article surveillance; it isn’t just for retail stores anymore.

For more information on Checkpoint Classic N10 Antenna contact us or call 1.770.426.0547




Alpha Thunder Tags Terminate Medical Tablet Theft Temptations


Alpha Thunder Tag-4                                                                                                                           WC blog 37
Tablet Theft-3
ipad Theft-3
Alpha Thunder Tags Terminate Medical Tablet Theft Temptations
     Working in a medical facility or hospital, staff regularly handle confidential information.  Most data and personal information is now digitalized and accessed through computers, laptops and now handheld devices.  With this increased use of mobile technology, information security is increasingly at risk.  According to Kevin Page and Phillip Hampton consultants for the American Bar Association,   “On October 21, 2013, Alhambra, California-based AHMC Healthcare Inc. reported the theft of two unencrypted laptops containing the protected health information (“PHI”) of approximately 729,000 patients.” ( ABA Health eSource, Protecting PHI on Mobile Devices
Vol. 10 No. 3 Kevin Page, Waller, Nashville, TN, Phillip Hampton, LogicForce Consulting, LLC, Nashville, TN.)   As healthcare providers are moving away from paper records and increasing the use of portable devices to care for patients, it is important for data as well as the devices to be protected.   These devices include laptops, i-pads, tablets and even smartphones.  Technology has made it possible for medical professionals to access patient records with a few key strokes or a swipe of the finger.  Trying to find methods to protect devices can be difficult, but the Alpha Thunder Tag can provide the security you need.  Healthcare professionals have an obligation to protect the information of their patients and the tools they use to store and access that information.
     The Alpha Thunder Tag has electronic article surveillance built into it and if it passes through an EAS antenna, the antenna alarm will sound and alert staff to a possible theft or a forgotten device.  If someone attempts to remove a device there is a tamper alarm that will sound, again alerting staff to a possible theft of the unit.  The Thunder Tag does come in a 3 alarm version that sounds not only the antenna alarm if someone tried to exit with it, the alarm built into the device will also sound an alert.      
     I decided to do a little investigating of my own to see what information was available on data breaches in the healthcare industry.  I went to the U.S. Department of HHS to seek information.  The Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights website has a report titled “Breaches Affecting 500 or More Individuals”;  (  In order to get the most accurate information available for this article, I applied the following filters: Dates from 1/1/2015 – 11/1/2015, for “Types of Breach” I included ” Hacking IT Incidents”, “Theft”,” Loss” and “Unknown”, for “Location” I only included “ Laptop” and  “Other Portable Devices”.)  For “The Type of Covered Entity” I used “Health Provider”.  With these filters I received a list of 39 reported incidents with a total of 464,166 “Individuals Affected”.  Bear in mind, this report only included breaches where 500 or more individuals were affected.  499 individuals affected or less are not included in the report from the DHHS.  If you don’t think that tablet theft or i-pad theft is a problem, it is my hope that these numbers may change your mind.  Security of these devices cannot be taken lightly. The Alpha Thunder Tag used with an Electronic Article Surveillance System can help you protect your portable laptops and mobile devices. 
     Thieves do not necessarily consider whether a tablet theft will result in gaining useful information.  The opportunist may take a laptop or i-pad simply because it is accessible. If a device is stolen and information is encrypted, sometimes the challenge to some criminals is to see if they can access information.  If successful they then have to decide what type of information they have and if they can use any of it.  Some hackers do what they do to see if it can be done and that’s all.  Unfortunately, if your office or practice is the victim of a tablet theft or i-pad theft, you can’t know what is being done with the information lost.  The liability risk for your practice is minimized when the Alpha Thunder Tag is used to protect against laptop, tablet, and i-pad theft.
     Don’t allow your mobile devices to go unprotected.  Limit the risk of losing your mobile devices and with them, patient information.  Look into the protection afforded you by investing in Alpha Thunder Tags.
For more information on the Alpha Thunder Tag, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

Working in a medical facility or hospital, staff regularly handle confidential information. Most data and personal information is now digitalized and accessed through computers, laptops and now handheld devices. With this increased use of mobile technology, information security is increasingly at risk. According to Kevin Page and Phillip Hampton consultants for the American Bar Association, “On October 21, 2013, Alhambra, California-based AHMC Healthcare Inc. reported the theft of two unencrypted laptops containing the protected health information (“PHI”) of approximately 729,000 patients.” ( ABA Health eSource, Protecting PHI on Mobile DevicesVol. 10 No. 3 Kevin Page, Waller, Nashville, TN, Phillip Hampton, LogicForce Consulting, LLC, Nashville, TN.)  As healthcare providers are moving away from paper records and increasing the use of portable devices to care for patients, it is important for data as well as the devices to be protected.  These devices include laptops, i-pads, tablets and even smartphones. Technology has made it possible for medical professionals to access patient records with a few key strokes or a swipe of the finger. Trying to find methods to protect devices can be difficult, but the Alpha Thunder Tag can provide the security you need. Healthcare professionals have an obligation to protect the information of their patients and the tools they use to store and access that information.

The Alpha Thunder Tag has electronic article surveillance built into it and if it passes through an EAS antenna, the antenna alarm will sound and alert staff to a possible theft or a forgotten device. If someone attempts to remove a device there is a tamper alarm that will sound, again alerting staff to a possible theft of the unit. The Thunder Tag does come in a 3 alarm version that sounds not only the antenna alarm if someone tried to exit with it, the alarm built into the device will also sound an alert.      

I decided to do a little investigating of my own to see what information was available on data breaches in the healthcare industry. I went to the U.S. Department of HHS to seek information. The Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights website has a report titled “Breaches Affecting 500 or More Individuals” (  In order to get the most accurate information available for this article, I applied the following filters: Dates from 1/1/2015 – 11/1/2015, for “Types of Breach” I included ” Hacking IT Incidents”, “Theft”,” Loss” and “Unknown”, for “Location” I only included “ Laptop” and  “Other Portable Devices”.)  For “The Type of Covered Entity” I used “Health Provider”.  With these filters I received a list of 39 reported incidents with a total of 464,166 “Individuals Affected”. Bear in mind, this report only included breaches where 500 or more individuals were affected. 499 individuals affected or less are not included in the report from the DHHS. If you don’t think that tablet theft or i-pad theft is a problem, it is my hope that these numbers may change your mind. Security of these devices cannot be taken lightly. The Alpha Thunder Tag used with an Electronic Article Surveillance System can help you protect your portable laptops and mobile devices. 

Thieves do not necessarily consider whether a tablet theft will result in gaining useful information. The opportunist may take a laptop or i-pad simply because it is accessible. If a device is stolen and information is encrypted, sometimes the challenge to some criminals is to see if they can access information. If successful they then have to decide what type of information they have and if they can use any of it. Some hackers do what they do to see if it can be done and that’s all. Unfortunately, if your office or practice is the victim of a tablet theft or i-pad theft, you can’t know what is being done with the information lost. The liability risk for your practice is minimized when the Alpha Thunder Tag is used to protect against laptop, tablet, and i-pad theft.

Don’t allow your mobile devices to go unprotected. Limit the risk of losing your mobile devices and with them, patient information. Look into the protection afforded you by investing in Alpha Thunder Tags.

For more information on the Alpha Thunder Tag, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547