Manger training to stop employee theft-3                                                                                WC Blog 327
Stop Shoplifting-5
Disgruntled Employees May Be Stealing And Disrupting Efforts To Stop Shoplifting; Manager Training To Stop Employee Theft Can Help You Prevent Both Problems
     How happy are your employees? Sure they may seem like they are smiling when you are around but what about when you aren’t there. Are things as they seem? You may think this is an odd question for an article on theft prevention but there is more to this than you may realize. Employees who are not happy can grouse to other employees and even to customers but managers may not always be aware of it if they aren’t engaged with their staffs. Obviously this can lead to morale issues, but were you aware it could be something to look for as an indicator of employee theft? I also read an article recently that made me consider that if an employer is going to stop shoplifting they may want to focus on employee satisfaction. I’ll discuss this point a little later but the bigger picture here is that there may be activities in your store that could be indicators that theft could be or is occurring. Manager training to stop employee theft is available to store owners and leaders from Loss Prevention Systems, Inc.
     By training your managers they can learn what behaviors employees may display that could tip them off that dishonest activity is taking place. You can also learn just how devastating theft can be on a business. Losses take place in the form of return fraud, credit fraud, passing, under ringing, gift card fraud, merchandise theft and of course there is shoplifting. Underestimate the impact of customer theft and you could be in for a nasty surprise when your next inventory results come in. Thieves learn where the easy targets are and when they find one they will exploit it so it is important to get the training that will teach managers how to stop shoplifting. You can also learn who the shoplifters are, how they are ripping your store off and how you should approach them. Manager training to stop employee theft and to stop shoplifting can pay off big dividends in the future.
     I mentioned previously about the article I read and how it associated shoplifters with unhappy employees. In UFNews, a University of Florida web page, in an article titled, “The science of stealing”, by Allison Clark, February 16, 2016, the author has interviewed Read Hayes, co-director of the Loss Prevention Research Team at the University of Florida. Their department hosted a conference during which former shoplifters told the Loss Prevention officials in the audience their stories. One of the points made by the speakers according to the article was, “They also avoid stealing from stores where employees seem happy. Disgruntled or disengaged employees are less likely to notice theft – and more likely to look the other way if they do, they said.” (Emphasis mine).  . Admittedly I was taken aback by this. While I always thought of happy employees being more service oriented and more likely to be productive, I had not thought that it could hinder a management team’s efforts to stop shoplifting.
     One final word from the article and this did confirm what many of us in Loss Prevention already believed, but not necessarily for the reasons we thought. Customer service is a strong deterrent to stop shoplifting. I would say most of us would have pointed out that customer service removes the opportunity for the thief to get away with their crime. However, according to the article, “…when an employee looks you in the eye and starts a conversation, it’s often game over for thieves said the sole female shoplifter on the stage. “Partly it’s the customer service. It’s also that if someone has looked at me and talked to me, they can pick me out of a lineup.””.  Think about that, engaging customers in conversation, saying hello, offering assistance and making eye contact can discourage criminals who understand the potential consequences if they are caught stealing! 
     Manager training to stop employee theft and prevent shoplifting are important tools to help you improve your stock shortage results and thereby improve profitability. Loss Prevention Systems, Inc. can teach you and your staff the signals that you may have disgruntled employees and how to prevent it. They can also teach you how to approach shoplifters so they leave your store alone. Customer service drives sales but, as the woman in the article said it also prevented her from shoplifting. Let Loss Prevention Systems, Inc. professional staff help educate your team.
Get more information on manager training to stop employee theft, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 now.

How happy are your employees? Sure they may seem like they are smiling when you are around but what about when you aren’t there. Are things as they seem? You may think this is an odd question for an article on theft prevention but there is more to this than you may realize. Employees who are not happy can grouse to other employees and even to customers but managers may not always be aware of it if they aren’t engaged with their staffs. Obviously this can lead to morale issues, but were you aware it could be something to look for as an indicator of employee theft? I also read an article recently that made me consider that if an employer is going to stop shoplifting they may want to focus on employee satisfaction. I’ll discuss this point a little later but the bigger picture here is that there may be activities in your store that could be indicators that theft could be or is occurring. Manager training to stop employee theft is available to store owners and leaders from Loss Prevention Systems, Inc.

By training your managers they can learn what behaviors employees may display that could tip them off that dishonest activity is taking place. You can also learn just how devastating theft can be on a business. Losses take place in the form of return fraud, credit fraud, passing, under ringing, gift card fraud, merchandise theft and of course there is shoplifting. Underestimate the impact of customer theft and you could be in for a nasty surprise when your next inventory results come in. Thieves learn where the easy targets are and when they find one they will exploit it so it is important to get the training that will teach managers how to stop shoplifting. You can also learn who the shoplifters are, how they are ripping your store off and how you should approach them. Manager training to stop employee theft and to stop shoplifting can pay off big dividends in the future.

I mentioned previously about the article I read and how it associated shoplifters with unhappy employees. In UFNews, a University of Florida web page, in an article titled, “The science of stealing”, by Allison Clark, February 16, 2016, the author has interviewed Read Hayes, co-director of the Loss Prevention Research Team at the University of Florida. Their department hosted a conference during which former shoplifters told the Loss Prevention officials in the audience their stories. One of the points made by the speakers according to the article was, “They also avoid stealing from stores where employees seem happy. Disgruntled or disengaged employees are less likely to notice theft – and more likely to look the other way if they do, they said.” (Emphasis mine).  . Admittedly I was taken aback by this. While I always thought of happy employees being more service oriented and more likely to be productive, I had not thought that it could hinder a management team’s efforts to stop shoplifting.

One final word from the article and this did confirm what many of us in Loss Prevention already believed, but not necessarily for the reasons we thought. Customer service is a strong deterrent to stop shoplifting. I would say most of us would have pointed out that customer service removes the opportunity for the thief to get away with their crime. However, according to the article, “…when an employee looks you in the eye and starts a conversation, it’s often game over for thieves said the sole female shoplifter on the stage. “Partly it’s the customer service. It’s also that if someone has looked at me and talked to me, they can pick me out of a lineup.””.  Think about that, engaging customers in conversation, saying hello, offering assistance and making eye contact can discourage criminals who understand the potential consequences if they are caught stealing! 

Manager training to stop employee theft and prevent shoplifting are important tools to help you improve your stock shortage results and thereby improve profitability. Loss Prevention Systems, Inc. can teach you and your staff the signals that you may have disgruntled employees and how to prevent it. They can also teach you how to approach shoplifters so they leave your store alone. Customer service drives sales but, as the woman in the article said it also prevented her from shoplifting. Let Loss Prevention Systems, Inc. professional staff help educate your team.


Get more information on manager training to stop employee theft, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547 now.