Do you spend your days worrying about theft, and wake up in a cold sweat night after night with nightmares about shoplifters cleaning off your clothing racks and leaving only empty hangers behind? Besides getting a hobby and possibly visiting a doctor, my advice to you would be to invest in clothing security as soon as possible. There is no need to worry, there are plenty of solutions for reducing theft in your store. Although you might be tempted to put all of your clothes in a locked showcase, I don’t think that your customers would find that decision very practical or convenient for their needs. Instead, keep them on the racks where they belong, so your customers can experience them before buying.
The majority of shoplifters will be deterred by the sight of Checkpoint Security Tags on clothes, so it’s a good idea to make sure you use them to protect your inventory. Shoplifters don’t want to spend the time trying to remove the tags and attract all kinds of attention while they are trying to do it. If you are going to use Clothing Security Tags, please be thorough. Nothing irritates me more than when I am in a store and I see a rack of clothes with some items tagged and others not tagged, specifically when they are the same exact garment. This doesn’t make any sense to do this, so you should confirm that all of your employees know that it is unacceptable. After all, which item would you take if you were a shoplifter, items with Checkpoint Tags on them, or items without them? It’s a no brainer.
Be prepared to experience a shift in the kind of merchandise that is stolen once you are using clothing security tags. Shoplifters will be sure to take advantage of the merchandise that is not protected. When thieves see that certain items such as high dollar clothing is protected, they will start trying to steal other items in the store. They may start to target the cheaper merchandise just to get around the extra protection, or different types of merchandise altogether. You will have to keep an eye on this activity as well, because even though the dollar amounts may be lower, the quantity of items stolen may amount to a lot of money as well. They might steal ten of a lower cost item, but it could add up to the same amount of loss as a more expensive item.
Though most shoplifters are deterred by clothing security measures, some shoplifters will still steal whether or not you have Checkpoint Tags on clothes or not. They know the alarm will go off at the door when they exit the store with the clothes, but they still load up on the merchandise and head out the door. These kinds of thefts are not usually committed by ordinary shoplifters, but professional shoplifters that steal to later sell the merchandise for profit. This type of theft is less common than the average shoplifting case, and best deterred by customer service. Keep your employees looking for suspicious behaviors while they are working and offering assistance whenever a customer is anywhere near them. Customer service and merchandise protection together will help deter theft in your store and raise your profits.
For more information contact us: Clothing Security or call 1.770.426.0547