One of the inevitable facts of owning or managing a retail store is that at some point you will be a victim of either shoplifting or employee theft. How you handle your assets during these losses, as well as what did you do to prevent them (previously or in the future), will be the determining factor as to whether or not you are set up for failure.
What many businesses run into is a lack of information as to how to effectively reduce the risk of shoplifting, or employee theft before it happens. Not every store has a budget for expensive EAS systems and the maintenance package to keep them running. Training employees to stop shoplifters can also be a no-go, depending upon the skill set of your average employees. Many small businesses cannot afford to hire employees who have reliable, complex decision making skills. Trusting them to manage a high impact situation is out of the question. Having a full time, dedicated loss prevention employee can also be a non-option due to payroll restraints.
That doesn’t mean that there are not other options to help you protect your assets and investments, as well as the reputation of your store. Loss prevention workshops are designed to help you find small business solutions that fit into your budget and your store’s specific needs.
This loss prevention training is essential for anyone in your organizational structure that would be in a position to execute loss prevention strategies. This could be any managers and key carriers. This could also be a great training for any employee working in your store.
Cashiers are usually the first and last person a customer sees because the cash wrap stands are positioned near entrance and exit doors. Training your cashiers on how customer service is an effective extension of loss prevention can help reduce your in store crimes, plus increase your customer loyalty.
If the employees working your sales floor understand that a clean, stocked and organized store makes it easier to spot missing merchandise, therefore increasing a shoplifter’s risk of getting caught, the employees might be more willing to do their jobs properly. Even making small moves to inventory layouts within a store can make a reduction in the quantity of theft losses on a particular item. If you have an issue with a product, move it closer to a cash register where someone is frequently around to deter theft.
Having a set shelf quantity of an item can also help monitor a high theft item to determine where it is going an when. Instead of filling a hook or a shelf with all available product, limit it to only four or five pieces. Train your employees to count every time they pass the item. If one is missing, and has not been sold, you can narrow down the time since someone last saw it.
These are a few loss prevention techniques that would come from a training workshop that can effectively reduce inventory and asset losses, without ever having to make an apprehension of a shoplifter. These tactics do not require decision-making skills above the normal scope of an employee’s job description. They also do not require additional payroll expenses to ensure the programs execution.
Having a clearer understanding how each individual employee can make a positive impact of theft reduction, while continuing to operate within the standard job description strengthens your store’s defenses against theft and losses.
For more information on Loss Prevention Seminars, Loss Prevention Training, or Loss Prevention Workshop contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 – Atlanta Georgia
Visit the Loss Prevention Systems website for more information on Retail Employee Theft and Retail Shoplifting problems and view the Retail Loss Prevention Seminars, Retail Loss Prevention Training and Retail Loss Prevention Workshop we offer to help with your Employee Theft and Shoplifting problems.