Let’s step out of the grocery store arena for just a minute. What about small convenience stores? Surely they have tons of merchandise that are appealing to both the professional shoplifter and the opportunist, right? Of course they do! This is another set of product that the use of Checkpoint Label is an absolute must if you want to keep profits high. 
I’ve compiled several items that are popular amongst criminals; how many of these are un-protected in your stores?
11. Razor Blades
Every booster loves unsecured razor blades. These expensive retail items are incredibly easy ton conceal and are even easier to resell once lifted. This is why you see such extreme measures taken by the large retailers. I personally can’t stand the amount of time it takes me to buy razors sometimes… Due to the high volume of theft in this particular category, you should not rely on one single security measure, in my opinion. You should approach this in stages. I would definitely recommend using Checkpoint Labels as a first step, with more security added, such as locking pegs, or Alpha Keepers. I say this because some groups of boosters will not be deterred by one measure. Keep that in mind the next time you are stocking your razor section. 
12. Detergent
I still can not believe that detergent is such a heavily boosted item; but it is. Again, the ability for a booster to easily resell this item, and the large demand it carries makes it a prime target for organized groups. Just as we see with razor blades, it is often not enough to solely rely on EAS labels alone to combat theft here. You should use a mixture of hard and soft tags to convince the criminal that the risk is to great. Trust me, boosters are like water; they will go through the path of least resistance, and that’s usually the store with the more lax security system. 
13. Soap
Soaps, to include body wash, are again in the category of easily concealable, less likely to be protected and easily resold items. I’ve seen boosters literally empty an entire soap aisle before. The product usually ends up in flea markets and “corner stores”, which give the thieves an easy way to make quick cash. What I’ve found that discourages this is a Checkpoint Label that also contains your store name and store number. Most fences will be unwilling to accept goods if they can be traced back to a specific store where the theft took place. This leaves the individual booster with nowhere the fence the goods, making the theft of the product less desirable. 
14. Shampoo
Same as soaps and detergent, an EAS label, especially if you have the store name and number printed on it will discourage a good majority of shoplifters from cleaning you out. :)
15. Deodorant
This one historically hasn’t been that big of an issue for me, however I have many industry peers that say this is there most commonly stolen personal use product. It makes perfect sense. Everybody stinks, but who wants to pay the outrageous prices for deodorant when you can just steal it, or buy it heavily discounted at the flea market. A good EAS label again, can discourage shoplifting. 
For more information about Checkpoint Labels, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547

Let’s step out of the grocery store arena for just a minute. What about small convenience stores? Surely they have tons of merchandise that are appealing to both the professional shoplifter and the opportunist, right? Of course they do! This is another set of product that the use of Checkpoint Labels is an absolute must if you want to keep profits high. I’ve compiled several items that are popular amongst criminals; how many of these are un-protected in your stores?


11. Razor Blades

Every booster loves unsecured razor blades. These expensive retail items are incredibly easy ton conceal and are even easier to resell once lifted. This is why you see such extreme measures taken by the large retailers. I personally can’t stand the amount of time it takes me to buy razors sometimes… Due to the high volume of theft in this particular category, you should not rely on one single security measure, in my opinion. You should approach this in stages. I would definitely recommend using Checkpoint Labels as a first step, with more security added, such as locking pegs, or Alpha Keepers. I say this because some groups of boosters will not be deterred by one measure. Keep that in mind the next time you are stocking your razor section. 


12. Detergent

I still can not believe that detergent is such a heavily boosted item; but it is. Again, the ability for a booster to easily resell this item, and the large demand it carries makes it a prime target for organized groups. Just as we see with razor blades, it is often not enough to solely rely on EAS labels alone to combat theft here. You should use a mixture of hard and soft tags to convince the criminal that the risk is to great. Trust me, boosters are like water; they will go through the path of least resistance, and that’s usually the store with the more lax security system. 


13. Soap

Soaps, to include body wash, are again in the category of easily concealable, less likely to be protected and easily resold items. I’ve seen boosters literally empty an entire soap aisle before. The product usually ends up in flea markets and “corner stores”, which give the thieves an easy way to make quick cash. What I’ve found that discourages this is a Checkpoint Label that also contains your store name and store number. Most fences will be unwilling to accept goods if they can be traced back to a specific store where the theft took place. This leaves the individual booster with nowhere the fence the goods, making the theft of the product less desirable. 


14. Shampoo

Same as soaps and detergent, an EAS label, especially if you have the store name and number printed on it will discourage a good majority of shoplifters from cleaning you out. :)


15. Deodorant

This one historically hasn’t been that big of an issue for me, however I have many industry peers that say this is there most commonly stolen personal use product. It makes perfect sense. Everybody stinks, but who wants to pay the outrageous prices for deodorant when you can just steal it, or buy it heavily discounted at the flea market. A good EAS label again, can discourage shoplifting. 


For more information about Checkpoint Labels, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547