Alpha Shark Tags-4 WC Blog 411
Return Fraud-3
People Who Engage In Return Fraud Are Like Sharks Taking A Bite Out Of Your Profits; Stop The Feeding Frenzy With Alpha Shark Tags
I’m going to do something you don’t often see, I’m writing an article about return fraud and sharks, an unusual combination right? Now, I don’t know about you but I really enjoy watching shows about sharks. It may be Shark Week on the Discovery Channel or (I’m dating myself here) The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau and it can even be the movie, “Jaws”. With that information in mind I thought I would share a few interesting facts about sharks from in an article titled, “The 15 Most Surprising Facts About Sharks”, by Anastacia Darby, 06/04/2015:
• The whale shark is not only the largest shark species; they are also the largest fish in the world at over 40 feet long.
• The gestation period for a pregnant shark can last from 5 months to TWO YEARS!
• It has been estimated that the bite of the great white shark is up to 4000 PSI. For comparison a tiger has a bite of around 1000 PSI
• Some sharks can cycle through up to 35,000 teeth in a lifetime.
• The blue shark can give birth to up to 135 pups in one litter!
• Hammerhead sharks’ heads aren’t just for show they are equipped with electrical sensors which makes them superior hunters.
Finally from, February 1, 2017 by Devin Golden, “Tagged Mako Shark Travels Record Distance”; “After 600 days, the mako shark, named Hells Bay, After Hells’ Bay Boatworks, traveled more than 13,000 and broke a GHRI for the shark species in the Atlantic Ocean.” While it may not break any bite pounds per square inch records or distance traveled records, Alpha Shark Tags can help stores break the number of people engaging in return fraud due to wardrobing.
Wardrobing takes place when a person buys clothes with the intention of wearing them on only one or two occasions and then returning them with the tags on them and the receipt in hand. While it may not seem like return fraud in the traditional sense of the word such as when someone steals an item and then tries to return it for a refund, when wardrobing takes place there are several hits a store takes. A salesperson who earns a commission may lose their commission when the item is returned after spending time with the customer trying to help them with the purchase. The items are frequently returned damaged so merchandise is returned at full price paid and then damaged out or marked fully out of stock. An item that was stolen may be returned for a reduced price if it has taken a mark down or a store credit is issued when no receipt is presented. But no salesperson is losing a commission and if a receipt is not provided there may be less financial impact on the store. It is also likely the merchandise that was stolen won’t be returned damaged because the thief wants as much money as possible. When Alpha Shark Tags are used on merchandise it prevents wardrobing because it has to be on the merchandise when it is returned in order to get a refund. The tags are one-time use only meaning that the tag stays on a garment until the purchaser pays and takes the item home. Once the buyer decides to keep the item and wear it, THEN the tag is removed by the customer and the item cannot be returned at that point.
The potential for sharks to be in the water give most of us a pause before we go into the ocean or even in rivers, in some instances. For example bull sharks can and do swim in canals and rivers in Florida. We see videos and pictures in the news and on the computer in websites like YouTube and get a little squeamish about dipping a toe in the water after all. Well, those who participate in return fraud pause to reconsider what they are about to do when they see Alpha Shark Tags being used by a merchant.
Consider using Alpha Shark Tags on your merchandise and watch your profits go up as fraud declines. No shark cage necessary, the only people who need to fear are the con-artists who try to take advantage of retailers.
For more information about Alpha Shark Tags contact us or call 1.770.426.0547
I’m going to do something you don’t often see, I’m writing an article about return fraud and sharks, an unusual combination right? Now, I don’t know about you but I really enjoy watching shows about sharks. It may be Shark Week on the Discovery Channel or (I’m dating myself here) The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau and it can even be the movie, “Jaws”. With that information in mind I thought I would share a few interesting facts about sharks from in an article titled, “The 15 Most Surprising Facts About Sharks”, by Anastacia Darby, 06/04/2015:
• The whale shark is not only the largest shark species; they are also the largest fish in the world at over 40 feet long.
• The gestation period for a pregnant shark can last from 5 months to TWO YEARS!
• It has been estimated that the bite of the great white shark is up to 4000 PSI. For comparison a tiger has a bite of around 1000 PSI
• Some sharks can cycle through up to 35,000 teeth in a lifetime.
• The blue shark can give birth to up to 135 pups in one litter!
• Hammerhead sharks’ heads aren’t just for show they are equipped with electrical sensors which makes them superior hunters.
Finally from, February 1, 2017 by Devin Golden, “Tagged Mako Shark Travels Record Distance”; “After 600 days, the mako shark, named Hells Bay, After Hells’ Bay Boatworks, traveled more than 13,000 and broke a GHRI for the shark species in the Atlantic Ocean.” While it may not break any bite pounds per square inch records or distance traveled records, Alpha Shark Tags can help stores break the number of people engaging in return fraud due to wardrobing.
Wardrobing takes place when a person buys clothes with the intention of wearing them on only one or two occasions and then returning them with the tags on them and the receipt in hand. While it may not seem like return fraud in the traditional sense of the word such as when someone steals an item and then tries to return it for a refund, when wardrobing takes place there are several hits a store takes. A salesperson who earns a commission may lose their commission when the item is returned after spending time with the customer trying to help them with the purchase. The items are frequently returned damaged so merchandise is returned at full price paid and then damaged out or marked fully out of stock. An item that was stolen may be returned for a reduced price if it has taken a mark down or a store credit is issued when no receipt is presented. But no salesperson is losing a commission and if a receipt is not provided there may be less financial impact on the store. It is also likely the merchandise that was stolen won’t be returned damaged because the thief wants as much money as possible. When Alpha Shark Tags are used on merchandise it prevents wardrobing because it has to be on the merchandise when it is returned in order to get a refund. The tags are one-time use only meaning that the tag stays on a garment until the purchaser pays and takes the item home. Once the buyer decides to keep the item and wear it, THEN the tag is removed by the customer and the item cannot be returned at that point.
The potential for sharks to be in the water give most of us a pause before we go into the ocean or even in rivers, in some instances. For example bull sharks can and do swim in canals and rivers in Florida. We see videos and pictures in the news and on the computer in websites like YouTube and get a little squeamish about dipping a toe in the water after all. Well, those who participate in return fraud pause to reconsider what they are about to do when they see Alpha Shark Tags being used by a merchant.
Consider using Alpha Shark Tags on your merchandise and watch your profits go up as fraud declines. No shark cage necessary, the only people who need to fear are the con-artists who try to take advantage of retailers.
For more information about Alpha Shark Tags contact us or call 1.770.426.0547