If you’re married, or have a significant other, I don’t have to tell you that purses are a big deal. Not only are they functional, but they make a statement. They can also hurt bank statements as well… I was recently in a high end apparel retailer, and saw a display of purses that were literally bolted and cable locked down. Curious, I strolled on over to look at what one of these would set my wife back. A couple of mortgage payments, if you’re interested? Looking at their display, it was clear they were attempting to prevent shoplifting with the stringent security measures. There had to be a better way, but hey, it wasn’t my store, so I continued on my day without much more thought.
A few months later, I got an invitation to sit in on some meetings at work. They were announcing that we were going to start carrying a wider assortment of higher end apparel accessories. Top of the list? Purses. Our buyers wanted some input from the loss prevention department on product security. To my amazement, they had few pictures of competitors set up and it was similar to what I had seen a few weeks back. We didn’t want that. We wanted a clean presentation that was inviting to our customers. After all, we want them to spend their money with us and not feel like a criminal! They asked me to look into some retail anti-theft devices that would fit our vision all while still ensuing that we protected our inventory.
I already had a great idea in mind. I had used Mini Cable Loks in the past on different merchandise, and really saw the potential in using them on the purses. Since it is an Alpha 3 Alarm, we would get the benefits of triple protection. It would alert the EAS towers if it went though, alert if it was tampered with while on the product, and provide a constant, audible alarm for about 10 minutes after passing through the towers. This was our solution. Once all the details were hammered out, we rolled them out to the stores. It wasn’t long before we began seeing our known shoplifters attempt to steal these purses.
Every week, I’d see reports from the store LP managers on attempted thefts, but surprisingly, no one was able to actually steal them. The stores were seeing boosters clip the cables, but then run off when the cables were triggered. Additionally, there were several occasions where shoplifters would take the merchandise out the front doors, only to be surprised at the Alpha 3 Alarms cheerful ring! Most cases, they would ditch the product and head for the hills! Granted, we had a few slip through, but overall, the Mini Cable Loks were doing their jobs. We wanted them to prevent shoplifting, and that’s exactly what they did.
For more information contact us at losspreventionsystems.com or call 1.770.426.2537