If you don’t have a teenage daughter (or work in an apparel retailer), you probably have no idea that prom season is just around the corner. I know what you’re thinking… school just started. Yeah, it did. In August. It’s already the middle of March, and by tomorrow it will be mid-April and we’ll be in full prom swing. I worked at a retailer who specialized in this arena a few years back… so that’s how I can keep up with prom seasons. I promise. What doesn’t come to mind for retailers is the amount of dress theft that goes on and how a simple Checkpoint System can help you to reduce your losses. 
Let’s consider that if you are reading this, chances are you’re not a big chain. You’re most likely a small business owner that is tired of shoplifters and want to know what you can do to stop the bleeding in your store. Let me be the first to introduce you to a Checkpoint System. You know that little plastic, almost invisible pedestals that you walk through at almost every retailer (at the front door)? That’s what I’m talking about. That system, coupled with Checkpoint Tags or labels, can have a huge impact on your bottom line. These systems are not just for the big box stores. If you own a store, people will steal from you. It’s really that simple. You should do everything in your power to stop it, and installing your own Checkpoint System is a great first step. 
Take your prom dresses for example. Everyone mother wants to make sure that their daughter has the best dress, and stands out in her class. Unfortunately, some of those parents may not want to pay full price, and if your merchandise isn’t protected by one of the 30 different styles of Checkpoint Tags, you very well could become a victim of theft. 
I know you’re probably also thinking about how that could cause a negative perception in your store. Maybe your customer won’t spend their money because they may feel you are treating everyone as if they are a shoplifter. Well, that’s just not true. Furthermore, with all of the different varieties of Checkpoint Tags, you can find a solution that has almost no impact on your legitimate shopper. Chances are, your honest customer will never realize the tags are in place. You can have peace of mind that your customers are getting the best product you have to offer, and that your shoplifters are getting, well, getting nothing!
For more information, contact us: Checkpoint Tags, or call 1.770.426.0547

If you don’t have a teenage daughter (or work in an apparel retailer), you probably have no idea that prom season is just around the corner. I know what you’re thinking… school just started. Yeah, it did. In August. It’s already the middle of March, and by tomorrow it will be mid-April and we’ll be in full prom swing. I worked at a retailer who specialized in this arena a few years back… so that’s how I can keep up with prom seasons. I promise. What doesn’t come to mind for retailers is the amount of dress theft that goes on and how a simple Checkpoint System can help you to reduce your losses. 

 Let’s consider that if you are reading this, chances are you’re not a big chain. You’re most likely a small business owner that is tired of shoplifters and want to know what you can do to stop the bleeding in your store. Let me be the first to introduce you to a Checkpoint System. You know that little plastic, almost invisible pedestals that you walk through at almost every retailer (at the front door)? That’s what I’m talking about. That system, coupled with Checkpoint Tags or labels, can have a huge impact on your bottom line. These systems are not just for the big box stores. If you own a store, people will steal from you. It’s really that simple. You should do everything in your power to stop it, and installing your own Checkpoint System is a great first step. 

 Take your prom dresses for example. Everyone mother wants to make sure that their daughter has the best dress, and stands out in her class. Unfortunately, some of those parents may not want to pay full price, and if your merchandise isn’t protected by one of the 30 different styles of Checkpoint Tags, you very well could become a victim of theft. 

 I know you’re probably also thinking about how that could cause a negative perception in your store. Maybe your customer won’t spend their money because they may feel you are treating everyone as if they are a shoplifter. Well, that’s just not true. Furthermore, with all of the different varieties of Checkpoint Tags, you can find a solution that has almost no impact on your legitimate shopper. Chances are, your honest customer will never realize the tags are in place. You can have peace of mind that your customers are getting the best product you have to offer, and that your shoplifters are getting, well, getting nothing!

For more information, contact us at Antishoplifting.net, or call 1.770.426.0547