When someone mentions Sensormatic security products what do you think of? Do you think of shoplifting prevention? Maybe you think of security towers, hard tags or security labels? Yes, all of these are included in the package but I would like to challenge you to think a little differently about it, I would like you to think about VALUE! If you purchase a Sensormatic system from Loss Prevention Systems, Inc. (LPSI), you not only get a top-of-the-line electronic article surveillance system that will prevent and deter criminals you benefit in other ways as well.
Sensormatic Security Products PLUS So Much More!
LPSI is an industry leader in consulting with retailers to help improve profits through theft and shortage reduction. With a focus on small and medium size stores, they tailor their consultations to the need of the specific business there is no one-size fits all mold for them. They do recommend Sensormatic security products to all of their clients as a sensible way to reduce a significant amount of losses but that is not their primary focus. They want stores to be successful and so they don’t sell a system without providing free training to go along with a system (even a system upgrade).
What good is it to purchase tags and pedestals from a cut-rate website without knowing that there are best practices to tagging merchandise? Whether your store specializes in clothing sales, hardware or even wine and spirit sales there are electronic article surveillance tags available to protect any item. Loss Prevention Systems, Inc. will take the time to train you and your team on the most effective tagging methods when you purchase a system through their company. By the way, training is not a one-time deal. If you need more training on your system or shoplifting program within a reasonable amount of time they will provide it. They base their success on how successful your business is.
Were you aware that there are right and wrong ways to respond to electronic article surveillance alarms? Do it incorrectly and it can lead to an unnecessary confrontation. Make a false accusation and it can lead to a lawsuit. Respond to a Sensormatic alarm in the right way and it can result in recovered merchandise for the store. How do you learn to do this? Purchase a system through LPSI and you receive this training free because they know that just owning a system is not the same as understanding the system. It is kind of like buying a car without knowing how to drive. You might get in and start it but eventually you are going to run into trouble because you don’t have all of the knowledge you need to drive properly.
Support From Experts in Shoplifting Prevention
The purchase of Sensormatic security products from LPSI also means you get the support you need if you have a problem with your system. Have you ever bought something and had it break down or you had a question about it and could never get through to tech. support? I have and it can be infuriating. LPSI wants their clients to know they are not going to be working with a fly-by-might company. If you decide to purchase a standard Sensormatic system from them you get a one year warranty on your investment. Let’s face it any equipment is eventually going to need some type of maintenance service. LPSI provides support for your Sensormatic system.
Value in a product or service should mean something when a company says that they offer value to their customers. If I am a store owner I want value and the one thing I can purchase that is going to add value to my store is Sensormatic security products purchased from LPSI. I get a first-class product with more add-on value than I would be able to find anywhere else. Why should you trust me on this? Because I have 28+ years in retail and 17 years in retail Loss Prevention experience and I will stake my reputation on it.
Sensormatic security systems are important and we can help you with it. Call 1.770.426.0547 and let’s talk.