EAS source tagging, or Electronic Article Surveillance source tagging by Loss Prevention Systems, is a practice employed by retailers to enhance their security measures and prevent theft. It involves embedding or attaching electronic surveillance tags to products at their source of manufacture or packaging, before they even reach the retailer’s store shelves. These tags can be detected by electronic surveillance systems located at the store’s exits, triggering alarms if an unpaid item is taken out without proper deactivation.

The primary purpose of EAS source tagging is to deter theft and reduce inventory shrinkage, which refers to losses incurred by retailers due to theft, shoplifting, or administrative errors. By implementing EAS source tagging, retailers aim to minimize losses, protect their merchandise, and maintain profitability. Here are some ways in which EAS source tagging can lead to significant cost savings for retailers:

Reduced labor costs: Traditional anti-theft measures often require employees to manually attach security tags to products once they arrive at the store. This process can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. EAS source tagging eliminates the need for in-store tagging, allowing employees to focus on more value-added tasks, such as customer service. By streamlining operations, retailers can optimize their workforce and potentially reduce labor costs.

Enhanced operational efficiency: EAS source tagging enables retailers to adopt a more efficient and streamlined approach to inventory management. With tags already applied to products at the source, the process of receiving and stocking merchandise becomes faster and more automated. This efficiency can result in improved inventory accuracy, reduced discrepancies, and better overall operational performance, ultimately saving the retailer money.

Prevention of theft and shrinkage: By deterring theft and reducing shrinkage, EAS source tagging directly helps retailers avoid financial losses. The mere presence of visible security tags can discourage potential shoplifters, acting as a strong deterrent. Moreover, the use of electronic surveillance systems at store exits ensures that stolen items trigger alarms, allowing immediate action to be taken. As a result, retailers can recover stolen merchandise, minimize losses, and protect their profit margins.

Decreased expenses on anti-theft measures: EAS source tagging can potentially reduce the need for other costly anti-theft measures, such as security guards or surveillance cameras. While these additional security measures may still be necessary in some cases, the overall reliance on them can be reduced when EAS source tagging is implemented effectively. This reduction in expenses can translate into significant cost savings for retailers.

Improved customer experience: EAS source tagging helps create a safer and more secure shopping environment for customers. When theft is minimized, it enhances the overall shopping experience by reducing the instances of empty shelves, missing items, or inconveniences caused by security measures. Satisfied customers are more likely to become repeat customers and generate increased revenue for the retailer.

EAS source tagging by Loss Prevention Systems provides retailers with various benefits that can lead to substantial cost savings. By reducing labor costs, enhancing operational efficiency, preventing theft, decreasing expenses on anti-theft measures, and improving the customer experience, retailers can optimize their operations, protect their merchandise, and ultimately save money.

Get started today. Contact Loss Prevention Systems and we make your journey into source tagging simple and easy. We have both AM and RF technologies.