When you operate a small business that sells wines and spirits, you need impulse buys.  People come in, and are about to buy a bargain bottle, then see the higher retail premium bottle they have seen advertised, and decide to buy it instead because it is a chance to splurge on themselves.  Impulse buys are great, but impulse theft of those same bottles can eat a hole in your bottom line at a fast pace.  Bottle Locks can provide your store with a method to merchandise those bottles where they can be seen, without the fear of them being stolen.
You as the retailer have to make the choice of how to display your high theft brands of wine and spirits.  As the manager or owner, you do not want any of your bottles just walking out the door unpaid, no matter the price tag.  Your low price bottles can become a problem in large quantity losses, but they don’t add up as quickly as your premium brands.  A benefit of Bottle Locks is they do not discriminate whether or not to protect your inventory.  They come in many sizes, and secure all brands.  The customer can still pick up the bottles, compare them, make their choice, and bring them to the checkout area when they are ready.  
You could make the choice to display behind your counters or in glass cases.  This requires additional storage space, the added expense of building or buying shelves and parts, and more labor for the employees.  This also takes away the impulse buy.  When you lock up all the good stuff, the customer does not get to have that moment of satisfaction and the feeling they are treating themselves.  Taking away the customer’s ability to make the quick decision has the potential to  cost you a lot of extra profits.  Customers come in and make their selections.  Then they get to the front and see that the more popular bottles, and bigger name brands are behind the counter, or behind glass.  They see that some of those bottles may be a higher retail than what they have brought to the checkout, so now they have to make the choice before paying, whether they want to exchange their selection for something else, or just stick with what they have.  Customers are more likely to just keep what they chose, rather than bother to ask the clerk for another brand.  In most cases they simply do not want to have to return the first bottle to the shelf, or even ask the employee to do it for them.   
Again, Bottle Locks give that fun part back and let them make the choice out on the floor.  When you have a small business every dollar counts.  There are the people that come in with a plan of what to buy, those that saw your store and just pulled in out of the blue, and even tourists.  Put the impulse back into the customer’s hands, keep your bottles safely out on the sales floor, and you will probably see your profits on the rise.
For more information contact us at: Bottlelock.net or call 1.770.426.0547

When you operate a small business that sells wines and spirits, you need impulse buys.  People come in, and are about to buy a bargain bottle, then see the higher retail premium bottle they have seen advertised, and decide to buy it instead because it is a chance to splurge on themselves.  Impulse buys are great, but impulse theft of those same bottles can eat a hole in your bottom line at a fast pace.  Bottle Loks can provide your store with a method to merchandise those bottles where they can be seen, without the fear of them being stolen.

You as the retailer have to make the choice of how to display your high theft brands of wine and spirits.  As the manager or owner, you do not want any of your bottles just walking out the door unpaid, no matter the price tag.  Your low price bottles can become a problem in large quantity losses, but they don’t add up as quickly as your premium brands.  A benefit of Bottle Loks is they do not discriminate whether or not to protect your inventory.  They come in many sizes, and secure all brands.  The customer can still pick up the bottles, compare them, make their choice, and bring them to the checkout area when they are ready.  

You could make the choice to display behind your counters or in glass cases.  This requires additional storage space, the added expense of building or buying shelves and parts, and more labor for the employees.  This also takes away the impulse buy.  When you lock up all the good stuff, the customer does not get to have that moment of satisfaction and the feeling they are treating themselves.  Taking away the customer’s ability to make the quick decision has the potential to  cost you a lot of extra profits.  Customers come in and make their selections.  Then they get to the front and see that the more popular bottles, and bigger name brands are behind the counter, or behind glass.  They see that some of those bottles may be a higher retail than what they have brought to the checkout, so now they have to make the choice before paying, whether they want to exchange their selection for something else, or just stick with what they have.  Customers are more likely to just keep what they chose, rather than bother to ask the clerk for another brand.  In most cases they simply do not want to have to return the first bottle to the shelf, or even ask the employee to do it for them.   

Again, Bottle Loks give that fun part back and let them make the choice out on the floor.  When you have a small business every dollar counts.  There are the people that come in with a plan of what to buy, those that saw your store and just pulled in out of the blue, and even tourists.  Put the impulse back into the customer’s hands, keep your bottles safely out on the sales floor, and you will probably see your profits on the rise.

For more information contact us at: Bottlelock.net or call 1.770.426.0547