Bottled wines and spirits are available for purchase at a large variety to retailers in today’s world.  From big box grocery stores to small specialty shops, consumers have a number of choices of where to shop.  The shops have to differentiate themselves to attract customers to choose them over their competitor.  For many of these retailers,there is the additional daily battle to protect those bottles from being stolen.  Bottle Loks can be the added security measure to keep the store’s profit line in the black.
No store wants to be known in the community for having rampant theft.  Your customer’s safety and security must be your number one priority, and your business needs to have the reputation that supports that.  If your business sells a number of different products, like groceries and household items, and you have added alcohol to the shelves, people have to feel it is safe to shop with you, and bring their children to the store.  Even if all you sell is fine wines and spirits, however, that principle is just as important. When you incorporate Bottle Loks into your product protection, your business gives the impression that you take security seriously.  These caps are smart and sleek, and only add a neat look to the bottles, and they never detract from the look of the product.  There is little to no training required for their use, and they are removed easily at the checkout.
Additionally, being known in the community for theft can attract the wrong type of shopper.  It’s just like when a store becomes known for having a pushover refund policy.  People will come from all around, bringing unwanted or even stolen merchandise for cash or store credits.  Theft attracts and breeds more theft.  Recently in the news, a man was caught leaving a store, attempting to leave with three gift sets of high retail vodkas concealed in booster bags.  He had successfully gotten away many times before that instance from that very store.  He knew the times the store was busiest, what days they received new deliveries, and when the clerks would be most likely be changing shifts.  This particular store had a reputation in the town for being an easy mark.  The clerks that remained for any significant time became complacent and even began accepting the idea that there was nothing they could do to stop the rash of thefts.  An investment in Bottle Loks could actually give these employees a new outlook on their store’s security.  When employees feel empowered, they are more engaged and more apt to take theft deterrence seriously.
When you have product walking out the door, unpaid and unaccounted for, your business will suffer in more ways than one.  Think about adding Bottle Loks to your business’ product protection plan.  An investment in these can make a big difference for your profit line.  And don’t forget, you can’t put a price on your store’s reputation.
For more information contact us at or call 1.770.426.0547

Bottled wines and spirits are available for purchase at a large variety to retailers in today’s world.  From big box grocery stores to small specialty shops, consumers have a number of choices of where to shop.  The shops have to differentiate themselves to attract customers to choose them over their competitor.  For many of these retailers,there is the additional daily battle to protect those bottles from being stolen.  Bottle Loks can be the added security measure to keep the store’s profit line in the black.

No store wants to be known in the community for having rampant theft.  Your customer’s safety and security must be your number one priority, and your business needs to have the reputation that supports that.  If your business sells a number of different products, like groceries and household items, and you have added alcohol to the shelves, people have to feel it is safe to shop with you, and bring their children to the store.  Even if all you sell is fine wines and spirits, however, that principle is just as important. When you incorporate Bottle Loks into your product protection, your business gives the impression that you take security seriously.  These caps are smart and sleek, and only add a neat look to the bottles, and they never detract from the look of the product.  There is little to no training required for their use, and they are removed easily at the checkout.

Additionally, being known in the community for theft can attract the wrong type of shopper.  It’s just like when a store becomes known for having a pushover refund policy.  People will come from all around, bringing unwanted or even stolen merchandise for cash or store credits.  Theft attracts and breeds more theft.  Recently in the news, a man was caught leaving a store, attempting to leave with three gift sets of high retail vodkas concealed in booster bags.  He had successfully gotten away many times before that instance from that very store.  He knew the times the store was busiest, what days they received new deliveries, and when the clerks would be most likely be changing shifts.  This particular store had a reputation in the town for being an easy mark.  The clerks that remained for any significant time became complacent and even began accepting the idea that there was nothing they could do to stop the rash of thefts.  An investment in Bottle Loks could actually give these employees a new outlook on their store’s security.  When employees feel empowered, they are more engaged and more apt to take theft deterrence seriously.

When you have product walking out the door, unpaid and unaccounted for, your business will suffer in more ways than one.  Think about adding Bottle Loks to your business’ product protection plan.  An investment in these can make a big difference for your profit line.  And don’t forget, you can’t put a price on your store’s reputation.

For more information contact us at or call 1.770.426.0547