Whether you are just starting to research Bottle Loks, or if you have already made the decision to begin using them, you will to choose which wines and spirits you plan to use the devices on. You can make the choice based on highest retail alone, but those bottles may or may not be the ones you would most likely to lose to theft. You can base the choice on the popularity of the items, and which brands or blends are trending at the time. However you choose which bottles or brands to protect, just don’t be afraid to change it up if you start seeing shrink in the section. All product protection methods have to be monitored for effectiveness, and follow up is a major key to protecting your assets.
If your location is in a high foot traffic area, you may have to deal with teenagers coming in and slipping bottles into backpacks or even into their clothing. In a location like that, especially in an inner city setting, you could have issues with the homeless, which have a higher occurrence of substance abuse. In both of those situations, you will start seeing particular items being stolen, mostly one at a time. Adding Bottle Loks to these will be very effective because of the fear of the alarms going off at the door if they try to exit with a concealed bottle.
If you are in a location that is close to interstates and other big highways, you have to be looking more at professional shoplifters and burglaries after your business is closed. In these cases, you need to know what is trending, and what is likely being shipped out of state and bought on the black market. Putting Bottle Loks on these items will lower the chances of your business being hit. Professional shoplifters prefer items with no protection. They know these have to be clean by having the anti-theft devices removed, resulting in less money for them. If they know you incorporate Bottle Loks in your business, professionals may choose your competition instead. Unfortunately, there may not be a lot you can do to deter a burglary. If you have video surveillance, make sure you system is maintained and operating at peak performance. Definitely have it posted that you are recording, and your cameras should be visible. You want to make them choose to break in another store.
Bottle Loks are a great theft deterrent for wines and spirits. Your business has to pay all the taxes and fees associated with these products, so you should be able to reap the benefit of the profits as well. Keep more inventory on your shelves and available for your honest customers, and make it obvious to the would-be thieves that you are serious about protecting your investment.
For more information contact us Bottlelock.net or call 1.770.426.0547