Many school bookstores sell used textbooks. It is an economical option for many students who can’t afford the price of a brand new textbook. It is also a great way to put used textbooks to use. As such, most school bookstores will have a buy back option at the end of a semester or once a year.
For the most part, the used books coming back in during these buy backs are ones that have been legitimately purchased through a students normal course of studies. Once the class has been completed, students can sell the books to make room for new ones, and put the money from the sale towards these new texts.
Unfortunately, any time there is an opportunity for money to be made, there is an opportunity for someone to find ways to work the system. Every year, school campuses report multiple incidents of theft of school textbooks. Some of the theft is students stealing other student’s textbooks in public places like the school library or cafeteria. Other theft is coming directly out of the school bookstores.
Once a student has stolen a text, they can bring it back in to sell as a used book. Unless the school has other security in place to prevent theft, and identify stolen books, some students have reportedly been caught stealing tens of thousands of dollars worth of textbooks through these buy back programs.
Visit the Loss Prevention Store to purchase Bookstore Security and Library Theft Detection System devices and your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system from Checkpoint Systems to stop inventory losses.
For more information on Checkpoint Systems and how they can work with your Electronic Article Surveillance or EAS system contact us at Retail theft prevention to stop inventory losses in your College Bookstores, School Bookstores, School Libraries, High School Library, or High School Bookstore call 1.770.426.0547