(Keywords: Bottle Locks-5, Stop Shoplifting-3)
Protecting your Bottled Spirits with Alpha Bottle Locks
Does your store sell alcohol such as Whiskey, Vodka, and Tequila? If you do then you know the challenge of carrying these items.  Bottle items such as alcoholic beverages present a unique challenge when it comes to protecting them. Unlike your other items that are traditionally secured, bottled items require shelf space that needs to be presented to the customer in an organized fashion. Securing these items have been a challenge for retailers for many years. We finally have a solution with Alpha Bottle Locks.
Having worked in loss prevention and law enforcement most of my life, I naturally always look at stores security devices or lack thereof.  I am a person that feels like the more I know the better I am in my own career. Many times I see a stores security lacking and this especially holds true while walking down the liquor isle. I’m always shocked that there is no security on these items. Yes, I’ve seen the corner mirror that the one or two store clerks can look at to see in the aisle. But at the same time I see the store clerks busy with customers and unable to stare up at the mirror. The lack of security on these expensive bottles just opens the door to theft. Shoplifting is a crime of opportunity and what better opportunity for a shoplifter than an unsecured bottle?
Alpha High Theft Solutions Bottle Locks are your answer to your bottle theft problems. You can now help stop shoplifting with these innovative devices. These locks have been made with customer input and have underwent many enhancements to produce the best in security. Alpha Bottle Locks are designed to go over the top of the bottle providing an instant deterrent while not interfering with your merchandising. These are designed with low head clearance so that you don’t have to go rearranging your shelves to fit. They are made very durable yet very tough to defeat. They come in both AM and RF technologies. Best of all, these locks go on easily and can be removed easily by your staff and can be reused over and over again. 
What prevents a shoplifter from stealing an $80 dollar bottle of high end Vodka? We know that there are people that have addictions to alcohol and will do nearly anything to get their hands on it.  But there are many others that are just shoplifters looking to take advantage of your unsecured bottles. We’ll protect $12 dollar CD’s or $20 dollar pants but not an $80 plus bottle of wine. How do we prevent and stop shoplifting of these items? I think the bigger problem is until now there has never really been a convenient way to protect bottled items. We know from experience that trying to lock it up reduces sales. The customers can’t access it and the employees are tasked with trying to open a case every time someone wants to get a bottle or even look at one. Bottles are unique as some are tall some are short and they all vary in size. Merchandising bottles is important to retailer. Presentation is the key to successful sales. Until now, trying to secure bottles while allowing for proper presentation was a chore in and of itself. 
Technology is now on your side when it comes to protecting your expensive bottles. Don’t let another bottle walk out your door. You can now prevent and stop shoplifting of these expensive items. Protect your bottles today with Alpha Bottle Locks.
For more information on Alpha Bottle Locks contact us at 1-770-426-0547

Does your store sell alcohol such as Whiskey, Vodka, and Tequila? If you do then you know the challenge of carrying these items.  Bottle items such as alcoholic beverages present a unique challenge when it comes to protecting them. Unlike your other items that are traditionally secured, bottled items require shelf space that needs to be presented to the customer in an organized fashion. Securing these items have been a challenge for retailers for many years. We finally have a solution with Alpha Bottle Locks.

Having worked in loss prevention and law enforcement most of my life, I naturally always look at stores security devices or lack thereof.  I am a person that feels like the more I know the better I am in my own career. Many times I see a stores security lacking and this especially holds true while walking down the liquor isle. I’m always shocked that there is no security on these items. Yes, I’ve seen the corner mirror that the one or two store clerks can look at to see in the aisle. But at the same time I see the store clerks busy with customers and unable to stare up at the mirror. The lack of security on these expensive bottles just opens the door to theft. Shoplifting is a crime of opportunity and what better opportunity for a shoplifter than an unsecured bottle?

Alpha High Theft Solutions Bottle Locks are your answer to your bottle theft problems. You can now help stop shoplifting with these innovative devices. These locks have been made with customer input and have underwent many enhancements to produce the best in security. Alpha Bottle Locks are designed to go over the top of the bottle providing an instant deterrent while not interfering with your merchandising. These are designed with low head clearance so that you don’t have to go rearranging your shelves to fit. They are made very durable yet very tough to defeat. They come in both AM and RF technologies. Best of all, these locks go on easily and can be removed easily by your staff and can be reused over and over again. 

What prevents a shoplifter from stealing an $80 dollar bottle of high end Vodka? We know that there are people that have addictions to alcohol and will do nearly anything to get their hands on it.  But there are many others that are just shoplifters looking to take advantage of your unsecured bottles. We’ll protect $12 dollar CD’s or $20 dollar pants but not an $80 plus bottle of wine. How do we prevent and stop shoplifting of these items? I think the bigger problem is until now there has never really been a convenient way to protect bottled items. We know from experience that trying to lock it up reduces sales. The customers can’t access it and the employees are tasked with trying to open a case every time someone wants to get a bottle or even look at one. Bottles are unique as some are tall some are short and they all vary in size. Merchandising bottles is important to retailer. Presentation is the key to successful sales. Until now, trying to secure bottles while allowing for proper presentation was a chore in and of itself. 

Technology is now on your side when it comes to protecting your expensive bottles. Don’t let another bottle walk out your door. You can now prevent and stop shoplifting of these expensive items. Protect your bottles today with Alpha Bottle Locks.

For more information on Alpha Bottle Locks contact us at 1-770-426-0547