Alcohol is one of the highest margin products a store/bar/restaurant can carry. Most however, do little to prevent shrink in their places of business. You’ve probably never seen alcohol in a secured place at your local restaurant, or favorite bar. Do you think these places aren’t impacted by theft and shoplifting? Of course they are, but liquor bottle security is probably the last thing on these manager’s minds. Well, most of the time it’s not. 
Not too long ago, I took my girlfriend out to a family owned Italian restraint in the city. They probably have the best chicken parmesan you ever had the pleasure of eating. When you walk in, you have to traverse a small corridor before you get to the main seating area. This hallway is lined with bottles of wine that are available for purchase either for your meal, or as you leave. There’s no bottle security, and why would there be, it’s a restaurant after all. We get our seats, enjoy our meal and are walking out the restaurant about an hour later. As we are walking, the couple in front of us, very casually grabs a bottle of wine, places it in a purse and walks out. I let the manager know what I saw and he told me that it happens quite often, and there wasn’t any way to stop it. It almost made me want to ask for a free bottle…
I went out to my car and grabbed an EASy Bottle device that I had from work. I let the manager know I worked in LP for a living and showed him the device and told him how it would more than likely discourage theft and help his profits if he used them. He didn’t seem to enthused, so I went on about my way. I’ll just stick to LP and he can stick to making that chicken parm, right?
A few weeks later, I went back for dinner with my parents. I noticed when I walked in that every single bottle of wine was now secured with a bottle lock. I chuckled to myself and went on about my meal. Before we left, I saw that same manager and called him over to our table. He didn’t recognize me at first, but after talking for a few minutes, he recalled me giving him the idea a few weeks earlier. He told me that the locks had simply stopped theft altogether. No more were his customers helping themselves to free wine at the end of the night, and his sales were much stronger in that area. It was definitely an unconventional place to use the bottle locks, but it just shows that no matter the application, they will perform to do what they were designed to do… STOP THEFT!
For more information, contact us: Bottle Lock, or call 1.770.426.0547

Alcohol is one of the highest margin products a store/bar/restaurant can carry. Most however, do little to prevent shrink in their places of business. You’ve probably never seen alcohol in a secured place at your local restaurant, or favorite bar. Do you think these places aren’t impacted by theft and shoplifting? Of course they are, but liquor bottle security is probably the last thing on these manager’s minds. Well, most of the time it’s not. 

 Not too long ago, I took my girlfriend out to a family owned Italian restaurant in the city. They probably have the best chicken parmesan you ever had the pleasure of eating. When you walk in, you have to traverse a small corridor before you get to the main seating area. This hallway is lined with bottles of wine that are available for purchase either for your meal, or as you leave. There’s no bottle security, and why would there be, it’s a restaurant after all. We get our seats, enjoy our meal and are walking out the restaurant about an hour later. As we are walking, the couple in front of us, very casually grabs a bottle of wine, places it in a purse and walks out. I let the manager know what I saw and he told me that it happens quite often, and there wasn’t any way to stop it. It almost made me want to ask for a free bottle…

 I went out to my car and grabbed an EASy Bottle Lok that I had from work. I let the manager know I worked in LP for a living and showed him the device and told him how it would more than likely discourage theft and help his profits if he used them. He didn’t seem to enthused, so I went on about my way. I’ll just stick to LP and he can stick to making that chicken parm, right?

 A few weeks later, I went back for dinner with my parents. I noticed when I walked in that every single bottle of wine was now secured with a Bottle Lok. I chuckled to myself and went on about my meal. Before we left, I saw that same manager and called him over to our table. He didn’t recognize me at first, but after talking for a few minutes, he recalled me giving him the idea a few weeks earlier. He told me that the locks had simply stopped theft altogether. No more were his customers helping themselves to free wine at the end of the night, and his sales were much stronger in that area. It was definitely an unconventional place to use the Bottle Loks, but it just shows that no matter the application, they will perform to do what they were designed to do… STOP THEFT!

For more information, contact us: Bottle Lock, or call 1.770.426.0547