Advantages Of Using Sensormatic Security Labels Over Other Brands
As a Loss Prevention Manager I often wondered whether there was any advantage for stores that used Sensormatic security labels versus the electronic article surveillance labels I was accustomed to using. I had used big tags when I first started out in the 1990’s in Loss Prevention and was pleased when those anti-theft labels got smaller but they were still bigger than the tags I saw competitor retailers using. The labels my peers were using were little rectangular plastic-looking contraptions but they were adhesive just like our labels. I knew some of the disadvantages of using the labels I was used to using. Size of the labels and issues with some materials causing false alarms at the towers were two of the big disadvantages. But what could the other product offer that would have been to the advantage of our store?

Sensormatic Security Labels Reduce Shoplifting
I wasn’t in a position to influence change in the anti-theft tools our company was using. Those directions came far above my pay grade. I also don’t want to give the impression that the electronic article surveillance (EAS) labels we were using weren’t working. EAS is an effective deterrent to crime and is always better than nothing at all. But I will say there is a marked difference in how they perform. They both work but one is more reliable and has distinct advantages over the other. After learning more about Sensormatic security labels (and later using them with another retailer). I have to say, they are a significantly superior product if I had the choice between the two.
One of the problems I encountered with the EAS systems I was used to using was that we experienced phantom alarms. There were many things that could create these false alarms. Foil gift wrap, tin foil rolls for cooking, even coiled cords on vacuum cleaners and power tools could set the alarm towers off. If you have any knowledge at all about EAS systems you know how annoying these can be to customers and employees. A shopper pays for their purchase and prepares to leave and they set off the alarm causing everyone nearby to stop and stare. Uggghhh, it is uncomfortable and can be embarrassing, I’ve been in that position. When an employee comes to check on the alarm it can take an extended amount of time trying to determine if there is unpaid merchandise or if the alarm is a phantom. I even had enough phantom alarms one time that I had to place a service call in that ended up being a waste of the technician’s time and a waste of store money.
Loss Prevention Systems, Inc. (LPSI) is in the business of helping business owners combat retail theft and fraud. They recognize not only the importance of EAS to prevent shoplifting but that any system that is installed has to be reliable. Second-hand equipment, cut-rate systems and systems that are prone to false alarms can result in poor employee response when the towers are activated. Shoplifters see the workers go through the pretense of receipt and bag checks without being thorough. The crooks can tell which stores are attentive and which are lax and target the easier prey. LPSI makes a point of recommending the Sensormatic security systems and labels to their clientele. The equipment is reliable and so are the Sensormatic security labels that should be used with them.
As I stated earlier, I have used several different name brands of EAS labels in my career and I have a very strong opinion about which I prefer. Sensormatic is my preferred vendor and I know if you give the equipment a try you would see for yourself why I am enthusiastic about them. I recommend you visit the LPSI website to find out how you can improve your profit line with a Sensormatic system.
For more information about Sensormatic security labels contact us or call 1.770.426.0547