There is nothing worse than learning that a thousand dollars’ worth of your clothing inventory just walked out the front door, without receiving a dime of payment. In the many years I have worked in the Loss Prevention field, I have unfortunately observed this happen on several occasions.
Fortunately I apprehended most of the bandits when they left the store with the merchandise. Other times, we weren’t so lucky. If we had a good clothing security strategy at the time, it might not have been so easy for the thieves to make off with the merchandise.
It doesn’t take long for a couple of people to fill up a shopping cart or two with bundles of your clothing. Not all shoplifters go after just one or two items and take their time stealing it. They can be in and out in a matter of minutes with racks of your precious inventory. You can bet that if they get away with the theft, it won’t take them long to come back and do it again, or tell others how easy it was to do at your store. How long do you think it would take you to make up the loss from a large theft and once again become profitable?
The good news is, you don’t have to wait to become a victim of theft to take action. You can start protecting your merchandise right now. The easiest way to start the process is by ordering security tags that will work for your situation, and then you can attach the security tags on clothes that you think feel have the highest theft risk. Evaluate your needs and make a plan as to what the best course of action would be for your business. Every business is different, so there is no fix-all solution to all of your problems, but this is a good place to start if you are already incurring a loss.
Make sure that along with the clothing security program you have in place, you also implement good training for attaching the tags as well. The reason for this is that I have seen employees that were not properly trained do damage to the merchandise by sticking part of the tags right through the clothing. You want to ensure that the tag is visible, yet not placed on the garment in a way that could cause damage.
You may think that you would want to hide the tag so that the shoplifter will not notice the tag, and set the alarm off at the door upon exiting the store. I have seen this strategy used in the past, but my opinion is leaving the tag highly visible is the best choice. Concealing the tag in the clothing will give you assurance that the shoplifter has left the store with the merchandise, but will provide no deterrence for the would-be thief if they don’t know it is on the clothing. Leaving visible security tags on clothes provides an immediate deterrent for the shoplifter.
No matter which strategy you choose for your clothing security program, the important thing is that you take action. This will be a step in the right direction, and have a positive impact on your bottom line.
For more information contact us: (Clothing Security) or call 1.770.426.0547