BG Check Company-1  , Employee BG Checks-2  , Pre Employment Screening-3
Hiring The Wrong Person Costs More Than You Think
Most people assume a pre employment screening is simply a criminal history check.  It doesn’t stop there though.  The truth is it needs to be much more than that.  People lie on their resume’s all the time.  They exaggerate education, experience, and certifications.  They excuse the behavior by saying they just really wanted the job, but if they are willing to falsify a document before they ever clock in, you need to ask yourself what else they would do.  What other corners will they cut?  Did you know in a recent survey 30% of employees admitted to stealing from the companies they work for?  And more than 40% of those were in the capacity of some form of management.  That is terrifying.
Employee background checks are paramount.  Of course you do need to check the criminal history of anyone you hire.  Your staff deserves a safe work environment, and employers can be held liable if they hire someone that they should have known is a danger to the public.  If an incident of workplace violence does occur, your company can be held responsible for lost wages, legal expenses and more.   That doesn’t even take into account the loss of productivity and the bad public image.  If an incident of theft occurs you could face the loss of inventory, company funds, or even equipment.  Substance abuse, violent outbursts, and theft are all behaviors that are typically seen in patterns, so thorough employee background checks are more important than employers may think.  
Have you ever hired someone you thought would be an immediate top performer, only to discover they don’t pick up near as quickly as you thought they would?  Maybe they lied on their application.  You strive to hire someone that has the education and training required to do the job, and then you find you are spending way more time and money on training this person.  A pre employment screening needs to include an education and reference check.  If you require your employees to have a four year degree, or a specific certification, then you also need a way to check that those provided to you are valid.  The internet is full of fake documents, and for the right price, you can be anyone you want to be.  If you don’t verify their claims and hire competent people, your entire workforce can suffer for it.  
Just remember a cheap and poorly executed pre employment screening can be just as bad or worse as having not done one at all.  How do you know they references they provide to you aren’t just fakes?  Anyone could pretend to be a professor, a former supervisor, or just a business executive if their friend needs them to.  Then you hire them and have this false sense of security that this is the right person for the job.  I don’t know about you, but when I apply to work for a company, I hate to think I’m possibly competing with someone that falsified their credentials.  If you hire the other guy, I want to think it’s because they are more qualified, not because you’re a sucker.
It all depends on whether or not you want to gamble and take your chances.  Before you make the investment in your next new hire, I suggest making the investment into an expert background check company.  
For more information on Background Checks, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 or

Most people assume a pre employment screening is simply a criminal history check. It doesn’t stop there though. The truth is it needs to be much more than that. People lie on their resume’s all the time. They exaggerate education, experience, and certifications. They excuse the behavior by saying they just really wanted the job, but if they are willing to falsify a document before they ever clock in, you need to ask yourself what else they would do. What other corners will they cut? Did you know in a recent survey 30% of employees admitted to stealing from the companies they work for? And more than 40% of those were in the capacity of some form of management. That is terrifying.

Employee background checks are paramount. Of course you do need to check the criminal history of anyone you hire. Your staff deserves a safe work environment, and employers can be held liable if they hire someone that they should have known is a danger to the public. If an incident of workplace violence does occur, your company can be held responsible for lost wages, legal expenses and more. That doesn’t even take into account the loss of productivity and the bad public image. If an incident of theft occurs you could face the loss of inventory, company funds, or even equipment. Substance abuse, violent outbursts, and theft are all behaviors that are typically seen in patterns, so thorough employee background checks are more important than employers may think.  

Have you ever hired someone you thought would be an immediate top performer, only to discover they don’t pick up near as quickly as you thought they would? Maybe they lied on their application. You strive to hire someone that has the education and training required to do the job, and then you find you are spending way more time and money on training this person. A pre employment screening needs to include an education and reference check. If you require your employees to have a four year degree, or a specific certification, then you also need a way to check that those provided to you are valid. The internet is full of fake documents, and for the right price, you can be anyone you want to be. If you don’t verify their claims and hire competent people, your entire workforce can suffer for it.  

Just remember a cheap and poorly executed pre employment screening can be just as bad or worse as having not done one at all. How do you know they references they provide to you aren’t just fakes? Anyone could pretend to be a professor, a former supervisor, or just a business executive if their friend needs them to. Then you hire them and have this false sense of security that this is the right person for the job. I don’t know about you, but when I apply to work for a company, I hate to think I’m possibly competing with someone that falsified their credentials. If you hire the other guy, I want to think it’s because they are more qualified, not because you’re a sucker. It all depends on whether or not you want to gamble and take your chances. Before you make the investment in your next new hire, I suggest making the investment into an expert background check company.  

For more information on Background Checks, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 or