There are plenty of reasons to secure the clothing in your store with Checkpoint Tags; so many that I’d never be able to list them all. So, I won’t. What I will do is give you my top 5 reasons for doing so. Take in mind that every business is different and every category presents certain unique challenges associated with reducing shrink. These are, in my opinion, the best reasons to use EAS in apparel. 

1. It Deters Crime
This is a no-brainer. If a shoplifter sees Clothing Security Tags in place, they are less likely to try and steal that item. Not only are you reducing external theft, you also keep the criminal element out of your store. Think about this; a large percentage of shoplifters are stealing to support a drug habit. Drug users are more likely to commit enhanced crimes like robbery, assault, vehicle burglary and even worse while spiraling down. By making shoplifting difficult, you eliminate a constant flow of this demographic into your store, thus reducing the overall likelihood of being impacted by other crimes associated with habitual shoplifters. 

2. Maintain your Inventory
One often overlooked consequence of utilizing Checkpoint Tags is that you’re able to maintain better inventory. How frustrating is it when a customer is shopping for that last jean that the system says you have on hand, but you can’t locate it? Chances are, that jean was stolen. By securing those popular lines of clothing, your inventory has a chance to remain accurate, which not only helps you plan out your orders, but maintains your integrity to your customer. 

3. Customer Service
This one plays right into #3. You may think of customer service as greeting and engaging the customers that walk in the door, or ask you for assistance. Think of how many customers come into your store on a daily basis. How many of them asked for help? Chances are, it’s a relatively small percentage. A major pillar of good customer service is having the product available, in reach of the customer and in-stock. Applying Clothing Security Tags on your merchandise allows you to accomplish all of those. Think about an advertised “hot item” you recently ran. How would your customers feel if they came to the store for that specific item only to find that all of them had been stolen? 

4. Return on Investment
This almost goes without saying, but I’m going to say it anyway; Checkpoint Tags provide an almost immediate return on investment. Tags are cheap; like, super cheap. By spending a few cents on a hard tag, you can save a $200 loss if we use a good designer jean as an example. Think about that for just a minute. What else is out there that cost less than $1 and will give you a return of 2,000%?

5. It’s a Good Business Decision 
Ultimately, everything you do for your store needs to make good business sense. You wouldn’t order a new hot pink, rhinestone encrusted, holes in the knees pair of pants unless Miley Cyrus was wearing them, and the same is true for any loss prevention solution. Utilizing Clothing Security Tags is good business. If one single product that costs mere pennies, can reduce crime in your store, help maintain accurate inventory that makes your customers happy, and provides significant ROI, then there’s no reason you shouldn’t have it in your retail tool-kit. It just makes sense. 

Need information on Clothing Security, Give us a call at 1.770.426.0547 now. 

There are plenty of reasons to secure the clothing in your store with Checkpoint Tags; so many that I’d never be able to list them all. So, I won’t. What I will do is give you my top 5 reasons for doing so. Take in mind that every business is different and every category presents certain unique challenges associated with reducing shrink. These are, in my opinion, the best reasons to use EAS in apparel. 


1. It Deters Crime

This is a no-brainer. If a shoplifter sees Clothing Security Tags in place, they are less likely to try and steal that item. Not only are you reducing external theft, you also keep the criminal element out of your store. Think about this; a large percentage of shoplifters are stealing to support a drug habit. Drug users are more likely to commit enhanced crimes like robbery, assault, vehicle burglary and even worse while spiraling down. By making shoplifting difficult, you eliminate a constant flow of this demographic into your store, thus reducing the overall likelihood of being impacted by other crimes associated with habitual shoplifters. 


2. Maintain your Inventory

One often overlooked consequence of utilizing Checkpoint Tags is that you’re able to maintain better inventory. How frustrating is it when a customer is shopping for that last jean that the system says you have on hand, but you can’t locate it? Chances are, that jean was stolen. By securing those popular lines of clothing, your inventory has a chance to remain accurate, which not only helps you plan out your orders, but maintains your integrity to your customer. 


3. Customer Service

This one plays right into #3. You may think of customer service as greeting and engaging the customers that walk in the door, or ask you for assistance. Think of how many customers come into your store on a daily basis. How many of them asked for help? Chances are, it’s a relatively small percentage. A major pillar of good customer service is having the product available, in reach of the customer and in-stock. Applying Clothing Security Tags on your merchandise allows you to accomplish all of those. Think about an advertised “hot item” you recently ran. How would your customers feel if they came to the store for that specific item only to find that all of them had been stolen? 


4. Return on Investment

This almost goes without saying, but I’m going to say it anyway; Checkpoint Tags provide an almost immediate return on investment. Tags are cheap; like, super cheap. By spending a few cents on a hard tag, you can save a $200 loss if we use a good designer jean as an example. Think about that for just a minute. What else is out there that cost less than $1 and will give you a return of 2,000%?


5. It’s a Good Business Decision 

Ultimately, everything you do for your store needs to make good business sense. You wouldn’t order a new hot pink, rhinestone encrusted, holes in the knees pair of pants unless Miley Cyrus was wearing them, and the same is true for any loss prevention solution. Utilizing Clothing Security Tags is good business. If one single product that costs mere pennies, can reduce crime in your store, help maintain accurate inventory that makes your customers happy, and provides significant ROI, then there’s no reason you shouldn’t have it in your retail tool-kit. It just makes sense.   

Need information on Clothing Security, Give us a call at 1.770.426.0547 now.