If you haven’t already completed your physical inventory process by now, it’s probably coming up very soon. You surely know that you have to prepare the store and merchandise for the actual counting event, and prepare your team for the chaos with a solid plan of action. With all of the additional people in the store and extra workload, it can be a difficult task to prevent shoplifting and workplace accidents at the same time. In addition to preparing the merchandise and team for the counting and auditing, you should also ensure your team is on the lookout for safety and theft concerns during the entire process. It’s important that you discuss this with your team before the big event, because you are obviously going to be extremely busy that day and you’ll need help identifying and correcting any issues that arise.
It’s a good idea to have all of your normal tasks already taken care of so you don’t have to worry about this during the inventory process. Make sure all of your merchandise is fully protected with retail anti-theft devices like the Alpha Spider Wrap. These types of devices not only provide great deterrence, but they also immediately let you know that someone is tampering with the device and trying to steal your merchandise. This can be an invaluable tool on days when you can’t give your high theft merchandise the full attention usually given by associates in the area, and will go a long way to help prevent shoplifting and alert your team to any attempted thefts as they occur. You’ll be able to hear the alarm while you are completing other tasks, and respond appropriately.
In addition to ensuring all of your merchandise is protected, you should also be preparing your team for the safety concerns that may arise during the process. The inventory preparation process can be a daunting task to complete, and even normally safety conscious employees are often rushing to complete tasks in order to comply with a fast approaching deadline. This is when accidents are most likely to happen. Working in larger, big box stores, you usually have an outside company come in and perform the actual inventory counting. Normally this is done by a company that brings in a lot of people into the store at one time and completes the scanning of merchandise within a day or less. You can imagine that this translates to an environment that is busier than your employees are used to working.
So make sure you take advantage of anything that can make the entire process smoother and limit any distractions, such as retail anti-theft devices that are made to prevent shoplifting, before you start the inventory process. You will have plenty of other things to worry about, and you can be confident that your products are being protected from shoplifters while you are attending to your other tasks. This way you can focus on getting accurate, and the best possible results from the count. After merchandise is counted, you should be conducting audits on the counts that have been performed by your team, or the third party company to ensure that any mistakes are fixed prior to the final numbers being keyed. It’s normal to find some mistakes while auditing previous counts, so expect that you will find them. When auditing, you obviously want to spend some time on high dollar merchandise that can have the most effect on your
For more information contact us: Prevent Shoplifting or call 1.770.426.0547