(SW Blog 05
Keywords: Prevent Shoplifting-4, Alpha Keepers-5)
Keep Your Small Expensive Items in Your Store with Alpha Keepers
I often talk about my experience working in retail stores and share some of the crazy items I’ve caught shoplifters trying to take or items that would come up missing. Nothing that I’ve experienced in my career prepared me for this colder winter day. For me it’s another day in the store. I’ve done my rounds, talked with staff, checked shelves for any security breaches, and kept an eye on the CCTV cameras. Another day and nothing seemed more unusual than any other day. I was ready to prevent shoplifting and do my job like I did every day. What I didn’t know was that I was about to be hit for a large amount of merchandise that neither I nor the store was prepared for. 
One aisle I would pay particular attention to was in our cosmetics section. This was our men’s and women’s razor display. I paid more attention to this as the packages were smaller and the price tags were higher. One pack of name brand razors cartridges cost anywhere between $35 and $55 dollars. And the small package size made these a nice target for a thief. Occasionally I would find open packages with all the razors taken and other times we were just missing the whole package. In our store we had tried protecting these with many devices and security ideas to prevent shoplifting of these expensive items.  At one time we tried completely locking up all razors. You can probably guess the problem. There were actually two main issues with this idea. First, customers could no longer access these items to look at and ultimately buy. This meant lost sales of these high priced items and upset customers. Second, in order to open the case for a customer to buy an employee would have to leave what they were doing and go open it. This of course created another problem as employees would be helping another customer or be on break meaning there was a delay. Customers don’t like to wait which meant they were leaving to buy this product from another store. 
Alpha Keepers are a clear box that hold your items. This makes the items still accessible to the customer but protects the store and prevents shoplifting. The Alpha Keepers allow a customer to remove the item from the shelf, but if they try to leave the store your Checkpoint alarm will sound stopping the thief in their tracks. Alpha Keepers are not just for razors but for anything that is odd sized. In fact they come in hundreds of sizes. They are available for CD’s, Blu-Rays, gaming, and ink cartridges just to name a few. This unique security device can help you protect all of your odd shaped expensive items while allowing the customer to still access them. 
As mentioned, we had tried multiple ideas and security devices. We tried attaching peg locks however, thieves would just rip through the cardboard box defeating the lock. We tried attaching security labels to the boxes however, this didn’t prevent them from taking the contents inside. While trying to figure out a solution we had a couple shoplifters that had entered the store and emptied most of the razors and replacement cartridges. They took almost all of it! This cost the store thousands of dollars. If only we had protected those items with Alpha Keepers we would have saved a lot of money and embarrassment!
Don’t let shoplifters get the upper hand! Keep those expensive pegged items in the store and not in a thief’s pocket.  You can now protect your items and prevent shoplifting without restricting access to your customers.
For more information on Alpha Keepers contact us at 1-770-426-0547

I often talk about my experience working in retail stores and share some of the crazy items I’ve caught shoplifters trying to take or items that would come up missing. Nothing that I’ve experienced in my career prepared me for this colder winter day. For me it’s another day in the store. I’ve done my rounds, talked with staff, checked shelves for any security breaches, and kept an eye on the CCTV cameras. Another day and nothing seemed more unusual than any other day. I was ready to prevent shoplifting and do my job like I did every day. What I didn’t know was that I was about to be hit for a large amount of merchandise that neither I nor the store was prepared for. 

One aisle I would pay particular attention to was in our cosmetics section. This was our men’s and women’s razor display. I paid more attention to this as the packages were smaller and the price tags were higher. One pack of name brand razors cartridges cost anywhere between $35 and $55 dollars. And the small package size made these a nice target for a thief. Occasionally I would find open packages with all the razors taken and other times we were just missing the whole package. In our store we had tried protecting these with many devices and security ideas to prevent shoplifting of these expensive items.  At one time we tried completely locking up all razors. You can probably guess the problem. There were actually two main issues with this idea. First, customers could no longer access these items to look at and ultimately buy. This meant lost sales of these high priced items and upset customers. Second, in order to open the case for a customer to buy an employee would have to leave what they were doing and go open it. This of course created another problem as employees would be helping another customer or be on break meaning there was a delay. Customers don’t like to wait which meant they were leaving to buy this product from another store. 

Alpha Keepers are a clear box that hold your items. This makes the items still accessible to the customer but protects the store and prevents shoplifting. The Alpha Keepers allow a customer to remove the item from the shelf, but if they try to leave the store your Checkpoint alarm will sound stopping the thief in their tracks. Alpha Keepers are not just for razors but for anything that is odd sized. In fact they come in hundreds of sizes. They are available for CD’s, Blu-Rays, gaming, and ink cartridges just to name a few. This unique security device can help you protect all of your odd shaped expensive items while allowing the customer to still access them. 

As mentioned, we had tried multiple ideas and security devices. We tried attaching peg locks however, thieves would just rip through the cardboard box defeating the lock. We tried attaching security labels to the boxes however, this didn’t prevent them from taking the contents inside. While trying to figure out a solution we had a couple shoplifters that had entered the store and emptied most of the razors and replacement cartridges. They took almost all of it! This cost the store thousands of dollars. If only we had protected those items with Alpha Keepers we would have saved a lot of money and embarrassment!

Don’t let shoplifters get the upper hand! Keep those expensive pegged items in the store and not in a thief’s pocket.  You can now protect your items and prevent shoplifting without restricting access to your customers.

For more information on Alpha Keepers contact us at 1-770-426-0547